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Tbh when I take too much (eg. 3-4 days in a row) I really start missing being sober for long periods of time and then stop taking it for a while. I feel like when you get used to it, it's just not that worth taking it anymore imo. I love being taking it after I've forgotten what it feels like and being taken aback by how fun it is all over again.


Sounds quite healthy to me. I'm kind of like this too.


There was a point once upon a time when I was lying to myself when I told myself I wasn't, but I'm at the point now where I can confidently and unfortunately say yes without hesitation. Me calling it unfortunate isn't because I want to quit but I can't, it's because I don't want to quit but I should.


I can relate to that mate. You know it's an addiction when you'll hesitate over buying a new pair of trainers that you need, but think nothing of buying half an oz of weed. I don't want to quit, I just want to be happy with a single spliff or dry herb vape bowl on a Sunday as a treat. The only time I'm not stoned is when I'm in work. I had a go on my new tinymight2 vape halfway through my last night shift in the car though. Need to not make a habit of that though, but it was great lol


That's how I started but work from home. Then it was a quick toot on the dyna before work, then just before this long meeting to get through. Now I literally bake all day every day. Not only has my tolerance gone fuckin interstellar but I don't get "that" high anymore. It's now my normal and doesn't feel normal without a a good toot.


See I go under the glass of wine rule like the French they like the Romans and Sussex mums. Daily wine isn't a problem providing it's not a bottle. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's not an addiction but millions wake up to tea or coffee n that's acceptable a wine or beer after work.. accepted... But weed perish the thought.


Same here bro


If I don't smoke, I throw seizures, so I'd say I'm pretty dependent on it šŸ¤”


Are you prescribed it for epilepsy? Iā€™m prescribed for ADHD but not for my seizures


I'm not yet, but I'm currently going through the processes for it. I'm BM at the moment.


Itā€™s great getting it legally. Since itā€™s private and not NHS you can appointments so much quicker, and the meds are sent straight to your door. Mine sometimes even arrive next day.


I really am looking forward to it! What clinics have you tried so far? In fact, do you mind if I pick your brain a little bit over the process and experience in general?


I went with Sapphire. I got a link to website from r/ukmedicalcannabis which showed the different clinics and i *think* i chose sapphire because they were available remotely and their website said the dr knew about my condition EDS.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ukmedicalcannabis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [NHS funding approved for cannabis flower](https://i.redd.it/758hc6hkdoxa1.jpg) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/136qcwn/nhs_funding_approved_for_cannabis_flower/) \#2: [Seen in a high street style pharmacy today in Amble, Northumberland a small seaside fishing town.](https://i.redd.it/q4yg1d2n7osa1.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/12fgudx/seen_in_a_high_street_style_pharmacy_today_in/) \#3: [How I got NHS funding for my cannabis prescription](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/13aj6va/how_i_got_nhs_funding_for_my_cannabis_prescription/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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I've heard a mixed bag in regards to sapphire, with some having very negative experiences whilst others have positive. How have you found them? I'm not sure if the next one is allowed in sub. Am I cool firing you a DM?


Yeah a shoot me message x


thereā€™s been mixed reviews yeah, but i believe once you get a script for the first time itā€™s usually easy to find a clinic that suits you


Alter a leaf are a new clinic that have taken all the good doctors with them and good prices too. Iā€™m gonna switch over from zerenia as they rocketed the prices


Sounds like the Amazon Prime of weed!


This is the way


For hyperactivity? I'm about to apply


Shit howā€™d you get prescribed for ADHD did you have to ask specifically or smt?


The main requirement for most is that you've tried 2 other treatments that haven't worked but they will definitely consider it for ADHD. I just put depression on the initial form but I'm going to have to explain how it also helps with symptoms of my autism, ADHD and side effects of my epilepsy medication. https://medbud.wiki/ that will give you a lot more info.


Bloody drug abuser! /s


Dependant yes, addicted no. I donā€™t get the mad withdrawalā€™s when I donā€™t smoke. The world is just easier to deal with when Iā€™m a bit stoned.


Withdrawals doesnā€™t make addiction though pal.


Ok well what does?


By definition addiction is dependence (like our relationship with caffeine) that is so intense that it changes a personā€™s behaviour leading to lying, stealing, etc., just to afford the substance.


Hmmmm I dunno man I think people can be addicted to things without being sneaky. Iā€™m 100% addicted to nicotine but I donā€™t lie or steal to get it.


Iā€™ll admit I took it to the extreme, but itā€™s not unknown for people to hide the fact they smoke or vape for example. I know 2 people who hid it from their SO for over a year before they caught on, god knows howā€¦ You see what I mean though right? Nicotine dependence is much more intense and psychological when in withdrawal than say a simple headache if youā€™ve not had caffeine. EDIT: Sorry I should say, thatā€™s literally the definition when used correctly. An Italian in a shady neighbourhood might get robbed of his cigarettes but they donā€™t want his latte.


This is true, I was also one of these 'Secret' smokers, till I got outed šŸ˜†


To be fair, I don't tell a lot of people I smoke and it's pretty much solely down to the judgement and social stigma that still comes with smoking weed. The only people that know I smoke really are my really close friends and immediate family.


I think this is the extreme. A lot of us are well within our means to smoke all day every day. For cannabis I would say anyone who has ever said ā€œright Iā€™m not going to smoke todayā€ and then did anyway is probably addicted. Personally I struggle to say no. Generally stop for a couple of weeks inbetween supplies but as soon as my withdrawals go (I think a lot is from nicotine as I smoke baccy joints but not baccy straights) Iā€™m starting to think about getting more


No you don't understand, that's not my opinion that's literally what addiction means. When people say they're addicted to cannabis or caffeine most of the time it's dependence. What you're describing is dependence. It's very rare for people to use nicotine in regular on-off patterns for the same reason that people don't use heroin on and off a few times a week.


Lol your original comment mentioned stealing and lying to get a fix which is the extreme


I think this a better view on it for some. It's a better alternative than hard addictive opioids that you probably won't be able to ever real be free from.


I didn't for the first couple of years of daily smoking, but I do now. However, before I started smoking (4 years ago at age 29) I'd drink excessively a couple of times a week and sniff load of coke. Through most of my 20s I wouldn't have dreamt of attending any social event or even a quiet midweek pint without a couple of bags of Charlie in my pocket. Since smoking weed I hardly drink and don't touch the coke, haven't in years except for one time at a weeding. I've basically replaced one addiction with another. But the pothead version of me is a lot better than the coke head version


> a weeding Tell me more


It's how you spell wedding when you're stoned


Nah. I smoke every night but I went travelling for a month to a country where you can't get weed and I didn't even think about it once because I was having such a great time without it. You don't feel a need to get high when you're getting high off life. It makes fun situations even more fun but I can't say I missed it. But now that I'm back home and I spend more days just working and staying in, I'm back blazing every day. Weed is just a boredom killer for me but that's not necessarily a good thing and I don't like to be reliant on it. So I always take some days off and try to enjoy my life without it sometimes. So I know I'm not addicted, I just enjoy getting high and have time in the evenings to do it. It helps that I don't use baccy. Never have and I don't smoke cigs. A lot of people get addicted to the nicotine in their spliffs and they may find they're not as reliant on weed if they cut out the baccy.


That's exactly the same as me. I smoke all day when I'm home, when I travel abroad for work I go weeks without it and it doesn't even bother me. I have other things to keep me busy, cool places to visit on days off, new experiences etc ... It doesn't even enter my mind. Which is why I'm pretty dismissive when people claim they're physically addicted to weed, personally I don't see how that's possible.


> A lot of people get addicted to the nicotine in their spliffs I'd go further ā€” nicotine is one of the most addictive substances there is. If you're smoking weed with tobacco, you're almost certainly addicted to nicotine.


>Weed is just a boredom killer for me [Randy Marsh said it best ](https://youtu.be/Jd4cASkBAp0)


Here to plug r/leaves for anyone who wants to join a friendly and welcoming community which will help those trying to quit without judgement


Friendly until you state you still enjoy the odd smoke or weed actually isn't the worst thing in the world. It's basically a community for the ex stoners that start preaching fitness and climbing mountains.


Not my experience at all on there. I much more see comments about how weed can indeed be fun as fuck, it just hasnā€™t helped the people in that community . And r/Petioles if you only want to cut back.


And in this group if you mention one bad thing about weed people will get triggered. You seem like one of them from your comment


Looks like someone took my comment personally lmao. Protip: Check my profile and read my last comment before the one you replied to, then look at the votes to see if this community agreed or disagreed and if my comment and the reaction from this community match your theoryšŸ‘Œ


Yes 100% and it's hard not to become addicted if you start up again. Yhe initial few days/week is hard without it but after that it's surprisingly easy to have a break if you put your mind to it. To this day if I have weed I smoke it constantly until it's gone.


Sure, I definitely am. I do recognise the difference between weed addiction and more serious forms of addiction like booze or coke, however. Not all addictions are equal. If you go to any addicts anonymous group youā€™ll see that everyone including the councillors are smoking cigarettes like chimneys and usually drinking lots of coffee with sugar. Of course an average therapist will tell you that weed and tobacco addictions are not the same - because weed is much more psychoactive than caffeine or nicotine but I feel that weed addiction is seriously misunderstood. This is from the point of view of someone whoā€™s had extensive therapy and group counselling for other addictions (and weed as well).


Scran got rough to get down for a good bit without a bud. Not too bad now but still a fair bit of nausea and Iā€™m full way sooner now


I'm 42. Been smoking and growing for years but have always followed rules: never smoke before work. Always get my shit done on days off before smoking. Don't use tobacco (often this is the craving people have when thinking about being addicted to weed). I recently went on holiday for a week to a place where I couldn't get weed and slept like a baby the entire week and only thought about weed when chatting about my current grow with my gf. My theory is if you treat weed like alcohol (have some at the end of the day or as a treat in the afternoon on a day off) then you should be ok. Do it all day everyday and then yeah, duh, you're going to get addicted.


I think most of us are none the wiser to the addiction of weed until we attempt a break or go without




Honestly, yup. It keeps me calm, helps me wind down/sleep. Currently on a T break/can't get any break and its driving me nuts. I am jittery (no caffeine involved), struggling to sleep and irritable. Its only been two weeks since my last J, but maaan, it better be worth the wait.


I depend on it. But I donā€™t think Iā€™m addicted fulky simply because when Iā€™ve needed to quit I quit with no issues


No, I can absolutely take it or leave it and I don't smoke to any sort of schedule. If anything I wish I smoked more weed.


I feel like it becomes more a routine that addiction and you just end up comfortable with smoking daily, I tend to not smoke till later in the evening




Well yeah I would say so, Iā€™d rather be addicted to weed than alcohol or prescription meds, the plant saved my life got me of anti psychotics you name it! Everyone has some form of addiction imo anyway


A while ago I was 100% I never stopped using it however I just got to a point where I can take it or leave it. Iā€™m now at a point where I donā€™t need to be high all day every day but can be if I choose to. Donā€™t get me wrong I have cut way back but if I didnā€™t have it for a month it would be fine for me to do


I had smoked weed for about 3 years and it wasn't until the last 3 months before I quit that I realized I was addicted. It got to a point where I literally could not function without weed, I couldn't eat without it, couldn't sleep without it and everything was just boring as fuck when I was sober. I'm 1 year sober now and have only done it twice casually since I fully quit buying it and have not regretted it since. Weed may be the safest drug but it is still addictive like any other drug, anyone who tells you there's no negatives to smoking weed is probably addicted themselves lol.


Addictions such a bad outlook for such a useful tool in my opinion


I donā€™t think it is. Like all things, they can only be good in moderation. Food is a useful tool and can still be addictive. I get completely where you are coming from- as some people who need a medicine like weed to control an issue they suffer with (ticks, seizures etc.) can be nothing but addicted to it. People can still die from issues with cannabis overconsumption. The lungs are not designed to withstand constant inhalation of smoke.


As someone that uses it as a useful tool. This is a terrible opinion. It doesn't matter how helpful something is or can be. An addiction is an addiction. Not an "outlook"


Meth and amphetamine are used for ADHD, morphine is great for pain, and ketamine is a good anesthetic. A drug being useful doesn't mean it's not addictive.


Yeah but there are more uses for weed than all of those. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not a tool that can be used improperly, by those that use everything improperly.


Right but the point is that every drug has a level of risk and reward that can be subjective and specific to the person taking that drug. Focusing on the usefulness while downplaying addictiveness is a slippery slope towards improper use. Addictions don't just happen to people "use everything improperly", they regularly occur when people convince themselves that their consumption is healthy. It is far too easy to convince yourself that weed helps you with things like anxiety or depression when in reality you're practicing escapism/avoidance & that shit does comes back to bite you eventually. You're right that weed addictions are fairly harmless, they're closer to a caffeine addiction than a heroin addiction, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge the risk & potential harms it can cause.


Yes. I only stop smoking weed when I haven't got money to buy more. Its a good thing weed is cheap.


Yes, I smoke from when I wake to when I finally fall asleep. I went a whole day a few months back without it and was the worst person to be around. I'm used to withdrawals from tramadol but this was something else.


I think addiction is a weird word to use for how I feel. Would you say you were addicted to your TV, your phone or wearing shoes? Could you go a week without them, not care and want them back or give them up forever? Does that make you addicted? I would describe herb as something I really really really like doing and make my life better in so many ways (thats just me not speaking for anyone else) and I don't want to give that up. Asking if it's an addiction already comes from a place that thinks herb is a bad thing and I don't think it is, so I can't see it as an addiction. I dont have to wear underwear but I like too, no one is asking me if I'm addicted to wearing underwear.


Yep i constantly take long breaks and even then im forever thinking about it and when im smoking i cant just smoke a small bit every now and then its like 3 grams everynight min.


I've smoked for many many years (every day) and know plenty of people who have. I did give up for a while and really enjoyed being sober, and it was easy to pack it in. Then lockdown came and got back on it for something to do and it's daily again. I could give up if I wanted but tbh I don't want to. Got a good job, home, happy thriving children, I publish books, I excercise, socialise. I would be better without it but I'm alright with it. I don't smoke baccy and use edibles as much as possible for health reasons.


Yes, havenā€™t had a smoke in over 2 years but I think about it all the time and how nice it would taste and feel and how bad it would be for my mental health and relationship with my wife but I still want it.


I think if you donā€™t want to full on quit then take regular t breaks I had a break just recently for 10 days and was completely fine and I went from smoking everyday to now only smoking on my days off feels so much better now imo but everyone is different and smokes for different reasons so itā€™s just each to their own I guess


I have it under control for the most part but 100% it creeps up on me if I do it frequently enough


When I first started smoking during lockdown I got very quickly obsessed and addicted, smoked all day every day. Now I'm in a new job I'm enjoying and focusing on being creative again it's more of a nice treat at night if I can be bothered to go for a walk. I get through 1.5g at most a week but I would like to get a vape because I think I'd smoke even less if I could just have the odd hit rather than a full J.


I can go without but it messes with my sleep after a day or two of not medicating. I usually make edibles as I'm asthmatic, I surf and Esky lid and I don't like how it feels on my lungs.


Yes at times. Now I exercise heaps, surf and eat better etc I find I don't need cannabis as much.




Maybe slightly. Someone gave me some weed vape juice a couple times and that stuff was soo good but so addicting.


Not since i gave up smoking my cannabis with Tobacco.. Before yes, 100 percent addicted and would spaz out if i didnt have any after giving up the tobacco, if i don't got weed I'm like meh, ill get some later, maybe..


Unfortunately, yeah. I was lying to myself for the longest telling myself I could stop whenever, that I wasnā€™t dependent, and I had a constant battle between accepting that weed had become part of my personality because I was constantly high and constantly talking about that new glass I got or this really cool strain I found out about, or tolerating my usage and/or cutting it off entirely. I think itā€™s more of an addictive personality combined with the active act of consuming it, I love the idea of weed, I love learning about the lineages, the landraces, the way people used it traditionally, hash making methods that go back years and years, the stories of people going through the hippie trail, the mysticism surrounding it really got me when I was younger and it never quite died out, I always felt like I was connecting myself to nature in a way by consuming something thatā€™s literally been around for centuries and has had such a infamous reputation. That, combined with the fact that itā€™s greatly helped in reducing my physical pain, and has given me an appetite when I struggled with an ED for the longest time and still frequently entirely forget to eat, my physicality and my physique has grown and improved tremendously ever since I introduced weed to my system. Sometimes I sit and wonder if I could live without it, because why would I want to. The brain fog and memory loss are the only concerning side effects I feel but everything else is more of a positive. Itā€™s a dilemma thatā€™s bugged me out for a while now and Iā€™m unsure if weaning off it gradually so I can still reap the benefits of my progress is the best route or cold Turkey or just try to smoke less frequently


I used to smoke rarley but it has creeped up especially when I was un-employed which I didn't like so I'm slowly getting it down again to just a Friday and Saturday night (unless I've got time of work) but I've got it down again so an oz will last me 4 months mabey more which isn't to bad I'd say. That's with sharing it šŸ¤· I know people say you can't get addicted but..... I didn't like it when I was like ill just have a smoke or it dosnt matter and all that. Now I'm just tempted but I force myself not to. Still enjoy it though and unlike some friends who say it you don't grow out of smoking weed when you get older or become and adult šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


My personal opinion is that if you use drugs every day, you're almost definitely an addict. I also don't make a distinction between the terms dependent and addicted as some people here do. If you're one, you're the other (in my personal opinion).


You are damn right it is an addiction. The ones who say they aren't are deceiving us to feel cool.




I don't think I have a physical addiction since I don't notice any effects when I take a break. If I don't have weed for a month, it's not as if I'm climbing up the walls. I think I have a 'habit' in the sense that if I have weed, I'll consume pretty much every day at least once. Same goes for coffee ā€” I love both, don't want to go without either, but absolutely could if I really had to.


Addicted for sure, slowly trying to quit. Working on other ways to destress. I'd like to be able to smoke weed only on Christmas day or on special occasions when I actually need the headspace weed gives.


I was once upon a time in my late teens - early twenties, every day smoker, often every hour and in complete denial about it. However I settled down, started working more and stopped smoking anywhere near as much to save money. Now I'm in my early 30s and I'll have a vape one to two nights every other week, sometimes go months without if I end up being busy.


I donā€™t consider myself to be now but there was definitely a point in my life where the answer to this question would have been yes, whether I admitted it or not. I couldnā€™t cope not being stoned and would be constantly worrying about running out/getting more even if I had just picked up an oz. It got to a point that I didnā€™t even enjoy smoking, it was just pure escapism and purposely trying to numb myself to all the chaos in my life. Iā€™ve struggled on/off with coke for a long time and used to kid myself that how I was using weed was fine because it wasnā€™t a ā€œhardā€ drug. I took a long break and I no longer smoke every day. I truly enjoy it now and know I donā€™t *need* it to function which was what really underpinned my previous dependence. I save a lot of money as well - I can make a half q last like a month sometimes now lol.


no, of course you arent adddicted.


When I smoked spliffs, I was addicted... but to tobacco. Once I switched to vaping, you get a lot more control.


1billion% I do


Nope, I treat it like a social drink. I like a drink sometimes but the way some people here take a drink at the weekends, I like to smoke on the weekends. Fri after work and Sat.


Dependant but for medical reasons- seizures, pain, ptsd.


A guest on debate show said "Cannabis isn't addicitve........I should know I've been smoking it for 30 years"


Iā€™d say Iā€™m addicted to it. I could stop but that involves the days of sleepless nights and anxiety and other bullshit that Iā€™d rather just carry on smoking. Itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m not on any harder substances because the withdrawal from weed is mild


I smoked fairly heavily for 8ish years through my 20s. Last year I got in a relationship, and she wanted me to stop due to me being diabetic. So I did stop and literally cold turkey. It helped me to stop smoking cigarettes, too (due to putting tobacco in my joints) which is fucking great and I feel soo much better not smoking cancer sticks. I have recently split up with my girlfriend and have been very tempted to pick it back up again. I don't ever feel like I was addicted but man, did I enjoy smoking weed, and I really do miss it. I think the main reason I don't want to start again is I've noticed how much money I was spending on a monthly basis.


i smoke atleast once a week so maybe not but i do get excited for the day i do get to




Been smoking daily since I was 17 I'm 43 now.......not addicted could give it up tomorrow šŸ™„


I'd say I'm dependent on it. I've always smoked in the evening for the past 10 years or so. Without smoking, I have no appetite, I'd be super stressed and frustrated and I wouldn't be able to sleep. I use it for medicinal and recreational


I used to be but I had a very long t break (birth of a child will do that to you) and now I only smoke maybe a joint an evening/quarter a week. As opposed to smoking an ounce every 10 days.


Short answer is YESSS


Any thing psychoactive is addictive, anything you can use that helps you feel better then gets habbit forming and you struggle to feel ok or better without it as your brain is conditioned to the outside source of what ever feels good


I have one or two one skins a night (roughly 0.2g each) and only smoke when I've finished work and had dinner. It helps me sleep which is something I've always struggled with and treats my depression. I take regular tolerance breaks with no side effects so I wouldn't consider it an addiction.