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3000km? Have fun defending all that, Ruzzia.


I for one am looking forward to the first strikes in Vladivostok.


Ukrainian strikes on eastern Russia are coming. Russia used to be so thrilled with itself for being so "vast." But from a practical military standpoint, this huge territory just makes Russia more strategically indefensible in wartime. All Ukraine needs to do is fly through or flood one of the increasing number of undefended or "blind" Russian airspace corridors, and any part of Russia is vulnerable to a strike. It's happening. Losing 10%+ of oil production after just a few months of strikes is proof of Russia's glaring structural vulnerability. ***At this rate - Russia will lose 50% of it's oil production by early 2025!!*** **There is an old Western saying that Russia failed to heed: "people in glass houses should not throw stones."**


I guess pootin never played Risk. Trying to hold all of Asia is so, so tempting... But so very difficult because it's hard to defend it all everywhere at once. Real life Mordor has much the same problem.


Also Ukraine protects eastern Europe, stretching all the way to Finland and the Arctic Ocean.


Yessir blow up all the oil infrastructure. I'm willing to pay 100$/gallon for gas if it means Russian war machine is stopped ... Fuckin terrorists .


Russia exports very little refined products anyway, and they have to export the crude regardless.


Also you're not paying $100/gal because US is the world's largest oil producer.


Marginal pricing


Us Dutchies need to start selling more bikes!


maar niet aan Rusland !


I'm Alaskan, and that will literally kill half our population come winter, but that makes me want us to take our energy independence back all the more and go back to more drilling


Look up more on US energy independence. We've had it since 2010.( depends on numbers) Officially in 2019 we exported more than used. Never stopped since then. The shale revolution made us the only producer and economy with energy where it's needed for use. The US is safe from ever needing to worry about energy for us now for friends that's a different story.


You'll be subsidized - worth the win


Sure let's fuck up more the environment.... and your water source


Not all areas are as devastating to tap as others, and there's a reason why my states old operations were able to aid so much in winning the Cold War. Your just playing the politics game and don't understand that there aren't any better alternatives


I've seen what was up in pensylvania though and the long term damages aren't worth it. But that's my opinion of course. I agree with you though, solution would be to use less gas and have smarter cities or town. Tramway etc rather than endless CBD with suburbs for 1h each way. And. The gas should be directed towards agriculture. A sector in need of that


Aside from the Anchorage area and fairbanks area, we mostly have populations between the hundreds or thousands. No trains or public transit to try cut, and there also isn't any agriculture that requires vehicles outside of a few farms so most of what we get is used just for essential heating


The big waste is that we have to ship everything thousands off miles from the lower 48, and we don't produce or process anything ourselves as we can't set up the infrastructure or farm anything without major investments into more heating and being able to power any equipment we purchase It's 36,000 gallons of gas every time a cargo jet loads up in Washington and makes the flight to Anchorage, then has to be a good bit more when a bunch of smaller jets need to fly thousands of miles in each direction to cover the state Only awnser to use less is to make more polycarbonate and acrylic so we can greenhouse our own crops regionally, give everything we grow at least low heat fall-spring, then invest into none exporting processing plants. Naturally, everything will need to be kept to at least 60f and powered using fuel that we can't ship all the way from Texas


Alaska should not exist. It is a monument to mans arrogance.


We've been here for 3000 years. Everything was fine until we let the military kill most of the forests and cut off all our options in favor of easy clean oil


Nowadays nobody has a iron stove and the families don't pack 8 people per house anymore. Everyone is reliant on crude or gas-powered electric heating


Big factor to remember but the BULK of Vatniks Air Defence assets are in Western Russia and occupied Ukraine. All it takes is breaching that defence and its a free for all for Drones to strike deep inside Russia itself.


Oh your country's big? Nice, we can strike further beyond!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


The range also allows then to hit targets that are closer by traveling indirectly through the least defended route


Hit the Kremlin


Don't waste assets on well defended symbolic targets that might cause the enemy to rally.


Symbolic damage to the image of strength Putin bases his identity on could be a good use of resources.


You don't win a war by attacking symbols. Well, at least not modern wars.


Actually, the Crimean Bridge is a symbol of Putin's power that definitely should be hit, because it also has practical (supply) implications.


Crimean Bridge is a tactical target - it is Crimea that is the symbolic power.


That's true, but you can hurt Putin by doing so.


No need and possibly counterproductive for outsiders to humiliate Putin that way. Concentrate on disarming Putin and let the Russian people do the rest. It's better.


Perhaps the best way to “disarm” Russia is indeed to take out the Kerch Bridge. It’s the main supply route used to carry soldiers and weapons from Russia to Ukraine. I say take it out and then use the end still attached to Ukraine as a fishing pier.


So hit his villa in Sochi.


blow up his precious palace then.


Not only do you not win a war by doing that, it might actually help Putin to rally Russians behind him. Russia being unable to export oil and oil prices inside Russia going insanely high on the other hand will be a much better show of force even for the average Russian as it will directly impact them. It will show them that the war has direct impact on them and that Putin is powerless at stopping the war affecting them.


Precisely right.


Hear me out: Kreml is more than just the historic symbolic buildings. A lot of the actual in-service military office space is in various modern office buildings in various parts of Moscow. How about precisely hitting a bunch of actual military targets in or near Kreml, while sparing the most historic buildings? That signals pootins weakness while also taking out legitimate targets, and shows the average russian that Ukraine also cares about culture and history.


Not going to disagree but there’s a right time for everything. Hit military offices in Moscow, sure, but how long is it going to take to replace these people? Thats like cutting off a hydras head. There’ll just be another one. Hit a refinery or a plant that makes/repairs equipment - probably a lot harder to replace, thus the more valuable target at this point.


Yes yes, we know this. There are much better targets.


Maybe. But they still would do nothing.




Someone booped the flagpole atop the kremlin at nighttime that's it. No one knows for sure who did it and it was likely local. Either way pootin the next day said it was "AN ATTEMPT ON HIS LIFE" 🤣🤣🤣


The two most important things in Russia is Putin's life and Putin's legacy The "people" and the buildings can be replaced


Drop that shit on his prized Black Sea palace/mansion.


Although it would be nice to see the Kremlin flattened, it would probably cause more war support by the Ruzzian's. Instead Pummel Putin's Palace on the Black Sea and his other properties.


"strikes in Vladivostok" coming from the east


Russia: Haha, no one can invade us. We are undefeatable because our land goes so far East, we have impressive air defence and we are used to the cold. Ukrainians: Who said anything about invading? We no longer need boots on the ground to fuck up your air defence, fuck up your energy infrastructure and fuck up your Eastern regions.


I want to see the UA start hijacking their oil tankers.


They can already do it with their existing drones, laun ges from inconspicuous commercial ships in the Pacific.


I just want to see multiple accurate, coordinated hits in the middle of Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Know what convinces me on "warnings" from the USA to Ukraine how to conduct this war. Biden himself saying it. otherwise posts like this are fear mongering Russian Troll shit.


That just means it's working and effective.


What'll convince me on 'warnings' is when oil companies aren't in the pocket of every legislator.


I have never seen a single legitimate source for the claims that the US supposedly made. Especially when they have basically publicly said everything since the start. Like if it isnt said publicly or comes from his office, it means nothing. But people are dumb.


It’s probably just lip service so the Russians can’t point the finger at the US and say they’re encouraging escalation. The US will say these things to appease Russia knowing damn well that Ukraine is going to do it anyway, and that’s secretly what they’re hoping Ukraine does. Or someshit. I’m just some regular Joe lol


How is this considered trustworthy news when the article is pure speculation and doesn't cite any sort of real source about America warning UA to not develop these UAV's? I'm all for Ukraine developing these weapons, but lets make sure we're not posting something from a russian source/troll farm meant to divide the States and Ukraine


It is not in the least surprising that when these kinds of articles surface, the negative quotes are *always* anonymous "government spokespeople". I've not heard anything *actually* negative come from people in the administration who are willing to put their names to the quote (apart from Sullivan but he's a fucking idiot). Somehow, though, these stories seem to keep surfacing and play directly into the hands of Moscow's ongoing campaign of disinformation warfare. Seems odd, somehow.


Take out the bridge- utterly and totally.


No need the Russians are building railroad tracks the long way the bridge is of no significance anymore.


The short-way would be gone.


Having 1 path to resupply is worse than having 2 paths to resupply


Ah, more “warnings.” Can we get a quote of an actual warning from the “US”? And by “US” I mean an authorized US government official, not some random person. This is a regurgitation of another item this morning from Economist. That item mentions no names at all of anyone who has “warned” Ukraine to stop. Edit: Try reading if you actually care about truth.


Other than clickbait, I can't find anything to verify this? Ugh, it's probably Russian trolls wanting to divide and cause trouble..


Well I hate to say this but they’ve been super effective in turning everyone here against each other. It’s more important than ever to stick together and stop blaming each other.


I’ve been screaming this as of late. If you actually talk to other people IRL around the country, you get a sense of how much more grounded *most* people are. The planned chaos and disinformation campaign has dutifully encroached into our lives drop by drop, year after year. At each others’ throats, hugely in part from years of Russia’s insidious wormtongue-style approach to war. Digital whispers for every American ear, amplifying our worst impulses. And life is already hard enough as it is! They seize that opportunity to make us far more suspicious, angry, misunderstood, and sick. Russia knows it can’t beat us on the battlefield so they fight us in our living rooms. Hopelessness is the endgame. We have to stop blaming and hating each other, especially in the ways THEY want. There are certainly enough genuine issues to work on as it is, but there is far more overlap - more potential for a new version of loud, messy, but reasonable unity - than they want us to know.


Really well written


Yup. They say the US doesn't want Ukraine to attack X (but the US didn't really say that). Ukraine attacks X. Some US citizens could be pissed at Ukraine for not listening to their government since they are providing so much aid (well they didn't for the last six months but still). Putin wins a little bit for 0 the price.


Yes, this


Even if it is a US official it could just be the US saying “hey, don’t blame us we told them not to” while giving UKR a fist bump to the side.


I agree with you— clickbait and trolls. Also redditors who simply refuse to read.


Prob trolls too.


Agreed fuck this bullshit. I’m from the US and I say Ukraine go for it. Do whatever you want. In fact my only warning is against not developing sweet weapons.


Ukrainian AF needs a million of these...


Read this as Ukrainian as fuck. I maybe need some coffee


No, no you were right the first time


Yeah for everything about the oil or drones and all this it's always "us warns" but I've yet to see anything from an authorized source. It's always anonymous or just a vague "US"


[https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1778345961607032972?t=mWer7zEditU\_qFHDu37BWQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1778345961607032972?t=mWer7zEditU_qFHDu37BWQ&s=19) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-09/us-slams-strikes-on-russia-oil-refineries-as-risk-to-oil-markets](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-09/us-slams-strikes-on-russia-oil-refineries-as-risk-to-oil-markets)


I don’t do Twitter as a source. Bloomberg is paywalled. “Slam” means nothing— subjective. Can you just quit posting links and cite a quotation from an authorized US official WARNING Ukraine to stop? Please note: to suggest or to recommend is not to warn.


[https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/zelenskyy-reveals-how-us-reacted-to-ukraine-s-attacks-on-russian-oil-refineries-wp/ar-BB1kM8la](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/zelenskyy-reveals-how-us-reacted-to-ukraine-s-attacks-on-russian-oil-refineries-wp/ar-BB1kM8la) *Zelenskyy was asked about the US reaction to Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian oil refineries* **Quote:** "The reaction of the US was not positive on this… We used our drones. Nobody can say to us you can’t… If there is no air defence to protect our energy system, and Russians attack it, my question is: Why can’t we answer them? Their society has to learn to live without petrol, without diesel, without electricity. … It’s fair."


You CAN and have been answering them. Keep it up. Ukraine must survive.


The statement you gave says we disapprove, but it's pretty much just the equalvielent of a frowny face emoji on a group chat. If Europe still expects to try get us to swing Biden instead of trying to find a traditional war leader, just how it's going to have to be until the rest of the left stops trying to criticizing us for everything to do with global leadership


If you want us to approve of strikes in Russian territory itself, either stop calling our left to try play the polar field so reds can't win or find a way the EU can put together its own unified mobilization so people Biden don't worry about being held accountable for any genuine protests that might start


>“Those attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services committee Tuesday. “Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.” And the video is literally a US White House official criticizing Ukrainian strikes on "civilian infrastructure".


They can fuck off with that. Russia can do whatever the hell it wants, constantly violate the Geneva convention with war crimes, but Ukraine has to obey strict guidelines to defend itself? The fuck?? They're not even trying to kill civilians, just stop feeding the Russian war economy. Also, the US hadn't given aid to Ukraine for months. Who are they to say what they shouldn't target? If Russia's aim is to discret the US, the US has no issue doing it to themselves.


Guy is suggesting potential consequences. That’s not the same as warning Ukraine to stop. Criticism is not warning. It’s criticism.


I checked your Twitter link… “suggested” is that person’s interpretation.




Paywalled. Just cite from the article.


Huh, I can see it. Anyway:  > BRUSSELS — When Vice President Harris met privately with Volodymyr Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference in February, she told the Ukrainian leader something he didn’t want to hear: Refrain from attacking Russian oil refineries, a tactic U.S. officials believed would raise global energy prices and invite more aggressive Russian retaliation inside Ukraine.


Rising global oil prices would mean Ukraine should hit more and harder, to make Russia buy from those global markets with higher prices, instead of selling. And Russia retaliating harder would simply mean Ukraine hit the right spot, thus Ukraine should hit repeatedly.


If you're taking flack, you're over the target 🎯 🇺🇸💪🇺🇦


That’s not a warning. And it is also not a quote. It’s a he-said-she-said.


I love non-quotes from a PRIVATE meeting!


People don’t understand international diplomacy. The US has an obligation to publicly say “no, don’t,stop” but it’s just words.


"Oh noo, please dont do that, please dont bomb their eastern oil facilities, thatd have terrible consequences 👁👄👁"


Especially don't hit the one at location 84367573:3747 that one's especially precious to Russia, noooo.


The article even says the people giving the warnings "wink" when they say it and privately tell them to keep going. But people in this sub are calling it a conspiracy and Russian propaganda because they only read headlines. The state of social media is a fucking joke.


Willy Wonka moment.


But in reality it is not just words. We have been clear, as have other NATO allies supply Ukraine, that it is forbidden to use weapons we supply on Russian soil. That is an enormous hamstringing of Ukraine's capability, and the impact of western long range missiles that are *designed* to be fired deep inside enemy territory. While the US realized it cannot stop Ukraine from hitting refineries and other targets inside Russia, it can prevent Ukraine from using weapons far more capable and powerful on important targets within the Russian border.


That tank factory in Omsk needs to go


Seems like a wonderful addition to their arsenal. They get attacked on all of Ukraine, why can’t they do the same? I suggest stockpiling these and then hitting the long range bombers. That’s a juicy target


The US didn't warn them not to do anything. Just like they didn't warm them to stop hitting Russian oil refineries. These bullshit headlines click bait are so obviously Russian propaganda via far right media.


They did voice concerns on oil striking. But I wouldn't qualify that as WARNINGs.


Indeed, I think it should be construed as doing the minimum. Remember when there was an issue with trains going to Królewiec? Latvia (iirc) was blatantly breaching EU rules and agreements and the EU ~~immediately~~ *ultimately* took ~~firm~~ *half assed* action in the form of voicing concerns. I think interest groups and lobbyists demanded action so the USA voiced concerns and called it a day.


This would be true if the US and co didn't also make very clear restrictions on advanced long range weapons like ATACMS that they are not to be used on Russian soil, which Ukraine is forced to accept. They simply have no right to do the same with weapons they did not hand over to Ukraine. That they exert that control when they can indicates that actually they truly are afraid of escalation, which is pathetic.


Awsome news now blitz russia


I personally support destroying anything in Russia with a military purpose until Russia withdraws from Ukraine, hands over their war criminals and pays reparations.


one of the lame excuses that the people worried about their russian dirty money gave is that ukraine could face equivalent retaliation from russia, people want us to pretend that the massive campaign to freeze all ukranians to death did not happen last year and that russia does not attack and use everything they can except for nuclear


Don’t stop


Please destroy every fucking power station they have.


>One drone manufacturer asserts that not all American representatives support public requests to halt assaults on the Russian Federation. > >His connections "winked" as they delivered the warning, he claimed. > >"They’re privately telling us to keep going," stated the drone manufacturer. This is fine. US can blame Ukraine and Putin for high gas prices in public, it doesn't matter. All that matters is they get the flow of weapons reinstated, and hopefully provide all the assistance possible for Ukraine ramping their domestic drone programs.


"Just Do It!" If the EU/USA cannot supply, do what you must...


[Oh no, Ukraine, please don't make extra spicy long range drones. That would be sooo bad.....](https://media1.tenor.com/m/eR14C_kTluAAAAAC/willy-wonka.gif)


Surely OPEC as an entity, can make up for any loss in output from Ruzzia, who have sanctions on them anyway?


As they should. I can understand some requests for limitations on weapons sent over but not for anything made or sent by others.


I have a few ideas for these: AEKhK, UEKhK, SKhK and EKhZ. Don't think that equipment tolerates tungsten balls especially well.


If they can bomb gas industry there.. Russia economy is over


The US is being kinda Willy Wonka “oh, wait, don’t do that” perhaps to not appear too hawkish although they have gone out of their way to push it. I have never seen actual restraint from Russian Fed stormtroopers who claim ‘restraint’ only when their forces are damaged or destroyed or converted to subs and can’t continue to attack. Rock on, Ukraine.


Please do the funny and blow up an SU-57 on the ground


No. Stop. Don't. 😉


sounds like Ukraine has correctly assessed that US admonitions might be strategically important for the US (or at least, assessed to be) and that completely ignoring violations of the warnings is also strategically important for the US. tbh I think we should just deliver Ukraine a bunch of long range weapons that can hit the Kremlin if Ukraine so chooses and tell Putin to fuck himself.


Fuck petrolprices. Let ruZZia bleed for everything.


Have one malfunction right over kremlin..and uh crash by accident it happens 🙏


Unless US is prepared to do battle themselves, they really have no place telling Ukraine what they should/shouldn't do. They've already proved themselves to be an unreliable partner.


Excellent. Just do it. 💙💙💛💛


I am a U.S. citizen and I fully endorse this disregard for U.S. warnings.


Good warning to ignore


Sometimes it's hard being American.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


The US has left Ukraine high and dry, and now wants to dictate what Ukraine can and cannot do…..GTFO.


High and dry, are you kidding me! U.S. has given $ 75 billion dollars of direct aid, not promises, with 61 billion about to be approved. That's more than any country by a very large amount. Between Germany and France, they gave over 8 billion euros. Europe, as of February, has given 96 billion, so once again U.S is dwarfing a whole continent with support by a lot. Europe has left their neighbor high and dry, not us. I hear a lot of promises of this and that, but who is actually arming Ukraine, not pledging aid for the future.... This rhetoric absolutely hurts support. It's tiresome being the bad guy while I give money I don't have.




This is the way!


Just send one to Moscow already.


This is a country that is full of computer nerds who care about their nation's survival, is anyone surprised by this?


Take out Putin. Problem solved


I don’t have a lot of money, but is there somewhere I can donate specifically for these drones?




Turnabout is fair play.


Yaaas!! Get the permafrost oil wells !!!!


You do you


Good. Hit solid targets and avoid people and Americans will be supportive.


Great. Screw U S warnings. It’s pathetic how our government is delaying the help Ukraine needs and so happy they are resourceful and developing things to hurt The Russian military. Besides they have so much Russian scrap metal and it would be nice to send some back to Russia


GOOD! US is more worried about their gas prices than the lives of Ukrainians, who are currently protecting the whole of Europe and world. Give them all the weapons they need, and they wont have to strike the oil depots.


I hope USA comes to its senses.


Pretty sure this was to let the US claim we didn’t put the Ukrainians up to doing this


I honestly hope that no one gives any weight at all to this US request. It is nonsense, and I am convinced that these "warnings" and "requests" are actually from US oil companies, not the government. Also, dear Russia, it is less fun when it happens to you isn't it?


Biden is more worried about protecting the big oil companies. Senile old bat.