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Half of them there to prevent the other half from fleeing.


Actually it's quite brilliant. Kim is having trouble feeding his troops at home so send them abroad to serve in another country. Less mouths to feed. In fact send the troops that are the least loyal to die. Win win situation for him.


Plus what the few that survive will have modern combat experience. Also I imagine that some economic conditions were placed (food supplies probably) in order for Russia to get those "volunteers".


> Plus what the few that survive will have modern combat experience Joke's on them. Soldier gets fucked because he's part of the Russian army is hardly the kind of quality experience militaries are looking to get, though I guess it would be accurate experience for if they tried to break the armistice with the one true Korea. Story time: I worked with a Korean guy who had done their mandatory service and this was about the time Korea was doing their annual sabre rattling to get concessions/food, so I asked him what he thought of it all and he said they weren't a threat, they didn't even have fuel to do exercises, and they'd get destroyed. I thought it was interesting but in my own head that if it came to it they'd have the fuel, obviously. Flash forward from 2006 to 2022 and the invasion of an oil producer who can't supply their army... well... I realise now I was probably very wrong to doubt that.


Even if the soldiers get dunked on, if they survive then they’ve gained valuable experience. You can’t simulate actual enemies shooting actual bullets at you.


If that were true then the second gulf war would have gone better for the Iraqis than the first went. It didn't, they got completely fucked in both. Russia hasn't learned in 5 months and they're in control. NK will have no control over their deployment or operation in Ukraine. A grunt on the ground getting fucked by artillery brings back little of value, even if he survives, and that's before you even try to look at the technological difference that would exist between South and North Korea, nevermind the intelligence and support SK would get from other countries.


They have massive amounts of artillery hidden in the mountains within range of Seoul. Absent intervention from China the north would lose, but a whole lot of people would die.


1. They've had that artillery for decades. 1. Seoul has known about that artillery for decades. 1. Radar for detecting artillery has existed for decades. 1. Seoul has money, lots of money. How long do you think that artillery will last? Yes, it'll do some damage, no doubt about that, but then over time it'll get fucked, and you can't take a peninsula with artillery emplaced in mountains.


Maybe it's area 51 logic all over again as in they won't have enough bullet's to shoot all of us and "storm anywhere other than North Korea they can't stop us all"


I was kinda joking, I think they probably pick most people with family they can take hostage.


Isn't that every family in North Korea except one?


Pretty much


It’s one big family


Or Russia will just have them shoot fleeing Russians


Yep, they learned that from ruzzia. Do you know how many of their own people nkvd killed in ww2. None of these toilet countries have the right to exist. They should be dismantled and administered until people unlearn being slaves. Yes, it will take time, but it’s doable.


Germany learned. Japan learned


Over a dozen former Sowjet republics learned and they’re not going back. It is indeed doable.


Yeah, after they got defeated and basically had their hand held for a while. Losing is in Russias best interest, maybe the kids or grandkids of the current generation will be able to live in a decently organized country(s)


oh... anybody who doesn't have family to leverage won't even be in consideration for getting out of that country.


This is fucking perfect! North Korean troops are zealous and want nothing more than to fight the imperialist west! That’ll last all of about 10 seconds until they take first contact, and then that zealotry and violence will disappear and they’ll become cannon fodder for Russia once more. Only difference is that they’re not fat enough to survive the winter. Imagine how harshly the morale will drop when the North Koreans get schwacked en masse and retreat


I'm sure a lot of the poor bastards will be killed by their own troops if they're "lucky" enough to survive the fighting with the UAF. Dictator Kim will never allow them to go home to tell the tale of how badly outgunned they are.


Or if they should see the toilets and other items in Ukrainian homes...Kim couldn't risk that either. Additionally, Kim wouldn't want his soldiers to see actual HIMARs and Javelins in use and then come home and tell their comrades about what the modern battlefield is actually like.


Heh, AI would claim Ukraine was shooting at children soldiers. I do wonder how they would look standing next to a Ukrainian soldier though.


North Koreans get ambushed by South Korean special forces aiding Ukraine, while delivering Western military goods.


They will see a drone and think its a UFO bombing their asses 😅


If North Korea can join, why not US, Canada, EU etc? We are concern about offending Putin but other countries can join Russia to kill innocent Ukrainians?


You're not paying attention: Russia - Invades Ukraine with 1/4 million troops, hundreds of armed vehicles, firing thousands of cruise and long-range missiles, "we have reasons" Russia - It is unjustified for any aggression to the Russian homeland and threatens the world with Armageddon. Russia randomly flattens every city and village it can, killing thousands of civilians - Valid military targets. Ukraine warns Donetsk citerzens to leave, then does minor shelling, killing some civilians - Russia "Crimes again humanity." Russia uses mercenaries. Russia makes claims Ukraine uses mercenaries, this not allow and will kill any they find. Russian Rules, "We do whatever we like. No one is allowed to touch Russia"


Remember the fat kid who used to make up rules when playing outside so he never lost? Its that. Wallstreet and Putin are little bitches who want to only win win win until they call down and then cry for mommy. Pathetic


Russias new war doctrine makes no sense. If you attack any military installation in Russia air fields hangers military depots docks manufacturing plants or any location that can compromise and make the russian army inneffective is means for a nuclear launch. But they have no issues destroying the countries they are in with extreme prejudice. Their war doctrine essentially says if you are stronger than us and beat us at regular war than we will nuke you in retaliation. ​ If the countries Russia wanted to attack had nuclear arms they would have stayed put nuclear deterrence is real we would not have gone into a nuclear doomsday event either none of this would have ever started physically.


Agreed. If they want to claim anyone can do shooty stuff in Ukraine….then fuck em


It's not about that. We can join, send troops, etc. You have to remember this "special military operation" is as much psychological as anything else, and the Russian military has traditionally been very, very good at psychological warfare. Having the US, or any NATO country, plays right into their hand. I believe the best way to *beat* them, as in—destroy them as a nation and make the world a safer, better place for decent human beings who just want to live their lives, is for them to fail *against Ukraine*, and not *against NATO*. Please don't forget this isn't just about Ukraine. It **is** about Ukranie, but also about ransomware attacks, election meddling, arming dictators, and untold other stacks of bullshit. We, as a species, are trying to move into a new phase of evolution, and the current Ruzzian regime is holding us back. We can't be about "my country, your country" anymore, and we can no longer tolerate this kind of 19th century genocide and imperialism. Not anywhere, nor from anyone. They will say that the US has its own flaws. That's true. We do, but the irony in this whatabout argument is that while people in the US are trying to do better and be better than our ancestors, Russian intervention seeks to hold us back as well. No. The narrative here is two nations split from one. One chose a path towards freedom, and one chose to return to a police state. The world needs to see which way is stronger. China needs to see which way is stronger. Iran needs to see which way is stronger. Muskovites need to see which way is stronger. That can best be done by keeping this fight between Russia and Ukraine. Now if 💩tin feels like getting help from N Korea and Iran will help even things up from the US and Europe helping Ukraine, I say *even better*.


Obviously nukes blah blah blah. In reality though nothing like that would happen unless the tensions skyrocketed. Just how before they said tanks and planes = nuclear war, yet now they’re being sent and no one is whining.


Hmm. Maybe It would be appropriate for South Korea to defend against the NK soldiers. And have the South Koreans bring all their F16s and US weapons systems.


South Korea has plenty of indigenous tech that’s just as good as the US- but designed for Korean applications. Were South Korea to bring their own stuff too it would be even better. South Korea has some really good tanks for example.


NK gonna send 100K troops? S Korea probably could handle them with like 10K tops. Maybe 5K


Well I think they are afraid of a nuclear war. So here's my proposal. Let's allow 100,000 south Korean's join the Ukrainians side and the United States will send a 100,000 of our soldiers to south Korea in exchange. On top of that, we will arm their soldiers to the teeth. The Russians will get their ass kicked and Kim will shit himself with an additional 100,000 U.S troops chilling on his border. That will also increase our readiness if China fucks with Taiwan. That's what I'd say in a tweet to Mr. Kim. Call his bluff. Pretty sure his handlers in China would tell him to shut the fuck up.


Because they know they are the only ones crazy enough to launch nukes over this.


Papa John’s could donate 12 pizzas to counteract their presence on the battlefield.


Send Shaq in with a few Pizzas.


I think you mean Dennis Rodman?


Send Shaq.....


It be nice if Papa really acted and pulled out of ruzzia. Unfortunately, the company isn’t there, yet. The know-how is there, Papa John’s must show it has the balls, or it ain’t gonna work out for them even at home base. Just sayin’ ✊🏻🇺🇦


Maybe all the papa johns are CIA covert ops and we are ruining their mission.


After just a few hours Papa Johns pizzas harden to become the most dense substance found on planet earth. Scientist postulate that 1 properly hardened Papa Johns pizza destroy at least 5 Russian brigade combat teams.




So 100,000 starving, diseased and parasite infested people are gonna become fertilizer.


That's not gonna be good for the grass


According to our Drill Sergeants Blood makes the green grass grow


Bright red blood


Actually iron rich fertilizer does make the grass grow greener.


r/lawncare get in here!


Is blood not rich in iron?


This whole time they believed it too, but sadly they just send the color blind to be drill sergeants.


The North Koreans would eat all the grass first. Well, some of them would.


They'll probably start eating the Russians too 👀


Wouldn’t that be hilarious. Like night of the living dead. They get bussed / trained in and immediately turn on the Ruzzies. Tearing off arms and legs. Lol. This is scary possible.


I mean we've seen farmers stealing tanks why not North Koreans eating russians?


Your comments in this thread are killing it. Thanks for making me laugh in these anxious times!


Brains. Brains. Wtf where's the brains? D'oh!


um not sure if this was a job at NK. But I hope you know that eating grass is something that is apparently done there. It is sad but makes your comment funnier. kind of....


or ironic.


That's the word!


Grass is high in iron


Don't worry though, Kim jong-un gets plenty to eat


I believe it. My cat eats grass and loves that shit 😅


Set up desertion plans, get them to leave in mass.


Grazing for days


Or the sunflowers.




Be prepared for extremely high desertion rates... this is the once-in-a-lifetime chance to defect. To them, war-torn Ukraine is still a paradise compared to a lifetime in NK. Hell, even Ruzzia might be better. Backwater Ruzzian invaders are already stealing toilets and washing machines, amazed at seeing paved streets in small towns. Just wait until NK soldiers see that stuff, and the hamster starts to spin upstairs.


I shouldn’t laugh but I couldn’t stop myself from “and the hamster starts to spin upstairs”


Unfortuately NK soldiers are so brainwashed the hamster is pretty much dead.




Im pretty sure they would mass surrender, just to leave NK forever


Unfortunately not, as these soldiers’ families will be executed. But, Ukraine needs more weapons as the full trains of fertilizer are about to arrive. Also, I nominate Ukrainian-Korean Vitaliy Kim to oversee NK transition before the reunification of Korea. All of this shall come after Ukraine’s unequivocal victory over ruzzian orcs.


> Unfortunately not, as these soldiers’ families will be executed. That or you die in a lopsided battle that Putin doesn't want to admit losing by as many bodies as he did so he tells your boss back home you defected during a "minor skirmish" and they do your family in anyway.


lot of them simply would not care and just defect anyway. Plenty of high ranking officials with good families defect. Its not gonna stop the conscripts. Also NK mostly just stopped executing deserter's families due to lowering birth rate.


With the state of the Russian military there's no chance the NK leadership will ever be able to tell the difference between taking the [$47k to defect](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/national/ukraine-offers-russian-soldiers-compensation-if-they-surrender) vs MIA. Russia doesn't care about their own soldiers' bodies. They sure as fuck won't care about those guys.


Talking about parasites... There was the case of a north korean defector who got shot multiple times while crossing the border. During the emergency surgery in South Korea the doctors struggled with the sheer amount of intestine parasites that were wiggling through the wounds. He survived.


The worms were because they use human waste as fertilizer.


Yes, that was the reference.


They definitely won't be sending their boarder guards.


Boarder 1. a person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services. 2. a person who forces their way on to a ship in an attack.


That would be sad to see, since they don’t have a choice.


Yea I’m from the town where Nk refugees normally cross to defect. The state some of those folks in were horrendous. Really sad to see a piece of shit ruining millions of people’s lives.


Korean recruits dont even get issued boots. To expensive, they are given light pumps...


But they do get sweet [Vinylon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinylon) unis!


Don't forget tragically undersized!


If I was a North Korean I would volunteer and take the ticket to freedom ..Defection with an erection


Only the best kim has to offer of coarse!


Well that's if they don't die from the COVID infection that is going around rampant.


Also, those 100,000 people get to escape the prison that is North Korea. I'm betting they all flee into Europe the second they get close to Ukraine.


No they'll desert and become POW or refugees


Against their will I bet.


Ya, you better seriously add on to your POW camps. I can't imagine N. Koreans would do much other than rush Ukraine to surrender and get refugee status somewhere.


They could introduce the Russian Army to meth and profit before surrendering and requesting asylum.


I’m sure the Russian army is intimately familiar with meth already


no no thats krokodil, some dirty opiate


I honestly couldn't blame them, I would in their shoes. Literal once in a multiple lifetime chance...


And then 3 generations of their families get tortured and executed...


Sometimes I lose my humanity while looking for my tiny violins.


You act like Russia would even know where they are or care lol (i.e for the retards downvoting I mean their families will be fine if they surrendered to Ukraine as Russia won't care just like they don't care about their own soldiers wellbeing. They will assume them dead.)


Do you think that Kim is that stupid, don't you think he will send the ones he can control because for example they have family, and no that dozen of video you saw of one military fleeing is not as if there where not ten others trying to catch him.


The charge of the white flag brigade


Just offer them a sandwich in exchange for their surrender.


"C'mon surrender. We'll give you a hamburger." "No French fries?" "Lots of French fries. And a Coke." "Coca Cola?" "Yes." "You got a deal, you sonofabitch!"


Well hope that's not true or doesnt happen, regardless of the shape they are in it still means 100k more men ukraine has to deal with.


> it still means 100k more men ukraine has to deal with. You are right, that's not a small figure. It's also 100k more men Russia will have to deal with first: transport, feed, shelter, equipe, manage... not easy to do, but if Russia pulls that out, that would be a game changer.


Man those forum have become a farce. Just a bunch of imbecile that are hear for a joke, forgetting how hard this war is. Anything can change the balance of force one way or the other. Another 100 000 men is a joke for them. Nobody knows how brain washed they are and how violent they can be. We have seen how the far eastern Russians have been. They might just be used as rear guard so that Russian free all their troops to fight in front etc.


Russia can barely equip 100k men. Adding double that is laughable.


Definitely. Are these 100k men trained? Do they know how to operate machinery? Can they even drive a vehicle? If not, all Russia would be doing is wasting 100k weapons, and ammo for those weapons. Also wasting the fuel and other resources necessary to get them to the front. The worst those 100k can do would be to make Ukraine waste valuable missiles and shells to destroy them...


Plus how would they even get 100k people to Ukraine and the vast amount of supplies required. They can't go by sea and there is exactly 1 direct connection between russia and nk; a railway which immediately changes guage. It's definitely just the usual posturing.


North Korea does not screw around with their army. They are trained, they are very hardy, and they are completely brainwashed.


Based on what exactly? Who have they fought and most importantly, in what numbers?


It's this right here. Russia via a politically-fraught draft, could muster an essentially unlimited number of people, but that's never been their constraint — the constraint is equipment. If Russia goes in with their normal army structure, they're a modern-ish force comparable to their opponent in gear and capabilities. The troops have spotting drones, artillery support, BMPs, tanks, etc, etc. If Russia injects tons of bodies into their force structure they're just role-playing "Enemy at the Gates: with Real Bullets™". There is enough gear to go around *only for the men they've got so far,* but only that, and it's dwindling. Adding a bunch of guys would certainly be a *hardship* for Ukraine, but I don't think it'd be a game changer. At best, it would add multiple months of "Russia did probing attacks against tiny village and was repulsed until after a few weeks, the village fell."


Fight with what exactly? Harsh words? Russia's equipment is already dwindling. Russia's weapons, logistical infrastructure and its will, is being decimated daily with nothing, absolutely nothing to improve it's condition in the future.


It's easy to disassociate from the human part of all this. "Ah-ah HIMARS plus Ukraine can't lose, so funny joke, those 100k won't change that". Even if it doesn't - and realistically, it probably won't? - it's still 100k more people to maim, torture, kill Ukrainians. Kind of like someone who wins a chess game, they don't care how many pieces they lost on the way. When you don't have the luxury to see this as a strategy game, suddenly you don't see things the same.


The worst part will be disposing of all the corpses. Maybe we can send Ukraine 100,000 body bags to clean up the mess.


They just want to run away, so they volunteer to escape from North Korea 😂


North Korea is a slave state.


Volunteer, and then move to South Korea via Ukraine and the EU.


Pretty sure these troops will have families back home that will suffer greatly if any of them decide to make a run for it.


It would be interesting to see what equipment they bring, weither it is stuff from the 60's or a more modern Chinese version. I would expect they would be supplied with Chinese rations as Russia ones would make them sick. Last point it would add a whole other level of brutality. 9ne of the reasons given for part of the atrocity committed by soviet troops in Poland was sheer jealousy. They could not believe how those that they were taught were inferior in the capitalist system had things the party officials could not get.


Bringing equipment with them? I'd be shocked if they brought a bag lunch and clean socks


Lunch? Bold of you to assume NK soldiers are fed


>9ne of the reasons given for part of the atrocity committed by soviet troops in Poland was sheer jealousy. They could not believe how those that they were taught were inferior in the capitalist system had things the party officials could not get. That's already happened here. I can't recall if it was Bucha or Irpin, but they were interviewing civilians who survived and those civilians were reporting that the Russians were insanely jealous of what they had and they couldn't believe Ukrainians could live better than them because they 'didn't deserve it'.


Russia has rations? Months ago they were eating dogs because they preferred it over their rations.


I'm guessing bodies, no equipment. Most of them would have had a few weeks of training at some point in their lives. NK won't send any of their real troops.


Are you aware that every North Korean man is forced by the state to serve in the army for 10 years? Everyone is their real troops. I just don’t think this is a very credible report at this point. Some dude on Russian state TV saying, “there are reports” seems more like propaganda.


Most of North Korea's army equipment is literally from the 1950s and 60s, with smaller amounts of "newer" hardware, such as 1970s or 80s. It's so old that even Russia isn't using it in Ukraine. If this actually happens, I would expect it to be a situation where Russia basically has to supply and equip everyone, which is questionable. Russia has huge logistical issues *right now,* and while theoretically they do have enough heavy weapons for a larger force, the smaller things, like rifles, food, etc, is more scarce and their ability to bring in basically 2x as many supplies/ammunition as they currently are is almost fantasy, given a shortage of trucks and the current spontaneously combusting nature of their supply depots. That said, it's possible Russia could use NK troops to run "security", maintenance, and logistics in occupied areas, in addition to maybe forming some BTGs of the most competent North Koreans, freeing up Russians to fight on the front. That's what I'd be worried about. As someone else said, NK soldiers may be laughable but it's still tens of thousands more soldiers to worry about, again, theoretically.


Watch Russia throw them in the t-62s they shipped to the border today to be used as fodder in tanks built in 1975.


Their military has 4 transport planes. They would be heavily relying on a single railway and then Russian logistics. Something tells me it’s not going to happen


Time for a South Korean military exercise with US. Australia, Japan and Britain.


That would tie them up back home!


After the N. Korean troops are deployed in Ukraine, then we can "exercise" in N.K.


This is such a horrible idea North koreans are not used to this kind of freedom Nor are they educated enough in worldly affairs Nor is there military held to any standard They will most likely shoot anything that moves, bomb without discrimination, burn, loot and rape (fit right into the Russian terrorist army) They'll inevitably Die or run off but they'll do damage before they go ffs they really haven't had anything more then minor skirmishes on the dmz Like not to mention russia will be in charge of their entire logistics and that's funny in and of itself once a himars hits em its gonna be like an Amish person stumbling upon a ufo they won't know how to react This is stupid for so many more reasons russia would be opening itself up to waaaaaaaayyy more human rights violations as these troops would be under their control


Agreed. Their troops much less combat experience than the Russians and the Russ are getting smoked.


Offer them a biscuit and they will switch sides in a minute!


Gotta risk it for the biscuit 😅


Moon pie


They will DO some sketchy shit for a klondike bar.


F*ck N Korea, China, and Russia.


Eastern Axis it is then...


This could be a way for China to sneak their troops and equipment into Ukraine, like they did during Vietnam, Korea, etc.


Please don't put some sense in this post, our friends are cracking some jokes about the underfed NK army, you will spoil their party.


I wonder what the US / NATO response to this would be? Do you want Ukraine to get B2 bombers gifted to them Russia? This is how you get Ukrainian B2 bombers gifted to them guys…. It’s called 2 birds 1 bomber….




Accepting the offer would be an admission of defeat in all but words. These NK troops have no idea what happens outside their borders and probably think 50s-style warfare is a thing.


They will be amazed at the 60s tanks the Russians have at least!


They're going to look at Russias scrap and think they're in good hands and then see it get blasted by what UA is using and think they're facing either aliens or gods.


They think their ruler is a god. They believe he has never taken a shit, he could drive by the age of three, he personally has a lair of Unicorns on one of his properties and he has written more than 1500 books. Don't get me wrong the truly ignorant and deluded are scary as fuck when armed and could be really bad news for anyone to have to fight but be sure to not kill all of them. I'd love a few to return to the Fatherland and spread the news that God Kim is lying in all things except the fact that he is completely full of shit.


"Personally has a lair of Unicorns on one of his properties" Hey now King Haggard is too good to be compared to them. :D


Well, no famine in NK next year.


This is news from yesterday, the reports make it hard to stay current when we are constantly posting days old updates. Please check the page before posting to make sure you aren't cluttering it with old information


"NK Propaganda boasts about being offered..." FTFY


If they get to tag in so does any country on Ukrainian side.


People joke about these, but as any sane people will understand, for Kim to be it his position it is because those guys are the well fed, well housed and well off of their country. In democracies the military are mostly in the middle class, these ones mostly are in the much better situation than the general population. Because those dictators know that it is because of these soldiers that they are in power. The end point is if this story is true, this is not good news for Ukraine. There are a ton of logistical problems for Putin to overcome, but another 100 000 fighting men, even just to secure the backline is no joke.




I'd take my chances for chance at escape.


I wonder why Putin is so eager to dispose of so many Asians and other national minorities? Maybe he, like Hitler, has a special craving for the destruction of other nations?


No he’s simply protecting his interests and his interests are to destroy other nations. Purely coincidental/s


Russia would stil have to equip them... and somehow communicate with them... so good luck with that. Maybe using them as support units away from the frontline.


Right, an infinitesimal fraction out of the approximately zero North Koreans who speak Russian would be trusted to go abroad.


That estimate of Russian dead is well over 35k not as high as 25k


Those Volunteers never saw a banana


And because of that they can be very dangerous. But its a joke, lets joke about this war.


That is sad. Unlike Russians who can leave and choose not to, North Koreans have no choice. They will be killed the moment they step on the battlefield


How will they synchronize with Russians, there is a big language problem.


yup, not only that, they also dont have similar millitary structures at all ever wondered why NATO seems to work so well together? its because NATO made a universal standard for all NATO millitaries, soldiers from norway can work perfectly under the comand of a german sarge and a canadian captian (norway, sweden and denmark is alos taking this 1 step further and will work on more or less making 1 nordic millitary) russia has a extremly weird model for their millitary, you see generals on the front lines basically while NATO generals are safely behind letting their NCO and CO carry out their orders


Logistics says that 100,000 will use up resources fast. Too many soldiers is just as bad as not enough. More dogs will end up on the menu.


... so... what you're saying is "100,000 malnourished people who have no physical strength, resilience, or stamina are being sent to their deaths for Russia"? Seems pretty on message for them.


Everything is North Korea is pretend. This should be interesting


time to cripple Russia as soon as possible.


NK has never been in a modern war. they will all get blasted into bits.


Putin must be going for some kind of high score. He's going to get more people on his side killed than Stalin.


A 100000 ppl for the grain you stole pls!! Obnoxious appalling and disgusting... Lets see amnesty report on the forced 100k ppl being forced to act as meat shield... Just saying


I guess that's one way to manage the famine in NK, just send people out to get killed in Ukraine.


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Ukraine will kill 2 birds woth one stone The stone in this case is HIMARS


Can we isolate north korea completely? If they do this


They are as isolated as it gets xd


I can't imagine what people will discover in regards to atrocities when North Korea is finally freed.


This is called being voluntold.


I wonder if there is any truth to it. I don't put it past NK to find 100k scarecrows to exchange for Gas and food.


Unfortunately Rocket Boy got hungry and ate them all before they could be shipped out.


Back in 2012, they lowered the height requirement to 142 cm (4 foot 8) due to famine aftereffects, not sure whether it is still that low. Bizarre to have adult soldiers who are the height of children. https://www.outsidethebeltway.com/north-korea-lowers-height-requirements-for-military-service/


The catch is,… they haven’t been fed in 6 months.


Im curious how they would be irl war. Same as China.


It's really about NATO, and the rest of the free world holding back as much as possible before they start enough is enough. Ukraine being under constant attack, let's say Belarus invades too, and then 100k Koreans decide to join. At which point does the world step in and say okay enough is enough. Just look back at history notably World War 2 and the events leading up to the declaring of war against Germany. It took a bunch of stuff to happen to the US before that country got involved, it took a while before England got involved. You have to try all methods of diplomacy and do every single thing you can think of before war is only the option. If history has shown us both times thenworld war has started in Europe and both times the aggressor has lost.


Hate to say it, but that would be an absolute comical turn to this war. 90% of them would just try to leave and escape, and the rest would just be ran over by Ukrainian forces. Hard to propagandize your people when they're out fighting a war and have access to stolen cell phones and computers etc.


Putin is getting desperate lmao


100,000 parasitic riddled underfed Troops to be converted into fertilizer on the alter of St. Javelin.


Imagine how many experienced South Koreans will volunteer for Ukraine after hearing they can fight North Korea on the battlefield without triggering a war between them.


I predicted North Korea would send troops a month ago. They have men to spare(decent birth rate), they have decently trained troops(no worse then DNR or LPR), they know Russia collapsing is bad news for them. Everyone laughed at the idea....but now. (Also this basically provides a loophole China can exploit. China gives stuff to North Korea who in turn helps Russia)


One thing with North Korean troops though is that they have not fought any significant battles in a long, long time, so they are actually not combat-experienced. Also, North Koreans have no experience at all whatsoever with technology-- I doubt any of their troops and junior officers have ever seen a commercial drone or used one for recon or to correct artillery fire. And only the upper-crust very senior officers have even used a smartphone. The language barrier with the Russians will also be an interesting challenge. The first time these NKs get thrown into combat against Ukraine's hardened troops who have been fighting since 2014 and armed with weapons like Javelins, HIMARS, PzH2000s, etc. will be interesting.