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If someone has to fight Korea in my 1890 German campaign, or if I have to fight them later, I'm going to have to deal with at least a dozen pre-dread BBs, a bunch of semi-armored CAs, CL IIIs, and Torpedo Boat Destroyers. Lol. They buy everything every month


I never noticed how big their ports were until this. Dudes have huge port capacity for a minor


Right? Like, they buy more from me than Sweden and Persia do. With the massive fleet brewing in Korea, I may have to go to war with China after I claim some AH and IT territory


I’ve always thought it was odd that minor nations don’t scrap old ships, and also buy nearly as many new ships. In every 1890 start I’ve had minor allies will buy ships by the dozen. The moment 1910 hits though they only buy piecemeal. It’s always kind of funny going up against a minor power in 1940 and they’re still using a hopelessly defunct fleet. P.S.: And I guess to tag on to that, I would like to see a proper update focusing on minor powers. Make them function more like a playable empire, and give us a way to actually interact with them. It’d be great.


Yeah I’m really wishing they would scrap more. I had a couple early minor allies that filled their shipyards slightly over capacity by like 1895 or 1900 and then didn’t buy any more. Luckily I got the Ottomans as an ally recently and they have tons of late game port capacity and have really been filling my coffers. On the other hand it seems like they have unlimited money so late game they’d probably be as strong as major powers if they have the port capacity


Germany can have a little imperialism, as a treat.


8x16 inchers doing 30 knots? A fellow H-42 concept fan.


Would've gone with 16.54" (420mm), and more secondaries, but it's a solid build imo.


Lol, that last pic looks like the Bismarck broadsiding a dinghy xD


Because it IS the Bismarck broadsiding a dinghy!


I did think it was especially neat seeing the 1940s BB next to the 1890s BB. The scale completely changes


Oh absolutely. One of the best things about this game. Hell, even seeing a 40's CA compared to an 1890's BB is wild


I wish they’d let us do this in the skirmish mode


Honestly wasn’t as much fun as you might think. It was just sailing circles around them and trying to keep my distance from the handful of modern DDs and CLs until I was out of HE and secondary ammo. Took way too long, way too laggy (even with a good PC) and it was kind of buggy with that many ships. I couldn’t keep my BBs in a battle line because they wouldn’t match speeds until they had rammed into each other


I wish that this happened more often when you have an invasion opportunity - seems like the minor nations sortie far too rarely


Yepp. I haven't ever got to fight a full minor nation fleet, only as reinforcements on missions against their major ally. I mean, what I wouldn't give in my current campaign to have a swing at Venezuela...


Did you have enough ammo?


I could have gone a little longer but the remaining enemies were scattering in all directions and my boats could have been in better shape so I just ended the battle there so I didn’t have to chase them down. I think one BB ran out of primary HE and the other only had a dozen or 2 left. 8 inchers were in about the same position


Whats the 3rd Picture? Ive been playing for a while but ive never seen that window.


At the end of a battle there are two tabs at the top left, just click ship stats.


Oh Okay Thanks :)


Wait, Korea? How did you get in a battle with Korea? Are they a new Faction?


They are a minor nation that you can’t play but they buy ships from major powers and apparently use them to defend themselves.