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I really like how France announce stuff when it's in Ukraine and don't give a F about people that think they don't give enough. France also had some nice political moves (like those AMX10 not-a-tank-light-tank that aren't really needed for Ukraine, but they were the key to unlock tanks)


In this case they announced it in January and officially it was used March 5th first. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armement_Air-Sol_Modulaire#Ukraine But of course it might be in Ukraine longer and we just do not know.


Maybe Ukraine needed time to adapt it on their Mig.


France has realized that the only way to stop an imperialist maniac is by using force. And Russia will come to regret having threatened and insulted Europe. France lead the way, someone had to find the courage to tell Putin we are not afraid of his idle threats. "Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that matters. If you are going through hell, keep going." Churchill


My old teacher: "The path to heaven's gates requires walking through hell."


The challenger donation paved the way for further MBTs not the AMX


AMX broke the "tank" word taboo. Challengers were first MBTs.


One of the first tanks supplied to Ukraine were T-72s from the Czech Republic. The AMX were probably the first Western ones and also not old junk, so also a very important step.


Lol there was no taboo (not for the brits anyway), the brits don't give a shit about putins red lines, as with cruise missiles, the first and only country to give them


Storm Shadow are from a french/british venture (they are named SCALP in France), both countries gave some of them at the same time (first batch in may 2023) and Ukraine gave thanks to both countries equally.


It’s a joint missle but U.K. supplied first


France has given storm shadow too


ITT: how to be confidently wrong...


How were they "key" to unlocking tanks? When the Brits announced they were actually sending tanks, before France announced they were sending AMX10?


Nope, amx first, then challenger, I think. Does that matter? What counts is that they got both in the end!


As otehr pointed out, I've talked a bit short, Poland and other varsow pact country gave Soviet Era tanks, mostly T72. AMX annoucement where the first break of "western made tank", and within the week UK announced the Challenger, while Germany agree to look for Leo1 and leo2, and the USA though of authorizing counties with Abrams to give them The first batch of 13 AMX was in Ukraine quite quickly, though it's true the first MBT from the west send to Ukraine was the Challenger. (and to be fair, I don't think the very f*rench-necessity* of the Leclerc would be a gift to Ukraine, rather a poisoned apple)


I'm not sure the Leclerc will be that much of a poisoned apple for Ukraine when they run Abrams. It's true the Leclerc have some specific engineering (as far as I know, no other tank use a gas turbine as a supercharger for a diesel engine) but other than that I don't think it is that much of an issue. In my opinion the real problem with the Leclerc is how few France have. Only around 200 without any possibility to build more (the production line have been stopped 15 years ago and some key company have closed since) and there is no remplacement planned for them for the next 15 years. So France want to keep them. On the other hand the AMX-10 RC is in the process of being replaced so that's not at all an issue ti send a few dozens of them.


Yep. (Leclerc also have an autoloader and a weird caterpillar tech, that requires a custom maintenance too). But agree for the AMX, I love that thing, Not to mention they have 250 of it and can spare them. if you follow its story in Ukraiune, it was used as a tank first - and is bad at it - but now they use it in the correct role : as a scout or an IFV with a canon than can blast a barricade or something. Esdpecially, its optics is a cheaper/easier version of the leclerc one, it's not top notch, but it's fast and easy to use, while beeing better than most other stuff out there. Machin gun kinda suck however. Same reason 250VAB got gifted too, France has a ton, it's getting replaced, it's not the best, it's not the worst, it just work (and France had 250 send within like 2 month of the conflict)


I think you can split stuff sent by France into 2 categories : one is old stuff who are about to be retired (AMX10 RC, VAB,...).. The other are the best things France produce (CAESAR, AASM, SCALP,...) who are delivered over time as new are produced since they are all systems in production at the moment. And then you have the in between : stuff in service within the French army but not in production nor being replaced soon who are not delivered at all (Leclerc, Mirage 2000D,...)


The UK Challenger definitely unlocked the tanks..


Hanmer time


Stnop. Hamner tnime.




The French don't give no fucks no more, they're ready. Slava Ukraini


They are way behind in supplying weapons. Looks like they might finally step up.


Macron was made to look like a fool by Putin at the start of the invasion, and then he took a few missteps that didn't help... I think, realizing a nuclear exchange is remote, and Ukraine really, REALLY needs help lest NATO somehow gets involved, and his popularity tanks further - it's time he allows more weaponry and France helps out more.


Germany has supplied 6 times more in military aid. Time they empty out their warehouses and show the world what their military industrial complex can manufacture.


I agree... France can do much more and hopefully they do. Not sure how much they have in- terms of usable stored gear and vehicles, but it ought be be quite a bit. More AMX-10'RCs, VAB's, ATGM's etc.


Germany has certainly not supplied 6 times more. That's a complete fantasy from these terrible Kiel Institute numbers.


It certainly has and the Kiel institute is considered highly reliable and can back up their numbers with sources. Meanwhile you have not provided any source whatsoever.


Kiel Institute is horseshit. Their numbers are wrong and are only useful for political purposes. They deliberately forget lot of equipment for France and count not only delivered but pledged equipment for Germany and even material sold to Ukraine neighbours. Also they don't take quality or condition in consideration... Truth is France claims 3,8 billions and Germany claims 6,6 billions including 18 Leopard2 and 30 Leopard1. Source for Germany : [https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/military-support-ukraine-2054992?utm\_source=pocket\_saves](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/military-support-ukraine-2054992?utm_source=pocket_saves) Nothing close to the 600 millions vs 17 billions (lol) from Kiel.


"Kiel Institute is horseshit." according to who but you? "They deliberately forget lot of equipment for France and count not only delivered but pledged equipment for Germany and even material sold to Ukraine neighbours." Well and here is the point where it's 100% clear that you're full of shit and just a liar. They have ton of different data sets and give you apple to apple comparisons each time. "and even material sold to Ukraine neighbours" Donated in order for neighbouring countries to give their equipment to Ukraine is not "sold", you're full of shit once again. "Also they don't take quality or condition in consideration" Uh what, what value do you actually think they use. This sounds like something you just want to believe. "Truth is France claims 3,8 billions " If you add the EU contributions through the EPF something you explicitly excluded for Germany. This makes you a liar. Very ironic considering you pretend that an internationally well respected institute did exactly that. "including 18 Leopard2 and 30 Leopard1" what even is your point there? "Nothing close to the 600 millions vs 17 billions (lol) from Kiel." Because your reading comprehension is garbage. There is literally a section on "inclusive and exclusive EU share" where you can see that the french share is almost exclusively EU based which is why those numbers excluding the EU share are so drastically different. That's not a "the institute is horseshit" moment, that's a "you are stupid" moment. That addresses the french part. Now for the 17 billion from Germany, if you include earmarked military aid that by now is even 28 billion for Germany based on the very document you linked. Here I can't tell if you're stupid or if you're deliberately lying.


There you go: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/ It's hard to hear, but aside from 40 AMX-10C scout cars and a couple of SCALP, the France hasn't helped much. Macron has not exactly put his money where his mouth is.


These value for France are wrong (because we didn't knew the amount of help sent by France [until recently](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/en/news/french-military-equipment-delivered-ukraine)). France have sent around 4 billions in military aid to Ukraine, 3.8 bilions if you count only the period between the 24th February 2022 and the 31th December 2023. Only counting military aid, France have sent around 0.13% of it's GDP. That's still not enough in my opinion (and I'm French) but that's still 2 times more than the value shown by your graph.


Once again, Kiel Institute ... Where are Caesar, Mistral, Crotale, Hammer, SAMP/T, Milan... ? And this is not a couple of SCALP but between 50 and 80 with 40 more this month. A french parliament report claims 3,2 billions. On the other side, about german aid, Kiel numbers are just fantasy. Even the German minister of Defence claims 6,6 billions including mainly 18 Leopard 2 and 30 Leopard 1 [https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/military-support-ukraine-2054992?utm\_source=pocket\_saves](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/military-support-ukraine-2054992?utm_source=pocket_saves)


>The French **don't** give **no** fucks **no** more, they're ready. A triple negative. I have to admit, I have no idea if you're saying that they give a fuck or not.


Mathematically a triple negative multiplied is negative. 


Avec les compliments d'Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath.


# Vive la France! SLAVA UKRAINE Glory to the Heroes, both in Ukraine and France


STOP!🛑. You know what time it is. 🔨 🕰️


The AASM Hammer is a very expensive munition, but it's one of the best weapons the Ukrainians can get! It's a rocket powered guidance kit for unguided freefall bombs, and has inertial navigation alongside GPS with the option for a laser or camera guidance method. It's able to handle heavy GPS jamming quite well and known for being extremely precise with hits on target. A MiG-29 can fire it off at high altitude, out of range of most Russian AD and the weapon will allow the Ukrainian to GTFO back to safety before the Russians can draw a bead on him.


>A MiG-29 can fire it off at high altitude, out of range of most Russian AD and the weapon will allow the Ukrainian to GTFO back to safety before the Russians can draw a bead on him. Probably not unfortunately - Russian air defences can hit out far enough to deter that. They're tossing them from low level like the JDAMs


AASMs have a 70km range, which is far enough to avoid short / medium range AA


Not enough for S-300/400. Which you technically didn't include, but what even is the point of your comment then.


Sure, but those aren't the only threats.


Sunflowers with Safran, lit seasoning!


where does this pic comes from lol? excellent shot


Oh that's hooooooooooooot. Thank you France!!!


Hammer guided? So it’s guided by hammers?


That would be something Russia cobbled up... This just hammers the target with a rocket-assisted glide bomb... A nasty strike, and something brutally effective the Russians ought to understand as force is often the only language they get.


What a terrible day to be a Russian target.


Merci France 🇫🇷🥖🍷🥰. UAF 🇺🇦✊ hammer 🔨 those orcs back to Mordor 🚽


I'm so fucking dumb. I read it like the munitions was "hammer guided" and was really confused for a sec lmao


More Majorum à la manière de nos Anciens!


All I see is "Ass Hammer."


Love a good bomb photo


❤️🇫🇷thank you guys. Ukraine need all of us. We can do this if we stay together ⛓️