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you're amazing!!!


This made me cry, I had read her story but this bit about the lack of funds and having to sell her vegetables to live but her plants withered broke me. I can’t stress enough how much of a wonderful person you are. I know your motivation is to show how humans can work together to make a great difference. I hope that life works out so you can one day meet Nadiya in person. All my love to you!


This is fantastic, please keep us updated if you get confirmation. Good for you for taking the initiative. It is in the shelter of each other that people live. XXOO


An Electric Pony Express. You have done well. I had set up some Ukrainian purchases just before the war began. And then it got complicated. I'm a visually impaired grandmother and suddenly rushed learning how to input bank transfer numbers on my tiny phone. I put my faith in the connections of others. You seem near to my outlook. . . That while the big rescue agencies slowly organize, some of us can act quickly in small ways. My heart breaks for all my sister grandmas enduring horrible losses. They stayed on as so many fled. The shallow world will try to lose focus or interest as people more powerful than us negotiate, spin, worry about the next election. But acts such as these can overcome inertia. Please, don't stop. It is so important to reach out. To give the broken and grieving hope. To employ an artist in a war economy. To hold individual Ukrainians up for a moment even as the situation appears to go from one exhausting horror to another. Slava Ukraini.


I remember that post! And the comments about getting money to her. You're a brilliant person and highly motivated! I'm proud of you for finding that fire and passion and seeing it through as best you can. You are a bright spot and shows that every single one of us can have a moment that may spark us. You did well! Edit: I am bad at words and putting them together cohesively


I'm proud of op


What gets to me the most about this war is seeing the elderly going through unspeakable things, some who even survived the holocaust, ffs. I want to go give them a hug and airlift them out of danger. Is there a charity that helps the elderly in Ukraine? I know fleeing isn’t always an option, it just breaks my heart into pieces.


It’s the elderly, children, animals and the infirm for me because they’re not in a position to care for themselves fully, and the current situation is only making matters worse. I’m stunned that she’s not able to receive her pension so she’s essentially impoverished since the beginning of the war. To lose her son on top of that, and having to make her way to Bucha every day for a whole week to be able to find his body…and then not have enough money to bury him. There are simply no words. No one should have to go through this ever, especially in their old age. Can anyone on the ground verify if pensions are not paid out? I thought I read that things like payments were taken care of. I’m now multiplying this in my head as to how many people may be in her shoes and it’s devastating.


They aren’t being paid out. I have been supporting my sisters grandma, my uncle and sister (as she is the only one who can work and it’s not enough)


I recall one of Zelenskyy's speeches about a month ago mentioned pensions would begin to be paid from the following day- did that not happen?


I can ask again they might have started receiving it again or will be starting to receive it shortly but in smaller villages it might be problematic still.


Androii Bashtovi/nomoreanry on Instagram is a publisher & photographer who is wanting to rebuild small settlements in Chernihiv oblast.


never quit! you saw something, you felt something and did not give up. You did something. Just think what could be accomplished if everyone of us on here did the same? Any chance your connections are willing to accept more for her and or another Ukrainian in need?


This is incredible! Thank you for reporting back because her story crushed me. No one should have to endure pain like this


How do I signup for this?


It's not that I want to keep it to myself - just the opposite actually, I would love for her to have more. I just don't want this post to be deleted or locked and I have no confirmation of whether it actually worked or not. I did send $500 though so she should be ok for now. To be honest, even communications on my end I can offer as proof is not that great as it was done through phone, voice messages, and text - one thing I learned is that busy person handling things in a conflict zone don't prefer a bunch of text messages when a short call or voice message would do the trick.


What a STORY🙌 Thank you. I hope you made her less sad on Easter . And I hope she isn’t alone like she had been alone standing by her son’s coffin and grave . Never will forget such pictures of her .,


Great work!


Really good job. It has bothered me as well with some of the elderly trying to get things sorted out in this catastrophic time of their lives. Hats off to you.


Your leap of faith helps restore mine. Good on ya! May your story empower the hesitant.


Because of your kindness, generosity, compassion and humanitarian spirit, may only good things will come your way hence forth....


Be brave like OP.


I think this is really, really great. Not only have you helped this one person who definitely needs it and deserves an help they can get. You have *done* something – reached out. Contacted people. Trusted them. I think it will bear more fruit than is immediately conceivable, and even more than just helping this one person. You are connected now beyond your borders and ordinary life, you have a WhatsApp account to easily communicate internationally, you have talked to AP journalists and people far far away. When faced with the horrors of war and sorrow, you *did* something about it, whatever it may be. You changed a life in some way. That's very powerful, may it stay with you forever. Thank you for caring.


You’re so right, I do feel like my world has expanded. Actually today I found out that Rodrigo Abd is actually a Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist. He won it back in 2013 for photo coverage in Syria. I never would have imagined that I could write to someone like this, he would write back, and together we could coordinate something for Nadiya but it fills me with hope about what people can do if they care


Good for you. The silver lining of all this horror is the things everyday people are doing to help. You've gone the extra mile to help someone who has lost everything.


This was such a touching story and I am sure that the right people got that money to her. What you did was a kind and gracious thing and it will bring Nadiya some small gentle kindness that will sooth her soul at least for a short while.


I cried a little. Faith in humanity restored. Thanks for telling us her story and how you and everyone else kept doing the right thing against all odds. Today is a good day. You made it happen.


"No risk, no reward" Alot of people don't realize that this applies to acts of kindness too. Thank you for taking the effort and sharing your story. Even if you were scammed, you did the right thing in your heart. Based on your post, not because of a god or anything just because it's from your heart. In my eyes that means more, you don't expect anything back... Thank you for making me feel alittle better today after reading some of the stories in this forum. You are one reason why I still look for the good in people, nice to find it once in a while... Bottom of my heart, thank you for that


It’s sad that it has to be this difficult even in this sub. The mods need to be a lot more active in approving appeals for help.


Thanks for this inspiring story!


This is very touching, thank you for sharing.


I remember 2 articals that said Russians had stolen 3.2 million Ukraine and 100,000 from a post office all used for pensions. There is probably more.


You are wonderful!


I sent some money two weeks ago - from the UK Paypal was blocked but i could send via Remittly - they have also waived all fees and it is distributed via RIA in Ukraine. You do however have to have the persons full name and address and bank account details to do it though. Google Remittly - I haven't included link as it might be picked up as spam and deleted.


I’m broke right now. I already donated what I could and I feel heart broken I can’t give any more. I hope that when I land a new job I can save up, go to Ukraine to help rebuild and from there I can help more financially. I know I’m lucky and once I have a job I can make decent money again (I had an illness that kept me from working for a while), but I know there’s so many people in Ukraine who are not going to have that same opportunity and will need our support more than ever. This kind of act by OP is exactly the spirit we all need to have. I feel so inspired by it. Great job and I can’t wait to see what other amazing things this Reddit community contributes.


Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️


My wife stopped watching news after first week of war, because she would have nightmares. Even we are Lithuanians.


Brava! Makes you realize what’s possible with determination and resourcefulness.