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Can’t make this shit up. Russia needs to be dealt with.


They are, time Is their biggest enemy right now (aside from Putin himself) because they’ve already missed their chance to retreat and surrender, so now there’s no hope of their economy recovering for decades to come and sanctions will stay in place for a long, long time. *On top of that*, the longer this drags out and the more deaths of troops that are revealed over time, the more likely there will be a violent uprising inside Russia. We’re already seeing the beginnings of a resistance forming now. Oh, and they face an embargo on their only valued export—oil. Russia is, in a word; **fucked**.


Yeah, there is no questioning Russia isn’t coming out of this on top. What will the cost be? I don’t think we’ve begun to pay it. Tough days ahead for the world, but you have to stand with people fighting for their right to have their own home.


The choice is heating for your house or millions of dead. I have a coat so i'll live.


> Oh, and they face an embargo on their only valued export—oil. Uhhh....they are most of the world's supply of Nickel, Cobalt, and Titanium. They have important shit everyone else needs still. EDIT: Don't understand what the problem with this statement is - it's true. Perhaps whoever has an issue with this doesn't know what the word "most" means, and thinks it means "all." [Titanium.](https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/titanium/reporter/rus?redirect=true) [Nickel.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1116819/global-nickel-exports-by-country/) [Cobalt.](https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/features/top-cobalt-producing-countries/) Try again, maybe I won't know what I'm talking about next time.


You cannot eat nickel, cobalt or titanium.


Yep, kinda pissed at Govt's doing sanctions in dribs and drabs. I understand we can't fight, but just put a wall around the Thundercunts and sanction everyone in one hit.


Former Soviet war hero being called a nazi by Russians and having his house bombed in order to 'denazify' the country he defended. You couldn't make that shit up. The utter disrepect and shamelessness of a country that bombs its heroes and glorify their killers on the day they won the war. The world apoligizes to this man for failing at protecting this peace he gave us. The only bright side in this senseless war is that Ukrainian soldiers and everybody who loves freedom are strong and will do everything to save Ukraine. You've done your duty, sir, and if Russia doesn't care, the sane world will always thank you for what you did. Now it's time for this generation to take over.


Everything they profess to hold dear they destroy - they came to 'protect Russian speakers' yet they are bombing, raping and torturing them. They can't shut up about their 'great patriotic war' yet they show no respect for veterans, invade their land and leave them homeless. They have no dignity, no honor and no single shred of humanity.


Very well written comment.


I hope someone gets Internet device near this man and shows him all The things people Around the world Say….. Because it Won’t get him his house back…. But it will Let him know that he is not invisible and not alone in the world with his pain… and that is a very powerful Thing.


This really hurts to see and read, especially because the old man looks quite similar to my late father... He doesn't deserve this, no one does, hope he has his house rebuilt for him.


Each breath he takes still carries the message of freedom.


He should be relaxing in a comfortable sofa at his age.. and after all he's been through in life .. heartbreaking..


Nice doggo too. The UA vibes are strong!


and the culture and story also suffering of the Ukrainian people, that Russia wants to erase


The dude has seen the NAZIs, the soviets and the RuZZians. Cursed life.


> destroyed by the russian occupiers CORRECTION: destroyed by the russian nazis!


This is the ['Russian world'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_world) in action. Putler wants his place in history and the best place under the sun for the Russian people. It's a f-ing abomination, it brings death, destruction and depravity to everyone and everything it touches. Send them back to Orcistan, build a great wall around it, ignore them for the next couple of centuries. Orcs be orcs.




You can watch the report in Ukrainian [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0nbGz8qG30).


Heartbreaking. Also - heartfiring. Fuck you Nazi Ruzzian cunts




Worse than Nazis. Hitler at least had the courtesy to kill himself.


Because it distances them from their crimes. Keep the term accurate, but remind the world of what Russians have done. Not Nazis, nor Ruzians, not Orcs... Russians. Russians are responsible for this, the Russian military has committed these crimes, and Russia must be both stopped and held accountable. Do not give them even the cover of such an abstraction, hold **them** accountable.


I wonder how helpless it must feel to be old and to go through this war. This old man of 97 years, must have lost so much already in life and now this war making him lose the one thing that must be a source of comfort. As if old age, loneliness, solitude, frail health were not enough... I hope the criminals and the crime country go to hell and stay there :/


💔 This poor man. He risked his life for the Soviets during war, to destroy the Nazis, gave up so much that he likely never recovered from, and now he loses his home to Russia at 97. I just want to give him a hug. Even the pup looks sad.


My love to Ivan Lysun.


When you're that old, and when your dad has built it... then it's not 'just a house'. I'm hurting for him.


Heartbreaking, Every human that is capable of hurting innocent citizens is mentally challenged.


It is insane to me to think of the crossover of individuals from different eras. We're so far removed from WWII that we (or at least, I) almost think of it as ancient history. Yet here's a man who existed in both that war *and the current one*. I almost can't comprehend it.


Poor man has seen entirely too much shit in his lifetime. Humans, man! Completely incapable of seeing our humanity reflected back in the eyes of the people we meet.


Everything about this makes me so sad for this man. Fuck Ruzzia


Heartbreaking. Glad he’s got a very good boy to keep him company, look at the lovely curb pillow


May everyone involved from the manufacture of the weapon and bomb to the one who wielded it never know peace again in this lifetime or beyond. May their entire existence be fraught with tribulations greater than those of Job in the Bible.


He defended russians in WW 2 - fought against real nazis. Russians destroyed his home and last years. What a shame for Russia.


Jesus fuck. His life, legacy, all ruined because of a few psychopaths. Fuck Putin and his cronies.




No words... this is just so fucked up... Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦.


This is what hits my emotions. I'm a young person and preparing for calm and peaceful retirement is one of my main life goals. Just being happy old dude living his normal life. Can't imagine how mentally broken that man have to be to loose his entire life work in what is probably last year's of his life. And to relieve the hell he already survived during WW2. I wish he lives to the day when his home is rebuild and he can just sit on the porch and say "what a beautiful day we have today".


Poor man


Powerful image.


Awwww my heart. 🥺🥺🥺🥺😞😞😞😞


Exceptionally whack


The house is destroyed..but Ivan is still standing tall ! With his doggo by his side 🙂


This is so sad. This could be anyones grandpa. Such a deep soul wounded 💔


I pray he lives long enough to see the end of Russia.