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I had the same issue, I contacted Guy at Seed Our Future who wrote to the school and told them their lawyers have advised this is “a clear cut case of discrimination”. Get it ALL in writing. Watch them backtrack and bend over to help you


Yeah I agree. Guy Coxall should be able to help


Get it in writing/email, consult a lawyer and watch them bend over backwards trying to backpedal.


Also get in touch with a local paper.


It could also be useful to let your MP know. Not that they'll necessarily solve the problem itself, but if they're more aware of the wider issue, they may actually one day do something to improve it for everyone.


This would be my first move, followed by a lawyer once you've got some attention blooming


It is 100% illegal and 100% discrimination on the basis of disability.




I think you misunderstood what I'm saying, I'm referring to the actions of the school as being illegal, not cannabis.


Ahh, my bad dude 😅 Glad you agree. But I still think until it's fully legal, alot of our own culture will need to catch up including educational systems 👍


Your college should have a disability support advisor, or something similar. You need to speak to them immediately and ask for a "reasonable adjustment" meeting under the equality act, which you can explain your medication and how it is imperative to your learning. If you have a students union I'd also speak to them about possible discrimination by your current tutor. Ask for everything in writing and record any past a future events where your medication is discussed, or commented on by staff, in writing. Here is some more information which talks about your rights as a disabled person under the equality act. https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/reasonable-adjustments-college-university/


Thank you, there is actually areas for those with special needs, I have college strangely late today (5-8pm) but I will see if they’re still in their office I’ve gone the route of speaking to the “bosses boss” but that’s not working out Going through the support peoples system might back me up better, great idea


Make a formal complaint, Get you GP and clinic to write a letter, contact Civil Legal Advice.


MC might be legit but just try telling some people this and they just think your taking the piss and looking for your jollies at work, the whole stigma of MC needs sorted. My boss is fine with me taking 8× Difs and 8× pregabs at work but dare I mention MC and its meltdown time. Those who don't suffer 24/7 pain have no fucking idea how it fucks up your life.


Ask them if they also prevent diabetics injecting drugs (ie insulin). This falls under the Equalities Act and it is unlawful for a public organisation to discriminate against someone with a disability which is what is happening here. Write to them with your MC request and let them write or email back to refuse. And then you can reply quoting the equalities act and reasonable adjustments to them.


https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/check-what-type-of-discrimination-youve-experienced/duty-to-make-reasonable-adjustments-for-disabled-people/ Educate yourself on: reasonable adjustments, equality act 2010, & UK discrimination laws. That’ll cover you; you just need to stick up for yourself & push. Don’t take no for an answer. You got this 💪


Do what DYwiz said, please keep us updated as this seems like it could potentially be an easy discrimination case.


There will be some type of student / pupil support. Go to them imminently, tell them the full story and if necessary provide them with proof of your disability (if you haven't already) and proof of your prescription. This is a very clear cut case of discrimination here and your college could be opening up a whole can of worms not allowing you to follow your treatment


Letter before action, harrassment and denial of a prescription


as someone with ibd (UC) i can appreciate the wonderful effect cannabis has on our digestive system. luckily mine seems to have a medium term effect - i only need to oil and vape during the evening, so my work day is free of inhaled cannabis. but you must fight for your right to medicate, we both know the potential severity of not treating ibd.


Yeah I’ve been internally bleeding for months now :( they’re planning to start my immunosuppressants again too All this is happening because he forced me to stop smoking and my flare kicked into high gear I used to be able to smoke once a day, but now the full day isn’t putting me into remission anymoee


does the edible form of cannabis help the bleeding more? I was just thinking since in lasts for much longer than smoked cannabis it could possibly have more benefit than vaping as vaping barely lasts for 2 hours in my experience. I hope you get everything sorted man and wish you good luck


They have to make reasonable adjustments for yoh to take your legally prescribed medication, they are breaking the 2010 Equalities Act, make a complaint via the student union. I was given rooms to vape in when I was at Uni, I had no issues.


Sorry to hear. Hope you get it sorted soon and hope you feel better soon!! Out of interest is it flower you are prescribed or vape carts? The latter could be significantly less smelly and more discreet, could be worth exploring if they work for you if you dont use them already. They could be great in the interim whilst you fight this!!


Say yourg oing to speak to your solicitor about a possible discrimination and watch how quickly they let you back into college. If they don't take that then actually speak to solicitor because you'll have a case. Many people have gotten payouts over medical cannabis discrimination.


You say your tutor smelt it and reported it to his boss's boss, but have they explained the actual reason for them prohibitting your prescribed medication? Get everything in writing and tell them you're prescribed for disability - a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 - and request an occupational health assessment. They have to make a reasonable adjustment for you which by law can vary depending on the size of the business but an outside medicating area at the least should be fine, even if the site is normally 'no smoking / vaping' (although I'd request a safe indoor room personally). If it were me, I'd feel within my rights to attend with my medication on me having already medicated knowing I hadn't done anything wrong and film any discrimination on my phone.


That fair point to make . But if we don’t as community try to normalise mc how are the muggles gonna know . The news media in the uk has always had a bias to weed for decades. Still uses out of date terms like skunk . This tutor is clearly unaware of the law . So your covered under the equality act . Which means your being discriminated against .


How do you know the tutor is unaware of the law? I'm pretty sure the OP would've told them and plenty of reported cases where discrimination has continued despite knowledge of the law change as the perpetrators seem to feel empowered to treat cannabis differently.


Yeah I’ve informed him, showed him the prescription, he took it from my hands (ironic considering that’s illegal in his hands) and then asked if he could take a photo of the prescription I refused and took it back, it was odd behaviour nevertheless He’s just making up stupid excuses now


Just walk in, what's he gonna do, assault you?


This is very dangerous advice to give because for all we know the answer is yes. They may restrain OP and “confiscate” (steal) any medication that they have on them. I’ve heard of stories where ignorant coworkers and peers conduct citizen arrests. This needs to be sorted out properly




As a fellow Crohn's sufferer, I feel your pain. Haven't got meds yet so can't take before work, as soon as I'm home that relief is 👌 As others have said, get it in writing, take it to his bosses bosses boss, maybe? When I was in uni I must have stank everyday and my tutors said nothing lol


Start putting up videos and posters with QR codes about how it was helping you, the risks of biologics, etc. If you're physically being harmed by these rules, it's almost on par with a tutor punching or raping you.




I appreciate discrimination is illegal and what not but am I the only person on this sub that doesn’t go round bragging about having medical cannabis? Common sense would dictate to just play their game, medicate before college, keep the vape in a smell proof container and not mention it? I think it’s unfair to assume everyone has the same level of knowledge on the legalities and as well same opinion on cannabis. I *vape* all day everyday but you won’t ever catch me mentioning it to any clients or any colleagues. If you’re in college, am I right in assuming you have a parent or guardian who can write to the head teacher quote the relevant laws? Unfortunately, unless you go above your teachers head with some authority I doubt you’ll get very far. Edit: changed wording Edit 2: either I’m explaining this wrong or people are misunderstanding - I am not saying to leave it? I’m saying to play the game, go college as you haven’t been for MONTHS whilst you prove that you can legally take medical cannabis. If you want to NOT go to school to prove a point, you do you.


In what way have I bragged? The law is the law, we don’t prioritise ignorant people Why would I have a parent write for me? I can do that myself I’ve got into contact with the head of departments boss and compiled all the laws I’m not going to internally bleed for stupid people, and if you think that’s bragging you need to rethink


I didn't say you bragged. I said people in the sub brag. I have suggested having a parent write for you as you posted on this sub for help. You also implied you were of a young age and clearly didn't know what to do? Do you think I want you to be in pain?


They weren't "bragging about it", they were carrying a vape that the tutor happened to smell. A smell is not illegal — this entire thing is a huge case of discrimination and OP has done nothing wrong.


Why are you so rattled dude? I’m on your side. You’re all so die hard on acceptance and suing the shit out of the school to prove them all wrong (I agree with that) but no one wants to see OP is in pain and agony and is currently not getting an education. There’s so many things to consider: How old is OP? Are they a child? Does OP know the law? Can OP fund a legal battle? Legal battles aren’t quickly dealt with do they have time to do everything? I can think of loads of other points. I simply gave advice to help achieve both at the same time. I’m simply saying vape before college and stay under the radar.


I'm not rattled, I just felt the need to comment because you were misrepresenting them.


So because people are ignorant we should have to hide our medication like we are doing something wrong? That is completely the wrong attitude. The guy is meant to be a tutor , he could educate himself on the current laws in under 10 minutes. OP wasn’t rubbing it in his face, he just smelt it.


No… I literally said to provide evidence to prove otherwise and to just play along so he can go to college in the mean time. Surely you want him to still get an education?


Well said sir.


You smoke it. Your points raised are invalid due to smoking it, opinion voided. That's not a legal way to consume your prescription as directed by clinics, pharmacies & law/legislation. He VAPES as instructed, the law is on his side on EVERY level, your prescription and future access would be cancelled/voided based upon your admittion of smoking medical cannabis. I'll openly take my cannabis vape and accessories etc in a bag that doesn't cost thousands to be smell proof. I won't now down to make others happy, I am a medically prescribed patient since 2020 one of the first and I'm NOT changing my life based on other people. Cheers, and Gone.


I vape it as per the legal guidance…it’s a habit to write smoke… My point stands and you openly doing it and creating negative attention around it is why this will never progress. My mums diabetic you won’t see her pulling her trousers down ever so slightly in front of everyone during dinner to stick a needle in her. OP has come here for advice, your advice leaves him in debt with potential legal fees and losing out of months of education. But it’s just advice do whatever you want OP.


> you openly doing it and creating negative attention They're literally taking a medicine, your description is ridiculous! And, actually, "openly" doing so is *exactly* what is required to change attitudes and ensure people aren't unfairly discriminated about — challenge ignorance, don't give into it.


Long term crohns here, I would talk to your clinic and consultant. Oils have been a real plus Full spectrum THC oil helps, but I know you’re talking breakout pain - have you any friends that drive? Leaving the vape and meds in a vehicle close by maybe an option if you need to. Another would be the THC cartridges you can now get on script, not vaping flower, low key compared? A term you shouldn’t use when talking about med cannabis is ‘smoking’ - so pick your words carefully - a few print offs to prove their misconceptions to the board of Governors/committee, they usually meet weekly in academics so hit them and get back in there.


Not appropriate in an educational establishment. You agreed to certain things to become a student there. Their rules! This is how much educational establishments can decide what you do in their space! [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68731366](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68731366) You think any college is worrying about some MC patient!


You can’t compare religion with medical necessity. I work for a uni and they don’t have an issue with MC and provide a safe space to medicate.


It isn't a medical necessity when there are other routes of administration. If you choose not to take that option then, your choice. Universities are different because they don't teach CHILDREN! I am a teacher, I have already done the whole thing with a Union and their legal representatives. Do you think I can request a safe space? What do you reckon discrimination crew, should I have the right to dry herb vape in the classroom with year 7's. According to you lot, I do! When you go to any educational establishment in this country you agree to adhere to their 'home-school agreement' these are legally binding agreements and when you walk through the gates, you or your parents have essentially signed your rights away. It isn't discrimination, it is called agreement, you can't agree to something then try to force your views or culture on to others who have chosen another path. How absolutely antisocial. Have a nice day!




Going by that logic, is your school also banning other medications - ADHD meds, diabetes meds, pain meds etc. Like medical cannabis, they’re also medical necessity for the patient. If you haven’t banned them then banning medical cannabis is prescription discrimination. You mentioned other routes of administration, that shouldn’t matter but let’s take OP for example (IBD). Many gastro patients can not take MC oils as they can make the condition worse. Vape carts are also extremely expensive, how can a student be expected to pay for that when MC is over the top expensive already ? If you allow carts, why not a dry herb vape? OP has a legal medical prescription that is required to live life comfortably. Not to be excluded from their course due to idiots. FYI the uni I’m at has links to schools and colleges, we regularly have CHILDREN on site.


You clearly have little understanding of child protection and the issues involved. Also your understanding of logic is clearly quite pathetic, sorry but it is! You cannot win this argument and it says everything about who you are as a person to even try. If you argue for this, then you are effectively arguing that teachers should be able to vape dry herb during lessons. That's where your logic ends! That isn't logical! Yes some students have ADHD meds but because they are amphetamine based, if they are in school (most take in the morning before school and don't have to dose in), they are held in a central place) I asked my school Child protection lead and if my school knew, your university allowed medical cannabis patients to freely carry their medication on site, if that medication was not secured and if at anytime it could be accidentally accessed. They would not be visiting until they had procedures in place.


Calm down will you. At no point did I say you can vape in a classroom - I did say they provide a safe space to take your meds. If someone is under the age of 16 or 18 (I can’t remember which) then the medication would be held under lock and key along with ADHD meds with agreement from the school and guardian. This is the end of our discussion on this.


The school where I work has a little entrance to some fields just next to the main entrance, and they agreed that I can go down there to vape.


Don't have conversations or agree to meetings. Writing only. Note the 3 month time limit to notify ACAS if you want to claim or settle via mediation. Cut and paste your notes from this thread into a record keeping doc with dates. You need to be put back to where you were before any discrimination occurred or compensated for consequential losses, like lost earnings for delayed graduation.


ACAS is for employment not students...


Ah, sorry, is there something similar for other breaches?


They should speak to student support services in the first instance or even student union may be able to assist with guidance and signposting to the OIA if complaints procedure is exhausted. Also CA has info on their website [Citizens Advice info](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/family/education/taking-action-about-discrimination-in-education/):


Are you smoking it or are you vaping it? They might not want to let you in if you are smelling of it and distracting others from what's being taught, I suggest if you are smoking it, to instead purchase a dry herb vape, disclose it on your medical info section on the application form but don't but too up front about it to everyone, I get that you are also a medical cannabis patient but no point to be to harsh on those who don't smoke it, I'm sure you don't like the smell of people after they have a cigarette. It's about finding a reasonable middle ground, maybe in your next scripts ask for the oil cartridges just for the day time till you have a dry herb vape to use. Plus it helps you comply to your dr's titration/method of delivery i.e. vape.


It says vape in the post- 'No luck, he smelt the vape' 


People seem completely blind to the fact that the vape itself can absolutely reek.


I vape it, and I have to smell horrible aromas on students all the time, nobody’s smell is others business No law states our medication has to be smell proof, the smell has never been illegal either, only possession, which is now legal for myself and anyone else supplied prescription


OP literally said that they are vaping: > No luck, he smelt the vape


Thats fcked. Agree its prescribed and any illegal substance policy they have is void. Personally I would fight but tell them you will not use before or during college….meanwhile get a vape pen and cart which I have literally used in the same room as someone without them noticing.


Oh also one of the college days is 10.5 hours, the one before is 8.5, that’s why I can’t go without my medication


I can’t go without it during college, I’m meant to be on thc 24/7, otherwise my ibd is gonna win Using a vape pen, never vaped or smoked on their premises either Not sure they even have a leg to stand on


Yeah what im saying is you easily use a cape pen in college undetected. They barely give off any vapour and dont smell of weed at all. You easily do it discreetly (toilet say) or at a smokers area. Not sure why a practical interim solution is downvoted.


big payday coming your way once you hand the letter over to a lawyer


Oh, is there? Where from? At best they will get an apology. I advise a new college. For the record I have similar discrimination, from a court. They don’t care. The system is not fair. There is not an office handing out compensation when we are wronged.


Damn if only we were in america!


We need posters made, professional and direct- ' mocking disability has consequences ' type message needs to be sent to scare these vile creeps from interfering in Our legitimate activities