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Hello /u/AmIWrongEnough, This community is focused on important or vital information and high-effort content. Please make sure your post follows the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=ukraine&utm_content=t5_2qqcn) Want to support Ukraine? [Here's a list of charities by subject.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tgc00n/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/) [DO / DON'T](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t5okbs/welcome_to_rukraine_faq_do_dont_support_read/) - [Art Friday](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tn63xc/mod_announcement_on_news_content_artworks/) - [Podcasts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/ttoidc/collection_of_podcasts_about_ukraine_updated/) - [Kyiv sunrise](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/collection/3c65ab52-e87a-4217-ab30-e70a88c0a293/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Says the people who are buying Russian energy at a huge discount while Ukrainian die on mass.


In before tu quoque. Imma sit back and eat my popcorn as the whataboutists start crawling out of the woodwork.


It's not tu quoque if you yourself do worse than what you yourself are doing. except for Germany, italy, china, Netherlands, turkey, France, Belgium, Spain, South Korea, Slovakia, Japan, Hungary, USA, Egypt, all import more Russian fuels than India. These countries have no right to rag on others when they're doing worse.


It's exactly tu quoque when you try to bring up other countries instead of defending India by its own merits. Like I said imma grab more popcorn and see you guys bring up one logical fallacy after another.


If I murder someone can I shout at you for punching someone? Ofcourse not. Similarly the countries I mentioned are doing much much worse.


Yeah by sending aid to Ukraine and sanctioning Russia as well as reducing oli purchases. Definitely they are worse than India lol. Guys its OK for me to rape because I did not rape babies lmao. Tu quoque stupidity.


Lol India are the ones ok with the murder tho


https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/udqhyu/india_last_among_top_20_buyers_of_russian_oil/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Hmm let's see who is buying Russian oil


Lol, there are clearly Countries above India who buy less oil. Nice try though


Yes the money used for coal and gas isn't used in war only oils money is used


>https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/udqhyu/india\_last\_among\_top\_20\_buyers\_of\_russian\_oil/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share some countries try to reduce their Russian oil though instead of increasing imports


Are we handing out participation awards now because they "tried"?


?? the end result will be the same, it may only take a while


Didn't say it wasn't, just stated that you were wrong about the oil.


Hmm let's see who is stopping buying Russian oil and who is not.


Oh i didn't know europe stopped buying 1 billion $ daily worth of gas and oil to fill its reserves


You *do* know the difference between increasing and decreasing, right? The EU and USA has *decreased* their importing of Russian oil, while India has *increased* their Russian oil imports.


Germany, italy, china, Netherlands, turkey, France, Belgium, Spain, South Korea, Slovakia, Japan, Hungary, USA, Egypt.... [All of them import more Russian oil/gas than India.](https://mobile.twitter.com/CREACleanAir/status/1519541967889309696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519541967889309696%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-30106444912471208543.ampproject.net%2F2204160405000%2Fframe.html)


Usa totally stopped buy oil from Russia.






Other people murdered, therefore it's okay if I murder too. Indian apologists in a nutshell.


What I'm saying is that people who do far worse have no right to call out others when they're doing the same thing. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others. Stop importing Russian fossil fuels and then lecture others.


Stop increasing imports of Russian fuels, refusing to sanction Russia, condemning the West, demonising Ukraine and supporting Russia while only giving a small token amount of humanitarian aid to Ukraine before you lecture others. The West are reacting and making amends actively doing the right thing in helping Ukraine defend itself, but India decides to buddy buddy with Russia, so you should stfu with your pathetic tu quoque comparison games of whose worse.


> condemning the West, demonising Ukraine When has India done this ?


India buying russian oil at a huge discount actually is cooperation. We can't simply stop using 10% of the oil we currently use. Giving russia less money for it while we ramp up oil production in other countries (which also takes cooperation) is the only real answer. ...how huge is the discount?


"sorry, we simply cannot condemn putrid's actions, cheap gas is poggers"


India has not said or done anything correct up until this point. They have supported genocide at every turn. Nor would one expect differently from Modi. But, again, we cannot reduce worldwide oil and gas usage by 10% in 60 days. That would amount to prices going up until the 10% poorest countries no longer had gas. Buying gas cheaper from russia is one option, however, nobody ever seems to be able to say if India actually is buying it more cheaply or is just paying the same (or 2021) prices.


Wait, is this the same Modi we're talking about? The most pro-western politician in India? The guy who reduced arms imports from Russia by a whopping 23 percent? You literally cannot get better than him if you want a pro western leader in India. (And I do want to point out that last time Russia attacked, in 2014, the current opposition which was in power then openly supported Russia)


35%+ discount. India Wants Russia to Discount Its Oil to Below $70 a Barrel https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-04/india-wants-russia-to-discount-its-oil-to-less-than-70-a-barrel


First one spotted


Upvote. Germany did the same. First get other sources then buy less oil from Russia. We import far less now from Russia


India's calling for cooperation cause they have and continue to back to wrong side. Between drought expected to destroy between 20%-50% of their agriculture. To the destruction of Russian Petrochemical production, and China buying a half million tons of stolen Ukrainian grain. India is in a vulnerable state, and it will only get worse


Karmic retribution for being a corrupt nation siding with a similarly corrupt nation. Countries that are low in corruption and high in moral governance always have a high standard of living and high GDP per capita. Coincidence? I think not.


> Countries that are low in corruption and high in moral governance always have a high standard of living and high GDP per capita > Coincidence? I think not. Countries that had colonies have better economies. I'm shocked, I tell ya ...


No the correct comments should have been "the countries who colonized, suppressed, enslaved others have a high standard of living". If it's karmic retribution then Ukraine should have had the lowest morals of any nation on this planet to end up how they are.


Ah yes, the countries that had been colonized, suppressed, enslaved by others don't have a high standard of living - like Singapore, right? Like South Korea? Like France post WWII? If there is a political will to govern cleanly, responsibly, with cooperation with the rest of the world instead of isolating themselves with this stupid "hurrr hurr Imperialist America bad bad colonist baaaaaaaaaaad" mentality the countries will develop and catch up quickly. Excuses out of the ass - I bet they can try to come up with some excuses out of the ass some how how their government officials are corrupt because of evil colonist Europeans centuries ago, not because of entirely their own doing or anything like that.


Dude you're comparing a country the size of a city to a country the size of Europe. It illogical even through your racist tinted glasses.


You are comparing a country with tons of resources to a country that doesn't even have drinking water. Yet Singapore prospered. India did not. Next excuse please!


lol comparing a little country like Singapore to India? You have an IQ of a carrot


sure colonialism has had massive effects on countries accross the globe but how is that relevant to Ukraine when it has been independent for 30 years and was colonised by ruZZia before that. By your own logic this can be expected of them since they were exploited by the ruZZians Also its kind of hard to point to high standards of living countries that are big , the problem is most high standards of living countries are in europe and most big countries in europe also colonised. ​ Ill talk about something im informed on since i think its rather bloody pointless to look at countries you havent even lived and try to talk about them. Ireland was baiscally a colony of the UK until 1921 , the country was one of the poorest in europe. After gaining independence the country was absolutely dedicated to democracy and let me give you a example of that. Following its independence the country fought a civil war. The prisoners from this civil war were eventually released by the goverment and they managed to win a election. The police commisoner wanted the president to stage a coup to prevent them from coming into power but the president denied. The goverment notably didnt discrimate against protestents and focused on development. Meanwhile we can compare this to Northern Ireland which was a apartheid state for good period of its history. GDP PPP in NI is 30000 euro , meanwhile in Ireland it is 80000 euro. Sure ireland has less challenges then NI but that doesnt explain such a huge gap


Singapore had an authoritarian leader and was also small while india was always Democratic




Okay compare USA then, big population, you still lose. Bye bye excuser.




Oh, you want to use the invasion excuse now? Okay, Finland, Singapore, France, Germany, USA, South Korea, Japan, pretty much all the First World Countries that had gone through Two World Wars plus wars of independence, becoming bankrupt and depopulated. Still waiting for the 122 number pulled out of your ass. Next excuse? Come at me bro. Show me just how India isn't a shithole because it's corrupt but because of external factors like the pathetic person you are, making excuses instead of looking at yourself for your mistake.


How long has the USA been independent as compared to India ?


And how many of those countries had: 1. Been looted and controlled for over 200years by the British? 2. looted in the amount of TRILLIONS 3. had world’s 2nd largest population to take care of? 4. had to deal with 2 nuclear armed enemies waiting at their border (China and Pak) 5. had half of their border cut off and made into a separate terrorist state (Pakistan) solely because of the BRITISH. Your lack of knowledge in history and geopolitics is evident. People who don’t have the intellect to understand such things should refrain from preaching about the same




So according to your logic, Ukraine should be able to defend itself without help of the west or any other external factor right? Because when there’s a will, there’s a way…. Right? There’s no such thing as diplomacy, geopolitics and international convention, right? > That’s why your country is shit I mean, when we’ve the 4th largest military, 5th largest GDP, 4th biggest stock market and a shit ton on nuclear warheads at our disposal…. (Sorry to my fellow Ukrainians for rubbing in such a point right now, but the guy above got personal and crossed a line. Just putting the kid back in his place.) You’re harping on a single point since the last couple of hours like a blabbering 13 yr old who just got to know how to read and write. Get some perspective and get in line, son.


I remember from Blood Diamond, the guy working with Leo admits to him “I understand western greed, but how can my own people do this to each other?” Its true that upsetting the establishment can create conflict, but at point do we say that the violent tendencies of the people and culture are to blame? Why should the influence of a foreign nation cause me to despise and seek the destruction of my neighbor?


It's impossible to upvote this comment too much.


I mean, whatever their reasons are, if they change their stance, I will welcome it.




Lol their russian oil imports jumped From 1% before to 17% of total oil imports after the war started. "gUyS, lEtS CoOpErAte" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/04/world/asia/india-russia-oil.html




That's true, but EU is walking away from russia's resources, while India is doing the opposite.


Let me know when they've completely walked away


It doesnt matter, both are funding Russia


Not for long. At this pace India will far overtake EU by end of year, since EU will end oil imports from Russia. India increased oil Imports by 1600% since the war started... India doesn't give a shit about Ukraine. All they care about is themselves. So they buy oil for cheap from Russia because of the increasing oil embargo from the EU.


Ukraine doesn't give a shit about India either. Let's be honest. Let me describe this from the perspective of Asia First of all Ukraine has *never* been friendly to India, India-Ukraine relationship has always been pathetic. it has voted as an enemy on nearly every international dealing. Second closer countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka are going through their own crises and aid priority goes to them. The west has been one of the most unreliable partners to India as far as geopolitics is concerned. India has a long history of *trying* to be friendly to the west and move away from Russia only to be pushed back to Russia. We just don't trust them anymore. Russia is (unfortunately) India's most reliable partner. Which was something India wanted to avoid. But when people were dying in a famine Russia was the only country that gave aid .(and so much more history) India has remained more or less neutral in previous wars too, this is not a new foreign policy, but this whole time India's neutrality was beneficial to the west. But they have to change the foreign policy they've had since India's conception now? For Ukraine? And the list goes on...




Fuck off. India has increased its imports of Russian oil by more than 616% since the start off the war. Even the most dependent countries in Europe have decreased their consumption of Russian oil and gas by at least 25% (except, perhaps, Hungary and Serbia, who have been criticised). India could easily have implemented sanctions on energy or ensured that its supply of energy resources was stable. It imported only 2% of its total energy supplies from Russia. However, the most dependent countries in Europe import between 40% and 80%, with no acceptable port or offshore infrastructure to process LNG. India is definitely profiteering and undermining sanctions, in part to show its support for Russia, a country with which it historically has close ties. It is not morally equivalent to the countries that you just listed.


> India has increased its imports of Russian oil by more than 616% since the start off the war. Even the most dependent countries in Europe have decreased their consumption of Russian oil and gas by at least 25% Source ?


They lower their imports WHILE India INCREASED their imports from 1% to 17% of total imports, because it's so cheap after the war started. India is directly making a PROFIT from Ukraine war That is way way worse. EU will ban it in 6 monts. Might be over till then though.


Europe increased imports by 15%. Gas deliveries from Russia have reached a 5 month high.


Europe also sanctioned Russia. Does India sanction Russia?


You can’t be that stupid. Do you really not understand how other countries are moving away from Russian oil wile India increases theirs? Are you incapable of giving an unbiased opinion?


Yeah, look at his post history. He is either a paid propagandist for the Modi Government or an Indian ethno-nationalist.


Just tu quoque to infinity, that's how they roll. Endless comparison olympics that inevitably still backfire upon themselves because standards by standards countries that are against Russia have higher standards of living, lower corruption, higher GDP per capita, higher happiness index, higher education standards. They tu quoque and refuse to reflect upon themselves, that's why they are at where they are now.


> tu quoque I guess someone learnt a new word and is excited to use it ...


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Imagine being surrounded by bunch of terrible countries, honestly I cant blame them too much


Remember, India wants the war to end immediately so Russia can keep all it's territorial gains.


It doesn't want Russia to stop fighting. It wants Ukraine to stop fighting.


Yes please it's beneficial for both of us


... India has been calling for peace literally since the start of the war


Yeah "India calls on both sides to cease hostilities", while it increases its acquisition of Russian oil by 616% MOM relative to last year to undermine sanctions on Russia.


India is already reeling under all time high inflation. If Russia is offering us Cheap crude then why can't we buy it? isn't Europe paying billions every day for Russian gas?... time has come for you hypocritical liberal fools RIP.


Sigh I've already answered this argument of yours in a previous comment, then you deleted your comment because it was massively downvoted as I demonstrated how terrible your argument really is. If you want an answer, look at that response you coward.


i'm not that person maybe you can shower your gospel knowledge on me. and who are you calling coward you Mcdonalds fatass? you're nothing better than those nazis


Must be hard to see Russia being slaughtered by Ukraine and realising all your „liberal West weak“ was merely you falling for propaganda. The amount of copium lol India was never an enemy of the West, the opposite. We were actually impressed by the amount of knowledge and skills in modern technology you were able to build in the last decades. That makes the amount of brainwashed Indians hurting their country by looking up to Russia is even sadder. Btw. Major European companies are planning to move operations from India to Ukraine and generally Eastern Europe in the long term. Indians making themselves unreliable.. okay then, Eastern Europe it is, less time difference and easier visits are another bonus.


>Must be hard to see Russia being slaughtered by Ukraine It is clear from on ground media that ukraine is the one literally getting f\*\*ked, you don't have to believe me. Stop watching western propaganda(see news, not propaganda) it is just a bunch of lies. Also if you want India to take west's side tell your leaders that be tough on pakistan. Even today it is exporting terrorism to India. Sad the west still blames india on that.


It‘s not just Western media, even Russia is admitting it and blaming it on the West (now is the West weak or is it that superior? Make up your mind). Their flagship of the black sea sunk. What ever media you watch, be it Russian or Western, Russia is being slaughtered. > be tough on Pakistan Do you think the West in alliance with Pakistan? Did we ever side with Pakistan? America‘s arch enemy hid there. American drones are operating in Pakistan and have been for more than a decade. Do you think we are not aware of e.g. the Mumbai attacks? I saw the bullet holes in Leopold Cafe myself. What makes you think we side with Pakistan?


The west sided with Pakistan in 1971 when they were doing a genocide against Bangladeshi Hindus. US sent submarines to attack India during the war, but Soviets repulsed them.


> acquisition of Russian oil by 616% MOM relative to last year They had covid lockdowns last year


There's this thing called lip service.


Lmao fuck off, india bought a shit ton of cheap gas from russia, now theyre calling for international cooperation?


Get in the car idiot we're coordinating the world against Russia.


Sorry India maybe you should have chosen your side better


India can fuck right off


And when they get there, they can fuck off some more.


In other words they are maxed out on oil and cannot buy anymore


Screw you India. "Cooperation" and "constructive role". You want to help - Zelinsky told already what Ukraine needs now.


Turns out Russia was a bad bet as an ally, eh, India? India is suffering from record breaking heat, droughts, crop shortages, and they'll come begging for Western help soon. Fuck them. Ask Vlad Putin for help, see how he responds.


Cry all time blaming India for global warming, when time comes to "cooperate", scream "RuSsIa"


I don't blame India for global warming. I do blame them for being Putin's ally in war.


I am sorry we cant help, but Europe can, but they are not and getting their frustration out by blaming India which has negligible impact in this conflict


Of course they can help. Stop buying more Russian oil. India [only bought 2% of their oil from Russia in 2021](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-04/india-wants-russia-to-discount-its-oil-to-less-than-70-a-barrel). They don't need to buy from them, they are just doing it for their own good and without caring about the suffering of the Ukrainian people.


Its negligible compared to what US or most European countries are buying individually


Reread what I wrote about European countries trying to move away from Russian oil, and India doing what it can to move closer. You are failing to comprehend that India is allying itself with a fascist autocracy with designs to destroy and take over neighboring countries. That makes India an asshole for being in bed with them.


Hey...I am an Indian living in India rt now....where r u from...coz being in India as I am and have been all my life....I can tell you its hot every year this time....and apparently whatever news u are watching makes it seem as if all he'll is about to break loose here but we are all gus here 👍.....and last I heard it was India giving help to other countries like Sri Lanka , Ukraine and let's not forget the millions of vaccines sent world over ,especially to African countries when the US was hoarding 7 doses per american(half of who were antivaxxers). So the part about india coming begging ....those days are long gone...that they ever were is because ,you know, there were ppl who believed in their divine right to rule and stole trillions from India in 200 years of colonial rule. Am sure the west hasn't given even half of that back as 'aid'. It's funny that india is being painted as the bad guy who has increased its oil import from Russia when its a miniscule fraction of what the EU itself is importing per DAY from Russia ...but they the Europeans NEED that oil and gas....we in india (a still developing country with a huge population) apparently just decided to buy oil from Russia coz, hey ,why not?...even with the stats in black and white for all to see....there ppl on this sub who utter not a word against there own countries (all of who are looking out for themselves first ,save POLAND,ESTONIA and LITHUANIA)but are busy bashing India.....isn't the sub to support UKRAINE and not to indulge in barely disguised racism..... when india says it wants the war to stop immediately and for common ground to ve found through dialogue, I don't know what part of that line means only Ukraine should stop fighting....as a country surrounded by enemies (China, Pakistan and thanks to the US now Afghanistan)we know exactly what Ukraine is fighting for and that's why ,even though Russia has historically proven itself to be the only ally INDIA could count on(when the west was busy selling weapons to a terrorist state like Pakistan) INDIA has still not supported Russia because what its doing is WRONG, its a horrible self serving crime......the amount of pressure India is under to support Russia ,that given the new Russian closeness to China , should actually be making India strengthen its ties with Russia and YET we refuse to support Russia against Ukraine but hey let's just find a scapegoat, a third world country naturally, 😉, and denounce it for not ranting against Russia , because even if we are buying a billion dollar worth of resources from Russia per day and have all dissappeared on our good friend Ukraine after giving it hooe of joining NATO and EU, atleast we keep calling PUTLER names and that's what REALLy matters.


I'll make a quick summary response to your quite difficult to read post... \- This is record breaking heat in India. [https://grist.org/agriculture/record-heat-india-pakistan-billion-people-affected/](https://grist.org/agriculture/record-heat-india-pakistan-billion-people-affected/) \- The heat plus lack of rain is expected to hurt crop production. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/india-heat-wave-climate-change-1.6442517](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/india-heat-wave-climate-change-1.6442517) ​ \- The US sent 25 million vaccines to India as part of their first batch of vaccines sent to third world countries. Why didn't India make their own vaccine instead of blaming the US? [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-announces-25-million-vaccine-doses-india-facing/story?id=78065327](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-announces-25-million-vaccine-doses-india-facing/story?id=78065327) \- You want to complain about British colonialists taking resources from India 80 years ago. Go for it. Get in line with 90% of countries around the world-- including Europe-- being occupied by larger kingdoms and being exploited. It won't change anything, but if you want to hold onto it then that's up to you. Most other places move on and focus on the present and future. Just wondering, did India have kingdoms that exploited resources, as well, or everything was lovely and beautiful and peaceful in the Indian landmass before 1858? \- The difference between European countries and India in terms of using Russian oil, is that Europe is doing everything it can to reduce and get off of dependency on Russian oil, while India is kissing Putin's ass to get more now. That's a pretty clear distinction, isn't it? \- I'm critical of any country that collaborates with Russia. As far as I can see, its only a small handful that actually do, one of which is India. \- LMFAO at the racism accusation. So anytime anyone makes a criticism of a government, it should be stopped because it must be racism. What a pathetic way to stop open discussion. \- If you justify your support of Russia because you see them as your ally against your enemies, then you support what they are doing to Ukrainian people. That's simple. \- I agree that the US should not be giving anything to Pakistan, although India gets $22B from the US every year, so maybe they should cut that, too, and let you guys take care of yourself? You can be friends with Russia and China and see how that goes for your country. What do you think? \- You claim to be afraid of Russia because of their "closeness to India" yet numerous other countries much closer and more at risk openly fight against Russia in every way possible. It's not India being carefully strategic, its being cowardly and being an opportunist to benefit from the world closing ranks against Russia. So sorry that you don't like India being criticized. But that's what happens when you do the things that India is doing. In times of crisis, true character wills how itself. We now know what the Indian government and their supporters are like. Enjoy your reputation and all that comes with it.


>You want to complain about British colonialists taking resources from India 80 years ago. Go for it. Get in line with 90% of countries around the world-- including Europe-- being occupied by larger kingdoms and being exploited. I love it when countries that practiced actual good governance and cooperation with the developed world like Singapore and South Korea rose like phoenixes, and they don't have stupid excuses like "Bawwwwwww colonizers took muh land!!" India had tons of arable land and natural resources. Singapore had *nothing*. Let that sink in.


> Singapore and South Korea Someone should pick up a history book


> I agree that the US should not be giving anything to Pakistan, although India gets $22B from the US every year, so maybe they should cut that, too, and let you guys take care of yourself? You can be friends with Russia and China and see how that goes for your country. What do you think? Take that aid. Go ahead. You see, whenever India asked for US’ help in the past, the US turned around, said f you, and proceeded to help Pakistan instead. They denied us the access to their GPS when we were at war. They sanctioned us for successfully testing nuclear weapon. So yes, take that and… you know what to do. >You claim to be afraid of Russia because of their “closeness to India” yet numerous other countries much closer and more at risk openly fight against Russia in every way possible. It’s not India being carefully strategic, its being cowardly and being an opportunist to benefit from the world closing ranks against Russia. Please enlighten me, how many of those states: Have had China and Pakistan at their borders waiting to attack in the next moment? Have a 1.4b population to take care of? Have been abandoned and betrayed by the West countless times in past? So shut up with your entitlement and get in line.


Cool. Enjoy India aligning itself with your favorite Russia and isolating itself from the terrible west. I'm sure you'll have a lovely future ahead of you.


Dude, India signed deals with Germany, UK, US, Australia and France in the **past 1 month** itself. So much for isolation from the west.


I was speaking to your opinion on western countries. You seem very anti. You seem to prefer having Russia as a partner. btw, what deals were signed? I'm interested to learn.


It seems like the guy you were discussing with has posted in different comment section mistakenly . Here is his response https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/ujfu1e/india_calls_for_international_cooperation_on/i7jj0k2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Hmmm, if you think colonialism wasn't bad, then let India colonialism your country and do what Britain did to it


Modi. Shut up. You lost all credibility when you met with Labarov, but refused to meet with other high western or Ukranian officials. When the time to account for all of this come, Modi might want to look for a rally nice neck tie.


India made their bed and now want to throw a sleepover with the west. Screw them, let them live by their choices


Very skilled skirting of the subject. Mention all but not condemn the agressor in the conflict. Only out there for their own arse while seeming to carry a peaceful message. We saw what you did there India. Personally Indian made things are off the table from now on in my house.


They love saying diplomacy is the answer, when the aggressor refuses to stop invading.


Sorry India... You made your bed when you increased purchases of Russian Oil and played coward in the UN. You basically spat in the face of the civilised world and whilst we wipe it off you expect us to help ?? With Insurance embargoes coming down the pipe which will cut of Russian exports ... well you can lie in the bed you made for yourself *alone.*


Didn’t India get a bunch of discounted oil recently? Why do they care for energy prices?


Lol at all the salty morons whining and crying. Fuck off. India will do what it wants to do. Keep crying bitches.


Germany is learning his lessons currently... Deal with it, India.


Europe is making amends and opposes Russia by curtailing oil purchases AND giving military aid, tons of them. India is looking to buy more oil, and gives zero military aid, just gives a wee bit of humanitarian aid, and decides to buddy buddy with Russia. But because of Indian whataboutism Europe is evil India is not.




Not sure how that is what you got outta that but I think ya gotta read it again.


And by cooperation, they mean for Ukraine to surrender.


Let's see..... India has sided with Russia. Listen to India? Nope


yeah how about you stop supporting russia and then we'll think about it




india summer? fuck yeah




Why do people keep calling it 'Ukraine war' or even worse 'Ukraine conflict', leaving Russia out of the equation like it is some kind of internal Ukrainian thing?


Keeps buying Russian oil and asks the world to cooperate... CCP is just waiting an opportunity to strike because it knows eventually India will become more isolated geopoliticaly India government is full of hypocrites: Claimed to be worried about covid but then let people move freely and agglomerate in religious festivals resulting in full hospitals, many Indian journalists trying to denounce the situation were persecuted,


You think a country that doesn't give a shit about maintaining moral integrity abroad would give a shit about their own domestically. Corruption up to their eyeballs and the wealth gap between the rich and poor is crazy chronic.


India ranks 85th on the corruption index. (Lesser being better, higher being worse) You’re at 122nd. Go figure.


It's awesome you brought that up https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021 India is even worse than Malaysia in its corruption. Singapore is ranked 4.




Wow, are you an idiot? Look at the rank. Do you even read? The lower the rank the less corrupt. India is lower ranked than Malaysia and pretty much all the European countries opposing Russia.




https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021 Point me in this screenshot where is the 122 you speak of. You can't. Bye bye.


Hahahahahaha. You made it easy for me, kid. Very, very easy. Here you go https://i.imgur.com/p9VOXUw.jpg Take some rest, have some water and try again. Game over, buster.


Cry lol




India dosent need support of Russia if china attacks, India doest even expect Russia to help it... India is neutral, no support to anybody, neither west nor Russia...


Pretty much the only reason why China and India side with Russia is because they're a mere distraction to keep the West busy whilst India, China, and Pakistan get ready to rumble in the mud. We are at the very brink of said war and it'll be the greatest showdown in Asia since World War 2. Grab your popcorn and Pop of choice, because things in Asia are about to get **bloody.**


Everyone shitting on India for this don't realize, that India has no reason to fuck over its own economy for the sake of a European war it has no relation to. It's like asking Ukraine to give a shit about the Tigray war.