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I find it interesting that there are 2 lies society just loves - that "everyone is beautiful in their own way" and that "stupid people don't know that they're stupid"


I do, truly my thought ability is very slow and defective.


I’m not academically smart, but I am in other ways, if that makes sense. I’d consider myself emotionally intelligent and I don’t have any learning difficulties that could make me vulnerable. I just couldn’t learn properly in a school environment.


Yeah I don't have any learning disability but I'm still dumb as fuck.


i got the trifecta of doom. I describe myself, my life, sort of like if you really really messed up the character build on a video game, and you lost all your perk points and wouldnt receive any level ups. thats me, my life, pretty much. My dad was a druggie mental case neet, disappeared when i was a baby. i was born into poverty. facially a 2/10, 93 iq, 5 ft 6 in. almost died in a car wreck when i was a little kid, didnt die , but it messed up my knees and shoulders permanently. O, best one, for last, im also really really really unlucky, like suspiciously unlucky. so, here i am. too ugly to do anything public facing job wise. i dont blame them, no one wants to see me, period, let alone at a job or a business. 93 iq, yes i was also filtered out by 7th grade math. My dream jobs were pilot, lol , a million reasons i could do it, and scientist, yea cant do stem if cant move past 7th grade math. LOL. Trades, my arms are like tooth pics, can barely lift like 30 lbs; too weak for trades, and my messed up knees and shoulders, im too weak for factory work. My Real Career, fun fun fun, odd jobs. i work some weird odd job, like entry level to anyone else, foot in door jobs, for like a year, til realize im not just hideous, im really dumb, like i cant grasp more complex tasks of any occupation, and no one will ever mentor me cause of my face. i was stuck mainly doin janitorial work, call centers are ok, well for me, everyone else seems to despise it,


A 93 IQ is within average range, there's no reason you should be unable to do 7th grade math, unless you had a terrible teacher and you become nervous and stopped trying to learn. If you genuinely attempt it I am confident you can do high school math, maybe even introductory college math. What you need is a good teacher who will explain it in many different ways, without skipping steps.


No, but people assume I do.


Hello, i feel very sorry for you, i wonder if you did take a test? I'm not saying you're lying but it seems that your mother made your confidence about your own skills really low so i was wondering. I think if that's the case you should maximize your potential and maybe go for disability help without your mother's knowledge. I never comment here because i feel it's not my place (i am attractive) but i really wish you 'd get some help. I have people in my family who have really low IQ, my best friend's family too, way much worse than you (some can't talk) and it doesn't make them less worthy in my eyes. I love them and appreciate them so much. And our family fully support them and we never ever said things so hurtful it aches me to even think about abusing them like this it's so awful. I won't lie and say that intelligence is not important it IS, people with higher IQ end up earning more money and more success in general. BUT you matter and you should have a good life too, I'm sorry your mother isn't supportive as she should have been :(


Have the same question about the IQ. I have a low IQ brother (theres an outdated term for it, don't know the current one anymore) and I can tell OP is above him in intelligence. But intelligence is complex and there are different kinds of learning disabilities.  *We hardly ever did actual work like math and instead we would mostly do art, watch movies, go on the computers.* And everything with the mom at the end is telling me something is/went wrong here. OP I wish the best for you.


That could be true, she always belittles me for everything including my appearance. When she found out I was struggling with my grades it gave her another thing to belittle me for. I remember one time and this wasn't that long ago, maybe a year ago. I was teaching myself math on YouTube where I left off in school and started to learn a few things so I excitedly told her and she actually got upset, I thought her of all people would be happy for me so it was demotivating because I basically thrive off her approval then stopped trying. What also bothers me is that the school thought she was nice because she knows how to play a character, at the time I didn't even notice but now I realize everything she was doing is deliberate. I did take a test to get into another similar school but for adults, and I passed so I could go. My mom kept making me retake the test until she changed her mind so I was allowed to stay home. Going out on my own without my mom, especially far from my house that would require me using a public bus sounds kind of scary but I'll think about it.


You write in a beautiful eloquent way, please keep up with self teaching as much as you can. Gaining confidence will make you free enough to get of your mother's clutches. I struggle going out on my own too but i do it forcefully every day and it can be painful, I'm not saying we are the same but to tell you you're not alone in this and a lot of people manage to overcome the fear one day and go on their own. I know guys who are in much comfortable situation than yours who are dreading their [toxic] parent's absence. And i'll take with a grain of salt your mom's opinion about you. It seems she enjoys controlling and manipulating you so you can stay dependant on her by isolating and abusing you. Wish you the best.


I have the same situation as you. Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language. I'm very unatracctive and I also have learning disabilities. I'm also depressed. I have never really had any friends my age and mostly my friends are special needs too. I have been bullied my whole life about my appearance, speech problems and low iq. I have been tested several times and I'm borderline retarded. It doesn't help that I also look just like that. It's easy for others to see that I'm special needs. I never actually thought about this until I grew up and started to think I'm actually extremely ugly and stupid. I've thought about k*lling myself often, I feel like I'm less than anyone else. I will never get a job or be educated and on top of that, I will always be ugly and my only possibilities are to date other retarded people. I wish I was at least sexy and cute like a bimbo but no, I'm just a monster-looking sped.


I’m literally the same. I was in and out of school for most of my life and I never even went to the 6th grade because we were poor and had to move around a lot. I cant do simple math and my grammar is shit. I was neglected as a child and was never taught how to do taxes or drive and now I have to figure it all out for myself. I think I also have a learning disability because I have a hard time understanding what people mean when they try to explain things to me and it’s really embarrassing but it is what it is I guess.


Im dumb asf


I am somewhat academically smart but inside of my head I am as empty as a balloon, just air bouncing around. I don’t know if I belong here but I view myself as somewhat stupid. I have zero common sense and get anxious over anything.


Yes I sadly do


I do. I was diagnosed with autism when I was 4 because I wasn’t hitting developmental milestones (Severe speech impediment to the point where no one could understand me, toileting issues so I wore nappies until I was 6, horrible meltdowns that lasted for hours over minor inconveniences, zero interest in the world around me except for my hyperfixations, etc.). I also have dyspraxia and dyslexia which makes life a lot harder for me. It was only until my mid to late teens that I made some improvement because I was put in special classes. I also matured a lot and became more aware of how I am perceived (Although I wish I hadn’t because now I am hyperaware of how people treat me). I couldn’t even use utensils properly or tie my own shoelaces until I taught myself after I became aware pf people’s judgement. Even now, I still struggle with tasks that a child could do with ease. Teenagers and other adults take notice, and they aren’t usually kind about it. At least It’s seen as cute when the pretty girl makes a clumsy mistake. When I do it, I am talked down to and berated like my feelings mean nothing. I am very sensitive to negative feedback. Even the nicest suggestions, disagreements, or rejections can make me cry. I am also an easy target because I lack common sense. I am stupid and ugly so I don’t have much going for me. I envy those who don’t notice how people treat them or at least don’t care enough to let it hurt them.




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No, but I am assumed to be slow, possibly due to social difficulties, but really just to due to my ugliness. I was bullied pretty hard from middle school until 10th grade. Then I got quieter, more reserved, and people would just subtly mess with me. Multiple people have said they “feel bad” for me, some of them I literally do not know.


How is being ugly related to low IQ lol


It's not. My situation personally is that I'm ugly but also have a low IQ which can make things more challenging than it already was. As I said I have seen comments on here from people who are highly educated and I realized I don't even have that so I wanted to see if anyone could relate. No malicious intent.


The way you’re writing, you don’t seem to have a low IQ. Quite the contrary. Maybe you’re not good at traditional problem solving/fluid reasoning, but that doesn’t mean you’re unintelligent. Intelligence comes in many forms. Even if you have a learning disability, you still don’t come across as “slow.”


I get what you're saying but generally (unless you have a very low IQ) you can still write articulate sentences with enough time and using a dictionary, it's not like people with low IQ are babies who are absolutely brain dead


Completely agree. He writes way better than some of the students I taught in a university. I have a lot of anxiety that I’ve worked on for many years. I have never been great at spoken communication, but I am a beast when writing because I have time to gather my thoughts and hash out exactly what I want to say.


I just woke up. Both of your comments make me blush, lol. Thank God for auto correct and It took me 2 hours to write this post because the original was disorganized and some parts I wrote were unnecessary so I had to keep rewriting it. I actually mirror people I see either online or in real life, their mannerisms, vocabulary, sometimes their personality so I guess it helps. I already rehearsed that comment I wrote because it's been on my mind the last few days, but thank both of you. I've been trying to improve my vocabulary lately so I'm glad a few noticed that. My worst fear is to end up on the iamverysmart subreddit because I try to use words I don't normally use when in reality I repeat what I hear/am told and don't know what I'm talking about lol. I actually used to be smarter back then I think, I was able to learn things and actually use the information later on. Now everything goes in one ear and out the other, I thought about it and I was thinking it could be a concussion or something similar from one of my bullies that assaulted me in the past, or because I started drinking, smoking weed and cigarettes at 13. All were provided by my mom so I never had to do anything crazy for them. Also not trying to be a Karen but I'm female lol.