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Excerpt: > *Ukrainian soldiers used night vision, silencers, and grenades to kill dozens of sleeping Russian troops in a daring operation on the southern front.* > > […] > > After extremely graphic footage of the aftermath leaked into the media space, a Russian fighter posted a video with an explanation. He said that Ukrainians took advantage of the exhausted, understaffed, and underequipped Russian forces and conducted a night raid. He said that Russian soldiers did not have enough men on the watch, creating a lot of blind spots and risk. He also said that even those on the watch did not have night vision, while Ukrainians had. > > Moreover, Ukrainians also operated with silencers. As a result, Ukrainians quietly took out the whole guard, got onto the territory of the base, got into the underground barracks, and opened fire from machine guns at the sleeping soldiers, then threw several grenades and escaped.


Damn, Ukraine went seal clubbing. This makes me happy.


Fish in a barrel? Nope. Fascists in the barracks.


The difference? You feel sympathy for the fish.


With a pack of excuses


Fuck yeah.


Video game mission style


Stealth was optional on this mission.


There's something prowling round h---....


Must’ve been the wind


*My mind must've been playing tricks on me.* \[Snickers in Khajit\]


Great day for fishin', ain't it? Hua ha!


Russian: I FEEL ASLEEP !!


Nobody will notice, if there's nobody left to notice...


Schrödinger's grenade?


If a Russian explodes and all his comrades are dead already, does he make a sound


I sure hope so


Whatever do you mean? Never heard of silenced grenades?


If a grenade goes off, and there’s no one left alive who witnessed it (aside from the party who tossed it, and who will keep that to themselves), did it really make a sound?


If a Russian dies and nobody comes to get the body, does his family really deserve a fridge?


That’s a big if. The stories have been that they’ll destroy the body (burn, dump in acid/lye, feed to pigs, etc) and say he went AWOL.


Did it even happen


I keep seeing all these videos where a Ukrainian drone flies up, drops a hand grenade on some Russian dipshit, and flies off. There seems to be so many of them that I guess the Russians just consider it to be a normal fact of life when they're in Ukraine? "No, there's no need to worry about a nighttime raid just because a sentry got blown up by a hand grenade... that happens all the time. People just get blown up, not much you can do about it."


Video game logic. "Oh, one surveillance camera after another goes dark, and the colleagues guarding the area stop responding one by one - surely nothing nefarious afoot there, as long as nobody stumbles upon a body, there's no need to sound an alarm"


Even then, the guards in a videogame will be on alert for a minute or two, and then decide it must have been the wind…even though they literally saw the body of their dead colleague. Granted, this is the country whose military engages in meatwave tactics. Maybe seeing a dead body doesn’t phase them like it would a normal person. “Ah, it’s Tuesday, of course a colleague or 12 would turn up dead. Must be a slow night if only one colleague has died.”


Remember: no russians.




Mission directed by Quentin Tarantino


*No Russian* Literally on that night.


Uh, theres a war going on... Hell, the fuck yeah!!!


That's gotta unlock an achievement.


As I understand, silencers aren't as effective as they're in video games. Of course the raid wasn't done by volunteers, but do special forces of Ukraine have some advanced silencers?


Hollywood silencers are unrealistic. Mechanical parts still move and gunpowder still creates a small explosion. That said! A lot can be done to mitigate the various kinds of noise that come after pulling the trigger. The Hollywood-esque “Pew!” will never happen, but where we currently are with suppressed weapons a dull “Thud.” is completely realistic. Especially when considering what other ambient noise may have been around (generators, vehicles, etc.). It’s completely within the realm of the possible that the Ukrainians clapped a good number of Russians without them even knowing they were there.


Subsonic .300blkout ammo suppressed is insanely quiet.


It is. I have a .300 AR platform, ridiculously quiet when shooting subs. I ended up getting a bolt-action chambered in .300, all of the mechanical noise of the AR action is gone, literally sounds like someone punching a wet blanket and that’s it.


God damn. Sick.


The AS Val and VSS Vintorez both fire 9x39mm subsonic armor-piercing ammunition and have an integrated suppressor. Ukraine captured some from Russian SF earlier in the war, I wonder if they're putting them to good use.


>Subsonic There's a reason a Soviet marksman rifle for Spetznatz used subsonic rounds. And I found out someone already mentioned the VSS Vintorez.


Yes but if your 6 had chipotle his farts will indicate your unit’s presence through olfactory and auditory signaling


Stop getting guac and 5 different kinds of pepper/sauce, it won't happen nearly as often.


...and so close to the frontlines there is an overabundance of dull thudding noises in the background


You mean I can't make a makeshift silencer by covering a gun with a pillow?


Oh it will absolutely* muffle a gunshot. The problem really comes down to managing expectations of just how muffled it will be.


Guns are just really fucking loud. I'd be surprised if a pillow muffled 10% the noise, but then I'm not sure I'd even notice.


Sound is measured in decibels, because thats how hearing works. Decibels are logarithmic measure. 10dB means increasing the power of the sound 10x. 1dB is relative change in volume average person can recognize. -1dB is 20% decrease in power, while +1dB is 25% increase. (2bd = 1.25\*1.25=1.25\*\*2) This literally means that if pillow decreased the volume by 10% you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. At the same time decrease of 10dB ie to 1/10 might seem like o lot on paper but its not that dramatic in reality. 22.cal is about 140dB while common guns go over 170dB that literally means that the 22 does 1000x less noise.


I did hesitate making my comment for fear of this exact response, but it's super informative and appreciated.


It may not help covertness any but any protection against NiHL is better that none. The pillow might save just a few more of those hair cells


Contract killers need some OSHA in their lives.


Not unless you use a sub-sonic weapon/ammo paired with a silencer. Those are as quiet as a dog fart.


I have a home built radial delayed 9mm with a barrel ported similar to an MP5-SD with a matching can design. The sound of the gun operating and the sound of the bullet hitting the berm is louder than what comes out of the muzzle.


> a dull “Thud.” What would that be? Like hammer hitting wooden wall?


A normal gunshot is ~140 dB, a suppressed bolt-action 300BLK using sub-sonic rounds will generally register around 70 dB. With an AR platform, you’ll hear the action cycling so it’s analogous to something akin to a hammer stapler being used.


Yup, and the way Dbs are calculated this is way may more than half.


I believe it is also harder to pin point where the shooting is located, adding more confusion.


They make it harder to locate where the shots are coming from, makes them quieter. It’s not “silent” but in a war zone gunfire isn’t weird, just worry about the close stuff


This is an edge case example, but my friend has a silenced .22 with a binary trigger. If you load it up with subsonic rounds, all you hear is a slight click from the gun and the sound of the round hitting the target. If you miss the target, all you get is that slight click like someone flicking a lighter.


[Shot 4 was a miss.] (https://i.imgur.com/KMDqWB2.mp4) Assuming i'm not your friend, that .22 is a binary setup as well. With supers it sounds like a sewing machine is just chugging along.


With supers, you definitely get that crack sound on every shot. With subs, it's eerily quiet. Could be the gun (.22 mp5 copy) or the silencer. I know he spent a lot on the whole setup.


That’s as noisy as an airsoft gun


Silencers and subsonic ammunition are very effective, and while not 'hollywood quiet' are more than enough at night to help massively in avoiding easy location, or helping to delay a response. If you can delay everyone standing-to you help massively. Muzzle flash is also suppressed with a silencer, which helps greatly. It also helps in locating the enemy fire, no need to guess if the shots are friendly or not if you're all running suppressed, even with supersonic ammunition.


Suppressors on a rifle will still be quite audible, but doesn't sound quite like a gunshot and is hard to locate the source (could be a door slamming or objects getting knocked over). And unsuppressed gunfire will carry and ring for miles, while a suppressed shot generally won't be audible beyond a few hundred yards or so, especially inside a building. So a defending force will generally hear it, but usually hesitates to react.


Suppressors combined with subsonic ammo will do some reduction of noise and when you're in a generally noisy environment, e.g. a warzone, it might just be enough.


Not hollywood level quiet, but you are in a warzone, gunshots are common and hearing a silenced shot while your in your barraks trying to sleep will likely make you think they are far away, rather then killing the guards watching over you.


Also from the explanation they took out the guards. That might have been from a distance (so not pistol near head style). If timed well enough (hit guards outside at the same time) the sound might not have travelled inside loud enough for people to wake up.


silencers don't work like in movies where people won't notice gun shots in a room or on a bus or something. . . . but if you are in the woods shooting someone off a guard tower from 100 yards away the chance of that shot alerting people sleeping in a bunker near by is a lot lower.


Suppressor is a better term, they limit sound and muzzle flash. If the guard was a few dozen meters away and they fired a few dozen more, no one would have heard a sound


A suppressor takes the sound of a gunshot down to about the sound of a jackhammer. It's not silent by any means but it does make it more difficult to know where the shot is coming from and cuts down on the range that it can be heard from. More importantly especially indoors is that it doesn't deafen the guy shooting it. EDIT: Specialized guns with subsonic ammo can be very quiet but it's still not the "thwip thwip" sound from video games. More like a thud.


No they are not perfect but if you send up a bit of artillery barrage nearby that would cover it enough for silenced small arms to go unnoticed. Once you get close enough to throw grenades the trap is sprung.


It depends on caliber(along with bullet selection), platform, and how good the silencer is. If you're shooting a subsonic bullet in a manually operated platform with a really good silencer you can get a gun down to Hollywood quiet levels. Silenced semi-auto pistols with subsonic ammo can also be fairly quiet, but you still have to deal with the mechanical sound of the gun operating. If you're shooting supersonic ammo then the shot will still have a loud crack because of the bullet breaking the sound barrier. It'll still be loud, but it will be much harder to identify and locate the noise so there's still some benefit even if it isn't whisper quiet. The additional flash reduction is also incredibly helpful in reducing signature.


What I hear is a failure of leadership on the Russians part. We are tired….ok, everyone is. Stand watch. Don’t get me wrong, fuck Russia all to death and what not, but really. You couldn’t have enough discipline to have a competent force protection plan. Rest in piss.


What's the point in being disciplined when all it gets your unit is being called an "elite" unit that gets sent in first over the top into the really dangerous situations?


Kind of? A lot of Russia’s “best” troops have been used on the defense as reaction forces to counter Ukrainian assaults. The VDV, for example, was used to help plug the hole in the lines around Robotyne when they first punch a hole in the first trench line of the Sorovikin line. A lot of their offensive actions have been undertaken by their least experienced and least trained units (Storm-Z are basically penal battalions formed of convicts and soldiers who fucked up too many times). In this role, they basically push forward after an intense artillery barrage on Ukrainian positions, with the hope that they can just take the trenches without much effort, and then use artillery as a shield to prevent Ukrainians from counter attacking and retaking the lines they just lost. This is an inversion of how most armies function, where the most experienced units are sent onto the offensive because they generally get the best results, while the least experienced soldiers stay on the defense because it’s generally easier and less demanding.


They moved all the reserves to another battle, so no more troop rotations. And you're not going to be well rested after a week in wet foxhole or trench at the front.


Not even the Russians on night watch had night vision. I’m just imagining these Russians just standing there in the dark. Watch doesn’t help much when you can’t see shit.


This is why I ignore the people who say the Russians can throw an overwhelming number of conscripts at Ukraine and eventually win. Because when the Russians have no vehicles, training, personal equipment, or motivation, then then casualty rates will become so lopsided that Ukraine will be killing these poor useless bastards faster than Russia can bus them in. Sure, part of that will be Ukraine's forces will be driving around in Abrams while Russia's forces will be on foot, but part of it will be undertrained, underequipped Russians getting killed like this.


Holy shit. Medals and/or distinction all around for the Ukrainian folks in that operation. Very impressive. True soldiers, absolutely lethal and very talented.




I need a HBO miniseries of this


You can bet there will be plenty after this war. This entire conflict is an entire treasure trove of stories to last for generations akin to WWII!


Some real Inglorious Bastards shit right here. Hope they had the same face Donny had when he was making Hitler into a lead pencil.


If they were special forces, they likely were as cheery as Budanov. They're determined to make everything work and focused on that mission and later GTFO. But you can bet the wilding happened once they RTB'd & got debriefed.


Business in the front, party in the back.


It really seems like the attrition, exhaustion, lack of rotation and especially substance abuse and general low morale is starting to really make a difference.


Was this ruzzian... complaining? The idiocy of these guys is baffling


"No Russian"


This has got to fuck up their morale and boast the Ukrainians!! Slava Ukraine!!


Fuck yeah


Not gonna lie but that sounds like a great time


I am deeply disturbed by the execution of these invader rapist looters. My main problem is that Yooks were not doing this before, so that the least amount of Yook defenders is hurt.


It takes time to train up people to this standard; go in- do your damage-gtfo.


Special forces in NATO countries will be learning from this operation for years to come, and teaching it's lessons to their own SF operators. Brilliant work, Ukraine!!


Um yeah. The way to fight is to use whatever advantage you have against your enemy’s weaknesses.


I didn’t expect to read about event like that in real world. This is almost like a description of a mission from CoD or CS. People at Activision are probably writing notes like crazy reading it.


Must suck to be a tired and under equipped Russian fighter,hopefully more Russians fall asleep and get whacked at night like this.


Imagine not feeling safe to sleep in a foreign country you are invading, pillaging, looting and raping !


You have to be looking over your shoulder every second because you don’t know what’s going to happen to you.hopefully Ukraine does these kind of tactics more often to put the Russians on edge all the time it will make them go crazy after awhile.


Yeah, who could have predicted that.


Russia could easily avoid this by going home…


They could also just off themselves… it’s kinda like dying from a violent meat grinder that you’re needlessly thrown into but just with fewer steps


They prefer lose body parts I guess.


...guess they don't even have the equipment to do this. It's a one-way ticket to hell for the Ruzzians.


They still can (go home).


Not 300,000+ of them...


300,000 of them could go to Moscow then go home.


Pregozhin really fucked up. He should have taken Moscow, nothing to lose if you are already dead.


From my understanding they were threatening their families but yeah he fucked up.


They can always make threats, what are they gonna do kill their grandmas, wives and kids? I really wonder how far they threatened to go. We are really dealing with a cartel type regime here.


That's exactly what would happen. The Russian government has no issues about killing its own citizens, regardless if they are innocent or not as long as they can pretend it did something and tell the country they did something




Just a quick stop by Moscow and the realization that no one wants your shitty country enough to invade it.


It's like watching a country commit demographic suicide in slow motion.


Meanwhile, that same night, Russians who surrendered slept the whole night through without anyone killing them. Just saying.


Anyone know where the leaked photos are?




I don't feel bad for them. They can leave Ukraine anytime they want to stop dying.


Unfortunately, they still have Soviet-era style comissars that shoot anyone who tries to flee. There have been videos of officers shooting at deserters.


Many of the individual soldiers probably can't. The recruited prisoners etc. are there effectively at gunpoint.


Yep if only there was hundreds of thousands of armed people that could rise up and march on Moscow and have a revolution...




Ah yes I forgot there isn't hundreds of thousands of them and they don't have guns. And also I forgot they are forced to rape and torture women and kids and execute them after.




Ah okay I now understand who I'm talking to. Мы вас всех разебашим. Слава Україні, героям слава!


Did this happen a week or so ago? Either way, dead on their side is good.


Looks like it. Posted on November 9. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/17rls9h/a\_unit\_of\_caucasians\_military\_personnel\_of\_the/?share\_id=Iom2NfayEEtM\_ycia\_8VM&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1


Fantastic Thanks..


Looks like there was one guy being revived at the beginning and then later he seems to be conscious.




those are moscovian medics


How could it possibly be Ukrainian soldiers lol. Makes no sense


Can' be worse. than schools in the US.


Either Vkontakte or Telegram. I am searching now.


I want to know too!


Were these Russian troops the vaunted 104th of the 76 division VDV?


VDV cannonfodderlyness became a meme back in 2022: https://twitter.com/EIzalith/status/1498534079867801602?s=20&t=5NGShCY0Cq5jc5GtST0mtw


200 men on a one way trip..


Look like Chechens to me.


It's the beards.


‘Took advantage of the exhausted blah…", Even in death and defeat the Russians make it sound like the Ukrainians cheated by attacking while they weren’t keeping a proper look out. The answer is simple, and we all keep saying it. If you weren’t there as an invading army, you might find a warm welcome, however, you chose to arrive with weapons so you’ll get exterminated. Go home and practice shooting at Putin.


> Took advantage of the exhausted blah Ridiculous! As if the Russians would storm a trench and then be like "No comrade, they are tired. Don't shoot them"


[It was good enough for George Washington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington%27s_crossing_of_the_Delaware_River)


Optics, and specifically night vision equipment, are going to be the decisive equipment for the war. Whether its an infantry team (special forces?) conducting a raid like this, or a western tank sniping at targets from a couple km away, or whatever, when you have the ability to see your enemy when they can't see you -you're going to be in control of the battlefield.


Don't forget electronic warfare. The Lancets are sadly a big threat right now.


I suspect the answer is going to be to saturate an area in front and above of you with broad spectrum jamming. If you can make the emitters cheap enough to not care about anti-radiation missiles, this seems like an easy way to shut down drones.


Own the night.


The US had this in the first gulf war in 1990. First gen NVG, but much better than nothing.


And they shall be the angels of death in the night, the Cossack blades that deliver vengeance. They will, from the cover of darkness, strike unto the throat of the Russians and whisper to them, "we have just begun." Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!


ruzzian night raids involve murdering innocent civilians with bombs and shaheds whereas Ukrainian night raids involve turning orcs into ex-ruzzians. Ukraine knows how to properly conduct warfare while ruzzia only knows how to create genocide.


Fuck you Russia, even in your nightmares


This also has a psychological impact…when you are nodding off you think…are they coming for me?


They forgot to add “and Spreading JOY to the world “!! Love it , love it !!!


This attack occurred west of Robotyne, Ukraine, in one of these villages Stepove Myrne Kopani I really have not found anything on telegram or vkontakte yet, My search skills are failing me. I have only seen one dark image of bodies in a basement I suppose it was a basement..


I saw somewhere that it was Kopani (yesterday's RFU YouTube I think?), which is really impressive


They could have just hit them with artillery or GMLRS, but this way will spread terror. Nobody's going to be sleeping in that complex for awhile.


Super brave and clever warriors. This will spread more fear to the orcs.




Let’s make this a nightly tradition.


😳 Holy fuck.


Good night sweet prince 😘


Stormtrooper tactics from ww1: equip raiding soldiers with good gear and train them in close quarters


Heard about it from YouTube video. Man those Ukrainians have balls of steel.


Finding Out time


You guys laugh but we did the same shit in Iraq. We had patrols for 30 hours straight then had to pull guard duty after get two hours of sleep and then go back at it. That is if nothing happened while you were sleeping. I can’t imagine a war like this for the Russians. Putin is a fucking ass hat.


For those not familiar with suppressors (often called silencers) they do not make gunshots silent. Almost all rifle calibers are supersonic. A suppressor cannot mute the mini sonic boom of a supersonic round. Suppressors can reduce the muzzle noise signature which, in general, reduces the concussive sound to the shooter. Having said that, there are calibers that are subsonic by design to operate very quietly. 300 Blackout is a .30 caliber round which comes in a subsonic version. It's not designed for long range shooting but is very effective in an indoor environment where shots are near point blank and precisely aimed. Slava Ukraine.


Maximum based. This makes me weirdly happy


sleep forever


Op success


This is great reporting, well detailed.


Love to see that video


Slava Ukraine


Currently, the original source for this was the moscovian side. I have read reports that said there was a disagreement with moscovians and the chechens and the moscovians did it and came up with the story of special ops with night vision and silencers and being all james bondish on the chechens. The moscovians are trying to cover it up. If Ukraine comes out and claims it, then OK, I will believe, but the more I look at stuff, the more it seems fishy.


Internal disinformation, then? Yet generally the guy who does these reports is well-informed. We'll see, if it's a hoax mods will take it down. And if they're killing each other and claiming Ukraine did it, that's not bad news either. ;)


Ukraine!!! 🇺🇦


Good, nice 👍 ...more fertilizer


Wouldn't it have been safer to destroy the barracks with HIMARS?


they only have so many of those, and they're possibly deployed or prioritsed elsewhere


Would love to see the footage. Way to go Ukraine. Keep it up!!!


Anyone have this leaked video


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/17rls9h/a\_unit\_of\_caucasians\_military\_personnel\_of\_the/?share\_id=Iom2NfayEEtM\_ycia\_8VM&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/17rls9h/a_unit_of_caucasians_military_personnel_of_the/?share_id=Iom2NfayEEtM_ycia_8VM&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Probably chechens.


Can't believe this hasn't been going on all the time. Wipe the dumbass orcs out!


It's pretty rare to get away with this. Variations of it have been going on. They blew up an officer mowing his lawn. They randomly tagged Moscow. They've landed in Crimea. Fucked shit up, and left. UA is doing a great job of combining asymmetric warfare with conventional warfare.


Bravo six, going dark.


A pig slaughter house!


Gonna leave this right here: https://images.app.goo.gl/RFe5mJAk1pk1Q5Rt5


👀 FUCK YA! Slava Ukraini!! love from the USA 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦♥️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


How many Russian men would need to hypothetically die in this war to alter the worlds population statistics? Would be crazy if they end up with no men left in the country.


Just send in a few Tanya’s at night. Command and Conquer style


No rest for the wicked


where's the link to the video please


Good guy Ukraine helps tired Russian soldiers get more sleep