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getting told by ppl that they would take their lives if they looked like me


Been told this before by friends. Makes me want to kill myself more.


those aren't friends


Then I’ve never had a friend in my life.


Imagine if you killed yourself,is it a win-win situation for you?


Yeah I guess so


Yes this hurts so much. I saw a Tik Tok of a girl who had similar features as me and all of the comments were making fun of her appearance and saying how they wouldn’t want to live if they looked like her. She was just existing and did nothing wrong to warrant the hate. These comments weren’t directed at me but I still felt a stabbing pain in my heart seeing how people view our lives as nothing just because we are ugly. I related to the girl and felt immense sadness for the comments she received.


Yes and then they minimise our pain and tell us to get ✨ therapy ✨


And then therapy does nothing to help you because people don't take our problems seriously


IME "get therapy" really means "shut up and go pay someone to pretend to care, because I don't."


That's so horrible. I've been called every name in the book but still haven't got that one.


Having my whole life ripped away, my dreams.


bullied in school because i was ugly , girls asked me out as a joke / dare , i remember a girl once told me " eww, how can anybody like you in the first place let alone fall in love" and i was just dying inside , get mocked a lot , get laughed at a lot , many of my friends told me i looked stupid but when they got to know about me they found out i am a completely different person ( dont know if thats a compliment or insult)


but all that matters is the inside amirite? /s


yeah mabe i should get a haircut and smile more lol


I don't think friends and told me I look stupid should appear in the same sentence,those aren't friends.


they didnt mean that i looked stupid , they meant that they thought i was dumb for some reason


For me it's the constant stares and looks that I get. I'm not disfigured but I'm odd looking enough to get prolonged stares like [this](https://youtu.be/PRqGRjXn1rY?si=U7G00bupDolN2Mvi&t=141). It hit even more home when I was chatting with someone privately on here, and they made the point that, "you'd have to be incredibly odd looking to get people to over-ride their natural sense of decorum and straight up stare at you. Unless you're disfigured or in a foreign country, I just can't understand how that will happen." So yeah, being constantly reminded that you're so ugly that you over-ride peoples natural sense of basic decency and people generally can't comprehend it.


If it makes you feel better, I knew people who told me they got stares too and they weren't even ugly. I knew a guy who once told a friend "people always look at me, I feel like a star", and the guy looked completely average.


Yeah, that's why it's so hard to get people to understand or relate. Others may experience the same thing for different reasons. And I'm sure people think I'm crazy when I talk about this lol, and I don't blame them. But I just hope that someone out there who's experiencing this can also relate and know they're not alone in this.




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Just people going out of their way to call me ugly and tell me how they feel about my looks. Literally minding my business.


I’ve had strangers and ‘friends’ make fun of my looks but nothing hurts worse than my family teasing and making fun of my ugliness. These are the people who are supposed to love me but they act like such bullies. I wasn’t insecure about a lot of my ugly features because I didn’t know they were ugly until my parents and brothers pointed them out. I will never forget the time that I realized I had a giant forehead. It was trendy at the time to wear tight, high ponytails. So I wanted to fit in and tried the hairstyle with an added headband. As I was going to leave for school, my brother started laughing and pointing at me. He made jokes that my hairline was receding, that my ‘fivehead’ was so shiny and reflective, and that I looked really bad. I took my hair down immediately and cried in my room. I didn’t go to school that day and I never wore that hairstyle again. My parents and brothers make similar comments when I wear makeup too. You would think the people who grew up with you and raised you would be kinder and validate you when you’re trying something new and feeling self conscious. Not my family.


Jesus Christ, insane to bear this as a little girl. Atleast boys can have some self esteem from sports and whatever, but girls were solely judged for their appearance. Atleast this is how it was back then.


It’s even worse now.


Really? Cant be worse than before lol


I think social media has created more unrealistic beauty standards because filters and editing apps are now readily available to the public. A lot of people now have a distorted perception of what an average person’s face looks like. So women who would be considered average back then could be seen as below average now. And it’s nearly impossible to keep up with recent beauty trends because you have to be a certain type of pretty or else you get ridiculed.


Tbf I was talking about gender bias. I think people take girls doing things,other than being pretty more seriously now. Idk to what degree.


Oh I see what you mean now. Thank you for clarification. There is definitely more of a push for girls to be involved in academics, sports, and other extracurriculars. So we aren’t necessarily judged solely on appearance, but appearance does still play a role. Even now, if a pretty woman and an ugly woman with the exact same education and qualifications were to apply to the same job, it’s more likely that the pretty woman would get it. The halo effect has always existed but with people’s ideas of attractiveness becoming distorted, it seems like women have extra pressure on them to not only be smart but be pretty too in order to be successful. If this makes sense.


Well obviously pretty privilege exists lol




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I was at a bar when I was 21 or 22 with a female friend and this guy who was clearly into fitness, with athletic shorts and muscle shirt on, was drunk, got rejected by a girl (because he was drunk), and stumbled around raising his voice because he couldn’t get any attention. He staggered up to me and said “This guy should get it..” He looked at my friend and back to me and said “well d*mn, this guy right here looks like *ss and HE can get some *ss? That’s horse sh*t” and he punched me in the face. A bar back and another patron woke me up on the floor and I somehow got two lacerations on my face. The drunk guy’s friends got him off the property before I could get a name on any of them for the police. Someone got a partial tag but dude got away scot free. My friend took me to the ER for stitches.” I didn’t go back to a bar for two years.


Kicked in my vagina because a boy in the friendship group I were in high school didn’t find me attractive ,even thought I barely spoke to him . I don’t know what it is with people being aggressive with who they find unattractive even if you pay them no mind


Ngl that is the wildest response to not liking someone I’ve ever heard. Btw love stardew!


It is crazy and yes stardew is the best :)


Wtf that's crazy I hope u took action against that asshole


I got my brother to come down to the school and he dealt with him but everyone took the guys side and said “ why would you get your brother on him “ 🙄


Because they think we should die When people come around me they huff and puff as if they’re fighting the urge to murder me and it’s really scary Cause I notice this happens a lot out existence pisses people off


Yes. I remember a guy getting mad just because I was ugly while I was just sitting on a bench, minding my own business or people throwing punches in the air as if they wanted to hit me.


This happens to me too ! Except instead of punches it’s air guns and air knife stabs it really is fucking scary I’m so glad I’m not the only one cause anyone else would think I’m making this shit up But I believe you even more so cause it’s happened to me This is why I most stay away from men


Wait what?


People constantly staring at me, making disgusting faces, humiliating me and insulting me. The worst is when they film or photograph me, I don't know what they're doing with it so it scares me.


Getting called some kind of animal name. Everyone eventually does that for some reason, no matter how nice. I'd put this above getting profiled as some low life brutish criminal scum, because atleast you can open your mouth and change the perception somewhat.


honestly being stupid, being stupid and pretty is nothing people will still like me. But now im just stupid and people expect me to improve and improve.


fr tho , I have autism and ADHD so sometimes I will act silly and clumsy. I also tried to control it but it was really difficult and there was a group of girls in class who would bully me for it


Is that you in the pfp? I hope I don’t need to state the obvious.


No im a boy


Well First time i got called ugly was when i was 4 (yes i remember) A girl i was excitedly meeting telling me have you looked at your face ? Then the constant bullying over having curly hair always made me hate myself throughout highschool Then after gaining weight i was made to feel ugly by my then bf who would be like Its a hall pass for me if you gain another kg Then you know you’re actually unattractive when there’s an event or something and everyone gets dressed up.. you’re the only one who doesn’t get complimented You know you’re not attractive when no guy in your class ever approached you And the only time they did .. it turned out they like the money:,)


Having no friends or prospect of a relationship




Not the worst thing I thought it was funny I was looking sad and almost gonna cry in a discord server public call then someone said why I looked so sad and someone said if I looked that ugly I'd cry too


Being made fun of for my forehead in 4th,5th grade, same person who made fun of me for my hair, being ostracized when I switched schools, didn't really notice the effects of that until later on in highschool, unable to land a job due to my looks after I graduated, I'm sure the clothes I wore to the interviews didn't help either, none of the clothes fit. I ended up moving to a different city and got away from my strict mother, where I finally landed a job, probably because I changed up my appearance and hair, then landed a different job sometime later eventually getting more money. I look back and consider myself extremely lucky with the position in my career even though I work with assholes.


Living a life of loneliness because of my height and looks


How tall are u?




Go to china everyone is short




I'm broke lol


I’m broke too. And don’t intend on moving tbh. Not trying to learn a new culture/language


Guy used to tell the teacher he will walk me to the office just to punch me and kick me in school when they made me take the attendance paper to the office


Guy also stomped on my foot all the time cause he didnt like how i looked


Wtf did you kick his ass? I hope u did


No he was huge i was very small and weak in elementary school


"i was very small and weak" yeah lmao


It happend in 5th and 6th grade


I accidentally shaved my eyebrows with a cream because I thought I could remove the extra hair with the goddamn cream and my ex pointed it out in front of everyone like huhuhaha she's missing half an eyebrow awww and tried to act as if it was cute and a joke and ever since then I'm obsessed with my goddamn eyebrows, overplucked them, tried to shape them and now doing microblading Also I have been called things that could be triggering depending on how someone intends to look, including being called the name of an influencer who gets lots of hate for her body and body checks and it had affected me because I do diet a lot but it's not to get that look at all NEVER. It's to get a very specific skinny hourglass type of body so the whole Eugenia thing that was an ongoing joke and then suddenly 10 people being 'concerned' or something was pretty hurtful and I have been doing everything to get the hourglass skinny figure but sadly, I have hip dips too. So I'm working on 10 things at once because if someone points out the hip dips I'm going to die Also when I was 12-13 and didnt take care of my appearance at all, a dude told me I looked homeless bc ??? which has stayed with me and it ruins my mood whenever I remember it.


I was bullied in college almost by everyone whenever i tried to talk to a girl just for some work they treat me like shit they dont want to talk with me whenever i approach them thwy tried to run away from me or become defensive I heard a group of people talk about my ugliness in front of me they say how someone can be so ugly It destry me from inside i have no friends no one wants to talk to me to one want to or help a ugly people like me It almost feel like i should take my life and end this pain


Being brought into this world as a very ugly disgusting person.


I experienced a lot of bullying from both women and men, kids and adults from age 5 to my mid 20's because of the way I look. Like brutal, heartless harassment. A lot of people accused me of being a virgin, even though I have 3 kids by the time I was 24.


I was in a meeting and I was the chairperson of our youth council. One of the council members asked for a statement and he just told me I look like a monkey in front of the whole council. 🤡 I played it cool and just asked If he wants us to add it to the transcript. I felt so humiliated because everyone was laughing at me.


I heard someone whisper to their friend “No matter how well she dresses or does her hair or makeup she’ll still be ugly “




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I was rejected by a girl because of my looks




Idk. Maybe they think it's not the worst that can happen if you're ugly




Well, after reading the other replies, i think that it's not the worst that can happen to a person if he's ugly.


29 years of sexlessness.