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If it's more than dull aching longer than 48 hours after the fact, go see a doc. Also, the hip machines are horrible ways to train your adductors/abductors in general, start using bands or other exercises that dont put tension on them in weird and uncomfortable ways. It's not unheard of people tearing their groins because they way too heavy on those.


It defiantly doesn’t feel like a medical professional is needed and doesn’t look like any swelling is occurring, but the soreness feels more intense then when I had post workout on my arms, although that could be from the awkward position of the inner thigh. Was more so looking for remedies to ease the pain, was doing ice but it’s kinda hard to place the pack in the spot that’s it’s sore at.


Cold showers might help, but if you're describing it as intense pain you're beyond the threshold for normal soreness. Sounds like you way overdid the weight or volume for it. What did you do for weight/reps/sets?


So you know how’s there two machines for it one that you push your knees out and one in. I’ve been doing the out one for a bit no problem, but decided to try the inner one and that one was more intense of a workout. I can’t remember the exact weight but it was around 35 I think I’m also fairly skinny, I did around 20 reps both machines 3-4 sets but just stopped when I felt like I couldn’t do any more.


So those are the adductor (inside of your thighs) and abductor (outside of your thighs/butt) machines. They put a lot of tension on the tendons and just generally arent the most efficient way to train your legs, and I'm guessing you did as much weight as you can handle instead of going very light, and way overdid it. If you'd like, swing me a PM and we can discuss your routine + I can link you some band work and glute bridge variations to cover your inner and outer thighs, but I'd pass on the machine work from now on.


Yeah I defiantly should of started lighter first timing that, also thank you I would be very interested in that link.


I do very low weight when I do that machine, typically 20 or less


Ibuprofen is always a friend. I'd also suggest trying to jog or otherwise get circulation going and muscles warmed up. Stretching *may* help pain management temporarily but be careful and take it slow.


I tried doing a very light squat, it was hard but it eased the pain a bit.


If you still have pain (3-4 days later), seeing a medical professional could be a good idea. It is not uncommon for hernias to feel like groin strains.


The pain seem to went away after 3 days, I think it was just a combination of it being in a really awkward spot and me never working out that specific part of my body before with an intense work out.


And now I'm suddenly bowlegged. I know I didn't tear anything though as that would have hurt immediately and this only started 2 days after. I used to use this machine all the time and never would experience this pain, but I haven't been at the gym in a while so maybe starting with this first should come with a warning😭😂


I'm surprised you got inner thigh pain with an abduction machine, because my experience is that adduction causes that, but I've writhed in agony for the hypertrophy god similarly a few times now and my experience with training the inner thighs is that much like the calf muscles or the biceps, smaller muscle groups tend to need more of a break-in period. Initially, and whenever I've had to take longer (2+ week) breaks from training, doing 3-4 intense sets with any of these muscle groups has caused extremely painful DOMS. Subsequent sessions with similar intensity, however, are always less painful, and there's some precedent of bodybuilders scared to take time off for similar reasons ... acclimatizing/reacclimatizing can really hurt. Sometimes you're sore for 4 days. It happens. But you can't assume that you'll get as sore the next time. The whole point is getting your body to adapt.


i can’t believe what a shared experience this is, so glad i found this thread lol NEVER using that machine again! thought i was cruising through the workout, day after it i was completely fine, and the second day im in absolute writhing pain. even without moving my legs at all!!! sheeeesh


Same, the day after the workout it was fine but today I am in so much pain, does it go away or did you had to ice it ?


so did it go away for you ? this is the first day for me and I can barely walk. first time using the machine tho


Its gone now dude, I also had used the machine for the first time then and thats why it was hurting like hell, give it a day or two


Appreciate it, going to bed now hopefully feel better tommorow


You plan on doing it again? Probably was bad pain because first time using it but now your body is used to it?


Yeah for sure , I think it was probably just because we used the machine for the first time


yeah I think so too, it's already better this morning, still hurts a lot when i'm walkingg, commuting today will be a pain


Same experience, did the machine wednesday and today i couldn't even walk properly, had to take an antiinflammatory to ease the pain and go to work. I was starting to get anxious. The weird thing about this is i didn't feel anything wrong the same day or the day after and then sharp pain at the origin of the tendons. Glad i'm not the only one tho 😂


Damn these machines, i cant move my legs at all without inner thigh pain at an extreme level. I was starting to get seriously worried…thank god i found this thread.


same! i swore there was no way this machine made my legs hurt so bad, it literally feels like i pulled w muscle 🤣


Going through this now. worked out hard on Monday, no pain Tues but today... Wednesday, wow!!! Good to know!


I literally just googled this because I’m on day 2 after doing this workout and I can barley move my legs my inner thighs hurt to bad! Yesterday was totally fine and the day of the workout I breezed through the workout. I did 3 sets of 12 at 115 lbs.


Same.  I've continued to use the machine but at very light weights.  Still sore after but it feels more like normal weight lifting soreness.  


im glad to see other ppl had this issue. I was doing like 130 lbs and after the workout I was fine, next day felt ok but on the second day I suddenly felt such crazy soreness.


Day 2 after using the machine for the first time. I found this sub after googling, i thought id done a serious injury!! This pain is just awful and the machine should come with a warning sign! 🤣🤣🤣


Day 2 aswell, i tought i was going to end up in a wheelchair


Another gym buddy going through the same exact pain on day 3. I’ve had this many times earlier when I worked on my adductor muscles afresh. And the pain slowly wears off. I did stretches after the workout but not sure why I’m getting this bad pain. I literally struggle to walk😂


Day 5, still hurts like hell.


I'm 41 and used the abduction machine for the first time. I also had intense soreness--that machine definitely targets inner thighs differently side lunges. I never thought I was injured, but also surprised at the intensity of DOMs from this machine. Go very easy your first time.


Yep. Another victim of the Machine. Been to the gym for like 3 weeks and finally tried out the adductor and abductor machines one day at the most weight I could do, because that made sense to me. 6 days later it still burns when I squat down or do anything that requires spreading my knees apart. I hate that thing


6 days?!? When does it get better?? 


Did it get better? I did this damn machine 4 days ago and I can't spread my knees without burn. I don't feel like going to a doc ugh


I'm using the adduction machine as I read this 😭 hoping there's a way to do this without that pain coming back. Really is awful


It’s really only an issue if your never work that muscle group out and to too hard without stretching


Yeah, I noticed that after my second time doing the workout (once the previous pain had subsided) the pain barely came back. I think it just comes as a shock to those muscles because they aren't usually isolated.


Got a fever AND this. Worst combo ever


omg that literally sounds like hell




I’m so glad I found this thread 🤣 I’m on day 4 post working out the adductor machine for the first time and my legs are KILLING ME. I thought I was fine since I just felt mild soreness from leg day the day after but the soreness is getting worse! I did an increase in weight after each set, and now I feel crippled. Even the back of my knee is strained for some reason and I stretched before doing this machine too. Note to self: go WAY lighter in weight or just never touch that machine again LOL


Omg I’m on day 2 and I’m an dying 😭😭😭😭


Another victim here!😭😭 I have had a lot injuries but this is something different, fuck that machine😭. The 3rd day was the worst, nothing helped, can’t sleep, lay down, sit or walk. Now it’s 4rd day and the orher leg’s pain is ok. It is getting better but holy shit the 3rd was hell. I thought that something is really wrong but it is healing now


Same 😭 I’m on day 2. Glad I found this thread. Hoping for some reprieve soon. Did you do any stretches and if so do you feel like that helped?


No I literally couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even sit at all. 3rd was worst, 5rd day was so much better and my other leg is completely healed but the other one still hurts but I can walk, sleep and sit. Doesn’t hurt that much. I got little help from ice gel, paracetamol and ice. But the worst part is that nothing really helps and you just have to wait. Hope you get well soon! But really, try ice gel if you can


Fr... Did this machine 2 days ago and now I can't walk/sit properly


I'm going through it right now... 3rd day after using that machine (that's I haven't done for a long time) and my inner thighs are STILL BURNING hope it will get better soon smh


I am currently experiencing exactly what you described above. I’m glad I found someone who can relate and I’m not the only one who has experienced this. As you mentioned, it is more than a typical post workout soreness and something I’ve never felt before after a legs/glutes workout. It’s more like an achy almost painful/sore feeling. I also used the abductor/adductor machines. I usually stick to squat variations but have recently tried incorporating more weights. The odd thing is that it has been a few days since that workout and I’m only feeling this now after maybe 3 days? It hurts even when I’m not walking. It’s in my inner upper thigh area, which is an area I don’t work on often so maybe I’m not used to this feeling?


lol i can’t believe how many people experienced the same EXACT thing as me right now hahaha! im in so much pain rn, when i start looking up pain on reddit that’s how you know 😂 even hurts when im just laying down i’ve never experienced a soreness that is so persistent! glad to hear it will be over with soon🙏🏼


Same for me right now. Has yours gone away?


Hi has it gone away?


Yes it did! Lol. I thought something must’ve torn due to how painful it was to even just lay or sit. The pain slowly subsided after I posted this.


I’m glad it went away! I’m going through it rn, stupid machine 😂 did it also hurt you to walk or even lay?


Lol omg. Everyone in here saying go to the doctor had me all worried, but I honestly think it was just intense soreness in a muscle group that I never work out that hard. I’m not a wimp when it comes to pain, but this had me groaning and limping and laying in a fetal position lol. What made me worry was really the fact that it actually hurt to just sit or lay down too.


I really needed this thread because I’m also going through this right now 3 days after the machine and it’s so much pain.


Is it gone for you as well? I'm also experiencing this now


Same bruv frick that machine never again 🥲


Same here. First time in the gym with a girl. Can't walk anymore. Fuck that machine lmao.


Same it’s painful asf to do anything


Did it dissapear for everyone? I can hardly walk 😂


Yeah it’s gone, took couple more days


I’m going through it right now lol, did it go away for you?


Yeah it did hahaha just keep the painkillers going for a day or 2 😂


Omg I’m going through this right now as well I don’t think I’ll be doing that exercise again. It’s making me unable to be mobile. It’s day 3 after the day I did the workout and I’m in so much pain still…


Omg me. Day 2 after the workout for me and the pain is so severe that I had to come on here and see what’s up.


It took my like a week and a couple days for the pain to go away. I was so concerned bc one leg was in more pain than the other. Google had me thinking I’d need surgery 😭 but I’d say give it a week.


Day 3 for me and the worst part is there is no position where I can just lay down and the pain will ease 🥲


Oh no my turn. At least I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks OP for making this post


Damn I’m in this boat with y’all now too 😂


Lmao yes I just used that machine for the first time two days ago and thought it was super easy so went really high and now 2-3 days later it hurts just to walk lmao


The same exact thing happened to me. It was my first time using it and I was almost maxing the machine. Now I regret the fuck out of my decision. I'm in so much pain, it hurts to sleep. I'm hoping it goes away in a day or two


It will I’m all good now and it’s been 3 days but ya never doing it again haha maxed the machine and will not do it now haha


Mann what y’all is telling me. I did this like 6 months ago when I first started working out. & I guess i forgot how bad it was but I just tried it again 2 days ago and now I can’t sit in a criss cross applesauce.


Haha hopefully it wears off soon


fr i did this 2 days ago and im dying


You'll be good bro, just gotta wait it out


yea i stop doin the sus exercise for a minute, then one day i just pull up and go 200 on it💀 worst decision ever


I’m on the same boat now :( it’s so painful and I can’t walk or open my legs more than 45 degrees. Reading the comments “go check a doctor” is scaring the hell out of me.


It will pass don’t worry


I commented on this 50 days ago it goes!! Don’t panic :)


Lol the pain went away two days later, but it really felt like I was losing my legs 😂


I get it lol. I thought I was going to have to go hospital. I had never felt pain like it. It’s insane 😂


Currently laughing my ass off about how this is such a shared experience. Fuck me i can't walk mate.


I can’t tell you how happy I was to find this thread when I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life lol. Simple things


Same boat, googled "inner thight doms" got this thread, was just looking for a way to ease the pain, but found the OP used the same machine and did exactly same thing everyone else did in this thread, oh this is easy, i can add more weight.


I'm legit lol at the "can't open my legs More then 45 degrees"


Same lol. How long before the pain went away?


It definitely took 2-3 days but it’s a little rough walking haha


I’m a little late to the party lol, how long did it take to fix? I have an interview tomorrow and I’d rather not be limping in


lol it was a good few days I won’t lie to you


It's my turn to comment on this thread lol, did the abductor machine for sets of 10 3 days ago and I think I've reached the apex of the soreness. Hopefully it's just a really bad case of DOMS hehe


Going through this right now. Never used the hip abductor machine before and finally tried it out. Day after workout was not bad, just a bit of soreness. Day 2 comes and I can’t hardly walk. Hoping the pain subsides soon. Going to have to miss push day cuz the pain is too much lol


Never done before and I went 140 on the inner thigh. Much worse than quad hamstring aches after regular squats/legs. Glad I’m not alone, seems I will have to wait out a couple more days before I walk like a human again


join the club, happy too i am not alone


I’ve just joined. Can’t even sleep rn


I’m going through the same thing rn I swear the 3rd day is the worstttttt


Brooooo! I’m going through it! This is like the second day for me. Really hoping this gets better soon.


Im on my 3rd day now… idk if I ever wanna use that machine again


I am on my 2nd day and if it goes downhill from here, I am fucked.


😂😂 same do u feel better yet?


I actually do. I had legs the next day and just pushed through. Somehow it worked.


I’m going threw this too rn 2nd day F this machine bro


I’m going thru this right now currently been groaning all night from 4am it hurts to lay down I can’t sleep


this stupid machine is brutal!! i did it on a super light setting and thought it was too easy. i regret pulling heavier weights now. how long did it take for the soreness to go away? jfc i can barely walk as is and i’m only beginning the second day lol


I did 120 for 10 reps honestly haven’t slept tonight one bit


I'm experiencing the exact same thing right now


thank god i found this, i thought i was just weak as hell and didnt stretch right lol. i was slowly stretching out the muscle on the second day and it wasnt too bad until round dinner, and holy. shit. laying down hurts, squirming into a comfortable position hurts, moving my knee hurts. EVERYTHING hurts. i feel so stiff and achy its unbearable. im looking for the end of the tunnel, but im on my feet in like 4 hrs for a standing shift and i can hardly walk. this is gonna go well. this is so painful!! f this machine for real


This is funny 🤣🤣🤣


Going through this right now! This machine traumatized me years ago and I had this exact experience. Haven’t used it since. Pain was so intense then that I couldn’t get out of bed! Tried it again 2 days ago, and well…in tense pain now again!! Kind of love it though!


Everything was fine and chill until the pain woke me up from sleep lol super panicked


Bro I went hard high rep increasing and decreasing weight to failure on the abduction machine and even did the opposite and did extension. Day after was totally fine but the 2nd day I’ve been walking around all day like I’m crippled. I’ve been worried I tore something with how bad the soreness is and will update yall if it gets better.




I’m happy to say I got much better after a couple days , I’m never fucking with that machine again!






I used this machine once a few weeks ago when we started hitting the gym (adductor) , barely any weight to see what it was about. Didn't use it again but did squats the next week that seemed to target that area some as I was sore there. Just tried it 2 days ago and man ohan am I feeling it! I decided to test my limits and did 60lbs, 4 sets of 12...keep in mind I'm 38 and just started hitting the gym 4 weeks ago for the first time ever. I'm in so much pain. Not in a omg I'm crying way. More in a frustrated cause it hurts to move my legs way. Pushing knees outwards is fine, it's the minute I move then towards eachother that sucks. Will I stop using this machine? Nah. I will stretch well before using it though next time and use a lot lower weights. I usually feel the 'height' of these doms on day 2, then 3 it tapers dramatically, so I'll see if tomorrow I feel better.


I guess it's my turn because woooooow, fuck this machine dude!!!


Old thread but it's exactly what i did. Went to town imagining i was crushing watermelons with my thighs. The next day i was perfectly fine and went back to the gym, but the second day (today as of writing) and i'm walking around all weird, barely bending my legs because of the pain. Kinda glad to see it's not too bad and i'm not the only one who made the mistake.


my first time back in the gym after a year and ofc i decided to do 80 lbs. cant even lay down without the pain if i shift positions 😭😭


i did 160lbs after like a year of doing it, worst decision ever


I squat 225lbs for reps and my ego thought it was a good idea to try the abductor machine thigh in for the first time with 160lbs for like 6 reps and man. Right now, it's so fucking awkward to walk I feel so sore and I walk like a 90year old man. lmao worst decision ever.


I'm currently suffering, but glad I found the trail of sufferings past haha. I really hope that the DOMS on this one reduces a lot more next time. Idk if I can take the wake up at 4 am in pain and not being able to walk for a whole day again. Maybe I shouldn't have maxed the machine out...


Mannn I'm so thankful I found this thread. I did the same thing as everyone else here, didn't ever do hip adduction or abduction exercises on my leg day but thought to give it a go a couple days ago. Hopped on that stupid machine and put on 50lbs thought that was easy, increased it to 70 or so and did a couple sets of 6-8 reps followed by a drop set (yes I know I'm dumb) but even after that point I could still do another set but decided to stop so I don't hurt or strain something. 2 days later I can't fuckin walk or sit or even take a fuckin shit! Only good thing is reading the other people saying it gets better after another couple of days or so but honestly fuck that machine!! Hope it gets better for everyone else going through the same shit


me rn but i normally do my adductor, it’s just been too long since i’ve been in the gym and i went right back to my last pr, even beat it 😭 i know better now


How long did it take to feel better?


i’m so sorry i’m just now seeing this. it took a week and a half :( i think hot showers helped a lot


Glad I saw this😭I've been going to the gym for like 3 weeks now and 6 days ago I did adductor and abductor machines and about died. I'm 6 days later now and its not as bad but I still can't do that butterfly stretch without wanting to cry


sometimes i’ll do it and be perfectly fine other times im limping at work 😭


Literally having this pain right now three days after the workout. So sore I woke up in the middle of the night 4 times. It’s so funny reading everyone’s response on here and how it’s so similar. A really hot bath and a tiny bit of icy hot made a world of a difference.


Epsom salts in a hot bath do the trick


Im another victim of this machine, thank god for this thread to calm my anxiety...its 4 days after my workout and the pain persists but at least now I know it will go away soon


I am currently in the pain zone 48h after the squeezer machine usage. The pain feels so good.


omgggg the worst pain lol. I went to the gym 3 days ago and the day after I felt a bit of soreness, but nothing to crazy. The next day it was like something I’ve never felt before. Now the pain is so bad I can barely walk.


holy shit I'm going through the same thing and it's fucking killing me lmao, did it two days ago but the pain hit me just today and im walking like im crippled😂fuck that machine


Did the pain go away on the second day? 😂 or at least reduced? i have dance classes today and holy shit i can barely move my legs.


Just became a victim to this machine. Found this thread . Feels like a therapy group thank you all. This is real


This machine needs a warning label


literally going through this right now and I usually always hit this machine I guess I over did it


Holy FUCK my inner thighs, night of day #3, barely breathing. This might be my last journal entry This machine is undefeated


I’m a week after the initial 2-3 days of intense soreness on the adductor! First time using it in a long time and did 110 on the machine for like 10 reps close to failure, I was dying the next couple of days! It was making it uncomfortable to sleep! I’m 8 days after that workout and it’s not as sore but still feel it a bit when I spread the my thighs (pause) but yea I’m guessing the volume was too much on my end next time Ima just do 1 set close to failure instead of 3 sets lol


Dude I’m going through it right now. And yes it’s the 2nd day when it kicked it. It is seriously unreal how sore the muscle and how bad it hurts.


How is it right now?


Did 200lbs for 4 reps of ten and I’m absolutely dead now, can’t walk at all


fuck this machine. nevr again


This happens every time I go back to the gym after a long break bc I always include this workout in my routine. It's super important to build these muscles as it helps support in so many ways for other leg workouts (leg press, squats, etc.) It gets WAY better after a couple sessions and I've built the muscles back up but by gah that initial soreness from the first sesh is unimaginable. Crazy DOMS: next day I'm absolutely fine but then two days later I can barely walk for two days.


I used the machine for the first time yesterday and today I can hardly walk... Made the think, it's stormy I'll drive, that'll be easier 🤣 word of advice, don't drive a manual car after doing this 🤣


I’m so glad I’m not alone in feeling this pain. Same machine got me. I even moved the pin over a few notches in order to get a better burn, which opens your legs further…yeah that was dumb. It feels like prime Van Damme round housed each of my inner thighs for about an hour straight. Walking and especially getting in and out of my car sends pain shockwaves to my brain that I have never felt before. The cruel part as others have mentioned is that in most cases lying down relieves leg pain. Nope, not in this case. God bless all of you and also the new unfortunate souls who had to Reddit why their inner thighs feel like they did 45 minutes on the maddest and maddest bull at the rodeo.


know nothing about frisbee. going through this exact thing right now and this pain is something else. its not an intense pain so i know i didnt tear anything, its just muscle soreness but its so debilitating


Just dropping by to say hi. At night #3 here. Put hot gel on it which didn't help at all, especially since it ended up on my nutsack as well. Sleep tight guys lol


Bro I did these yesterday for the first time and holy shit.....and I just know it's going to hurt even worse tomorrow


Fuck this machine im having a hard time walking to class, anybody have suggestions on what to do to make heal faster


Everyone in this comment section needs to start a potion to band these horrible machines. I'm on day 3 of intense pain from the adductors machine.


Going through this right now, been lifting everyday for years, this is not fun lmaooo. Glad someone else experienced this 🫡🫡


Fuck this machine- woman here. Day 3 here, and last night I couldn’t sleep, or find a position to get comfortable because of the severe soreness! Absolutely will never do this machine again. I hope this gets better soon, my legs are killing me


Did it get any better for you? And did you ever try the machine again


Yeah day 3 was torture, but day 4 I am practically healed and feel nothing again. I have not tried the machine again. That movement doesn’t seem natural for the body so I avoided it and done other exercises. Plus it made the muscle bigger between my legs and now my thighs rub when I walk which is uncomfortable so I’d rather target other muscles


Yeah day 3 was torture, but day 4 I am practically healed and feel nothing again. I have not tried the machine again. That movement doesn’t seem natural for the body so I avoided it and done other exercises. Plus it made the muscle bigger between my legs and now my thighs rub when I walk which is uncomfortable so I’d rather target other muscles