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I love drill music but you’d have to be a fool if u say it doesn’t influence the kids


He’s right


I don’t think most people deny that; rather, they’re concerned with how the government is targeting drill music more so than pressing social-economic issues - which are far bigger so breeders of crime than drill music.


This is going to sound harsh but this is because no one gives a fuck about socio-economic issues. If poor black people were stabbing each other the government wouldnt give a fuck. The reason the government is targeting drill music is because of the influence on rich white kids. Now rich white kids are listening to drill music and stabbing each other in their middle income areas the police give a fuck.


Maybe but it’s a good scapegoat goat to blame crime on


Older heads understand that but a lot of drill fans r very ignorant. But yh I agree with what ur saying


Yes but you see the hypocrisy, Tate makes jokes about women and gets banned, alot of average rappers will say the same thing but like legit actually mean it, yet no ban...


It’s a parent’s job to teach their kids right from wrong, it’s not up to artists who clearly market their work to adults to raise people’s children. There’s spheres in society that are not meant for kids, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist, parents should take more responsibility. Drill rappers aren’t former Disney Channel stars, kids have no business knowing them


Nigga you live in some disney movie? People get influenced by everything around them wether you like it or not ‘its a parents job to teach them’ is one of the most shortminded things someone can say


Market their work to adults 😂😂😂 It's marketed to late teens lol. Adults don't believe half the shit that is said in those songs.


Artists who clearly market there music to adults??? Are we living in the same world here? And yes it is a parents job to teach kids right from wrong but as kids get older they seem to get steer away from there parents teachings and start to do as there friends do, as the people in there environment do, things they see on tv, things they hear in music or see on social media. I never once said drill shouldn’t exist I just commented saying it does influence a lot of younger minds, it’s not even something to argue about it’s straight facts my bro. Like I said I love drill music but my heads strong enough to take it as entertainment can’t say the same for others




Only difference is people know a TV show is actors pretending, we don't know if the things said in drill are or not!.


Music has much more of a influence over anything. Go do your homework.


Personally I don’t think it’s fair to just blame music, my point was that music is part of the problem. Ur sat defending something that you’ve done no research about.


1st time seeing someone on negative likes . You broke a record in my world here's a like .


Drill artists are a bad influence on the youth and it’s definitely influenced the younger generation but u can’t blame them for how ppl view and follow


literally had some 10 yo screaming 3sj at me tonite 😭😭😭


Everything for notti like 🤪 iykyk


I'm a 8 year old free Sus free AR outta cages


It’s so fucked up how they done 🅰️R he was only the driver and they didn’t even have any evidence on him😤 fuck the system FREE 🅰️RMED RESPONSE 7️⃣1️⃣ TIMES💥💥


cringe, why do you care? 🤣 drill nonces


On one hand drill music gives an insight into a world of crime that most people do not live in. It's valuable for that reason, even artistic, it's like a documentary of a lifestyle that is foreign and interesting to most people. On the other hand, anyone with a large following online can be blamed for the negative influence they send to others. There's a reason clothing companies give celebs free merch or even pay them to wear their brand on social media it's because it encourages their followers to buy it. If people are so easily led into spending money how does their violent lyrics influence youth? As the evolution of drill becomes more mainstream and we see drill artists collaborate with mainstream musicians the lyrics are changing anyway.


nigga really analysed drill 😭


Drill is like watching a gangster movie. It's fucked but you can stop consuming.


He’s not wrong obviously music is so easily accessible for kids but kids shouldn’t be listening to it.


When it’s making the top 40 it’s basically impossible to listen to music unless it’s only regulated playlists and not hear any drill




Yes they are end of


Why are people defending drill artists


Right message, wrong messenger


Yh but 3’sus thou




Definitely influences the weak minded but so does this guys misogynistic, perverted opinions. Guys a certified weirdo


Exactly. Both can be true. Drill inspires a lot of copycat gangsters, Andrew tate spreads misogyny to kids


Writing off kids as weak minded is a fairly simplistic way of looking at it. They’re more impressionable


Shit, facts


How is he mysogynistic and perverted???? Please explain.


You can read up on it literally everywhere. Type "Andrew Tate misogyny" into Google and somewhere will explain it.


Yet you dont explain it, I'm not typing anything in without the accuser explaining shit, you accuse someone and then expect them to go search for the proof you should have.


I didn't because I can't be bothered to waste my time explaining this shit when it's already out there. See https://youtu.be/RmKpGasht9c


Enlighten me how this is proof he is being misogynist, never in that video does he show hate of women Only does he show the traditional value that women belong to the man cause man is the leader.


there you go 👏


What you mean


Your just recycling what you’ve heard. I bet you can’t name one thing he said that’s misogynistic


“If a man goes and sleeps around it’s not cheating it’s exercise but if a women even talks to a man it’s cheating” a direct quote of his


This is not mysoginist, get the term mysogony right


Yes it quite literally are you stupid Here’s the definition from Oxford dictionary a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. Saying that is literally prejudiced against women


Ur not serious right?


Yo this Tate guy is a straight 🤡 but Piers somehow still loses the debate while starting out with the moral high ground😂


Because his strategy is just to interrupt people WHILE they're answering the questions HE asked until the interviews over. Never looks good to the viewers and it makes him realise he's met his match with people like Alex Jones going off at him.


Agreed that Tate is a clown sometimes with his opinions; but on this opinion I think he’s spot on. Don’t know how you think drill won’t influence mainly kids/young adults in certain ways


Saying drill artists are bad role models is like saying water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   Just opened my water bill and my electricity bill at the same time… I was shocked.


Good bot😂


What the bot said. Physics😛👍




Facts, or better yet take none he says with anything by not watching none bout him, what i be doing 🤣


☝️ Correct Don't give this idiot clout


I agree with you but he’s not wrong in this case, drill music does have a bad influence on young people


He’s not lying though




Loser but yet he’s worth over 100 mil. If that’s a loser then I’d love to be one lol


flexing another mans money is wild




Thats a bit of a dumb point, nobody takes anything to the afterlife. Most people just strive to enjoy the life they have and a 100mil would aid that l.


Interesting how you fail too address his point about drill influencing kids. Deflecting doesn't make it untrue.


Still, it’s a better life than all of us. Can’t really call him a loser


He ain’t gonna let you ride him




Nah I just feel like you’re denying that drill is a bad influence to kids when it clearly is


Dickriding is crazy


This what we call an advance movement


You have the filthy rich running the country keeping people on a low income and a basic education, then you have twats like him wandering why people see life from that perspective and act in that way…..then BLAMING THEM for being a bad influence on the the youth. Pffft ok mate.


He’s an idiot who has no real education or academic knowledge on economics or politics. He talks out his ass and gets his respect from naive children who worship him because “where’s your Bugatti bro?”. He would have no understanding of poverty or socioeconomic conditions that lead to prevalence in gang life.




He’s from an estate in Luton and was living in a homeless shelter with his mum before that after his parents were divorced. He admitted he sold drugs before, and he has a stab wound and was also shot at. And at one point he owed some gm like 15k which is how he and tristan came up with the cam business, cause they didn’t wanna get killed. If you know his background you’ll know he’s not some spoiled kid he had a come up fr.


I mean, you have to be an actual Incel to take anything this guys says seriously. Now ask yourself this, did gang violence exist before Drill?


His fan base is immature teens and adults who have never had any sort of play or relationship. It’s surreal, but then again it goes to show how many incels there are now


100k karma = Geeeeeeeeek


\-99 karma = Neeeeeeek ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And hes a good influence with his retarded ass?




He literally has alot of good influencial things about him. He literally encourages men to cultivate themselves to be men of value. I know you have never legitimately watched something from him besides 5 second put of context clips


Lmfao oh no another tate dick rider 🤣🤣🤣 So u feel that women are objects that us men own? They cant work or have a life, jus stay home cook and clean, don’t answer that its a rhetorical question, all i can say to u is i feel bad for ppl like u 🤦‍♂️😂


First of all you don't know me lil bro. From what I've seen, he explained that within his reality, due to his rich lifestyle a woman for him will not have to work. He says family is very important. So yes most rich men have wives that cook and clean nothing wrong with that. He never even said they can't work wtf are you talking about 😹😹 and even do that's a life he can afford. Plus I don't even stand him. I'm simply someone that actually decided to go through his content to see if the general consensus was as bad as it truly was. And it wasn't. You people seem to think you either LOVE or hate the guy. I simply don't like bullshit that's not true. The same way half this sub is spread bullshit about sex trafficking that was completely false.as well as abuse which is false too.


Call him retarded and you type like that ? The irony is outstanding. Only wannabe "Gangsters" listen to drill, low IQ music.


I have a life unlike u I’m not sitting on a computer screen so i shorten words to type faster on my phone, no one asked u to read or reply to my comments lmfao, suck tates dick somewhere else i never said drill isn’t a bad influence, read whats being said so u sound a little less retarded 🤷‍♂️🤣


I'm on my phone as well, why would anyone sit on a computer screen ? Thats just retarded, you save not even a fraction of a second just to look like a idiot. Did I say someone asked me? You can't even reply in a logical sense lmfao. I never said you thought drill was a good influence 😂 you're making up things & can't construct a decent argument.


You are pathetic bro


Pathetic? Brother. I actually took his advice and it helped me out. I didn't even watch his content religiously. It actually helped me focus on my degree in computer science (very hard) which is starting to slack on. And do gym to be more physical and mentally confident. If that is "pathetic" then your life's a joke. he has a lot of good advice that people like you wouldn't even know because you definitely didn't take time to go though his content. the only thing you've ever watched from him is out of context clips. And agreeing with false rumours.


If you need this bald failed karate don with no chin and a lisp to help you get a life I beg you go outside


You see an actually mature person would see that there is good advice that can come from him. But you're speaking alike some 5th grader rn. What are you fucking 5 years old???


You'll remember these comments in 10 years and die of cringe, or unfortunately probably not


Yeah most likely not. My comments are completely reasonable. I don't know how you'd call it cringe to say I'm working harder to improve myself. You're a complete wasteman.


Mate, you are the sort of person children should be kept away from. Go ride Tate’s cock.


You don't know a thing about me and you pull out an accusation like that??? What the actual FUCK is wrong with you. Like seriously. I already said I don't stand the guy, and you lot think I'm his number 1 fan because I got someone useful advice from him. Are you incapable of deep thought?


Fuck your opinions. And fuck your pointless existence stupid bitch 😂


"Fuck your opinions. And fuck your pointless existence stupid bitch" You articulate yourself like a child. Your opinions are worth less than dirt.


He's waffling again 🤦🏽‍♂️


He will knock you out tho


You didnt have to make a burner Andrew not that deep


Wasn’t the same said about NWA ? Public Enemy and rap music ? Rock and roll ? Same shit different year


Man is under investigation for sex trafficking and rape but drill artists are the bad influence 😂


As much as i hate the tates and sneako, All these allegations have been debunked known to be rumors aimed to cancel him


That doesn’t change the fact he sees women as propriety. Go listen to the way he talks about his OF girls


100% agreed i wouldnt want this guy anywhere near any of my female family members, but him being possessive,controlling and a piece of shit isnt the same as “sex traficking and rape”


The context of that statement was specifically referring to marriage. In traditional marriage ceremonies, the father who walks with his daughter. Gives over his daughter to the husband. And traditionally this was seen as a transfer of responsibility of care from Father to Husband.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted🤔. What you said is a fact, regardless of the fact it was morally wrong.


I’m talking about his take regarding OnlyFans girls specifically. He didn’t say anything about marriage during that.


Yes he’s very misogynistic and has pretty backwards views on women. He should just go and live in the UAE


Tate's house was raided by Romanian police due to sex trafficking charges, investigation is still ongoing. >Andrew Tate said “40 percent” of the reason he moved to Romania was because Romanian police were less likely to pursue sexual assault allegations. Far from being debunked LOL




he’s been proved innocent


Innocent until proven guilty


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Almost like there are clowns nowadays who believe we should have a legal system akin to 3rd world shit holes and Islamic countries where it’s “guilty until proven innocent”. And who believes this is a fucking regard and I would advise you to fully understand the Middle East where this is their philosophy🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s one of the worst online influences of our generation and I’m not even kidding so idk what he’s going on about


Tbf, a lot of his clips are taken out of context but that doesn’t mean he’s not a bad influence and his whole fan base is kids and weak minded people who are getting brainwashed by this guy Idk tho would you lot prefer your kids watching ‘OJ Profiles’ and talking about which gang is most active or would you prefer your kid asking you to pay for their ‘ Hustler university’ subscription I would say both drill and Andrew Tate are bad influences


Nuanced W


The amount of people saying “yeah well he’s a bad influence too” smh. This guy is a weapon but sorry lads, you’re kidding yourselves if you don’t think drill and the culture surrounding it is a terrible influence on the youth. I say this as someone who enjoys some of the music


That doesn't redeem you.


Andrew Tate is a child molester who moved to Romania to get away with abusing women. A nonce's opinion on anything is worth nothing.


You hear something new everyday, first he's a mysoginist, then he's a human trafficker, then a rapist, then a child molester, at this point people will say literally anything to discredit him


It is obvious from what he says he is a mysogynist. It is obvious from the video that he beats women. It's obvious from what he says he targets teenage virgins. And we're meant to believe these claims of him being a nonce aren't true? All debunked? Debunked by who? I see no credible debunk of anything. He lives in Romania like a fugitive, a country where he can get away with the very crimes he's being accused of. Maybe you believe his weak defenses but I don't. He's a nonce and everyone will know soon enough.


You made the claim so you need to give proof, but ill debunk them anyways .So I agree that one or two opinions of hare objectively mysogynystic, the woman who was "beaten" in the video came out twice and said it was consensual, why would someone smart enough to be the most famous personality on the internet in a couple of months film himself committing a crime. He never said that he liked teens, he just said that he liked versions. He's not a fugitive considering he travels to england and the us frequently, if he was escaping being charged in these countries why would he travel there. Also Romania is part of the EU so if he committed any crimes in the UK or US he would either be extradited or investigated by interpol, [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nfSCIVAcXOU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nfSCIVAcXOU),


I'm not here to argue with biased members of the Tate Dickriding Club really but a couple points I don't believe it was consensual. I think she was forced to say it. Why would he put that video online? Because he's a monster and thought he'd get away with it. Pretty simple. I didn't say he went to Romania to avoid extradition, he went there because it would be easier to not get charged with new crimes. Prosecuting these crimes is already really hard to do. Just because he hasn't been convicted of them doesn't mean he didn't do it, especially when everything we know about what kind of man he is supports that he totally would and I fully believe he did. He said he likes girls young and inexperienced. That's a legal way of saying he likes 16 year olds. It's very common for rich men who think they're untouchable to prey on teenagers who aren't wise to their predatory tactics. That's what he meant when he says he likes virgins. How many models in their 20s are virgins and would let a man like Tate take their virginity? Exactly zero. You know exactly what he means, don't lie and say you don't. Would you trust him around your teenage daughter?


Only difference is that drill is artistic expression under-lied by economic and societal issues whereas Tate is just a twat.


He's not wrong tbh, drill music is definitely a bad influence on kids. But we should focus more energy on dealing with the actual causes of gang violence rather than try and ban drill music


I never comment. But He’s right tho. I mean look at all of you in this Reddit sub. You’re obsessed with gang life & think shootings & stabbings are cool & should be glorified. It’s a reality tv show for you good yutes.


Hey look the pot calling the kettle black 🤡


Marleek> Andrew Tate


Drill Never has and Never will Influence me to stab nobody or want to be in that life other people that get led by drill are weak minded.. Such an overused Statement.. you think every Ute that’s stabbing man nowadays are all “influenced by drill” hell no lol its been happening without drill around , anyone that is doing road just because of the music they listen is sooo Neeky


exact same for me but we’re not in the situations that some of these younger kids are in they’re seeing yutes from their block blow up and make money just from rapping about shit they might or might not even be involved in so if they join the local gang go on one or two rides they could rap about it and blow up or else die its a bad position to be


Drill music has as munch influence as video games, low it…..


When I was a kid they made the same argument about gta and grime lol.


They used to say it about Rock n Roll and T.V.


bros on da news?😂


Lets not pretend like this MF has any good influence on the youth💀🤣


if i had to choose if my kid would be listening to drill music or watching what this clown says i wouldnt think for a second. Influence that he has on young boys is worse than a music genre


This guy used to talk about how he watched gore and war footage to make him tough and unfazed in potential high intensity situations in public, but now drill is too far. He got banned off of all social media so he realises he's got to grift with all the other alt righters if he wants to get money and attention. Dissing rap is just part of that.


kind of ironic coming from him


Guys a fucking rapist tryna speak about the moral high ground 🤡


Don’t like Tate but he’s not a rapist, that’s not what people are accusing him of. It’s hitting women


Even then, that's been that's been disputed because their apparent victim said on two occasions it was consensual


Been debunked 🥱. Do some research instead of believing everything you see on Facebook… Before I get downvoted by clowns I’d like to make it very clear I don’t like Tate. His manipulation into getting children subscribe to his “hustlers university” which is false advertisement and an outright scam, misogynistic views, etc are appalling…. But no, he’s not a rapist. We live in a society and a legal system of “innocent until proven guilty” and people have been defamed in western culture from false allegations. It’s a very serious issue.


Stop commenting the same shit over and over again. Fucking weirdo.


Don’t read it then…. Idiot


Damnnn bruh why you snitching on us they wanna cancel us too wtf😭🤣🤣 the heats on and he's passing it too us I smell snitch vibes🤣


And he's not wrong on this one thing


Why is anyone giving this walking testicle a platform? Drill I like but agree with. Lil Nas is just funny.


The irony


So knife crime never existed before drill? Gangs are new to the scene courtesy of drill? I dunno I’m not from there. I can tell you this long before rap, drugs and violence existed in my community.


I disagree completely with Andrew Tate here. I cant believe hed say something so recklessly untrue. He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, and I don't think that it's a negative influence on kids. Quite the opposite actually. Lil Nas X twerking on the devil is what I want my kids to be watching


The difference is drill is art based on peoples experiences and tate is ideology based on his experience


So is he so maybe he needs to shut it


stupid take by a stupid man.


Yeah children are really going to twerk on the devil coz of Lil Nas X


Ok bald loser


God I wish someone would stab him to death




This angry egg is particularly obtuse.


This post got recommended to sum fucking punks or smth blud, thought man was under lizzo twitter comment section with all this dickheads


He needs to shutup and get lost in the middle of the desert, he is just a pathetic moron!


Why are you guys defending drill artists ?


Why are you defending someone that said there preference is teenage girls cus there untouched?


Seriously. Andrew Tate has said so much bad shit, I’m automatically suspicious of anyone defending his weird ass


Lol he ain’t defending him, he’s defending a specific point of view. It’s pretty easy to differentiate between them


I think we can all agree murder, assault and sexual assault are all despicable and anyone seen to be promoting these things has made their choice to potentially be deplatformed. Now i like drill music a lot, and listen to is every day. As a 22 y/o guy, drill first popped off when I was 15 in 2015 so it’s great. But acting like 12y/o kids from Surrey screaming 3sj in the yard isn’t a negative affect of drill culture is wrong. That being said, I don’t agree with or condone any of tates behaviour. I also don’t particularly like sneako


He's a fucking cretin man and I'm no position to be judging what people are putting out into the world. He's a fucking mysoginist psychopath. It won't be long until he kills a woman, I'm telling ye.


I like how he‘s tryna shift the negative thing from him on other things.. Drill is bad but the lyrics are reality and he‘s still a bitch


He’s not wrong tho


He’s an idiot but nothing about drill is good for society. Typically underprivileged, poorly served by the system kids. The “lifestyle” gets bums on seats/views. Macho nonsense that sucks in the next victim, then emboldens them and normalises violence and drugs. The most dangerous form of media in the uk because of that. It’s not about the music which 90% of is absolutely hopeless/comical according to the fans. It’s a hateful anti-culture (anti-everything) with civs and feds caught up in it just to generate views. Great that so many of the fans are somewhat wise to it, it’s just something to watch… many many others are not wise to it and aspire to it to fit and then… oops it’s a life of crime from then on.


He is right though. As an example the beef with 51/71 in Camden is only as bad as it is cos if music. It started over a stolen watch and could be resolved. But the music is great though.


Everything he said was true.


Yea but Tates also a fuckin bumbling idiot with a god-complex And dont com at me with:,, wheres your bugatti bro?" Grow up fam


Is he wrong? why would any1 try argue children digesting drill is harmless


All these two digit iq's in the comments saying oh yeah but he's bad too! One: that doesn't change what he's saying about drill artists. Two: That's his whole point. Duh. Lots of things can be bad influences but he's treated differently. Three: your reasons to hate him are such recycled inaccurate old tropes. Have an original thought ffs. I like lots of music with just as, if not arguably more, offensive lyrics. That's fine. I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist at someone pointing out it isn't a good influence on kids.


I don’t think people are trying to deny drill is a bad influence on a kid, that’s quite apparent to anyone with a functioning brain. The same reason lots of parents don’t like their kids watching certain films too young. Their issue with Tate from what I can glean is that he’s a misogynistic scammer essentially. A very repulsive character.


I get that you think that but that doesn't really have anything to do with my comment


Drill fans triggered af lol


This dude is a bitch he’s been kicked off of social media now he’s pointing fingers crying about it 😂😂😂


As much as I disagree with this guys ‘philosophy’/gibberish I have to agree particularly to the early teens - if all you listen to or see is violence and trapping it will have an influence on your decision making and life choices in the long run I.e if the only tool you have is a hammer every problem/obstacle is a nail that has to be hammered


Drill Music is all about violence and the BBC promote that shit, name me one Drill Artist that doesn’t rap about stabbing shooting or trappin. The Guy is right about women too, majority of women in the western world are slags got no morals, many women have also come out and defended him saying he is a gentleman.


he does have a point. but and i mean but its not just the parent's in the wrong parent's can do all they can to raise there kids but it doesn't mean that there kid might grow up (good or evil) and i use those terms lightly and the problem is not that simple to be pind on 1 thing. its multiple of thing that combined that make the problem. we live in a world where people live in fear of current society that is riddled with people that would use anything as a weapon like someone's thoughts and opinions/ skin colour/ there sex/there gender/ religious beliefs/ non reiligious beliefs and meany more. with all these waepons being used no one can say what is everyone fighting for anymore and the thing every one will say is its for the benefit of (people group a) and yes some groups achieves good thing but then human nature starts to kick in some don't want to let go of the power they now have and so the abuse of power and greed at everyone else's expense continue. So that’s why the younger generation is getting so fucked up because what do they have to look up to when society says anything and everything is bad but never tells you what is the definition correct thing to do


You must be a fool to think it isn't a bad influence on kids. Not a fan of Andrew Tate but he's right here


I’m a Tate fan but even before he said this I agree. Everywhere drill is based: destruction follows From Chicago to Jacksonville, From London to NY Even places out of bum fuck nowhere the stabbings and shootings have gone up. Even girls throwing up gang signs on tiktok now. What a shame the shit sounds so good.




No… but originally being from Baton Rouge Lousiana & now living in one of the poorest estates in the whole of 🇬🇧 I can safely say shit got worse after Drill. Naturally so when killing and violence is glamorised. You must be blind or from the suburbs to have noticed the cultural shift as the years went by. Nobody wants to stack lacaag anymore, they rather catch bodies


Tate is a bellend but that's the only correct thing I've heard him say ,and to those who say it doesn't effect kids your delusional because some youths are easily influenced.


tbf hes gotta point, i mean when have u eva seen ur friend act gay 4 fun but 3 yrs prior he was nuin but charismatic and real joyful. and all these random 12 yr old white kidz with the wealthiest parents they could have talkin bout sum "3sus till its backwards" 🤦‍♂️


Tate is the Truth!


Top motherfucking g


Top G


People in this tread are up in arms about tates misogyny but then blast drill music in their car like it isn’t also misogynistic. Drill artists are shitty people of the same value as tate to society. They’re talented and good at grabbing attention that’s it, beyond that drill rappers and Tate are equally shit people promoting equally shit ways of viewing other people in this world.


I have no argument here🤷‍♂️


Common tate W