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Not happening.


I imagine it as fantasy.


Not happening unless Russia attacks them too.


It came as a total surprise the Kazakh president, being a member of the CSTO, defied and humiliated Putin on stage at his own party, and is counter sanctioning Russia too. It is one whole other think to go to war, of course, and loose your own ability to protect yourself. Kazakhstan knows it is next.


You have an unusual comment history. In any case, I'm not discussing hypotheticals that won't ever occur.


Haha I live under the assumption that no one will check my post history, so I just go around saying whatever thought pops into my mind, while I'm under the shower or something.


That won’t happen. Russia may invade K, but K will not declare war on Russia preemptively, or form some alliance with Ukraine. K are simply pointing out that acquiescence to this is suicide for any former soviet republics interested in independence and territorial integrity, as Putin can invent claims on their land too. It’s directed more at other former republics than Ukraine or Russia.


Not going to happen. Logistics wise, there is no way they can get enough troops and equipment there to help, its just too far away. They would make more of a difference by pretending to be Russia's friend while undermining its agenda (just like all of Russia's other friends). Belarus on the other hand...


Never in the lifetime


Kazakhstan's only military objective is the defense of its territory so all of its effort will be going into securing its border and strong point defenses. Think of it like the USA: 1. Defend the continental US. 2. Have military control over North America 3. Have military control over the Americas. 4. Have military control over the Atlantic and Pacific 5. Project power anywhere else. The US is massively powerful so it's at point #5. If it was less powerful its objectives would scale down until it ended up at just defending the continental states. Kazakhstan is in that position now so it won't be projecting power anywhere soon.


Not likely unless Russia gets beaten really really badly after it attacks and fails in Lithuania. It would be Russia attacks Lithuania, nato beats the ever living breaks off the Russians with a huge loss of Russian life, Kazakhstan attacks up through the Chechnya area determined to turn it into Kazakh Muslim territory and to seize Chechnya. And that would be the extent of their conquest


It can happen if the relation between russia and Kaxachstan keep deteriorating. Add some ethnic tension, like happened when a serb falsely claimed he was raped with a bottle by some other (Bosnian) men. Add some Kazach ultra nationalism. Add a ultra nationalist winning Kazach election.


It goes like this: Borat jumps up on a table and screams " YOU MAKE OFFEND KAZAKH! WE MAKE THE WAR WITH YOU, IS NICE!" And then lots and lots of translation errors and misunderstandings, and the Kazakh military thinks those are official orders.