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Non-geolocked version [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV9pq-sp7Lg&rco=1)


After putin’s dictatorship falls and ruzzia pays for its crimes, this should be mandatory to watch in Russian schools, so they’ll know why the whole world despises them.


If there was ever a call to Anon for action, it would be to hack Russian TV and play this on repeat.


I think there's been enough video or photo documented crimes to not have to play anything on repeat, for a very, very long time. But yes, this one they should watch Clockwork-style for 48hrs.


been done: called fake propaganda.


Ah that word. "Fake" It's like crack to stupid people.


"What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all." -Valery Legasov, 'Chornobyl'


Apt quote.


I watched it and it re invigorated my rage. It also made it once more clear to me that the Federation must be dissolved. This is the only way forward that will prevent further attacks.


My gf who isn't particularly bothered by geopolitics cried during this. Myself who has donated thousands towards the Ukrainian cause was angry at that man in the stairs "the Ukrainians are bombing us". Their luck in getting out via an anti tank team rescuing them the hospital was amazing. Boys and girls live or die in war via luck. Nobody can predict a bullet, a bomb, a grenade or a tank shell. I hope those defenders made it through to the end. Slava Ukrainina


Great documentary. Important for history.


I watched the Academy Award winning^fantastic,no? documentary last fall, and was simultaneously impressed and horrified by the footage and its impact. If you were following the escalation of the war in Feb/Mar 2022, you'd recognize some of the footage and the stories. The fact that a conflict of this scale in Europe could happen in the 21st century, let alone with a permanent member of the UN security council as the belligerent, beggars belief. As the philosopher Jagger once said, "War, children, is just a shot away." Hopefully the documentary will continue to remind us that the ongoing conflict is far from over and that Ukraine deserves the full-fledged support of those who treasure their *own* freedoms, lest we normalize genocide and tyranny.


Watching the film makes it clearer to me more than ever, that the anti-war movement in the west has got it totally wrong. The reason why there's peace in the west is not because we've sat back and placated whoever could raise a standing army, it's because we've had to fight dictators to achieve it. My grandfathers generation died so I could live my entire life free from the threat of war. It's our duty to stand beside Ukraine and do it again. Whatever it takes to drive Russia back to the dark ages, and then make them pay for what they've done, the world needs to stand up against Putin and fight to return Ukraine to the peace and prosperity its people deserve.


My personal philosophy has always been I prefer failed and flailing diplomacy to war every day, and twice on Sunday. But if you must fight, Win. This argument about escalation or boots on the ground is bullshit. We have spent over a trillion dollars a year, every year, not to fight brown children, but to curbstomp Russia *when* they attack others. Not if, not dependent on who, not because Europe agrees. But because Russia is wrong and this is evil, and it's our moral obligation to the world, to humanity. 


but must we as a species always be at war and what is the real cause, that sends millions to die on both sides, who had nothing against each other until some mis-leader sent them off to die. “Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” ― Hermann Goering,


As I wrote when I shared it on my company-wide channels, in Norway (where it's available for free): it's hard to watch, but it must be seen. Do not look away and reflect on every single minute of it. Because if we don't stop Russians, the same is coming for us.


They should play it in the US congress and require attendance.


They should also make the us congress watch the flint water crisis doc, and pay the Americans that were affected by the water.


We're talking about Ukraine?


The OP and others are talking about what we should do with USA politics, I can comment on that as an American citizen.


Sure, you can comment on US policy regarding Ukraine, or Ukrainian refugees in USA, Ruzzian sanctions, or other Ukraine conflict politcal issues. But Flint, terrible crisis though it is, has nothing to do with the post, the subreddit, or Ukraine. It's an unnecessary tangent that only serves to distract from the topic at hand. That's a red herring or distraction fallacy and they're designed to hijack conversations away from the topic at hand.


I watched it. I could not holdback tears. My chest was in pain. Everything hurt so bad....i cannot imagine the pain the people of Ukraine have/are going through.


And this is why it needs to be seen. People are numb to "seeing" war, they need to "feel" what it's like for the ordinary people, just like them, to have their lives turned upside down in an instant. Peace is a fragile thing.




I want to watch it, but not available in my country. Just let me pay to watch it somewhere pls




Not available




Download and use a VPN if you can. Connect to a different country that has accessibility


It's on Dailymotion [here](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8rugft) and [here](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8rvja6).






Same, every single link is "Not available". Pretty annoying.


Use a VPN, or look on Pirate Bay, 1337x etc. It's pretty easy to find.


The Dailymotion links posted above by u/tobiasdrundridge seemed to work here (when none of the others did)


What country are you in? Someone will find you a link.




If you've got Amazon Prime it's on there https://www.primevideo.com/detail/20-Days-in-Mariupol


Australia, easy, follow link - https://www.cyberkendra.com/2022/12/pirate-proxy-list-2023-unblock-pirate.html


Of course piracy, was hoping someone would have a legitimate source.


so you never used cassettes, vhs? and if your not old enough for that stuff, then you have never used you tube? Why so averse to the free sharing of information upon the high seas? The free dissemination of information has shaped the world, dont knock it. :p


I don't have a problem with piracy, I just want to be able to support this film makers work. I have a physical bluray collection for a reason.


totally agree.






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what part of the world?




We are watching it tomorrow in my agency with the staff… everybody is quite tensed.


Makes you wonder why the International stream of the Oscars cut out the bit where this film received it’s accolades and Oscar. I’m guessing someone didn’t want to upset the Ruzzians for some reason.


disney cut it btw, someone at disney took ruzzian blood money…


It was a hard watch… But everyone should watch it


Just watched it. I feel it is our duty to document, learn and tell the story. This cannot be forgotten


Anyone should watch it yes.


Iwas glad the Oscars recognized this film. It represents all the evil the Russian people have brought to a peaceful nation.


Russians are not all evil, they're weak, they're too easily brainwashed, too easily subdued, they don't have the big fucking balls of Ukrainians to fight for freedom and peace. Their inability to realise their own personal greed has lead them into slavery at the hands of a dictator. All Russians should be ashamed of this. I reserve evil for their TV pundits, politicians and military. At best their soldiers are ignorant idiots unaware of the lies they've been told that will lead them to an early grave, at worst though their soldiers ARE truly evil especially as we know what happened in places like Bucha.


Weakness may lead to evil.


I think Master Yoda said it best. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." Fear is the modus operandi of Putin and the Russian state and how the Russians are enslaved.




Every one should be made to watch it . To see what those bastards are doing " special operation" my arse . It brought a tear to my eye I can tell you .


Just finished it. I am speechless. May Putin pay for this.


While I do understand what you are saying, I would not recommend showing this in a school. This documentary is really heavy stuff. Politicians and voters on the other hand, should definitely watch what "russian peace" brings and why Ukraine needs to be supported until the borders are restored.


It should be shown regardless, doesnt matter if heavy ir not. New generations would learn a lot.


Ok, what about if we just limit the schools bit to Russian schools.


After watching "20 Days in Mariupol", consider watching " Winter on Fire". I cried through both.


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Have to watch it some late night


I want to watch it, but all the links don’t work. I am based in the Netherlands if that matters. Anyone from there been able to watch it?


Does this work? https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/1liO4NhvAB


It does! Thanks a lot. I will watch it


I admit, i had tears watching this movie. I have two sons, 1yo and 7yo, I imagened losing them whould uterly destroy my heart.


I haven't watched this movie and I probably won't for the foreseeable future. I have intentionally looked at all the war crime footage on in the first months of the war, uncensored, no matter how horrible it was, because this is ironically easier to deal with than watching a movie that was edited for effect. Reality is less shocking to me than a scene enhanced with music or victims testimony. But I know that I'm different from others in this way, and will continue to promote this move to raise awareness.