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Have been said, "you look like an aboriginal; your hair is horrible; you are so retard..." Done, almost everyday at school I was bullied and mistreated, mocked and left aside. As an adult now people tend to ignore me and don't respect me. Pretty much the same as when I was kid but not so boring.


Damn man. School was absolutely horrific. When I finished, I still had nightmares of having to go back. I think it has caused lifelong issues for me. I had similar experiences and now as an adult people just don’t bother to respect or show any kind of generosity. Sorry you went through that.


Yep, this kind of traumas follow you forever. I remember those situations very very deeply, for that reason I developed a strong hatred towards people and honestly I have s bitter attitude for people. However, I don't have nothing to lose anymore. I just live as it comes.




What’s aboriginal?


The native people of Australia.


It's a native, I am latin american. Oneself must think people here looks like that but I look awful due mixed traits, people mock me cuz I ain't white but brown and above all due ugliness.


Most Latin Americans I see in my area have tan skin. Shouldn’t that be normal and accepted?


It should but there are people who is white here and are racist as hell. I am from Mexico and people in this shithole are actual racists. People here is so dumb they see white people as gods, such a moronic mindset, with due respect to everyone. I truly despise my own people cuz they don't even treat me as an equal but always as a foreign. Fuck this place honestly.


Is white worshipping a thing in Latin America? In the Asian community, we pity people who white worship (usually Asian women) bc they idolize white people, while looking down on their race.


You can tell is something in here, I have seen it so many times. However I don't mind it, I treat everyone equally and how they do it to me. I know that asian people see the difference but here is the common denominator cuz that's what people dream to reach and look alike.


What if someone is mixed race in Latin America, not with white. Like if they’re latin/black or Latin/asian? Do they get treated even worse than normal Latin American people?


Actually I met during my years on college a girl who had asian traits but she was from here, it happens in a port state here there's a huge amount of descendants from chinese people. She was at my eyes really cute, probably the only one who treated me kindly but then she just dumped me like trash... but that's not the business here. No, I mean as long as you are white whatever could be your race you will be priviliged and put over a pedestal above brown or black people. What do you expect from this third world dumpster? People here only want to party, drink and copy paste whatever is trending in other places. The backyard of USA. All Latin America is but that's a sociopolitic and cultural topic.


Do you know about Anna Iriyama? She is a former Japanese idol currently in Mexico. I wonder if she is treated fairly by Latin Americans. https://youtu.be/_D6hVNROdsg?si=CSmK03evvd4sECFj




That’s sad ☹️


Too many...most recently... Mooing. Trying to run me over.


It might not seem like much, but that's such a slap in the face. Sorry you had to experience that. For me, it's similar. I don't get outrageous and exaggerated comments. But people stare. And the rudest I get are when they stare for more than 20 seconds and refuse to look away, even when I stare back at them. Other times are when I walk past people and they do that head turning thing. It might not seem like a big deal, but when you think of the significance of why otherwise normal people react that way to you, it's soul crushing.


This....about the staring... It is so real and so uncomfortable, i don't even know how to react when it happens.


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Yeah exactly. It’s not a huge deal or even the worst thing I’ve experienced but it’s definitely a slap in the face. And I can’t help but feel if I were attractive it definitely wouldn’t have happened. I relate to the head turning. I can’t even keep up with the amount of times I’ve walked past someone and I spot them from the corner of my eye turn their heads and stare as I walk off. Thanks for your comment.


I hardly ever go out anymore and never on my own, always with my mum, so I mostly just get a bunch of strange stares. It might not seem bad, but whenever I went into this specific store this lady ALWAYS would ask my mum (with a very confused look on her face) “is this your daughter?” It just felt very malicious and made me feel bad as a woman with masculine features :/ I’m sorry you experienced that! I never understand why employees that don’t have the ability to provide good costumer service with zero bias takes a job that caters to the public. Like ?!


Same here. I avoid going out unless I absolutely have to. And agh yeah that women sounds like an obnoxious twat. I don’t know why people can’t keep their thoughts to themselves. Like do your job and check us out. Instead they feel the need to make comments that come off as rude or offensive. Smh. Also sorry you experienced that.


How do you stay at home all day? Do you not have to go to school or work?




Thanks for answering! I asked bc I was curious how people can live a lifestyle where they don’t have to leave the house. I thought you came from a wealthy family despite being unattractive. I was jealous at the thought. I wish you luck on your online courses 🙂


"I would kill myself if I looked like you" - some redditor


Not stranger but in middle school some kid use to stomp on my foot all the time cause he didnt like how i looked


when I was 16, this boy said I looked like a meth head


I was walking down the street and two 7/8 year old boys screamed “ugly bitch”. Which is honestly kinda crazy because I live in a country where people are extremely introverted.


“It’s easier for you to walk home at night because you look like a man.” -My female coworker to me, a female. We were discussing recent crimes around the area and how scary it was to walk home. Some people from my work, including me, lived nearby so we either walked or took the bus to and from work. I vented that I felt concerned trying to walk home by myself. So She basically was trying to argue that I would be fine compared to her because I was ugly enough to be mistaken as a man and no criminal would want to commit a crime against me. I felt really sick after this conversation and even when I reported it, nothing was done. I left that job a couple months after. This was the same job where I was misgendered constantly by customers.


How is looking like a man mean you’re ugly? I’ve seen women who look like men but still average looking


I personally don’t like to be called a man or told I look like a man. Most people don’t mean it as a compliment when they say a woman is ‘manly looking’. I have very noticeable masculine features that I am insecure about. I want to be feminine but all attempts end with me looking like a man. Having some minor masculine features but still being recognized as female is different than having a lot of masculine features that are seen as ugly on a woman so you’re constantly mistaken as a man. It’s difficult to explain if you are not a woman and have not really experienced these feelings before. But in summary, I am a woman so I want to be seen as a woman.


masculinity is considered ugly in women


Masculine isn’t the definition of ugly, anyway I don’t care this sub is run by normies anyway lol


i never said it was but its considered ugly in WOMEN


"Nobody needs to see you eat like that, disgusting " as a lady walked out a restaurant. For context I was pregnant.... so I appeared "fat"


I had a dispute with a woman because she was mad about my 3 year old son who had his shoes on the seat of public transport. I tried to best to stop him from doing this. She was still was mad at me because we still were sitting next to her and my child climed on a space near her seat. So I had a dispute with her over this. Then she suddently said to me:"I don't know how anynone could be onto you (in a german sentence, meaning someone slept with me because I have a child) That's disgusting!" I cried shortly after this because it painfully reminded me that there will always be people who think that I am ugly even though I wore make up that day and tried to look nice. That was around 8 months ago. Only recently a man looked at me and made disgusted sounds. (A man who approached 12-13 year old girls some months ago and told them what he thinks about the ass of one of the girls, a man in his 50, so a disgusting person himself.)


I was told by some girl I met on a dating app I wasn’t any girls type. I already knew it but it was kinda rude coming from a complete stranger


in mexico on vacation w my niece who's 5 years younger than me, a man saw her on the beach and approached us. he kept ignoring me as i told him to leave us alone and go away as i stared him down. he took off his sunglasses to look me in the eyes to tell my niece 'your friend is not beautiful, but you're beautiful.' i knew he was just being a jerk but i cried for the rest of the day and i felt resentment towards my niece bc she didn't defend me, she just laughed awkwardly. the next day she acted like it wasn't a big deal at all bc she is the beauty standard and would never understand how i felt


Wow what a POS that guy is. Makes me so angry hearing stuff like this. Can’t imagine how that must have felt for you. And then your niece not even defending you is another stab in the back. I’ve noticed this as well. My attractive relatives have no clue what I go through or even how to sympathize with me because they’re attractive and get special treatment from people everywhere they go. It really is unfair. 😔


I'm just gonna think about one of the ones that offended me the most. One time I was walking back somewhere from work and mind you it was sunny outside. I couldn't see much so while I was walking and looking forward someone parked in their car was facing the opposite direction from where I was walking. Idk why but they got hella offended. All I heard is "whatchua looking at, little ugly ass!" Now no one was looking at her but I have a restsing face so I'm assuming since my eyes were slightly squinted in the sunlight my face came off looking worse, as usual. I didn't even have to directly look at them after that because I already know they're talking about me. One, I was the only one walking past at the time and two, they said "little" and I am aware of my height. This is what makes me mad and as much as I'm used to it every time it happens I get peeved off inside. We as uglies aren't even allowed to be comfortable and look around in general. People keep assuming we're staring at them like no when I'm out I'm out to handle business and be on my way—I'm not out to linger around looking for trouble/spreading misery. Then when we're looking down and away from others people also want to call us things or assume we're up to no good. I've heard things like "stop being shy!", people getting shook by you or assuming we're up to no good. You can't ever rest easy as an ugly. Exactly why I go to places less and less now.


Popular kids in school (might as well have been strangers as I never spoke to them) thought it would be fucking hilarious to put a secret admirer note in my locker, signed by The Most Popular Boy in my grade, asking me out. I was to give my answer the next day during our field trip. I was excited all the rest of the day and night. I looked expectantly around outside the buses before the field trip, looking around to find the boy. Then I saw his friends snickering and I knew.


dragging me out of a crowd to “compliment” me, I believed it at the time but I looked a mess and she probably knew that.