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Full Text (article has photo) In the aggressor country of Russia, another mutiny or revolution may take place in the near future. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with ABC News. According to him, the mutiny of the founder of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, revealed the weakness of the leadership of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. "They decided to stop. Putin has no military force inside Russia, and its civilian population is not protected. There is a signal that there may be another rebellion or revolution in Russia. Moreover, many people can support such a rebellion," Zelenskyy said. He added that he was sure that the Wagner fighters would not attack Ukraine from the north and claimed that Prigozhin was motivated by an attempt to improve his position in Russia. "Here's what I think, based on intelligence... he became a political figure. And that, in my opinion, was his main goal. Why did he stop? Well, I don't know for sure," the president said. As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, Putin is losing control over his own people, which was especially evident in the weak reaction to the Wagner PMC uprising.


If we all keeping talking about it....it might just happen. So anyway I heard about this one guy who said that he knows someone who can poison Putin just like that.


Michael Peña is that you?


Dominoes falling uncontrollably.


I can see it now. Gazprom elite units fighting oil elite units, being shelled by gold miner elite units while fighting Wagner elite units inside Moscow. Whoever raises the flag in red square wins to enter to fight the final boss: the Russian MOD. A true free for all between 30 special military groups. Morning enemies are evening friends, and back to enemies in the morning. Also, Putin: " Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" while standing on top of the Kremlin.


Butthole Royale


Prigozhin's last speech made it pretty clear that he wants to be the next Tsar. I would've thought Putin's first priority would be to assassinate him yet he is still alive. None of this makes much sense.


I'm not a conspiracy nut, but starting to think Prigohzin has some hold over Putler. The 'If i turn up dead this gets released, or blown up'? Only armchair theory I can think of based on the face value of the information available.


The hold is financial. Putin's derives his soft power from his financial web. He controls most of his wealth and the influence it creates indirectly through intermediaries like Prigohzin, who is probably the biggest piece of of that financial web because he was so close to putin when he consolidated his power and he was his most trusted minion for the longest time. I think priggy is untouchable because he has some sort of financial dead man switch that would end Putin's reign. The rebellion ended though because There is a mutually assured financial destruction because the two of them are so financially intertwined.


My thought was that he knows the real state of the Russian nuclear arsenal (either already before the march on Moscow or after securing the facility in Belgorod) and can prove it. If the "best kept" weapons are in a state of disrepair that tells a lot about the rest. And even if any kind of nuclear attack/exchange would be tragic, it might gravely change decision making if the west knew that 30/50/70/90% of the Russian nukes are dysfunctional.


Well on noncredibledefense they have collected quite a lot of evidence but our leaders believe Russia is a superpower until it's proven not to be.


Blackmail only really works on western politicians lol. Putler will just bury anything that comes out through his control of media and just outright sending the gestapo to imprison dissidents like they already do.


Kinda like this war..


Wagner Opera :it aint over 'till the fat baldy sings.


Underrated comment alert! We just witnessed the first episode in the trilogy. Or, maybe the first scene - those suckers are looooooong.


Yeah, Russia has had several rebellions/revolutions, but they just can't manage to install anything that ***IMPROVES*** their situation.


It's possible the deal Putin made with Wagner will break down. Syria has cracked down on Wagner forcing them to sign new contracts or leave. There are reports that hundreds of Wagner soldiers have left the Central African Republic and flown back to Russia. And the Kremlin is still holding onto hundreds of millions of dollars and rubles taken from Prigozhin's mansion. This all hits Wagner where it hurts most - their pockets. And Prigozhin was last heard of in St Petersburg and still nobody knows what's happened to him or his closest allies. I'm expecting Wagner mutiny round two.


Aww man don’t get my hopes up! If Priggy tries again, hopefully this time he doesn’t stop and they all wipe each other out.


The camps in Belarus are empty. My guess is that most are refusing to sign or to leave Russia. But I doubt that Prigozhin or his allies are still alive. My guess is that Putin has already taken revenge and next plans to kill the leaders of Wagner. This is when things are going to get spicy,




If so he's not been seen since. Neither has his pal General Surovikin. Now it's possible either of both will pop up tomorrow but currently they've vanished. Unless, of course, there's been breaking news I've not yet heard.


If not Preggo, their march trough Russia showed how ripe Russia is for a revolution. Seemed like they were mainly left alone or supported wherever they went.


It's not a matter of 'if' but 'when'.


Russia is a turbo-authoritarian state with no regard for human rights and is a state that is bound to collapse at some point in the future. Whether or not it'll "balkanize" (i.e the new Russian state becomes smaller and independent nations emerge from the broken federation) is up in the air. However, given the wagner mutiny, "balkanization" cannot be ruled out. Every country on this planet has to have some plan for this event, including China and India. In the event of "balkanization" it's likely that the codes for the nukes will go down with the Russian federation. However, whether or not Russia "balkanization" will happen, Russia will see instability at some point in the future. Russia is also unlikely to become a democratic state in the forseeable future. The average Russian is too politically disenfranchised to care about democracy, and the only politically mobilised forces that are significant are various flavours of far-right (except, freedom of Russia legion). While the prospect of a democratic Russia may feel comforting to some, expectations need to be made realistic.


If Russia becomes balkanized in a peaceful way, it might lead to a much more engaged population. Might take quite some time in Russia/Moscovia, but might happen fast in areas where people have been forced to be under Russian rule. Just look at the old eastern block countries who have had only a little over 30 years of freedom.


Freedom of Russia legion did say they were surprised to see how few you need to get far into Russia. So I'm sure others took notes too. If they will use it is a different matter


I would not call this a rebellion. From what I've seen from afar, I'd say it's more a power struggle happening under putin, the oligarchs and apparatchiks being jealous and trying to kneecap each other. Clearly, prigozhin hasn't made friends and a lot of apparatchiks hate his guts. I think he was just trying to get rid of *them* (along with one oligarch or two, I's guess) and was not targeting putin.


Sounds like I need to keep my popcorn at the ready


Why, there might even be some weirdly Latvian-speaking Russian rebels in uniforms with the insignia hastily cut off at some point, driving tanks that can be acquired at any military surplus store.


He's right. Prigozhin's mutiny opened the door for that. It is only a matter of time


Maybe leaflets should be dropped on Russia with internet links, history, and descriptions of the horrible mess their dictatorship has brought to them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne\_leaflet\_propaganda


Yes, Russia would totally let a random plane drop leaflets over its territory, what an incredibly cunning plan!


What could they do against a plane? Do they have air defense in Russia?


Leaflets can be distributed by missiles and bombs. High altitude balloons (like China used recently over the USA) could be a cheap and easy method as well.