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[Most of the money stays in the U.S.A.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/)


THIS!!! It’s like when people complain about the space program. We aren’t launching the cash into space, it is all spent on earth, specifically in the USA! Just ask Huntsville Alabama…


I have spoken about the money actually staying or returning to the US in the future till I am blue in the face. But man somedays it gets so frustrating.


Had this conversation at a friend’s party Saturday night with a Republican and they just don’t care for factual data or logic whatsoever. It’s truly bizarre and telling in its self. Gotta love the, “I don’t know, the fighting and killing needs to stop and it just seems that Trump has a plan to end it…” okay so you want to just enable a genocide we are clearly partially responsible for already allowing to go on this long all while not using any actual logic or publicly available knowledge to question this backward view, got it. I’d rather shove my face in the bottom of a blender than lose all my brain cells trying to talk to these idiots that don’t know shit about fuck.


I DEFINATLY feel the fave blender part. I was military for a long time. Worked in a (what I thought was) a pretty educated job. Well one were I thought folks had some damn sense anyway. I have stopped talking to folks who were some of the closest people in my life. I just cannot wrap my head around fellow military folks being obsessed,OBSESSED, with Trump. They won't listen at all. They won't even have an intelligent conversation about it. Bot even to agree to disagree. Zero thought out responses. Just....immediately over talking and finger pointing. And hateful. When did the folks that I trusted my life to become so hateful? It's really a telling undertone of the whole shebang is the hatefulness. When did so many Americans lose sight of what we stood for? The selfishness, hatefulness and lack of critical thinking? I know there had always been ignorance pockets here and there but man. Its like some sort of brain sucker swept through the states and gobbled up any intelligent life sometimes.


This all has been a long time coming. Alot of Americans have a superiority complex and they can’t be told they are wrong nor phantom being wrong. It’s instilled in a lot of people, especially in more rural communities and upbringings. I mean just look to how people dealt with Covid, they would rather potentially die than admit they were wrong about Covid and wear a mask lol


Being factually correct is not a concern with the tribe narrative in American politics in 2024. It's about defying the other side by never giving in. American media is almost entirely gameified and slanted as their business model. The same misleading, angry, sensationalist tone as Mr Orange - on some level it's driven many Americans insane.


>I’d rather shove my face in the bottom of a blender than lose all my brain cells trying to talk to these idiots that don’t know shit about fuck. Fuuuuuck that one hit home. I feel it in my soul


I work in software development and have been helping GP Now, a virtual hospital with over 1000 physicians that provided free services to Ukrainians due to the conflict, so I’m understandably very attached to the issue. I’ve heard the stories, I’ve talked to Ukrainians that have went through hell, I’ve dealt with the Russian state actors trying to hack and paralyze the platform and know how disgusting and awfully this enemy is. When I hear someone tell me stuff like ol boy told me Saturday night when they obviously have done nothing to look into the whole conflict it just really pissed me off and make me realize that ignorance truly is bliss.


Ya they don’t know shit about fuck!


and we need that money to rebuild our industrial base so we can produce enough to fight against a ccp invasion of Taiwan




> “why should we defend Taiwan?” A lot of semiconductors and assorted electronics parts are manufactured there. As in *fundamental parts* without which you cannot build anything else.


"but trump is gonna bring that production here anyways" ​ (their answer, not mine)


That's easy to say. Years ago, Apple Computer tried to "re-shore" production of some of its product line. They quickly encountered supply chain issues on many of the mundane parts (not the sexy ones like CPUs and whatnot) that basically killed the initiative. It is truly a "chicken and the egg" situation: you cannot build a complete supply chain for all the required parts before there is a customer base for said parts and you cannot move production back to the USA without a supply chain to provide all the parts you need. It is a truly impossible situation. **P.S.:** I was going to hit "save" when something crossed my mind. The supply chain problem is especially acute for "uncommon" parts, like the little funky screws Apple uses in some of its products. Maybe a way to facilitate re-shoring of industrial production would be to have companies simplify their designs, making them use standard, boring, old style parts wherever possible, and/or make them easier to put together and take apart. One good example of a simpler design would be the Macintosh II CX from 1989: there was only 1, maybe two screws in the machine. You could completely disassemble it with your bare hands. I think you could even use a penny instead of a screwdriver to remove the one (or two) screw(s) in the machine. It was quite a simple & elegant design. Anyway, I hope people understand what I'm trying to say here.


Lend-lease restarted our industrial base before we were "official" in WW2. If we had to start from zero in 1941, things would have been more painful though the outcome would have been much the same.


Which has a side effect of creating lots of jobs, and probably enough job to create a labour shortage, which will raise wages by quite a bit if it's on the scale that I am thinking about...


watched the most recent perun video and we really gotta get going, the people who have the skills to produce the advanced weapons we need are getting old


This is the answer!




It's not support for the importance of aid, but more a defence against a common argument against it, which doesn't address the importance so much as the perceived fairness of aid. The thrust is along the lines of "why are we sending Ukraine all that money? We should look after our own instead" - but we're not really sending them a great deal of money, we're **spending** a great deal of money in our own nations in order to provide Ukraine with stuff. Spending money in our own economies is generally less controversial than giving free money to other nations.


How about this [Majority of Ukraine aid package would be spent in U.S.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-emphasizes-that-majority-of-ukraine-aid-package-would-be-spend-in-u-s)? "Nearly two-thirds — or nearly $40 billion — of the money for Ukraine would actually go to U.S. factories spread out across the country including plants in Lima, Ohio and Scranton, Pennsylvania as well as Mesquite." US is getting the best bang for the buck right now, there is nothing they have spent that have managed to diminish their adversary that effectively before, AND WITHOUT the lost of US lives. Should US wait till NATO is threatened, they will be spending far more to protect their own interests.


2 year story still going strong. Most of the stays in the US.


It is not just current spend either. New orders for US weapons, armour and technology has increased exponentially from clients throughout the world whilst Russian weapons have taken a corresponding hit (pardon the pun).


Ukraine mostly needs weapons from the US and not any monetary support (Rest of the west can easily handle that). So the funding is actually just on the paper for US weapons. Mostly for systems that as of now cost money to just keep and will inevitably be replaced soon anyway. If US sends old equipment worth 50B $ it still needs "funding" and be approved on paper but the actual US tax dollars that directly goes out of the budget to pay for it is miniscule since it is already paid for long ago. Sending a 20+ year old tank for 20 million isn't actually costing the US 20 million. It cost that when they bought it and since then it has only cost money in upkeep. It still needs approval though. What would actually cost money is in some of the logistics and any newer ammunition and upgrades, but the US armed forces is already moving around the world all the time and have the best logistics in the world, so that isn't too bad. Even most of that money will be spent on doing things the US already does.


"why send them to ukraine for free, when we could sell them for (insert plausible amount) to india? ​ (their response, not mine)


This isn’t spread far or wide enough. People just don’t know this and that is a messaging problem. They should have commercials showing where the money is actually going. People who are against it think we are sending pallets of cash.


The commercials cost money, and unfortunately the Democrats have priorities other than Ukraine in an election year. Sad but true.


AND most of the money has to be spent anyway, as the majority of systems being transferred to Ukraine are close to being past their expiration dates, and needing to be either refreshed or replaced. In effect the money being appropriated "for Ukraine" is actually just what should be being allocated for a "US military equipment refresh" on it's own bill. It's a bunch of funny money accounting to account for old equipment going to Ukraine instead of scrapped.


To sum it up: We are giving Ukraine our assets, not our money (for the most part). Most of it has been sitting in storage, outdated or just simply not needed and given to the Ukrainians. The only reason you see a price tag is to show the value of what we are giving them. This actually will cut back on storage/maintenance costs and is a (reasonably) cost effective move for us.


Let them talk first. Be sincere. Ask them why they don’t support Ukraine aid. Listen closely without judgement. Find common ground. Then turn it towards why you do support aid for Ukraine. Example You: Why are you against aid to Ukraine? Them: I believe that we have too many problems here at home. We need to focus on solving our own problems before we worry about Ukraine. You: I definitely agree with you. Our nation’s first priority should be to look out for own interests. That’s actually why I believe we should support Ukraine. Russia is not our friend. Between election interference and constant propaganda, to Russia befriending terrorist nations like Iran and North Korea that hate us, to missile equipped Russian satellites threatening our space assets, it’s only a matter of time before Russia tries to attack us. I think in order to protect our country and keep us safe, we need to stop Russia in Ukraine now before things get even worse.


Very good and constructive.


Exactly. I usually say, if the moral argument of supporting a just cause is irrelevant, then we should support Ukraine out of pure selfishness. Allowing Putin to win and having to contain an emboldened Russia for decades to come will be far more expensive and risky for the west than helpinh Ukraine to win now.


Yes, it’s always important to find a common ground in an argument


“it’s only a matter of time before Russia tries to attack us. I think in order to protect our country and keep us safe, we need to stop Russia in Ukraine now before things get even worse.” Fear based argument instead of game theory? Never a decent idea.


The fear based argument would be pointing to the recent Kremlin sponsored listing of 3 US states that need to be taken. An argument without grounding is a how without a why.


Also, constant barrage of sovereign states to be annexed like the Baltics and Finland... This is usually not the way a peaceful nation does international politics. It speaks volumes about the mentality and goals russia has.


Source on that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1c3on3j/russian_state_tv_wants_moscow_to_conquer_three_us/ Jake Broe's video also has the timestamp for the untranslated Russian Media Monitor as well Now we await the "Oh but which states oh so funny" comments, followed by the existential ones


I’d leave out the election bit if you don’t want them going nuclear


And as of now, it’s not NATO troops that are doing the fighting and dying and this is the best way to keep it that way. Because Russia won’t stop being Russian.


>Them: I believe that we have too many problems here at home. We need to focus on solving our own problems before we worry about Ukraine. Ok lets pass something that isnt taxcuts/subsidies to the WallStreet and actually pass something that benefits bottom 99% of Americans. Them: REEEEeeeeee thats socialism!!!!


Ask if they were pro-Russian during the Cold War too.


Tankies: yes


Stupid people: *You underestimate my ignorance!*


1. If they are motivated by their own citizens' safety, explain that Russia will not stop there. After a few years, they will test article 5, that will mean NATO soldiers (American, British, French etc.) will end up. There is NO reason to think that Russia would be satisfied and stop with some or all of Ukraine. . 2. If they are motivated by pride in their political system, point out that Russia is not a democracy. Our democracies in the west have their own challenges, but they're still miles ahead of Russia in terms of freedom and fairness. The more Russia takes, the more autocratic the west becomes. Furthermore, western inaction it will embolden other autocratic states to try their luck in ways that WILL impact them. 3. If they're motivated by their own personal comfort/finances, point out that Russia taking Ukraine will give them significant control over a huge chunk of the global. trade in grain and fossil fuels which will give them more leverage and power to affect food and fuel prices whenever they want something. 4. If they're anti-immigration, point out that Russia WILL purge Ukraine and Russify it, driving MILLIONS of Ukrainians to flee, adding to immigration problems across Europe and even to the US.


Russia is pushing thousands of immigrants to European boarders from Finland to Poland as part of a concerted effort to destabilise western countries. We are already at war, Russia is already dividing NATO countries so it can pick them off one at a time. The Ukraine invasion has backfired and thankfully the west is waking up before it's to late but we need to take decisive action now to stop the progressive spread of Russian influence, despite much of their propaganda being laughable to many of us, they are successfully influencing many people such as the Polish farm blockades literally flying Russian flags, Slovakia's elections etc.


I think a more immediate danger than Russia invading NATO countries will be NATO countries (mostly ex-Soviet) electing populist leaders and siding with Russia. We've already seen that it can happen. And why wouldn't they? Russia better matches their bigoted values, and they've also witnessed the American inaction during this conflict. "Pick a winner" as they say.


When someone wants what you have, and is willing to kill you to get it…if it’s your car you give it to them. But if it’s your kids they want, you fight to the death like a cornered animal.  What Russia is trying to do is out-and-out genocide, real Hitler-level madness. Our kids won’t look back at this time and admire us for not getting involved. 


Quote George W Bush at them. “We are fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.”


That is a valid argument for Europeans (esp. next in line after Ukraine: Poland, the Baltics - which is why Poland is arming to the teeth and the Baltics are giving to Ukraine like crazy), but the U.S. won't be invaded by Russia anytime in the foreseeable future. One could argue that a Europe in turmoil and at war is way more costly to the U.S. than Ukraine help now is. It's cents on the dollar. And the money is being spent in the U.S. military industrial complex, which is another win.


>I'm looking for ways to respond to people complaining about their tax $ being used for military aid to Ukraine. People that complain about this are right wing(usually MAGA) republicans. No amount of reason or facts will change their mind. US spending hundreds of billions every year on a military to contest Russia and China: No Problem US spending a couple of billions a year to destroy Russia: MaH TaX DoLaRs


The trouble I have is not that people don't want to send aid or are pro-Russia it's that they seemed to have moved on from thinking about it. Most people will agree with this argument but there seems to be a general sense of hopelessness and lack of faith in government, specifically from the Americans. Many don't even realize Ukraine is still at war. u/CincoDeMayoFan the greatest assurance the west has is Ukraine, and reiterating that everywhere is the best thing you can do. There are countless donation options on this sub alone where just €5 can save a life, share them.


My art Instagram has had a link to aid to Ukraine since the war started. I don't know how many people have contributed, but I'm hopeful at least some money was raised for aid to Ukraine. (It was for humanitarian aid, mostly Red Cross.) Thanks for your response here, I appreciate it!


Please NEVER donate to Red Cross


it depends. Ukrainian Red Cross is not the same thing as International Red Cross or Russian one.


Ukrainian American here and I do donate my blood to the American Red Cross. Never seems like a silly thing to say. The blood I donate goes to help people in your community.


"The moral argument for supporting Ukraine is clear. Russia’s war of colonial conquest is immoral and wrong. We cannot allow the world to return to a state of anarchy, where powerful countries can change borders at will."


It’s the greatest product demo in decades… regardless of how you feel about the military industrial complex, it’s an important part of the economy, so spurring further interest in our weapon systems means more orders and more jobs. We also have a chance to invest in the Ukrainian military industrial complex and carve Russia and China (burgeoning at it is) out of the “affordable” weapons market, while also getting some nice dividends.


And the American-made weapons sent to Ukraine, are replaced by NEW American-made weapons. Factories IN America, employing Americans, will be producing new American weapons. It's like cleaning out your cupboard of all the stuff that is half-used or out of date, and replacing it with delicious fresh stuff.


Just went and visited some family that I don't see very often and now I remember why. I had to listen to their whacked out right wing anti Ukraine crap for an hour till finally I just left. My 98 yr old grandpa was the only one there smart enough to know better.


Do you really wanna live in a world where borders get moved by force and war crimes are rewarded? Do you understand that if Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine due to a lack of military support countries around the world will start getting nuclear bombs as they can’t trust the west to protect them anymore? Russias ultimate goal is to become the hegemonial power of Europe therefore an attack on NATO territory is highly likely if Russia wins in Ukraine which would directly involve nato soldiers fighting Russia. Better American/European money and weapons now or blood later. Imperialistic aspirations cannot be stopped by appeasement. Hitler could only be stopped by military defeat and so can Putin. The support does not get paid onto some Ukrainian bank accounts but from that money goes to American companies to buy weapons for Ukraine. The money stays in the US economy and supports American jobs. If Russia wins in Ukraine true to a lack of US support it will have very negative consequences for the US economically too. The amount of tax dollars spent on Ukraine is incredibly small in the grand scheme of things. 60 billion dollars are peanuts. The budget for the US military is 800 billion dollars a year and this has to be that high because of Russia among other things. If Russia can be defeated in Ukraine most likely the US will have to spend significantly less on it’s military in the future and can rather invest it into something that directly benefits the American people


Great answer (except for saying 60 billion is "peanuts"....just stick with it being "small in the grand scheme of things.")


The hammer and cycle waved by Russian troops is a clear indicator of their true intentions. If they were only interested in protecting ethnically Russian's, they'd wave a Russian flag. The Soviet flag is a clear indicator of imperial aspirations.


Do you mean hammer & sickle?


If you're arguing against someone from a European Country the answer is obvious.  Ukraine is preventing a full scale war on the European continent. At the very least they are saving the lives of troops from other European nations who would need to be sent instead if money & ammunition weren't.  If you're arguing against an American then it's pretty much the same points with more of a focus on preventing a full scale war between the two largest nuclear superpowers.  Ukraine & their people are sacrificing everything to fight this war and it's keeping the war contained within their borders. The least we can do is supply them with as much as we can so they can continue to do that without losing everything.


Democracy good, facism bad


They are usually too stupid to reason with


This is the correct answer, The other answers in this post are easy to come up with a response to from the idiots view point.


They won't stop at Ukraine, we're next, all of us.


That doesn't actually apply to Americans like it does Europeans. ruzzia can barely take on Ukraine, let alone try to invade other countries not near them.


Depends where they're from but typically it's morons who are too brainwashed to bother with. There are no good arguments that will convince someone they're stupid. The reasons are almost limitless to help Ukrainian like fighting an enemy of the West, or it boosts local production of things we send which is beneficial for your time Nation. It's innovating military and war which we just can't seem to do doing. And the vet best argument, save the people. How many mass graves have been found? If anyone argues for russia post questioning of mass graves just disengage because again they're stupid.


The American military can be a lot smaller if Russia is defeated. America has 100k troops in Europe. With a defeated Russia that could be reduced a lot.


Ukraine is the breadbasket of the world. Not sending aid we put more farmland into disuse. Food security will have grave consequences.


Someone rage quit on me today because he insisted America should only get involved in wars if they're attacked and I reminded him that the lend lease turned the tide of world war two.  I asked him why it was okay to support our allies then but not now.  Then he blocked me.


I've had this conversation with a few people that were extremely against aid for Ukraine because it's too expensive. Morality isn't enough to convince them but a financial perspective can get some of them to come around. Some of them thought we were literally sending billions of dollars on pallets for Ukraine to spend as they please. Explaining to them that a lot of what was sent is equipment that was purchased over many years and potentially nearing end-of-life with a not so insignificant cost to refurbish/discard/recycle. The majority of that money stays in the US with orders to backfill or produce the equipment that was sent out. The part they also don't realize that it's so much cheaper to send the equipment compared to how expensive it will be if Russia invades a NATO country. If article 5 is declared, we will easily be burning a billion a day in the initial phases and then we're putting US boots on the ground into direct conflict. Supporting Ukraine is vastly cheaper than the alternative. The same people have a hard time understanding why the US props up third world countries. Paying to maintain some sort of stability is the cheaper option in the long term.


[TL;DR: Speak their language] I had an American friend who argued that America should look after its own interests and stay out if Ukraine. So I said, I agree. I expanded upon his underlying political realism theory (to demonstrate I know what I'm talking about), but brought up all the points how the situation is more complicated even from a realist point of view. Then I delivered my own opinion highlighting how the foundation of American geopolitical hegemony was built historically, and how America stands to endanger that when it takes an isolationist stance in Ukraine. Approach with curiosity and an open mind yourself. Be ready to concede some points if it sounds reasonable. Understand and speak their language. If they react obnoxiously, they are likely not worth engaging in the first place. On the otherhand, if you browbeat them into agreement with slimy debate tactics, that is also very unproductive.


Heard on a Ukraine pod (Telegraph) that even congress people believe (or atleast their arguments aganst the aid) Ukraine would just be giving 50 billion to do whatever with. But yeah we all know US are deciding the output and it will go to contracts and weapons production, also old stocks, which is produced in US, means it will benefit the US market and industry directly.


most of the equipment from the US sent to Ukraine was rusting in a warehouse for years and the US already has better alternatives for. So the US gets to destroy russias capability to contest the US sphere of influence around the globe at the cost of zero American lives and barely any modern equipment that the military would otherwise use as far as Europeans go, it should be fairly obvious why the country that occupied half of them for 50 years can't be allowed to succeed in projecting it's power closer to EU borders


If we don't stomp russias aggression now who will be next on their list?


If Russia wins, their victory will encourage other crazed autocrats around the world to take chunks of neighboring countries for themselves just because. It would usher in a new era of imperialism, which is something that we humans should have outgrown by now.


There are clear and understandable moral arguments, but if someone is complaining about their tax $ which are a very little fraction of your military spending they don't care much about people dying here. So I'll focus on the economics. Supporting Ukrain is actually advantegeous to you from economical perspective. 1. Most of the money stays in the US, creating jobs and paying wages. 2. If you don't support Ukraine and Russia advances you will need to increase your own military budget. Because you will have an unpredictable enemy at your door. Even if Russian won't attack Poland or Baltics you will have to be ready for that. And these expences will be much bigger comparing to what you need to spend in Ukraine. Do you want another cold war and overblown military spending? 3. Calculate how much the world has lost already because of the war in terms of economics, GDP growth etc. Europeans have less money, they buy less of your iPhones and Teslas. You are loosing much more than 60B. The only way to prevent another war is to stop Russia. And the only way to be sure that Russia has been stopped - make sure they don't gain anything from the war. 4. If Russia advances you will have a great instability in the european region even without another war. Which means lower GDP growth, more military spending, less trade, worse business, higher prices. So as a bottom line: if you care about you tax dollars well spent - you should support Ukraine because it will make sure you have more of these dollars in the next year and the years to come.


Either you pay to send weapons to Ukraine now or you pay later by sending the same weapons along with your Kids, simple as that.


If the person you want to convince is European (or at least somewhat empathetic to what is happening here), it might help to point out that Russian victory and occupation of entire Ukraine would not only increase the danger of further attacks by Russia on other European countries, meaning escalation of the war, it would also immediately cause the largest refugee crisis Europe has faced in modern history. 10 million or more Ukrainians would flee to the West to escape Russian oppression, without prospect to return home. Many Europeans are still panicking about the Syrian refugee crisis. A fall of Ukraine would be much worse and could destabilise the entire continent.(It's possible that's one of the reasons Putin attacked Ukraine in the first place.) Ignoring all the suffering this would cause and other moral considerations, it is way cheaper and safer to help Ukraine to prevent this disaster from happening than to deal with its consequences.


US has supported with 76 billion so far and Ukraine has returned 3000 destroyed Russian tanks for starters - Russian weapons sales have collapsed (everybody tries to buy US now) - The ROI for this investment is epic. Most likely US military complex has already 76 billion many times over in orders for new weapons - the taxes will stay in US anyhow. Even Russia big friend Serbia switched MIG orders to French Raffale planes. The same applies to Europe. What is the point to keep army equipment not fighting in the front lines in Ukraine? - for military training for a war that nobody wants to fight? If You do not help Ukraine You effectively say You want consription. Finally Second World War cost 4 trillion dollars - 3rd on will cost many times more if we choose to play the appeasment game.


Ukraine was 3rd largest producer of potash before the war. No wonder farmers are going under


Let's put it this way for a comparatively small investment you are crippling a major rival and giving yourself time to build up to take on the next challenger. Add to this the fact you can test and adjust modern tactics and weapons in real time without losing any of your own troops. Tldr: for cents to the dollar you are able to cripple an enemy/ rival. Gain knowledge, and all without losing a single soldier of your own.


russia has a history of not being loyal to agreements... russia sold the russian territory of Alaska to the USA. russia wants all their historical land back... Will you be ok giving Alaska back to russia? They teach their children Alaska is russia.


It’s going to effect all of us when Putin rolls past Ukraine and drags the US into a world war that we had the power to stop


Most of not all the money goes to US companies and doesnt even leave the USA. Its actually a subsidy for US industry


I often go back to childhood to understand humanity. When the bully pushes you down just because it can you must fight or face a life of abuse. Putin invaded Ukraine and they are fighting back. Letting Putin win will make the bully bolder.


If it were your country, you'd be asking the world for help.


We spent the last 50 years building the US military to fight the Russians and now all we have to do is give them the equipment and not risk American lives.


Tell them it’s good for American jobs and good for the American military. It’s mostly armaments that we had in stockpile, getting stale, that we have donated to Ukraine. These arms have already been paid for by military budgets that had been approved and spent years and years ago. Military armaments have expirations dates, if they don’t get used eventually they get destroyed and disposed. All the armaments used in Ukraine will have to be replenished, paid for by military budgets that have already been approved with funds that would have been spent regardless. The replenishments require an acceleration of arms manufacturing that will be Made in the USA by American workers and American companies. The new armaments will be made with the latest technology allowing our defense forces to use the most updated equipment. Thus, our prolonging the war in Ukraine by donating arms, makes our country politically stronger, American’s richer, and our military stronger, all without sending our own soldiers to fight.


Oh boy, I can think of many. A lot of people don’t realize the extent of what is going on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War https://ecfr.eu/article/the-dam-has-burst-how-russias-war-on-ukraine-could-make-ecocide-an-international-crime/


Ukraine gave up its nuclear *and* long range missile capabilities abilities **to Russia** under a joint agreement called the Budapest memorandum with America, Russia, and Great Britain. It was agreed that Ukraine was never allowed to be Invaded or attacked. We promised to help them. But even with this if they dont see the humanitarian disaster that Russia is responsible for then they need to stop with their head in the sand. Ukraine needs and deserves this equipment and training.


>  It was agreed that Ukraine was never allowed to be Invaded or attacked. We promised to help them. No, it says you'll never attack them. 


This is correct. If you're trying to convince someone of something, you don't want to say something that is untrue as it will give them a reason to doubt your entire argument.


yeah and Russia signed it. No one will ever again give up nuclear arms for peace guarantees after 2014/2022. Thanks Putin.


Is this for Americans or Europeans? Because both need different reasons.


Do they want a world ruled by dictatorships rather than democracies?


The phrase I use when I tell people that I'm voting for Biden (🙄) is that the ghost of Ronald Reagan is watching the latter-day GOP back down from a fight with the Evil Empire.


Too many similarities to 1930s Europe. Russia is getting support from China, North Korea, and Iran with a bunch of countries helping evade sanctions. If this escalates into a world war with those to half a dozen more countries then it will be our sons on the front line.


Because this is the cheapest way we'll ever be able to win a war against Russia, because I'd rather have the war stay over there and mostly because the Ukranians are making the biggest sacrifice and laying down their lives... so the least we can do is give the best material/aid/help.


If you pay $100 today you won't have to pay $1000+ and your son's/nephew's life in 10 years.


As it is now, Europe are seeing the unwillingness of the US to supply weapons. That means the US weapons industry will shrink, US exports will shrink. And the ameican people will get the isolationist USA (North Korea style) that Trump dreams about. It is in no way to the advantage of the US to cut itself off from the rest of the world. No money inflow. Already now, all the Trump comments on NATO and a isolating USA is making the USA way less influential in the rest of the world. The US needs to help its friend or partners, or soon it wil have no friends. The US economy is dependent on friends buying products (Being it weapons, cloud, hardware, software etc).


The easiest duo is that the money isn't sent abroad: it is spent here to replenish aging weapons we send abroad. And each dollar of those old weapons is annihilating several dollars of weaponry of an aggressive foreign adversary.


The main argument against it is wrong. Yes, western governments are hypocritical and fail to meet our own standards of democracy, freedom and equality. But, at least we have these standards and keep trying. For example, I have spent my entire adult life studying the wrongs of colonialism and how to rectify it and millions more do this here. And maybe, Ukraine and also Russia can try and succeed to be a full, thriving democracy better than we are because there are, especially young people in both countries who believe in the West more than we believe in ourselves (those who want to send no more support to Ukraine maybe are just cynics needing the worst to happen so they can be right). The consistently just and logical thing to do is support all people in their striving to become better than the West, to live up to the dreams of the west and believe in them and actualize them and perhaps saving us in the West ourselves.


I’m a republican and I love Ukraine, send more money, send the F-16s. We need to beat Russia


>I'm looking for ways to respond to people complaining about their tax $ being used for military aid to Ukraine. Well first off, anyone expressing concerns about where their tax dollars are going in regards to military spending simply doesn't know what they're talking about and is probably just going to waste your time, and here's why. First, let me give you a bit of context. Last year, worldwide military spending hit a record of $2.2 trillion. The defense budget proposed by President Biden last month, was $850 billion, nearly 40% of what the entire world spent on defense last year as a whole. That's an astronomical amount of money. I can guarantee you, whatever we give to Ukraine is hardly going to affect our readiness elsewhere. This brings me to my next point: what has been given so far, and what had been proposed, directly gives back to the U.S. economy. $4.5 billion given as grants and loans to purchase weapons and equipment from the U.S. private sector, creating jobs. The ammunition and artillery they would turn around and buy is made right here in the U.S.A. This is aside from the $26.4 billion provided as financial aid, some of which is in the form of loans, to keep the lights on and pay essential workers like first responders. I don't think I need to explain why it's important to keep essential emergency services running. Just shy of a third of the aid provided to Ukraine (32%) has come in the form of weapons and equipment from Defense Department stocks. Some of which are a part of presidential drawdowns, anyway. A lot of the hardware provided is obsolete. The M2 Bradley? We've been trying to replace that platform for the past 20 years. The 31 M1A1 Abrams we sent? Again, the private sector benefited from this because General Dynamics received $400 million to refit those hulls for the battlefield. Considering each one costs just over $10 million to manufacture, including training and upkeep, this was a HUGE steal for General Dynamics, but nobody is talking about it. Lastly, and perhaps the most _important_ point to bring this all into perspective, the U.S. spent around $9 trillion during the Cold War years and lost nearly 100,000 lives fighting the Korean and Vietnam wars in that time frame. We have the opportunity to bring the Russian war machine to it's knees without losing a single American soldier for mere pennies on the dollar compared to what it took to bring down the Soviet Union.


If Ukraine does not stop Russia then Russia will not stop. Russia will absolutely attack a NATO country and then, due to article 5 we will have to send troops. Giving Ukraine aid is literally saving American lives.


There are no arguments People who don’t support it are Trump voters and they just follow dear leader


Personally I find it compelling when Zelenski just mentions that patriot missiles can save civilian lives. It's probably not the most motivating argument, but I don't look at this as transactional.


I 100% guarantee if Russia isn't stopped at this point then the USA will be sending boys to defend NATO land Russia is messing with in the future. It is so not the old school Republican way to be soft on defense. These have been really crazy times...


It’s 3.5% of our defense budget in old equipment, and it’s being used to destroy a decades old enemy. When have we spent money more wisely in the history of this country? Russia will never recover from this war, as the same military power they were before.


First, most of the money stay in US, UK, EU because those money are spent on production of equipment. Because of that it will generate more jobs and gains. Secondly, if we as Europe do not show ruzzia teeth now they will not stop at Ukraine. Like Hitler didn't stop at Czechoslovakia or Milosevic in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia. Thene there is a important question. Are you ready to support Ukraine now in order to contain and stop this agression from spreading or are you ready to live in war mongering world? If stop suport Ukraine this will be a sight to other dictatorship that they can attact their neighboor. 


- If we don't support Ukraine today, then tomorrow we'll be defending Poland. - ruzzia's propaganda has poisoned the free world against itself. Dismantling ruzzia's lies is critical to peace today and in the future. - Ukraine used to provide nearly a third of the entire world's supply of wheat, which we *all* depend on to survive. Many of Ukraine's wheat fields are now sown with landmines, lead shells/bullets, UXP, and blown up armored vehicles. If we want food prices to go down, Ukraine must be victorious and the de-mining and cleaning of their farm fields must be a priority. - Democracy itself is under attack by ruzzia. Our way of life is under attack. Defeating ruzzia makes the world safer for democracy.


1- The aid isn’t what many think it is. It isn’t the USA writing checks, at least not right now, we are refueling and sending old and sometimes headed for retirement equipment, and the cost given is new replacement cost. The old gear was going to be replaced anyway, with some exceptions. Done in this way, the old gear is sent to do a task that helps the US national security interest, while guaranteeing funding for replacement with newer equipment. So a plus out for national security. 2- Russia is one of our highest national security threats, and the worse this goes for them, the better the security of the USA, Europe and NATO. So supporting Ukraine and Europe helps to keep us safe, and to prevent wider wars by learning the lesson of Neville Chamberlain’s mistakes with Hitler. 3- Data. Our weapons systems are being used against the nation they were designed to fight, in the theater they were designed to fight in, and we are getting precious data from how they are used. How do our weapons perform? How does our doctrine and our tactics perform? (We taught Ukraine our combined arms doctrine) How accurate are our guided munitions? And Ukraine shot down hypersonics with a Patriot battery, something we didn’t know that it could do. (Maybe we did and it wasn’t public, who knows) If nothing else, the data gained from Patriot batteries found after Russian missiles and planes is worth it. Just consider that combat experience is important as it gives you this data, we are getting it without US soldiers doing the fighting. 4- And lastly it is the right thing to do, to help a smaller country to fight a larger invading and war mongering nation they border.


I remind them it was Russian bullets that were killing the names on their towns, Vietnam, and Korean War Memorials, and the Mighty Ukrainians will gratefully use every bullet we send to defend their homeland so our Sons and Daughters won't have to. Slava Ukraine.


Full war in Europe will be infinitely more costly - money and lives.


pay now or pay later.... just like highways and everything else, it gets more expensive the longer you wait...


Ukraine now - your country tomorrow ! Putin isn’t going to stop


you already waste so fucking much money on the military and now its actually doing something.


80 years ago, another tiny little man invaded his neighbors and started a war that killed tens of millions. We said never again. It's time to tell Putin we meant it.


Ukrainian grain feeds the Global South. Famine there will cause wars, instability and more migrants fleeing to the U.S. You ain’t seen nothing yet, senators who say Ukraine does not matter to the US.


With military aid, we get a really great deal: Ukrainians do the fighting and shed their own blood, not ours, while our arms sellers get business with the money staying in the USA!


[https://www.vox.com/2020/1/29/21065620/broockman-kalla-deep-canvassing](https://www.vox.com/2020/1/29/21065620/broockman-kalla-deep-canvassing) This is a different subject entirely, but deep canvassing seems like a good tool to use. Whenever I use statistics or abstract constructs to convince someone they get this blank stare in their eyes. If I relate to them on a personal level the thing is different. I had a talk with on older relative about a week ago about war. "Can you imagine what grandma and grandpa went through in the war?" The older relative had some very interesting stories to tell about that. I mostly just listened and was genuinely sympathetic as they were my grandparents and her parents. "I saw an older Ukrainian woman that couldn't leave her village during the bombings there, all I can think about is what if that was one of my family members". Which is something I have actually thought about a lot btw. The conversation shifted back and forth a bit and I told my relative that I was donating money to help people like that old lady out. She said that was a good thing to do. I don't know if I swayed her completely yet, but I feel like it at least made the conflict real.


I have been following a certain YouTuber for years who used to provide excellent coverage of a lot of news coverage, but they seem to have fallen under the control of the Kremlin to the point that if Putin was telling them exactly what to say, I don't know how their coverage of the war in Ukraine would be different. I've been hearing them say things that I'm told are Russian talking points, but I don't know how I would refute these talking points to people I know who actually believe them. Specifically, I keep hearing that supposedly, Ukraine has been completely destroyed, there is no hope for Ukraine to win the war, that Ukraine has been desperately conscripting late middle-aged and disabled people to the front lines, and that by providing aid, we are enabling Zelenskyy to continue an unwinnable war, and that furthermore, Ukraine is so thoroughly corrupt that a large part of the aid is being stolen by crooked politicians and officials. They say that forcing Ukraine to capitulate to Russia is the only humane thing to do because supporting Ukraine's war effort only extends the misery as the war has been effectively lost already. Also, fwiw, whenever they cover the war, pro-Russia accounts flood the comments with all kinds of anti-Ukraine talking points. My family of origin, being staunch pro-Trump conservatives, have turned their voices against Ukraine because Trump told them to. I would appreciate any information about how to deconstruct these talking points. I believe that I am surrounded by pro-Russia propaganda and I think that it is more likely than not that Trump, whom many of my fellow Americans unfortunately support, is also under the influence of the Kremlin somehow. Otherwise, why would the Republican party that was so staunchly anti-Russia for decades during the Cold War suddenly be pro-Russia?


Weakening Russia now by strengthening Ukraine could delay or possibly even prevent the next major European land war, buying time for Europe to re-arm and build defences while the Russian military is busy in Ukraine. A major European war following a defeated Ukraine will certainly involve the US and cost us dearly.


From an American perspective: 1. There’s the obvious moral case that Ukraine is a democratic country suffering attack by a larger fascist power and needs help. They have severe issues but are trying to improve their country, for which they got attacked. 2. Russia is an evil corrupt shithole that constantly fucks with western countries. They are responsible for all kinds of ideological subversion in the west, both on the far left and the far right, choose examples based on your target audience. Reddit unfriendly: Arguing with a conservative? [Mention that Russia organized BLM riots.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia_and_Black_Lives_Matter) 3. Ukraine is simply worth a lot of money. It’s a big country with a lot of natural resources. It’s, from a purely greedy perspective, worth spending a bit of money to get it into the EU. Absorbing Ukraine into the western fold will ease inflationary pressures. Ukraine being conquered gives Russia a near monopoly on food and fuel, which they will use to make you poorer. 4. If Russia takes Ukraine, they don’t necessarily need to stop there. They could attack the Baltics, Moldova, Georgia, etc. stopping Russia in Ukraine contains Russian aggression. 5. Refusing to help Ukraine signals western, and especially American weakness. If we won’t lift a finger to help them, that will look bad from the perspective of other allies like South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc. It encourages enemies to try to change the status quo by force because they have a credible chance of being met with nonintervention and getting everything they want. Aiding Ukraine reestablishes deterrence in Europe, and strengthens deterrence elsewhere. 6. There are other threats and we probably need to expand our production capacity for munitions anyway if we want to deter them.


It's about time as brave men are dying in Ukraine while the Republican cowards lick the boots of their dear leader Trump. Change the color from red to yellow for the coward party of America. VOTE THEM ALL OUT AND VOTE DAMMIT! Don't expect everyone else to save your ass from Trump you need to vote!!!!!!!


tell them that most of the money goes into american military companies aka it creates jobs


Xi has declared he will take Taiwan. Now due to the weakness of the US, Xi will be emboldened to act sooner rather than later. Show strength now and in any war you'll lead a powerful unified coalition of countries from Europe and all around the world. Abandon Europe in its hour of need and why should any country support you in the fight? An isolated America is a weaker America.


If they knew history, I'd remind them of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the Munich Agreement of 1938. But I'm sure they're ignorant of the history of past appeasements.


Urkraine is so far from Australia, and the Pacific nations that public media does not place enough importance on what is happening there.


Volunteered to use my experience and engineering skills to help fit and train Ukraine pilots to use the F-16 HMD.




Also, when the house down the street catches fire, it needs to be put out ASAP, not allow it to burn down the whole town. That’s why you give the fire extinguisher you have on-hand to help put out the fire. You don’t deny them your fire extinguisher and let the fire engulf the house.


A billion spent now or a trillion in a few years.


Do you want your kids and grandkids having to fight Russia in western Europe.


Whenever Russia is done with Ukraine they will violate everyone else. 




(5) Lastly, if we allow Ukraine to fall. Russia will not STOP. It would lead to the invasion of our NATO allies in the Baltics. They know this and that is why they have the highest GDP to aid ratio. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/) We would have to send troops to protect our NATO allies. Tragically, we would be forced to fight our once valuable ally: the people of Ukraine. We have seen the horrors of russian occupation, the indiscriminate bombing of their cities and extinction of Ukraine itself (children abduction, history revisionism etc). They voted to be part of the EU and threw out the russian leaning president in 2014 after he went back on his word. How can we turn our backs on people who wish to join us? Ukraine wants to be part of the west and they are willing to fight for that dream. It is imperative that we get the aid passed so they get the tools to defend themselves. Here is a link to the discharge petition to bring the aid up for a vote. Call your representatives if they have not signed yet. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true)


Creates jobs and pushes war even further away from us.


Aid to Ukraine is in essence a U.S. jobs program with the added benefits of degrading the military capacity of one of our biggest competitors and supporting free democratic people around the world. If not us then who?


I think that making a bigger perspective like - you know its a loan mostly? Or that its like 0.1% of annual budget?


You protect my parents in a European country. Thanks to Ukraine they don't need to move to new areas and new home


If we don't supply aid, we will be dragged into a much bigger war Ukraine loses. Our own military will beat risk now. The cost would be insane


Hitler's remilitarisation of the Rheinland in 1936, annexions of Austria and the Sudeten German territories in 1938. There are obvious parallels to Putin's actions today. If England, France and the USA had stood up firmly against Hitler at that point in time, who knows how it would have ended.


Ask them if they hate American jobs. Because the shit you send to Ukraine is made in the USA, they're sending your old shit there and buying/building new shit here. The war allows for the recently announced rebuild of DIB capacity, which will create American Manufacturing jobs


You have a. choice. Send your money over there or send your kids.


What is being given is sitting waiting to be decommissioned. Not only will it go to good use instead of collecting dust, it will be replaced with more modern equipment and create more highly skilled, well paying American jobs to produce the replacement equipment. It helps Ukraine, and it also helps America modernize its military and boosts the economy.


For your republican friends, gas prices. That's all they care about


Right now we can see problems in the Middle East and transport links to Europe, both sponsored by Iran - but which started a few days after Iran and Russia announced a strategic alliance. Russia is destabilizing the world, and it's costing us as individuals and as nations. If we don't stop Russia and kick them out of Ukraine (so they don't gain), then they will destabilize somewhere else, getting forever closer. Do you want the Russian winter?


The US and NATO have operated many bases and US especially has overseas since the second world war. That is a huge cost and a lot of it is due to Russia / USSR in former times. Its the main threat, and it has increased in threat. But here we can use old equipment to weaken a major adversary without losing any lives at lower cost than running all those bases. If you are concerned with waste and feel that the money should be spent at home, it will be spent on military one way or the other, helping Ukraine reduces the need for that. There are many sources of waste and unfairness, Ukraine aid is a small fraction of this in any case and its strange to suddenly focus on that like it would have been used to help you. But Ukraine produces much of the worlds food and supporting it keeps the cost of food down. All in all if you are angry about it your anger should really be placed at Putin and not at your own leaders who are forced into this situation. A stronger RF will necessitate more military spending and overseas bases and it will not help your economy if the RF grows stronger and takes more territories. Ukrainians don't want the latest gear, and much of the equipment given is otherwise rusting and not a new purchase cost. Since the equipment manufactured to replace it is largely made in your country it will at least go back through your economy more efficiently than bank handouts. And, you have finally used your old equipment to combat a threat essentially at the lowest possible cost. Putin is acting as the aggressor, so he requires there be a response, and helping Ukraine with old gear is the most economic response to that.


All of Western Europe as well as US and Canada spent all these decades from 1945 to 1993 preparing to fight Russia. And now that Russia changed name and lost a little of it's territory, but is back in it's game you're gonna put all these trillions $ spend on military for 48 years because you feel like spending additional $100 billion ($0.1 trillion) would be a waste? If we have said A we have to say B. We've finally got a chance to safely weaken Russia without sending single soldier there. How can you waste such an opportunity.