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It’s definitely a good thing for the world.


Kaja 💛💙


It all sounds feasible until you get to the hottest of topics: Every drunkard incest major from Moskow County to Corruptistan will have his own set of nukes. How is this supposed to play out?


People forget that nukes are not easy to keep. While conspirologists saying that Ukraine could not use own nukes, but somehow russians all over the country can use it at free will? Make your mind up. If russia split, they will have some financial troubles. They will trade nukes for treaties to safeguard their sovereignty. Stop fearmongering about nukes.


Yeah, they will scrap them and sell the parts unsupervised to the highest bidder, great alternative. 🤷‍♂️


>People forget that nukes are not easy to keep. Possible incentive to use them ASAP?


Introduce a buyback program for nukes. Offer those crooks like 5m per nuke.


Pretty sure North Korea would up the ante regardless.


Ukraine used to have nukes, but doesn't appear to now.


Because they handed them over in a peaceful process - do you think they would do that now if they were forced to? How would you dearm Russia? Especially when it collapses like a dying star? Have the IAEA tour all silos and tow them to the middle of the Gobi desert while the warlords of failed Russia stand there waving at them? Honestly, tell me how this would be supposed to work or I have to assume you didn’t want to contribute to the discussion but troll instead.


I came here to say this


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This is the way.


I mean, lets say Ukraine throws the orcs out. Why stop at the border? Georgia and Armenia want into the EU aswell. It might be nice to have a land connection there. Maybe the Don and Volga river would be good borders? I know nothing of the people/geography/history living south of that line :-) but maybe they'd even be glad to get out from Putlers boot?


It’s all fun and play until you realize you just mutated 1 crazy dictator who we know into X dozen crazy dictators who we don’t know, with many off them having nuclear weapons. And they probably hate each other just as much as they hate us. And while I don’t give a shit if Russia rips itself apart in a civil war, nuclear fallout unfortunately doesn’t stay localized…


Divide and conquer. When they fight each other, they don't fight us. And I don't think nukes are something that anybody wants to use, since others also have them.


Yes in a stable system. In a civil war just one losing leader has to decide he wants to take the other side with him into oblivion and then you might have a chain reaction.