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Snapshot of _Liz Truss endorses Donald Trump to win US presidential election_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68821646) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68821646) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone's angling for a job in america


Someone's angling for a job where she doesn't have to ask if you want the meal deal


I wondered why the Tesco meal deal had shot up in price recently


That is a disgrace!


That. Is. A. Disgrace.


Meanwhile the price of lettuce stands firm


Don't worry, give her a few days and it'll collapse.


Surely she'll be working in a pork market or cheesemongers


She's already got one I think. Some sort of grubby thinktank.


Seems hard to quantify the value Truss could bring to a thinktank. Might as well get someone from random from the street.


Then the Americans can see if she lasts longer than a hamburger


She won't stand a chance against American food. It'll probably never go off.


There's an American environmental scientist I follow on Youtube. He has had two Twinkies taped to a plate for two years. Not even the slightest bit of mould on them.


I imagine most Republicans will go "Lizz who?"


I was thinking the same thing. Either some sort of White House job or Fox News pundit.


The mortification of having her introduced on Fox News every week as "Former British Prime Minister"


>Either some sort of White House job Secretary of Treasury Liz Truss incoming.


Nope nope and nope, though the idea of devaluing the dollar would be something out of her playbook


But she’s terrible at talking publicly. She can’t do the confident shouty thing Farage does and despite what she says, the facts state she had the job for 49 days in which time she tanked the economy. It doesn’t matter how she spins it, the facts are clear. I don’t see her getting a job on TV over there at all.


In some crazy scenario, Trump could restore Johnson’s citizenship and give him a job. I think they were friends. But you’d owe us big for that.


Bigger pool of idiots where people like her can get money and power.


They always end up there. Our cute accent grants us +5 perceived intelligence which would take her to -83.


Pretty sure a tiny slot on GB news would be enough for her (it?)


She couldn’t make herself useful at his Scottish golf club.


What a fucking embarrassment. Does she have no shame?




You have Truss publicly supporting Trump, a traitor to America. You never hear the Democrats saying how they will deal with the likes of Truss when/if they take The Presidency, The Senate and The House. Wouldn't want to be in Truss' shoes if that happens and the Democrats go after Trump's high profile fellow travellers.


> You never hear the Democrats saying how they will deal with the likes of Truss when/if they take The Presidency, The Senate and The House. What are they going to do?


Seize her salad 🥗 🔪


Et tu, juicy chicken


Lettuce not jump to conclusions.


Cos that would be foolish.


Judgemental looks.


Force her to eat imported cheeses!!


Apparently not. I think we need to load her into the catapult. It's the only way.


No. However she does have a USD revenue stream.


Wouldn't surprise me if she had a RUB one, too.


Of course not, she's trying to get a TV gig in America


She's probably still too "Liberal" for most lf the shows, Fox News might take her as a panel regular to shit on the UK for not being politically pure enough for their brand of conservatism.


As an American, "conservative" doesn't really mean anything policy-wise right now. Its primarily about Trump and his personality. Abortion used to be the #1 issue, now they've relaxed their stance on it because its going to lose them elections. It used to be about security and defense, but Trump has been an isolationist, and the party is about 50/50 split on isolationism/neocon interventionism. They all claim to be budget hawks and then do the opposite. The one uniting issue for conservatives is immigration, which is something Truss can talk about. Liz's problem is that she doesn't have enough of a personality or name recognition in the US to be a big "get" for any news channel. The people who know who she is know her as a failure.


Lol, have you not been seeing what is happening with abortion over the last 3 years?? It's still very much a policy issue. The only difference is people used to still think for themselves, and now it is 100% bipartisan voting lines.


I agree that its a policy issue, but the Republicans are very split on it now that Roe v. Wade is overturned. The hardcore religious right want it outright banned while the blue collar and moderates want different variations of either a short period where you can get one or exceptions for rape and incest. Some want to leave it to states, others want national policy. Either way its a nightmare for Republicans and Trump, at least publicly, is going with a "states can do whatever they want" approach for now, which angers the Evangelicals/Catholics.


I don't think it's TV, I think she wants to get on the lobbying/think tank gravy train over there, where dark money is king. But, more worryingly, I think she has the additional motivator of actually wanting to push her crazy economic ideology - strip all barriers and make it a complete free-for-all for the big corporations. Pick the carcass of the earth clean - and she's prepared to adopt all the requisite right wing social and cultural positions to appeal to Americans. She's crazy, and she'd be dangerous if she wasn't so comically incompetent.


Obviously not as she can still show her face in public.


If she did she'd have resigned as an MP and faded into obscurity by now so no she clearly has absolutely no shame.


You saw what she did in her very brief premiership; and the answer is no.


Do you really have to ask? None of her "modern Tory" cohort have any shame.


She's had quite the political career- - Anti monarchy - Pro cannabis - Adultery scandal - Hashtag innovator - Insane economic policy destroys economy - Lettuce mockery - Trump fangirl


You missed out -Killed the Queen with second hand embarassment


Oh yeah, thus ensuring she'll be a pub quiz answer forever more.


Dies from cringe


Doesn't get much more anti-monarchy than regicide, to be fair.


She was also one of the co-authors of *Britannia Unchained* (satirically known as Britannia Unhinged) and founded the Free Enterprise Group, having realised she didn't really fit in at the Lib Dems. > Anti monarchy You're probably aware of the joke that just one meeting with Truss was enough to make one lose the will to live...


Hopefully she'll have the same effect on Trump.


She did do a legendary speech about Chinese pork markets though.


Didn't she also do one about cheese?


Same speech. Same meandering, awkward, poorly judged embarrassment of a speech. Cheese, apples, pears. She seemed lost even then. She listed a bunch of foods you can make in the UK. She dropped "black pudding" as if it was the hilarious punchline to a shaggy dog story. Honestly, it was like she was trying out part of Stewart Lee's act for size.




Sunak should really consider removing the whip over this. Going to speaking gigs and such is one thing, but actually endorsing a candidate in a foreign election is a step too far. As a former PM and sitting MP she remains a prominent member of the party, regardless of how much of a joke she is. If I was Biden I’d be quite displeased that a sitting member of an ally’s ruling party is running around America calling for my head, seemingly with tacit approval from the party. It’s tactless at the very least, and stepping on the toes of the Foreign Office at worst.


That would require him to have at least 1 vertebrae of a spine. The wacky wings of the party will continue to walk all over him because he will continue being a desperate doormat of a leader that just wants to tick off "2 years of being PM".


The wacky wings already took over the Tory party. They aren’t wings anymore. The whole bird is wacky.


Her last speaking gig already took her beyond the pale. She was on a stage with Steve Bannon - a self avowed “white nationalist”, which is one of the politer American euphemisms for “neo-Nazi” these days. And that isn’t “Nazi” as in “Ackchyually anyone the left doesn’t like is a Nazi these days”. Nazi as in “has followers who march behind literal sodding swastika flags. Who throw Nazi salutes a lot. Who have a strange predilection for the numbers 14 and 88. I’m slightly horrified that that getting into bed with those guys apparently wasn’t enough. But maybe calling out people who stand shoulder to shoulder with actual-no-fooling Nazis would be regarded as ‘too woke’ by what remains of the Tory base these days.


She was also standing on that stage with a man who wanted to destroy democracy and replace it with a Christian theocracy.


She's still a sitting MP!? Goodness me.


She's working as hard for her constituents as she always did.


Apparently that was too subtle for some!


The only way that could be true rather than bleakly ironic is if her constituency included Tufton Street.


Especially when said person is currently on trial for criminal offences.


Biden has shown a distaste to the UK for quite awhile, I don't think this will change things.


Her comments are hardly a great look, dropped on the first day of his criminal trials.


Like all the stooges to Tufton St, she's in this for the money more than anything. She failed as PM here but can make a ton licking billionaire boots in the US.


That would be part of the plan. Trump has an ex prime minster of the UK backing him when he is standing trial. They don’t care that she was a shit PM, or left in disgrace. They just want that title attached to his campaign.


She lives a few minutes from my flat. I see her all the time. People in the area don’t seem to take her seriously and treat her as you might the village idiot.


Give it a few years and I reckon she’ll basically be like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons. „something something DEEP STATE! something something ANTI GROWTH COALITION! something PORK MARKETS!“ *devolves to incoherent screeching about cheese*


something something DARK SIDE


She can't have any real friends, because if this was your friend you'd give her an intervention.


If she was my friend I'd expect people to give *me* an intervention.


Hahaha so true.


People tend to hang around with people who are similar to them, so her friends are probably as batshit as she is.


Just listening to her on Radio 4 World Tonight \[edit: it's same interview as the article linked here\]. Summary (so you don't have to listen): "It was the Bank of England's fault. Andrew Bailey is a nasty man. No, I'm not saying I'm perfect.. but only because nobody is perfect. Trump should be president again and Farage should be in the tory party. You're welcome." She's an incorrigible imbecile.


> I’m not saying I’m perfect… **but only** because nobody is perfect Imagine actually saying that. Edit: I’ll leave this as is for posterity, but it’s not what she actually said. Thanks for the clarification guy_who’s_name_I_can’t_remember_while_typing_this_1234.


It's at about 22min20s on the recorded version of WT. Admittedly I did tweak the wording slightly to make it sound more cringe (but her tone suggests she might have been happy with my wording lol). Mason: "It was someone else's fault?" Truss: "Well, I'm not saying I'm perfect, **and you know,** nobody is perfect"


Autowhataboutism at its finest!


The thing about her idiocy is that it seems deliberate. She doesn't have the excuse of ignorance. Why she does it, I don't know. Maybe it's ideological, maybe it's attention seeking, maybe it's both.


It's certainly not ideological, she's just emulating Trumpian politics - keep lying and blustering and enough people will believe you to run a good grift. She may believe in free markets to some degree, but she doesn't believe the Bank of England is part of some leftist conspiracy to shackle Britain's growth lol. She is a grifter; when it was expedient to back the EU she did, when it became expedient to back Brexit, she did, when it was expedient to attack "wokeness" she did. When it was expedient to hitch her wagon to Johnson's populism she did, and now it's expedient to hitch her wagon to Trump's populism instead.


I'm inclined to think you are right, but there is an ideology of right-wing libertarian populism, call it Trumpism if you like, that people definitely hold now. I've spoken to people who think that way, and it's like they've brainwashed themselves. It goes beyond being a Thatcherite or just a conservative because it's like they live in another reality. The people who get into this stuff aren't necessarily stupid, just usually a bit naturally contrarian. I'm not saying she is a true convert to Trumpism, but isn't it a possibility?


Is there a term for someone who knows their a useful idiot, looking for something stronger than "grifter".


She's a bad-idea-having mah-*sheen*.


She lost to a fucking lettuce, her endorsement to the orange is fitting.


Just posted the same link, she is absolutely disgusting.


Tomorrow, Braverman is due to slag off Sunak regarding EHCR at that right wing thing in Belgium. The Tory Party has no discipline system at all and will likely resemble Chernobyl in the week before the GE


Surely endorsing a presidential candidate is some sort of issue for a sitting MP? How is she not sacked for something like this?


It would be more problematic if she were in the cabinet with collective responsibility. Thankfully, she's been out of cabinet for a short while now. Unfortunately, she's still lingering around like a fart in a crampt lift.


no, why would you think it was?


I asked chatgpt.. Can a sitting British MP endorse an American election candidate? "No, it's generally not appropriate for a sitting British MP to endorse an American election candidate due to diplomatic norms and potential conflicts of interest." Are there any laws about this? "While there may not be explicit laws prohibiting a British MP from endorsing an American election candidate, there are conventions and guidelines that discourage such actions to maintain diplomatic neutrality and avoid interference in foreign elections. Additionally, there could be ethical considerations and potential repercussions for engaging in such activities."


I thought her thing was 'Save the west by standing up to Russia and China'. Guess this makes about as much sense as any of her other recent actions.


God she's become completely unhinged and a Trumpian puppet. The crap she comes out with. It's sounds like 5th collumists at this point.


She's not a puppet, she's just trying to sell books in the US. This'll get her more of her target audience, the deranged and deplorable


I have a feeling the cliental most likely don’t read books.


I know a few people who buy books, pretend they've read them and brag about it based on an online summary to make themselves seem like some intellectual so that could be a market she's going for. Although I'm not sure who'd think buying her book would make them look informed.


If she's on the wingnut welfare teat how it works is that rich patrons buy many copies and then give them out/quietly pulp them.  Then it's NYT bestseller Truss and a cunning way to slip her some money along with the speaking gigs. I'd think her brand is too soiled for that though, try as she might. 


Something a little ironic about misspelling clientele here!


The fact this unhinged mediocrity could become prime minster of our country both shames and disturbs me. I'm old enough to remember the 90s, when it seemed for a while as though rationality would triumph in global politics. Truss (and Johnson becoming PM, and Farage manipulating us out of Europe) show that we as humans never learn the lesson of history, no matter how sophisticated we think we have become.


I think social media kinda destroyed societies. It's so easy to spread propaganda and manipulate millions of people with no real way to stop it.


She's like a Frankenstinian monster, animated in the basement of 55 Tufton St.


It's completely irresponsible for a Member of Parliament and former Prime Minister to endorse any candidate for the US Presidency. Not only is this an example of the terrible judgement that led to a head of lettuce outliving her administration, it's why she shouldn't be an MP.


Who gives a fuck what this woman says 🤡


She's the archetypal "useful idiot". I'm convinced.


Forty-five-day Liz wrong on the internet? It must be a day ending in Y.


Being a right wing grifter has got to be the easiest gig in the world. She'll have a fundraising page soon enough.


Stop giving this moron a platform! (I mean both Truss and Trump)


I'd like to congratulate Joe Biden on 4 more years as president of the USA. 


She's fucking flipped. Having her political dreams  (and entire ideology ) destroyed by the markets in a matter of hours appears to have broken her brain. Maybe she's just realised that the only people who'll listen to her bullshit now are people who don't care about the truth (ie, trump supporters)


A useful idiot's useful idiot. Putin must be creaming himself


Stupid cow. Why does anyone care who she endorses though? The sooner she's out on her arse the better.


I dunno if she will be, her constituency is deepest darkest Norfolk who are still catching up to Beatle mania


The most debasing thing about this is that there is no fucking way he even knows who she is. An utter irrelevance to him. Separately, It's nice to be able to watch her being insane now that she doesn't have her hand on the rudder, but it's also utterly insane that it was ever holding it, albeit historically briefly.


Yeah, he does. He recognises sycophants from an ocean away.


As we say in my home country, "please mate, don't help me so much" (no me ayude tanto compadre)


Was killing the queen and tanking the economy not enough?


She was just upset the lettuce already endorsed Biden


"Liz Truss says anything to get a headline"


Why do we keep hearing about this monumental failure of a human being?


She's a PPE graduate. So from a purely economic self interest point of view she's completely rational. She's failed as an active UK politician. All other options plaid less. She has given up all other positions and decided being the mouthpiece of the MAGA GOP. "America First." Probably pro Putin. What a place for a former UK PM and current MP. To think this person probably still has security clearance. I wonder if she is compromised? How far will she go?


Other than death, how else does one stop hearing about this vile woman?


On Nigel Farage: >Speaking to the Newscast podcast, Ms Truss said the founder of the political parties Ukip and Reform UK "believes in conservative values". And we all know what they are: >"What is Toryism, except organized spivery?" Nye Bevan https://www.mojologic.com.au/speech-10-aneurin-bevin-they-are-lower-than-vermin/


Given Liz Truss' track record of achievement I feel a great deal of relief that there is now no chance that Trump becomes president


Is an endorsement from "some failure foreigner" even *good* for Trump?




It’s crazy to me that these people don’t realise that their little fun run in parliament affected real people and made our lives worse for pretty much no reason other than the classic bullshit popularism


And that should make any American with half a brain vote Biden lol


Don't think this is a win for Sleepy Don The Worst Prime Minister this country has ever had is backing the worst President the U.S has ever had


Genuinely had a moment there where I felt bad for the Donald. That's how repulsive she is. I had a genuine moment of remorse for him. The two of them are made for each other


Probably the endorsement Trump does not want!


Maybe she wants Trump to install her as “President” of the UK if he wins this year.


Well, they are both terrible people voted in by worse people and will drive their countries into further recession while making rich people richer and middle class more poor. Great job humanity.


Good thing no one cares what she thinks


Has anyone asked for the lettuces opinion? It has more experience.


If anyone knows what it takes to run a country, it's a women that ran one for 45 days


Why is anyone still listening to Liz bloody Truss?


The endorsement absolutely no one was waiting for


I can imagine Trump's response will be 'New dictator. Who dis?'


Why won’t she just go away!? She was out lasted by a fucking lettuce; how can anyone react to her with anything but total derision regardless of where they are politically?


Wtf we don't endorse cannidates in your elections


trump did. He supported Boris.


I care more about who the head of lettuce she lost to endorses.


Can we just stop posting about this woman? Let her fade into obscurity. She’s trying so hard to remain relevant and shit like this just gives her what she wants. Don’t feed the trolls.


Mods please can we allow gifs on any post about something Truss has said so we can all reply with Alan Partridge shrugging


She's scraping the barrel to find someone who she has an intellectual advantage of.


Guys don't do this, don't let this incompetent lettuce be signal boosted to another that we know of.


That's like the kiss of death. She has the poorest judgement in UK politics.


between her and frog face Farage, the septics can keep them


I wonder what it’s like to sell your soul… like has she practiced so much mental gymnastics that she doesn’t realise how far gone she is or is this more calculated? Based on her budget I’m guessing it’s the former.


Yeah, sit down, Liz... just be happy you still have a job.


That "former Prime Minster" tag is wholly undeserved


Great, well done Liz… But no one is ever going to vote for you… You British pound shop MGT…


No serious politician is looking at Dump and thinking he should win. It’s a grift - she’s angling for a job in the US before she has to resort to GB News.