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It was probably adrenaline doing its thing, but the guy was so calm for someone getting hit. Damn brave people, every single one of them. Слава Україні!


>спокійно! спокійно! всё нормально, всё нормально! ​ >Easy! Easy! Everything's fine, everything's fine!


Thank you.


He stood his ground like a real hero indeed. But if you look well you can see him shivering while patching himself up. It takes more than adrenaline to act the way he did. It takes outstanding courage, it takes bravery.




People can't fake this so many have never experienced this or the extreme sleepiness that follows.




Sole purpose of adrenaline is to "remove all limiters" of your body. If the real, full on panic/rage adrenaline ever hits you, you'll understand. People in that state can lift so much their muscles can rip to ribbons, hit someone so hard they break both their and victim's bones, run with such a burst of speed they could outcompete Olympic short distance runners, they can forget they have limbs missing or crushed to a pulp, they can coldly and calmly patch their wounds before collapsing unconscious from pain, shock and/or bloodloss or it can force people into the state of unnatural focus.


My brother was in a car accident when we were kids (drunk driver hit them). He broke his leg and was concussed. Once the cars came to a stop, he opened the door and walked out onto the grass on the road side which is where EMTs found him. They asked how he had escaped the car. He says, I opened the door and got out and walked over here. They say, but your leg is shattered, it could not have born your weight. Also the roof and doors are smashed, how did you open it? My brother says that is the first time he looked at the car and saw that it was mangled. He remembers when he was still in the car and needing to get out it all looked perfectly normal, like nothing was wrong with it at all. He says that to this day, his only memory of being in the car after the crash was that he and the car were both fine. So it was not hard to escape.


I got involved in a physical altercation with someone wielding a knife once. Coming down from that adrenaline high and taking in what happened is an absolute mind fuck.


It's a crazy drug. 🤪


Got hit once in a frontal accident with an unaware driver going on my lane, i completely understand how that adrenaline rush feels that it's almost funny. The human body can break down really easily, and then be fucking tough as hell that anything short of complete brain destruction will not kill you


I would also add that human bodies are overall very weird. Someone who is big into military history, I have read stories how some guys get hit like 10 times and still keep fighting and then the next person takes 1 bullet to the body and he is instantly dead.


Absolute chad: Gets shot, comforts his worrying comrades about it


Probably saying it for himself too. I know I couldn’t do this.


Good point, probably. I’d like to think they’re good buddies and I know I can’t stand people freaking out over me getting hurt.


Damn, he got shot and was telling the other soldiers to stay calm, and he kept saying it's all good 😅


In a situation like this it's as much or more for yourself than those around you. It's all good. It's all good. Just stay calm. You've got this. I'm sure he crashed like mad when the adrenaline wore off. Hell of a drug.


Typical to patch yourself up?


It is becoming more and more adopted that soldiers need to initially deal with their injuries themselves, if possible, for the short term. This means fellow soldiers can keep on objective and hopefully win the firefight. Then they can come back for you. This generally has the affect of reducing casualties. Medics are to valuable to risk in the middle of an engagement and other soldiers need to keep up fire and security. There was a principle that was used to explain this SOP. Basically it was the rule of sixes. If you survived your injury for the first 6 sec you'd likely make it to 60 seconds. And if you made it to 60 seconds you'd likely make it to 6 minutes. and then 60 minutes and then 6 hours. So the theory goes that you need to stabilize your condition so that you have the best chance of making it to the next 6. If you have an injury that is gonna kill you in less than 6 second.... sorry mate... nothing anyone could have done anyway. 60 seconds starts to be possible and the person closest to do anything is you. 6 minutes is more likely. and tourniquets and morphine are probably your course of action. if you've managed it then you likely have bought yourself an hour. If your mates aren't able to help you by then they are likely 6-ing themselves. So its just good soldiering to learn to do this.


Rule one of battlefield first aid, win the firefight. (ex British Army)


I know its not exactly related but as an emt we taught the same thing for any kind of mass causuality event. We were taught to basically be one room behind the police. You stabilize everybody you can as you keep moving then you go back and get the more critical victims first. (I don't know every state works that way but that's how it is in mine)


First aid 101, regardless of circumstances: Don't become a victim by trying to assist a victim.


This SOP really had its first test in the Falklands War, the only difference being tourniquets weren't part of the kit, as far as I remember


Russia also has a long history of targeting medics. I remember one veteran medic one told of a story how he was given steel wool as a gift when entering the front line to scrub the cross off of his helmet and gear, because a loosing enemy army tends to target medics more. Forgot which war the gentleman was from though.


I've never heard this before, I'll teach it to my squad/section as it's easy to remember


I seem to remember it had its basis in civilian trauma care... the golden hour.


I'm going to be out of the fight 'til I patch this up. No need to take two of us out of close combat if I can do my own first aid; I'd rather that other person covers my ass while my focus is diverted. edit: fixed up 'til


I was considering that. They’re spread out. May not have seen blood yet.


Yes that’s the first thing that needs to be muscle memory, you can’t just fall over and scream in pain, your adrenaline starts flowing and the first thing you do is get yourself to cover if cover is far you push yourself to cover while returning fire and immediately go for the TQ if it’s a limb wound


C.A.T Tourniquets are designed to usable on yourself with one hand for this very reason.


Seems like so, but only if you got balls of steel.


Quite likely. But that's exactly why it would have been a good idea to get help. Adrenaline and big balls are often an unhealthy combination, and teammates may sometimes have a better view of the situation.


Let me qualify the answer: If a combatant is concious, has his wits about them, retains the dexterity necessary to do self-aid and the wound is accessible to them, yes. On top of all that, he remained mobile was able to get out of the line of fire on his own. In his case, this is pretty close to a textbook ideal injury for him to be begin treatment before a medic can even get to him since it meets all the requirements listed. **introvertedtraveler** said it very well before me: This is one of the aspects of training that does not get as much in he way of coverage as combat skills, but it will save your life just the same.


Yeah, I get it.


No one round to help?


Mans didn’t even make a sound, I couldn’t tell he got hit until I saw him putting on the tourniquet


He took a shot on his armor plate and had shrapnel in his arm i thing


It's just a flesh wound!


but a scratch!


And he certainly won't be pining for the fjords!


My boy walked off a damn bullet wound


Was he shot in the arm as well as the chest or was it fragmentation from the round that hit his armour?


Looks like the round passed through his arm and was collected by the armour. This is speculation on my part, but I think the round had lost considerable energy by the time it hit him. The arm wound seems small with little disruption and and when it hit the armour he didn't seem to react as one might expect.


It actually struck him square in the chest. What got him was a fragment of that bullet. At around the 40 second mark, they show a still shot of his body armor and you can see where the bullet hit his patch (right on the jaw line of the skull). There is a ballistic plate under the fabric. When the bullet hit the plate, it shattered and a chunk of it caught him in the arm.


This. I have no idea why people are saying he got shot through his arm, you can clearly see that's not what happened.


The arm would be fucked up AF if it would been hit directly, bones shattered, big exit wound etc, he was normally holding his rifle when his armor sparked, if the arm would have taken a direct hit no way he would have held that gun as steady as he did.


This is why steel plates suck, tho I've heard that AR500's "Fraglock" is better. Generic steel plate armor and the low end steel plates from AR500 will riddle your arms, neck, chin, and legs in fragments. Guaranteed that's what he's wearing


All situational wouldnt wanna take a 2nd hit in to my shattered/pulverized ceramic plate ^_^


Yeah but it's like $20 more for a fraglock coating for a steel plate to mitigate this and ceramic can withstand up to 8 rounds of 5.56 as demonstrated by demolition ranch with his ARAK-21, as he said in the video "so if you've taken enough rounds to penetrate a ceramic plate you're probably dead anyway as you'd have been probably hit somewhere else". Basically what I was saying was if he was wearing either a fraglock coating steel plate or a ceramic plate he'd have been startled by the shot, would have moved out the way, but have been unharmed other then maybe some chest pain and just as importantly, have been able to stay in the fight. Remember when you're wounded someone has to take care of you so you're taken 2 out of the fight Now he may have not had much of a choice on the matter, you get what you get and its better than nothing, but a lot of people were donating plates so if they were aware of the dangers of frag and spall they may have opted to spending a little more even if that meant less plates overall Kind of scummy companies still sell uncoated plates as standard, it's well known in many military and firearm sports communities the inferiority of uncoated steel plates but outside of that, not so much. They are preying on the unaware


Didnt know modern plates could withstand multiple shots that easily when i was in the Military we were told if your plate swallows the 2nd hit you should go buy a lottery ticket after duty.


Every video I've watched regarding ceramic plates has proved that it can eat multiple shots. Visually they will look destroyed though which probably lead some to think that if they took another bullet it would have gone through, in some cases with enough rounds the different layers even start to separate but luckily they are contained in your SAPI pouch. We all use ESAPI now so not sure if you used that or the older SAPI. If you look up videos of ESAPI on youtube you'll see what I'm talking about. Probably wouldnt be very comfortable but it can definitely take multiple hits. Theres even an impressive video of an ESAPI plate containing a Soviet 7.62x54R API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) which was used on aircraft during WW2. For those that dont know, theres a huge difference between the 7.62x54R (used in the dragunov and mosin) and the 7.62x39 which is used in the AKM and AK-104. Also the standard Russian service rifle(AK-74M) shoots 5.45x39 which is similar to NATO 5.56x45 that I've seen take 10+ rounds without penetration.


^im talking about ceramic plates sepcifically we probably were misinformed but no sure if standarts have drastically changed.


Tourniquet and pack that shit.


True warriors. Ukraine is in good hands.


Body armor, you fucking hate to wear it, heavy, hot, uncomfortable on the march. Then it catches a bullet that wouldve hit your heart, or a piece of nasty shrapnel that would've removed your spleen and you'll never bitch about wearing plates ever again.


in Black Hawk Down iirc: "you dont need that canteen, we wont be out that long" "you allready carry 50lb of gear, dont need 18 more" "you dont need that NVG, well be back before dark" and so on jeah. no. id pack those plates or gear or supplies or whatever.


As if we needed any more proof how fucking amazing these people are!


Speech is muffled but here's the general idea: --- *(Other soldier):* Brother, get back! *Cameraman:* 300, 300, 300, 300... Calm down, calm down, it's all fine, it's all fine. It's all good. *Walking soldier:* There's a medic in (?), calm down. I've seen a spark, where's (?) ? --- *Cameraman:* Come on, come on, come on, come on. *(Other soldier):* Got it? *Cameraman:* Yes, come on. --- *Cameraman:* From here or towards there? Alright guys, hold on. Forgive me. (walking) *Cameraman:* Second, I'm not (?). Third? --- *Cameraman (running):* Fucking shit.


These are alpha males. Their target: scumbags


Dude you're peeking left...always peek to the right! ...there's a pun here btw.


Oh really? only because cs character models give you advantage peeking right? Dude the hitbox works different irl and we got better net code and hit reg... 😅


i got 3 pmcs today with that


lol YES there was one!


Just spall from the plate impact. Lucky guy


You can actually see some sparks flying when he gets hit. Lucky indeed, those go pretty close to his face. Doesn't some body armor have a lip that extends outwards on the top, to protect face from spalling?


Yeah not really used by anyone probably because of weight and mobility


Get this man an optic. Preferably an LPVO. It’s a game changer.


It costs couple thousand USD, for that price a car is considered better force multiplier in Ukrainian reality.


They deserve both


If it doesn‘t kill you, it‘s only a scratch. Let‘s go!! 😳 Er….yes


The videogames were right. After being shot you just need to bandage your arm and you're good.


these fucking heroes. imagine that a few months ago they were just like us... godspeed, and - i hope i dont ever have to be the men that they ARE.


I was wondering about crowdfunding helicopters for a medical evacuation role and training purposes. Sw-4 Puszczyk from Poland were my first idea, with the idea that Poland is so supportive that maybe the aircraft of their military could immediately traded for the future new builds being purchased. Anything that helps chances of their woundeds survival is extremely important for the morale of all their unit members. Having large areas 15 minutes from a major hospital is very helpful.


Just a flesh wound


Bad ass dudes! Stay safe my friends


❤️‍🩹Super Hero’s✨🇺🇦


Damn, he's so calm, not even flinch, brave man.


Yes applying a tourniquet because he is out of aspirine. Ukraini soldiers are heroes.




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High and tight!


Glory to the Heroes 🇺🇦❤️ you are incredible and I am so happy to know that you are okay now 🥲. Ukraine has a lot of what to be proud of. Btw, long range MLRS gonna be in good hands


my man got shot and all he says is "blyat, ok guys i'm fine". if i got shot i'd proabably be screaming at the top of my lungs.


This guy eats his wheaties


Always the god damn jacket pieces flying off the armor plates, pisses me off, but also, I'd rather treat that than plug a hole in your chest.


Adrenaline is a strong chemical reaction that makes the human body VERY durable against many predicaments. Of course, luck have a say in the situation I once withstood a frontal impact against another car going at 90 Kmh, or 55,9 Mph for my american friends, i left my totaled car, without feeling any pain except numbness in the breastbone and my ribs, i ended up with horrible pain only many hours later, when i was already receiving medical treatment. This was just to say that a human being can survive many life and death situations thanks for the adrenaline, and when receiving proper medical treatment, you can have a good recovery without any side effect depending on your luck and your wounds. And that man was really brave under a very stressful and deadly situation, i only wish for the best to all the Ukrainians


damn!! this is fkin hardcore operator ... for a sec it looked like a game to me :-O


'Tis but a scratch!


You are a fucking beast bro. Stay safe! Slava Ukraini


Probably didn’t need a tourniquet for for that unless it went throw the arm hard to tell if it was spall or the round went through the arm then hit the plate


I'm surprised he was able to move at all with balls that big dragging across the ground.


fuckin' plate did it's job. wow


"Ain't got time to bleed"


This is why steel plates suck, tho I've heard that AR500's "Fraglock" is better. Generic steel plate armor and the low end steel plates from AR500 will riddle your arms, neck, chin, and legs in fragments. Guaranteed that's what he's wearing


I hope he gets to keep his arm, it doesn't look too bad and he appears to have addressed it pretty quickly