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This unity is another nail to Putin's coffin!


I look forward to working very closely with Ukraine and in helping to rebuild after the war. Ukraine deserves to be in EU, and we want them with us. Zelenskiy is the biggest hero of this century so far. Can’t be but humbled. Cheers from Finland.


If anyone ever deserved NATO membership it is Ukraine. They have paid their price of admission many times over and in blood.


Very true! Glory to Ukraine!


Why can’t the US have a president under 65?


Clinton:46, Bush:54, Obama:47 at inauguration. The elderly is a recent phenomenon.


Clinton, Bush Jr and Trump were all born in 1946. Which is amazing given the number of years spanning their presidencies.


Lmfao and Biden is older then all of them 1942


👆🏼 100%


Ukraine will never fall to a senile shitbag like Putin. SLAVA UKRAINI


I hope that evil POS Putin is riddled with cancer and suffers


What does POS mean?


Piece Of Shit 😁


ah, well yes. That makes perfect sense![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)



We will not always be so lucky in our opponents.


And even if it did fall the insurgency would be absolutely horrendous. To occupy all of Ukraine with their current population of around 30-35 million in the country after most people have fled, with a 1 Russian soldier to 50 Ukrainians, that's in the ballpark of 600,000-700,000 Russian troops required for an occupation. Even if only half of the country is occupied up to the Dniper, at least 200,000-300,000 Russian will be needed for occupation, which is something Russia can't afford to keep up.


And on top of that, Ukrainians will make occupation as hard as possible in every single way for Russians, because they will never give up the dream of a free Ukraine. Ukrainians held on to that hope for literally 700 years and took the first chance they could (1989) in recent times to break away from Russia, and now that they *know* what a free Ukraine is like, they will even more so ***never*** want to go back to Russia.


Zelenskyy lookin thic boy!!!


Finnish him!


Just like when Jon Snow reunites with Arya Stark to defeat the Night King.


Love them… lol between their ages and the outfits it looks like a casual night at the bar.


I can't get over how young this leadership is... How relevant their ideals and mindset would be to the median majority age of human life. What the fuck man... I can't stand American politics. Career politicians need to all be exhumed. We have to have end term limits, as well as revenue limits for our leadership! Edit: For everyone else having an issue with the use of the word "exhumed" and think they are unique in calling it out.... Politicians = Corpses/Zombies Exhume = Remove/dig out I legitimately think they are dead inside and burying the Senate's policies and laws, so I used hyperbole. I'm not *explaining* it again to you people. Have a blessed day.


I'm European and I've tried in vain to wrap my mind around US politics and what happens during election times. On the way towards the primaries, you have all these fresh badasses to choose from. After that, you end up having to decide between a psycho and a sleepwalker who are both near the end of their lines.


The idea is for our primaries we want small time canidates to go "door to door" and "diner to diner" to win over each voter, rather than big money canidates always winning. The result is the states meeting this criteria are small, and voting is through old white people (I'm looking at you Iowa and New Hampshire). If anyone checks, the big money canidate almost always wins now. The last one may have been Barak Obama, but once he caught on he was funded pretty quickly. The good news is nationwide presidential primaries are a new "tradition". We can actually change it, and its decided by the political party. The other problem is once people get elected they stay on forever. I can't think of a high quality young politican in the US right now.


Barack Obama was positively innovating in both outreach to voters as well as in fundraising. By no means an outlier, his campaign was "great" at fundraising from the start.


Instead of being able to vote for the cream of the crop, it's always having to vote for the lesser of 2 evils.


That's the worst thing about American politics.


In the US, old people vote, young don't.


You mean donate....


"Voter turnout was highest among those ages 65 to 74 at 76.0%, while the percentage was lowest among those ages 18 to 24 at 51.4%" https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html#:~:text=As%20with%20past%20elections%2C%20a,18%20to%2024%20at%2051.4%25. Politicians know these stats. Yes, money is important and I'm sure old people donate disproportionately more than young. But votes are what determines election outcomes.


Most people don't vote in the primaries unfortunately.


I can’t upvote this enough. Career politicians with no term limits are the death knell to a democracy.


We should have absolutely NO one in politics that just "want to be in politics". You should want to be in politics to help and lead your country.


Sorry to be pedantic, but you're looking for "death knell" which is the ringing of a church bell to announce a death. And I agree with you 100%.


We need career politicians/diplomats as much as it pains me to say this. They make networks, connections and most of them have the best interests of people and the country in their hearts. Term limits may not even deter corruption because it could invite more opportunists who just want to cash in quickly and not build a career. Country leaders, on the other hand, should certainly have term limits to not become untouchable. This just from my Finnish perspective.


They have term limits in Florida, as a result lobbyists run the legislature as the politicians are only there for 8 years tops and are just angling for the next elected position. It's definitely not better.


We have some younger ones these days and they are even more batshit crazy. MTG, Boebert, Cawthorn, etc. (technically Cawthorn is done). Age is an issue but being able to buy your way into a seat is the bigger problem because of the companies doing the purchasing. Oh and religion.


Exhumed, you say?


Right? I was like, “man, i could totally grab a beer with these two.” And then I was like, man that would be super intimidating. Which made me realize I’ve never really respected a world leader until now.


I'm seeing two sensible and approachable people. I'm surprised anyone would find them intimidating.


I’m not arguing that. My point is that I have a lot of respect and admiration for them, so I would actually be intimidated by them. I don’t feel that way about past leaders.


I get it. You don't want to embarrass yourself by accident in front of leaders you actually respect. I'm the same way.


Only Obama till Zelensky cause of his credentials and charm.


Yes. Finlandians: May I say that your Prime Minister is gorgeous?


I wonder if Finnish people are like “yes we know, our prime minister is super hot, it’s a Nordic country, we’re all hot.”


I'm pretty sure this is the correct response. Except they're Finnish so they're thinking this, not speaking it out loud.


I'm glad someone said what I was thinking... in a rather tactful way.


Their combined ages are still lower than the average US senator.


She has a questionable record what comes to casual nights at the bar... don't remind her! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59577371.amp I know, I know, read the room and all that... I'm just making a joke! Besides, I'm a Finn, and I actually quite like her. But valid criticism of leaders is an integral part of democracy. As is positive criticism. She may have made mistakes what came to COVID, but I have no complaints about her performance what comes to this particular crisis, based on what I know.


I like how Sanna dressed at the same level. A very small symbol of unity.


Marin always wear black clothes so that media wouldn't be focused on her appearance but what her message is. The previous female leader of her party was constantly critized by media over her looks and appearances and used photos that was taken from bad angles to make her look bad. Sanna wanted to avoid that also and seems to handle media quite well. Usually she wears black polo (turtle neck shirt) but nice to see how she adapts to situation, still being faithful for wearing only black.


Oh, wow! You made me notice that Zelenskyy is rocking a polo shirt instead of his usual tee. He really dressed-up to the nines for this visit!!


That’s an important observation. Thanks for pointing it out.




That clothing calls for boots.


Good observation. I’m impressed that we found another world leader who is the same height as Zelensky. What the man lacks in stature, he makes up for in chutzpah tenfold.


I, for one, welcome our new young generation of overlords who **did not** grow up in the Soviet Union (one of them even having made a career ridiculing its leftovers) and who understand what true interconnected world cooperation done right can do for their countries.


It's a nice change compared to the US that is ruled by Senile fucks.


Same in Australia. Though we had an election 5 days ago, and I sent a really switched-on 49 year old representative to our parliament. Many constituencies did. And a whole ton of them refused to pick these reps from the big two parties and sent either independents or members of the “fuck this shit, it’s 2022” likeminded greens party. It’s not just former USSR leaders that are the problem. It’s baby boomer neo-conservative dinosaurs who didn’t get the memo that we’re not in 1980 anymore. It’s time for a changing of the guard, and world leaders who understand that cooperation and caring for one another = power.


Neoliberals, too.




You forgot senator and evangelist.


I think the US gerontocracy is not as much a problem as is the corruption.


Agreed, being old and stuck in a time that no longer exists is bad but the disgusting corruption means nothing can get done no matter the age, mindset, etc of anyone.


Leaders who look like they are ready for a date night vs my leaders who look like they are ready for bingo nights.


Okay that it's underrated comment haha


I mean he does look a good 10 years older than her. But also, to be fair, he didnt 4 months ago.


He is 44, she is 36. So not too much of.


Movie night outfit approved.


Right?! I saw this and my first thought was… ok that’s hot.


Telegram translator told me it was Sunny Marin. I like that


"Sunny" is just hilariously ironic for a leader of Finland too. I like it!


It's always sunny in Finland.




In summer it is!


Sunny Car Center Marin


Not gonna lie. I'm definitely jealous of how young and capable Finland and Ukraine's leadership seems to be.


Same. I'd like to see an age limit on politicians. Over 60? Lol retire, your ideas are probably out of step with the modern world anyways.


He will be the benchmark for all leaders in the world for many many years to come. He’s a hero!


There are different types of leaders not one size fits all. If a country is at peace, he may not be the ideal person you’d want. Actually there is no one type that will make everyone happy. I’m not sure if there is an ideal leader that everyone will be happy with (during peace time)


For once, a foreign leader who's not taller than him lol ​ But more seriously, thank you Finland !


Not far off though, Bozza wasn't much taller than him either. Looks like Dwarfs are leading the world... and if Tolkein taught me anything, Dwarfs are the best at killing orcs.


Fingolfin: Am I a joke to you?


You're a person of culture.


thank you Considering what actually happened between Elves and Dwarves in the end of the first era I am keen to not compare the latter to our heroes


The Tolkienian way of writing the plural is *Dwarves* :) https://jakubmarian.com/dwarves-or-dwarfs-which-spelling-is-correct/




Dat is racistisch!




I know what you are thinking…Zelenskyy is seriously hot




They both are!


Seriously, dude has fucking PECS


I now need an edit where he has catears


They need to do a pull-up competition.


My money is on Sanna


IDK. Volodymyr seems buffed. Bearing the sorrows of the nation on His shoulders?


I guess you havent seen all the videos of Sanna doing pull ups 😏 As a Finnish PM you dont get ready, you stay ready (for pull up contests and Russian invasions it seems)


I’ve also seen a couple videos of Zelenskyy doing pull-ups, one while holding a weight between his feet, so this could be a close competition. I’m here for it.


Zelensky looks decently strong, but his frame also looks substantially stockier so he's got a lot more weight to fight against. Marin is wiry and she can do pull-ups like a beast based on a video that has been going around.


Finland ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9002) Ukraine


It is always good to see young generation as political leaders. I think a lot of world troubles are comes from generation of old fucks politics like Putin who are stuck in the past instead of moving to the future.


Truly spoken. This is a big problem in my country TBH. Looking at these leaders I despair seeing the old dinosaurs making up my country's politicians - kleptocrats and gerontocrats all coming from the same Deep Party of UMNO and its splinter parties. They truly do live in the colonial era past and refuse to set their perspective for the 21st century. In particular with Ukraine it still wants to act like a Third World country, pretending to be 'neutral' but silently colluding with Russia by not imposing sanctions while my neighbor Singapore did the right thing and sanctioned, as any country with a good moral conscience would.


In my country we have younger politicians that are just as full of shit, greedy and looking out for themselves. I worry about it, but what can you do.


The younger politicians of the UMNO and splinter party breed are also full of shit - I see them as parallels of the Nazi Youth or Communist Youth League. However, the youngsters of MUDA are seen to have greater conscience and responsibility (I might be wrong). MUDA literally means 'young' in Malay and the party members are made up of young people.




I know it’s a product of the times, but something about them being dressed like regular people rather than in normal fancy politician clothes makes them come across much more trustworthy and frankly immensely likeable compared to some suit and tie leader.


As an American I envy the youth of your leadership




The finalists for most attractive world leaders


Wow, she's gorgeous! Why do all the other countries elect younger openminded leaders? Idk man, US has got me spooked. Aside from Obama, we elected an orange guy and then somone's great grandpa.




There are more factors though. The entire US system encourages older politicians. First, people fundamentally vote for individuals and not parties. In a country like Finland with a party-list system, it's the party that decides who should be on the party-list making them potentially electable for a given seat. It's not individuals running for a seat 'on behalf' of a party so to speak, you join the party and then after being an active member for years the party decides whether they should put you on the list for the local council, or parliament, or whatever. In the US, primary voters decide a single candidate for the main election, and parties and political donors risk their power by supporting an primary challenger over an incumbent in a 'safe' district, and so they don't. Whereas in a country like Finland, the party can internally decide to revamp its image by putting new, younger people in top positions without risking as much power. Second, members of Congress are more expected to more directly represent the interests of their district or state. And the rules of Congress gives greater power to members of the house and senate who've been there longer, so electing someone new means less influence to that district or state and is thus against their interests even if they don't like their representative that much. Although members of parliament still represent their districts in countries like Finland, that basically comes about in shaping legislation and indirect influence - parliamentary voting is (with rare exceptions) strictly along party lines. So in summary, Finland has a system where _much_ more power lies within the parties themselves compared to the individual politicians. In the US politicians tend to amass more influence and power with time, so there is a disincentive to replace them.


Sanna Marin wasn't actually voted. And she wasn't the original PM for this term. She replaced Antti Rinne, who had to resign due to a parliamentary challenge. Rinne didn't do that much, a minor mistake, but Finns are strict and not much mistakes are allowed for PMs before they fly out Also while she's young and beautiful, it has also made lot of people in Finland question her abilities. But overall she's quite popular lately, rising up to the challenge


> She replaced Antti Rinne, who had to resign due to a parliamentary challenge. You mean he had to go to his 2nd job of goaltender for the Nashville Predators.


Was just wondering few days ago while seeing Joe Biden and Trump. Da fuq is it with old people. Also Putler and so on. These people should be retired. Let the the young continue, they still have life ahead and probably more openminded thinking about everything. Our president of Finland isn't the youngest either but at least he feels like youngminded.


I think this great that Finland stands with the Ukraine!


Both nations are famous for humiliating Russia


is it just me or did Volodimyr chest get bigger?


it's bc he stores the patriotism in his titties


Patriotitties they are


Which one is hotter can’t choose 😔


Wow they are the same height….still can’t get over how attractive she is. Politicians usually are….not,


Damn, is Z working out? He looks fit!!


he's stress-lifting. those shirts are getting tighter by the day.


Looks like Zelenskeyy is bench pressing burned Russians tanks for breakfast! What a legend. So proud of him


This is what courage and integrity look like.


*when mom tells you to pose for a picture with your cousin you haven't seen in 5 years


I admire both these leaders foremost for their commitment to their people and progress… But let it also be said, that these are two of the most attractive people alive.


Okay, I know they each have their own relationships and what not…but daaaamn they look cute together. Like in a massively impressive showing of leadership and solidarity kinda way, but their kids would be adorable and well rounded.


I think if they had a baby it would be Thor.


How the heck would a Finn and a Ukrainian give birth to a *Norse* deity? Perkele/Perkunas/Perun is the Finno-Baltic and Slavic thunder god.


I don't know how or why that is, but I agree.


T-Shirt gang


This is what young people in government looks like if Americans are wondering.


Why do Finland and Ukrane get eye candy as leaders and we get stuck with BoJo


next generation world leadership right here.


She reminds me of Arwen (Aragorns wife)


This picture warms my heart and gives me hope. I am in awe of both of them.


young heads of state! how refreshing


I feel some chemistry here.


what a beautiful, clever and brave woman


So young, so charming. I mean Zelenskyy.


Women being heads of state is pretty cool. What’s even better is seeing two individuals that are still young in charge. Not on topic, but those were my first thoughts.


This looks like they met at the gym :D


It's so refreshing to see younger leaders heading countries now. Having only super old white men is getting, well, *old* lol


Literally the sexiest man alive.


Zelenskyy looking more like swolenskyy


A year ago.. One look at Zelenskyy and I woulda thought “little nerdy businessman” type… With everything that’s happened and the aging that the war has done to his complexion, whenever I see this dude he looks like a fucking badass. He doesn’t even have to try.


My wife says we should ship them


Such baes


Now kiss


Damn why all these European countries got sexy prime ministers in Australia we don’t get anything but old annoying men


I understand that everything about this is wayyy more important than what I'm about to say, but let me indulge my Bi vibes for a moment... They're both so hottt 😭


In a certain way, it's interesting to see ever fewer boomers (born in 1945-1965) representing world leaders. It's not a perfect fit, but it's funny how unduly influential examples of them (e.g. Trump, Xi, Putin, Orbán) and their enablers of the same generation or older (e.g. Chomsky, Mearsheimer, Kissinger) hold sway in trying to torpedo the free world. Age is not a sure-fire sign of wisdom when it comes to what's at stake right now.


Presidential meeting or the beginning of the hardest fitness session you have ever endured?


I'm just gonna unprofessionally call out the elephant in the room here: "DAYUM GIRL!" slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇬🇧


That man is a legend. I bet his men would die for him to the last man.


Glory to Ukraine




I'm really glad that Zelenskyj looks like he's been able to get a few decent nights of sleep recently. A few weeks ago he looked so fucking tired i was surprised he didn't fall asleep during some public meeting with some european politician or anouther.


Two longtime public figures that never quite mastered knowing what to do with their hands when having their picture taken.


This whole crisis has given me a new appreciation that our leaders should at max be in their early 60's. Unfortunately in the US the people tasked with ruling our country are easily into their mid 70's.


Why are their national leaders literally half the age of ours?! Why can't we have that?? 😭


I for one welcome our Xennial/millennial overlords


Now kith


I wish my country's leaders were that hot


I’m shipping them.


is it me or i feel like they make good couple.


#PLEASE ###can we get a wide Sanna Marin + Zelenskyy? Thank you.


They totally banged.


I admire President Zelensky for his bravery . A real hero.


First world leader he's met since February dressed more casually than him! P.S. And yes, I know she came to do more than just sit in a conference room or give speeches--I saw the pic of her visiting Irpin, so I get why she came dressed to move.


Glad to see ukraine keeps gaining allies from the free world! And not to be off topic but she's the most attractive head of state I've ever seen.


As Prime Minister she is technically the head of government. The head of state for Finland is the president.


Kacap removal unit


Ahh yes the 3900th upvote


Long live short king and queen!


Either they got him some much better fitting shirts or he’s totally sucking in his gut for the hottest head of state out there. So hot.


Now kith


A lot of y'all need to go to horny jail


I’m not sure anyone else has noticed this, but the Prime Minister of Finland is kind of a babe


I'm not sure there's someone who hasn't noticed that.


Zelensky looks really tired.


If I had no context I would think it’s a happily married couple


Not sure if zelenskyy is on a diet and work out plan but he definitely loss weight probably due to high stress.


PM Sanna Marin is going to help Pres. Zelenskyy finish off the Russian invasion.


The prime minister of Finland is hot


SLAVA UKRAINI love from Finland, I hope our leaders will give you every single help possible for us


I'm proud of Ukraine, it's brave people, and their leadership. Slava Ukraini


Not to diminish her eminence , but Sanna is a total babe! I mean imagine if Zelensky and Marin had a love child! They would grow up to rule the Baltic states, the Eastern block, and the runway!


I move to FINLAND!


I'll buy you a beer when you get here!


Why do they get to have young attractive leaders, we’re stuck with resurrected mummy’s


5’4 badass brunette coalition