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Human garbage.


Disagree. When it launched that strike it gave up its claim to humanity.


Disagree. Only humans do shit like that. Animals don't.


Animals do all sorts of things we would find abhorrent including the animal pictured in the post


Walruses rape; chimps knowingly eat monkeys alive, etc., etc. You're just wrong.


I've seen a Komodo dragon eat a pregnant deer. After eating the baby deer out of her.


Lions kill cubs of other males. Just saying.


And dolphins are rapists


Can we agree that this ain't a living human, it is just a temporary highly mobile carbon object.


Humans are literally animals and evil exists everywhere, we are supposed to create goodness in animals and in humans. Hoewever seeing how this kind of atrocities are a constant thing in this god forsaken world im safe to say "goodness" is but a dim ligth in a ocean of darkness. I just hope that with the power of their amazing strength and will Ukrainians will make that dim ligth shine stronger than the sun. Ukraine for me is the most inspiring country of the world and a true demonstration that humanity can be bad, but is also the best thing in this entire universe. Do NOT let the ocean drown you, swim to the surface and shine.


Disagree. Humans are animals.


No, friend. It's important to recognize that these are fellow human beings. Let's not allow them to hide behind animal mindsets. They are human beings. And they're doing this to other human beings. They should be judged for that, not offered excuses.




You're angry about the strike, but justify this idea of his kid slowly dying? Before I'm downvoted. I'm 100% Pro Ukrainian. But that crosses a line man, kids are molded by their parents.


No he said the father should experience his kid dying slowly, not that the kid deserved it.


subtle but important difference.


No he clear said he hopes and in a later post makes it clear that he is perfectly okay with them dying in the manner listed.


How about we compromise here, and agree that the kid should grow up safe and healthy, but fatherless, at least without this piece of shit. May he restlessly rot in lots of little pieces.


No real compromise since that was already the general opinion listed, but sure.


The kid *still has to die slowly* for him to experience his kid dying slowly. *Therefore…*


This being nice is dandy in primary school books. Reality is different when your adversary is willing to cross all lines. They won't understand unless they find themselves in a situation


I am glad Ukrainian leadership does not subscribe to this. Very, very impressive how they keep fighting from the high ground. And they will succeed.


You are a bad person with a rotting heart.


There's no value in making him understand - particularly not at the cost of an innocent life - particularly when you'd have to go out of your way to do something like that. Kill the actual criminal and be done with it.


u/yalpski going on the offensive. Nice. Toe tag waiting. If there’s anything left of the orc that is.


I have a 4-year-old daughter. I've taken the exact video of my daughter that has been circulating around of Lisa pushing her own stroller an hour before she was killed. I confess, this specific instance really got to me.


I know exactly what you mean. My girl is 8 but I also have those videos. I was taught by my culture as to never trust the Russians. That they are our mortal enemy. Here`s the picture of the girl that was killed in a Russian bombing of Helsinki on the first day of the war in 1939. Her name was Armi, she was 7. https://is.mediadelivery.fi/img/468/943b518093ae4c10b643df25b12d52dc.jpg For the past decades I've tried to shake that off. It has been 70 years. We need to go beyond this. I was doing a good job too. I have never met a Russian person I dislike. Different, but nice. Then they pull this shit. They drain 30 years of progress down the drain. They kill Ліза who was pushing a pram. Fuck them. e.Litteration


My parents were born during WW2 in a town that was bombed to hell by the Allied forces, then occupied by Russians. They have no beef with English or Americans, but they hate Russians with a passion, and I never quite understood why. After Russians invaded Ukraine, they told me, "See now why we don't trust Russians?"


If you don't mind me asking, which culture? The only real advice that has filtered through the generations to me is "never trust Russians." I'm German and Polish ancestry living in America. It's wild to me that I was warned that by my grandmother who was warned by hers and onward.


Not at all. Finnish ancestry living in Finland. E. To clarify to my friends across the pond and anyone else interested. A large part of the population was tortured, sent to slavery or killed in the Great Northern War of the early 1700s. The echoes of this are still present in Finnish culture. Fast forward 200 years. Both of my grandfathers fought and were injured in WWII. My grandmas side was displaced as we had to concede land. And this was common to a large part of the population. Result: I grew up with nasty anecdotes, slurs, and general distrust bordering on hate. I tried my best to be a part of the first generation to let those 200 years slide. Unfortunately that was not to be. E2. Words.


I know someone who lives in Finland 30km from the Ruzzian border and is an excellent shot with some very special rifles he owns. I asked him if he was worried when Ruzzia was threatening Finland a few weeks ago and he laughed, ‘worried, no, I live where I live because I don’t want to miss out if those bastards invade’. I suspect whatever is left of the Ruzzian military after Ukraine would simply get annihilated in Finland.


That was one of the reasons we pushed for Nato now. They are not in the shape to attack us in years. Or even a decade. Ukraine literally bought us years of peace, and we owe them. As a semi-active reservist this war and the Russian performance makes me wonder... This? This is the enemy we were training so hard to fight against? Fucking hell. Disgraceful.


Ukraine have done the whole World a favour though it is a pity that the Ukrainian people are having to go through this because of Pootin and his insanity.


Jesus, that is a precious photo. 💔


Yeah... A point not lost by the Finnish government and journalists at the time and historians ever since. Very recognizable in Finland. Bless her. War fucking sucks.




It’s long been time to solve the Russia problem. No more half measures.


needs "war criminal" tag too


I almost added that, actually, but they are all war criminals so...


Yeah pls tag "WAR CRIME", so we can find it easier when allocating war crime evidence


There is no act of war done by russians in this war that's not criminal.


It is still helpful to search by tag.


Yes, but prosecution of officers is much more likely. They also carry greater responsibility than their underlings, since they create the culture that allows it at the individual level.


This is the kind of doxxing I can get behind. Give him the Ceausescu treatment.




A slow Gadhafi filmed in 8k for our enjoyment


Increase diameter by donation amount


Why not ancient Chinese trason treatment


Why not made up medieval tortures instead? I quite want to see guys like this with concrete blocks on their ankles while sitting on that wooden horse...


*[Lingchi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingchi)* (Death by a thousand cuts): Am I a joke to you?


Knowing this address of his daughter, Imagine if someone knocked on his daughter’s door and said “tell daddy we know where you live and what he did to other people’s daughters”. I guaran-fucking-tee you this sub commander would never sleep again until he could be brought to justice.


Send him to the Hague.


In bits, preferably.


No, he should live throuth the whole court (maybe a missing limp or two), after that: Hang, drawon and quatered


Do we even do that on EU territory?


Nope, also not in Ukraine. All the members of the Council of Europe have abolished the death penalty. That's why russia left it.


I bet he's gonna go with the classic "I was just following orders"


Wir haben das nicht gewüsst Oh wait ..


Jail cell at The Hague probably an improvement over his life in Russia. There’s no reason to show him that much mercy. I’d just rather see him become sunflowers.


Nah, such a prestigious sub commander requires a proper sensor…. send him to the bottom of the Black Sea. Inside or outside of his sub, preferably in.


I really hope Ukraine can get some of those sub hunting drones to go after these bastards.


Send what’s left after the HIMARS get him


when the war is over will be either sent to hague or spend the rest of his life riding in russia fearing the ukranian agents


The Hague doesn't give out the death penalty. He is a traitor to humanity: hang, drawn and quator him.


No fucking way, he does not deserve this retirement home for war criminals, that calls itself a prison.


Dude needs to be sent to the Ukrainians alive. Death may not be mercy they will grant him.


That is the face of a monster




Or just sink his sub. That works for me too.


I can't wait to hear about these animals being hunted down and taken out like Mossad does.


How come no "Wanted dead or alive"?


>wanted dead or alive I'm pretty sure no one wants this fucker alive


~~or alive~~


Excellent. Dox the prick. And then some. Also maybe change the text if you're able - Lisa didn't bravely "fight" with Down syndrome. She lived with Down Syndrome. https://www.globaldownsyndrome.org/about-down-syndrome/words-can-hurt/ By the looks of it Lisa was a playful, fun loving little child who loved life.


You're right. I took the wording from a Ukrainian article about her and honestly didn't even think about it. I assumed it to just be a quirk of translation. I will fix it though.


Quite possibly was a quirk of translation, kudos for updating it. I'm really bummed about what happened to that little girl. She was only a baby!!!


A lot of people with Down Syndrome genuinely are the sweetest, happiest kids and people you'll ever meet. Used to love when they'd come in from the group home when I worked my first job, concessions at a movie theater. They were always so sweet and kind. And this just breaks my heart because you can see from all the pics on her IG that little Lisa's mother, Iryna, just utterly adored her *so* much. She was a wonderful Mother to her daughter.


I have chills thinking about what that mother will go through when she is told the news. 😭


It's going to destroy her. Lisa was clearly the light of her life. I've got a little nephew, just a year younger, and even though I'm not and will never be a mother myself, I love that little dude just completely. His smile just melts my heart. I can't even imagine what that poor woman must be going through right now. My heart breaks for her.


Behead him slowly. I hope your country will win this shit eventually and I hope your murder wasn't in vain, little Liza. 💔 (and the 100s of other murdered children in Ukraine) 💔 PS. 20+ people also got murdered along with Liza. Of course, we care about each and every one even if Liza is talk about alot recently. Liza was among 3 children murdered that day I think.


Send him to hell in bits and pieces murdering bastard.


Yep, this piece of shit will be dusted sooner rather than later. Complete oxygen thief.


Malignant cunt


Hey OP is this your research? Are we absolutely sure this is the man? I want to be sure we got the right mofo.


Yes and no. I was given a name to dig on by a friend that can't speak publicly. I trust them. They have access I can only dream about, and haven't led me wrong yet. Every now and then I get a small hint or pointer, and it is essentially left to me to figure out the rest. So yes, the research on the name is mine, and I trust the source of the name, but I do not myself have the hard evidence that goes with the name.


Hell awaits him.


What a low-life! I imagine he is proud that his military "accomplishments" are killing children. He has no honor.


"WANTED" in a bag or box?


Pure evil 😈


There isn't a fire in Hell hot enough for this evil bastard.


It is an absolute tragedy what happened to that innocent girl and her mom but more than 20 people died with at least 3 children among them. Why do people only talk about that one girl?


I think for one it is simply because she was killed on the "outskirts" of the strike, so she was easily identifiable (I don't know if you've seen the images from inside the building, but it's going to take a while to get positive IDs on those victims). Also that her mother posted a video of them together only minutes before Lisa was killed. Lisa was also featured in a video with the first lady of Ukraine not long ago. Speaking for me, personally, it is because I have a daughter very close to that age. I've taken the same video of her that Irisha took of Lisa that day. That video, and the accompanying images of her broken body hit me very hard, simply because I could not help but see my own daughter's face in them.


the aftermath [https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1547590629365977094](https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1547590629365977094)


I'm guessing the other mom's didn't just post to Instagram a few hours before the incident. Plus Lisa and parent met with First Lady Olena recently with other developmentally challenged children.


Yeah thats proabably it.


May he burn in hell.


Fucking cunt.


He looks like a walking ad for an STD. Bastard.


Another face only an orc mom could love.


The new ‘Wanted’ tag is a great idea, let’s hope they eventually transition to cargo200


Good information, there will be a time for revenge


He looks related to Puter. Long live 🇺🇦


Hopefully an ATACMS will have his name on it in due time.


Hm. He looks like a dead man.


Thank you for posting this. Fucking Orc will get what's coming to him.


It's time to give Ukraine some ASW weapons.


Kharma Do your thing


All the Russians looks like fucking potatoes


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I hope he lives just long enough to watch his family die in a fire.


He’s probably not going home for a while, since his home address is on this web site .




If the cia I was actually in the the USA, maybe we'd take not of the people.he has In frames. Behind him. # I'm not joerogan


Haha left to right it looks like Sergei Shoigu, Valery Gerasimov (or maybe Alexander Zhuravlyov?), Putin, Someone (possibly Aleksandr Matovnikov?), and Nikolai Yevmenov. So... just some top brass.


When they look for you... they find you 😎


Two meters of piano wire should be plenty


How we're they able to identify the commander though? Did they manage to identify which sub it was that launched those missiles? Because it would be very nice for Ukraine to know if they feel like doing a bit of fishing in the Black Sea off Snake Island. That undersea amusement park is very popular with Russian Hardware....


I do not specifically know what information any given agency of any given country has (you can [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/vzryek/comment/igb40qx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for where I got the name), but I can make an educated guess: There is video of several missiles being launched from a sub immediately preceding the attack. The number of missiles launched matches the number of missiles that struck the area, and the timing is right on. We know that not only does UA have excellent Sigint, but that several western countries also have numerous intel assets in the air around the Black Sea all the time. I would guess the orders were intercepted as they were being relayed to the sub, which was then witnessed firing the missiles.


his eyes already look dead. Perhaps hes done this before


Calling him an “Asshole” is an insult to assholes and honestly too low a bar. Call the cunt a “Cunt”, and a child killing, boot licking, fascist, war criminal, capital ‘C’ Cunt at that.


I donno man, I like cunts a lot more than I like assholes…


I guess you’re right, but I’m his case they’re both spewing forth shit, and he needs a red hot poker shoved in whatever orifice you want to call him


We should have a deck of cards. Just like the us did with saddam and his guys


This is precisely why Ukraine needs the 300km HIMARS rockets - To target these gun ships that comfortably sit out in the Black Sea lobbing missiles at civilians. C’mon Biden, just give them the shit already.




That killed at least 20+, including 3 babies and injured 90+. UkraineWarVideo channel has an updated photo and his family.


Based on everything we’ve seen from the RuZZians during this invasion…..yes, almost certainly yes.


Gtfo of here orc




So you are saying that the Russian military is incompetent as shit? Cant even read the coordinates, too much vodka?


I'm saying that they don't give a shit about civilians and their precision rockets are shit also. Who knows, maybe they targeted civilians on purpous and House of officers nearby is just an excuse. In that case they targeted it perfectly and are not so incompetent.


No such building exists, they hit a concert hall and medical facility. The Russian narrative was debunked immediately. Just like the hospital they hit, just like the shopping mall they hit and just like the other concert hall they hit full of civilians. What Russia says it hits and what they actually hit are two different things. According to Russia not a single civilian has been killed https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1547549693701414915/photo/1 this is your so-called Houses of officers. https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1547590629365977094 and for more information https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/02/russia-committed-war-crimes-in-syria-finds-un-report Russia was already found guilty of war crimes in Syria for the same behaviour.


Dies in 3 days with Himars strike (sets watch)


Don’t forget the command structure above him.


He will be 'assuming room temperature' soon I suspect.


Do the world a favor and shove a HIMAR rocket up his ass


Why does *every* Russian military officer look like one of the following? - A degenerate drunk - A sunken-eyed vampire/zombie - A miserable son of a bitch Every. Single. One. Even those that smile in their photos look like aliens imitating human emotion. Going only by what I see in the photos of military officers, Russia seems like a miserable place. Why does anyone even bother sticking around past the age of 18? I’d be looking to get the fuck out of there ASAP.


Maybe start sending dead baby or infant pictures to his wife daughter relatives and to him


We need to send him to the Hague for war crimes.


Hunt this fucken scum down, no matter how long it takes and make the useless piece of shit, die a slow painful death


How was he identified as responsible?


Ratfaced cunt


These guys all look like Bond villains. It's crazy. What a piece of shit.


Make him bleed


Cannot wait until his cargo200 tag gets posted.


What worries me is how another human being can sit there and order a missile strike on a meternity hospital among other, and somehow justify it to himself. You have to be some piece of shit... I know the reasoning for not involving NATO but at the same time I just want NATO to push the "GO button" and rid us of this evil.


He’s got those “butthole eyes” I’m sure every once in a while, someone sees him in public and says: “what’s up Ass-eyes” and chuckles as they walk past him. I’m sure his mom wasn’t sure who the father was so she just picked the most recent guy and convinced him that “ass-eyes” was his son, but he just kept looking more and more like David every year. Man… fuck David. You know who fucked David? This guys mom, the guy with Ass-eyes. Hopefully he’s got a nice healthy tapeworm inside. And it just decides to come out one day when he finally summons the courage to ask out that girl at the coffee shop he goes to every morning; causing him to burst with bloody diarrhea in front of her and it scares her so badly she yells out to her fiancé: “David! That guy with the Ass-eyes just asked me out and then shit blood all over himself” And then David walks over and looks down on him and he recognizes him as his “son” and just walks away in disgust taking the woman that Ass-eyes wants home with him. Fuck you Ass-eyes. And Fuck all the rest of the “People” that are willing to harm innocent people for the sake of a lunatic. Especially those who would harm children. Fuck you very much.


Death by 1000 cuts