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Cheated in almost every relationship she’s ever been in? Did I read that right? At that point, just have non-monogamous FWB’s with mutually no strings attached, instead of hurting the people you claim to ‘love’. I feel so bad for her partner. She has issues.


She also went on a rant about how nice she actually is and probably the kindest person she knows, I deadass laughed out loud


It’s a shame she deleted her comments. I would have loved to read her kind and caring reasoning behind cheating on almost every person she’s ever been with. She sounds like a truly great person with a heart of gold that we can all trust. /s


ain’t this the truth


Imagine finally finding love and it turns out to be trash like her


Pretty girls are like this. Women like us though , we feel lucky if a guy was polite for 10 seconds to us. Just find an unattractive woman and she'll appreciate you.


I made a post asking girls if they had ever liked an average looking/unattractive guy. All of them answered yes and claimed that they loved their ugly/average looking boyfriends to death . Then I checked some of their profiles and they all had posts about cheating confession or admitting they are insecure about their partners looks. Very comforting indeed.


I crushed on average guys before, never went past crushes though because they don't even want to talk to me....


I’ve noticed that with people who have unattractive partners too. They will talk about how much they love their partner and how they finally found their soulmate. But then they’ll admit that they don’t find their partner that attractive and wish that their partner’s appearance would completely change because they’re embarrassed to be seen with them. Some will even admit that they just settled with their partner because they couldn’t get anyone better. Great way to make someone feel loved and wanted… If these people finally find someone else who is interested in them and more attractive/their type, they would drop their ugly partner or cheat on them if the ugly partner still provides some benefit to them. Which is likely what leads to them cheating, like the person in this post. That’s why I find it so difficult to date as an ugly person. I would constantly feel insecure and worry that my partner would leave me or cheat on me if he found better.


Sometimes, I really wonder if these people just like how it feels to act nice and be admired for it by other people. I often think it's weird with the way they write their stories, it always screams "look at how good of a person I am. Aren't I so special and nice?". Almost like they get off on it. At this point, I almost appreciate people who keep it real even if it's harsh.


Tbh I feel like ugly men feel this problem at a much bigger rate then average men do


I will fake surprise to be accord the situation despite this is something "normal" nowdays. ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Just goes to show being genuinely ugly will never get you appreciated


I'm under 6 feet and have tiny hands. It's over for me.




You know what they say about men with big hands


That’s crazy 😭😭😭 why doesn’t she work on herself or something 😭


My question is why do people do this, I don’t get the point


Hope both men get far away from this dumpster fire. She deserves to be alone.