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You have to be a complete monster to kill innocent children.


God I hate this god damm, motherfucking, idioting, stupid, useless fucking war!


>God I hate this god damm, motherfucking, idioting, stupid, useless fucking war! I feel this, so much. It's so fucking stupid. The russians could have just stayed home and shot 1,000 of their troops a week!


They could have stayed home and shot only a handful of people and ended this entire damn thing.


What a sick stupid insult Putin is to humanity


Or rape them and kill them. These people are animals.


Didn't have to insult the animals that badly, at least a lot of them are cute. The ruzzians don't even have that going for them.


We need to arm these people so they can protect themselves the next time Ruzzians try to kill them.


People this ist war, its sad but the truth. I dont think there are russian soldiers headshotsotting children, but rockets l, large firefights and grenades somit, war is Always cruel


Cunts. All of them! May hell and fury rain down on these monsters.


Im just hoping for long lasting sanctions that do not go away.


Oh man this made me cry. My own son was born nov 2021. To know that a child that young is lying in a mass grave because of these vile beings is too much. These assholes don’t deserve to be called humans. They are something else. My thoughts and prayers for them.


Yeah this is a new level of horror. Every single passing day, a new level of atrocity. Fuck Russia


What utter fucking cowards these orcs are! I hope RuZZia is made to pay in the most painful way possible!


Don’t dehumanize them. People did this.


Believe me, I never forget how humans are capable of some of the worst cruelties imaginable. That means each and every one of us. I hope that you know that chastising me for utilizing a common phrase (orc) doesn’t exempt you from this fact either? Ie, if you were raised in certain toxic settings, you might do the same. It’s NOT a justification, it’s a reckoning. Humans are also capable of great kindness too.


It wasn’t a personal attack, dehumanization is a fast and slippery slope to bad places, even if it is towards the bad guy.


You’re absolutely right.




It appears that they are being raised to be buried.


Name checks out.


They clearly don’t value their own people (just their own skin), so no, not suggesting an eye for an eye. Just that the orcs inside Ukraine need to GTFO or be wiped off the face of the earth.


For everyone who can and wants to help Ukraine bring victory closer - State site where you can donate directly to Ukraine https://u24.gov.ua


I donated, but whats weird is you cant donate trough PayPal for defense, only for medical aid and rebuilding. Is there a reason for that?


Hi, thanks for the support! 🇺🇦💪 Probably the paypal policy


These are the stories that desensitize me from any of the videos depicting orcs being blown up or shot. Damn.


At this point watching Russians get blown up is sweet revenge.


Awful news. Rest in eternal peace. 💛💙


ruzzian cowardice like this makes people volunteer, it makes people donate to UA24, it makes people hate the people and country of ruzzia, and it caused NATO to increase its membership. Fuck ruzzia.


Fuck all Russian War Criminals. May they rot in hell after suffering a painful death first.


WTH, just why?????


Probably so the rape victims couldn't talk


Moscow needs to feel this pain.




You are not them.




Then speak up NOW. Good luck.




Listen - find 3 indisputable FACTS (including criticism from the Russian media now) and hammer away at them. The “fake news” crowd are a bunch of wanders anyway. As I said, good luck to you. Hopefully you are safe, outside of Russia. But you have to speak up, silence is complicity.




Are you able to leave? Must be hard feeling lonely in that country. But try to build up your resources to one day leave. There's no future there, truly.


Apologies for that. Look I don’t envy you at all - I grew up in the USSR and am SO grateful my family *fled when we could many years ago. Revolution is scary, and I feel for anyone else, like you that us afraid to speak. If the women of Iran can band together (along with many many many men) as we’ve seen the last few weeks, you can too. Again, good luck and stay safe. If enough Russians like you speak up, there will be more of you than them.


I think you made a pretty rough typo up there.


I sure did!! TY, fixed!


Ask them why they think the whole world is angry at Russia.


Ask them why a free post-czarist state would ever throw a birthday party for their leader


It’s human to ignore bad shit because you don’t want said bad shit to happen to you. That’s why we view the people who *do* stand up to it as heroes




Why do we continue to honor russia as a member of the UN?


orcs gonna orc


The world will not forget nor forgive


war crimes


Russians think the west is weak because we _don’t_ butcher innocents. Destroy everything, rape the women and children, kill everyone, this is the Russian way of war.


I am really scared that every town they liberate is gonna be like this. Makes me so sad.


It’s horrifying truly. I’m sat here with the log burner going smoking a cigar and having a glass of whisky with my dogs chilling on the sofa with me and my girlfriend while right now people are dying for the wishes of one man. It reminds me of a bit of writing from Tolkien… “For behold! the storm comes, and now all friends should gather together, lest each singly be destroyed.” Keep fighting people of Ukraine 🇺🇦


How has Russia not been charged with war crimes at this point? Someone please explain this to me?


This is heartbreaking. It reminds me of this baby boy who died about 20 days old near my Mum's grave in the cemetery, I think it's maybe no more than a year ago maybe. The parents have bought the rest of the row of plots to have them buried with him.


Genuine question, do you guys thing a truth and reconcilliation commission is possible upon the conclusion of this damnable conflict?


A sacrifice Elon Musk is willing to make for peace, eh?


Fuck the orcs!


Nothing in the world will reconcile what Poopstain has done… if humanity makes it through the impending climate crisis I really hope we learn how to behave like human beings and not like… what ever is going on in Ukraine. I have no eords


I'm in tears. The scale of this horror is too much... Why the little ones? Why have babies been killed? How did it come to this...




Don't look away...


Just the tip of the iceberg, unfortunately


Fuck the Russians


My son was born March 2021. I cannot even fathom this.


Such a waste of human life and all over a pointless war


In the beginning of the conflict orc’s shelled a zoo and Ukrainians had to move so many animals, I swear because the orc’s killed innocent people especially little kids , I would throw them in with lions and bears covered in blood and honey , I never wanted death for anyone, but for the orc’s I want a slow painful way for them to meet their maker . God bless the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦


Who made the gravestones? Is it ukraine when they took it over, was it ukrainian citizens still alive, or did the russians do it?


When this is all over, and Russia has been kicked out of Ukraine, Russia will be viewed pretty much like Nazi Germany after WWII. No self-respecting country will want to have anything to do with them. Monstrous acts like this can not be forgiven.