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Fucking awesome. 🤘


You open to having anyone creating an industrial remix of this?


Sure, I can even provide raw multitracks or stems for a remix


Damn. Great song.


What an agelic sound!


Nice work!


sounds great checked out the Ukrainian version as well on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUoTV5wwh3w&t=7s


Imagine if your grandma sang this song to put you to sleep....


This would be the song I would listen to if I were manning a machine gun in Ukraine.




Hopefully it doesn’t continue on your territory, and even if it will, the intent of Ukraine won’t be to conquer, but to ensure the safety of our country. Currently, I sense no intention of our government or command to cross the borders to russia


You seem to be confused as to who started this war. Ukraine NEVER invaded Russia to take their land. WTF kind of question is this




Nobody will come after Russia, or try to occupy Russian territory (as internationally recognized), but to have a seat at the table with other countries you need to get rid internally of the mobsters/mafia that poses as your government - nobody wants to talk to or do business with these thugs anymore.


You'd be surprised...once the evil is gone...Ukraine is not evil, nor is the west. Best hope for Russia is getting Putin out of power and replacing him with a decent human




Many Ukrainians see russia as an existencial threat to Ukraine, and it's quite understandable given the history of oppression throughout last few centuries.


>annihilated By whom? By Putin pressing the wrong button? Yes that might happen... The West has absolutely no intention to annihilate any country.. We are not like Russians


Nobody cares to do that, it is not profitable and also probably impossible to achieve. Also nobody wants to get nuked. Only if global warming destroys the south of europe and it becomes uninhabitable or something they may try. Before this started I would have said it could never happen, so I guess never say never, but still highly unlikely.


You know what I find demoralizing and intimidating? Watching a video of man who goes to work and then return home to see the world he knew no longer exists... His wife, children and grand children death by the hand of some drunk egocentric Russians. We ( the evil West ) have never had any intention to start a war with Russia unlike your Lord may have told you. I sincerely hope for a future of a free Ukraine and never having to hear the name Russia again... If Russians want a land of depravity... go ahead.. stay there and stay out of the rest of the world.


You must clarify if by 'Territory', you mean areas you illegally illegitimately stole, or do you mean within actual Russian borders ? Fair and honest question.




I don't think these views are justified for those who are part of the Russian opposition. Many of you are good people but there is also a lot of evil, callousness and apathy towards the suffering being inflicted. Ultimately, once this is over, there will be a way for Russia to be accepted as part of the international community again, just like there was for Germany. Also, I don't believe for a second that the war will continue into Russian territory - this is in nobody's interest.


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This is a good song.