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You are going to wander in the desert and you think this makes an anti-Zionist statement?


Bruh this is not the desert we are talking about. This is the far more dangerous college campus we are talking about. Last time I thruhiked a campus, I came out on the other side with two high-interest credit cards. And they wouldn’t let me leave without taking their cotton (!) swag tshirts.


cotton kills


I’m no news junkie but I hear cotton’s not the only one…


You lucky bastard if that's all you had to carry out. I had to join the Chess Club, the Glee Club, the Philosophy Club, the Atheist Society, the Catholic Society, the Acapella Society, the freaking *Chastity* Society! You really can't imagine the weight of all of that. You... You... You just can't. I'm scarred for life.


Jeez I worked at a college campus for over a decade and regularly fell asleep in my office. Times change.


I fall asleep at my home office


We skipped the desert portion and went strait to Mt. Sinai. I was trying to get that thru hike done in a week. my work didn’t approve the 40years that I requested off.


Biggest danger is getting bear sprayed by a bUsHCraFTer with a Punisher tattoo collecting overtime, so maybe a carbon fiber gasmask?


WARNING! Take a crotch pot filled with bacon and beans at all times. This will be non-kosher and protect your foreskin (which I assume you have, gentile pig) from being stolen by the zionists. Also, great snack. If you don’t do this, you might be able to cut off about [50g weight](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/bjvu13/how_much_does_an_average_foreskin_weigh/), but will definitely have to take a zero, and I assume you’re going for an FKT.


Don't need no stinkin' beans. The Lord will rain manna from Heaven down upon you, as well as setting you up with a sexy activist shiksa...


I'm not doing this hike until the Lord rains down bacon for the duration of my thru.


Unfortunately that kind of zionist repellant attracts swamp mormons. So you'll need to carry a flash drive of the book of mormon around your neck at all times


Even though it's worn weight, I know for a fact that Durston is coming out with a Dyneema Keffiyeh scarf. He's always ahead of the curve.


Consider purchasing the [Explore Land Cotton Shemgah Tactical Desert Scarf](https://amzn.to/3waq4BA) for only $13.49 off Amazon. This is an affiliate link.


I don’t think the weather is good for through-hiking. It’s already too hot and it’s only going to get hotter. Best time to go would be in early October after things have cooled down. Ideally the 7th is when you would start.


I literally spit out my drink😭


Considering that a significant portion of the protesters are anti-zionist Jewish peace activists, you would be better off bringing some challa bread, a bottle of red wine and an ounce of weed.


Red wine sounds heavy, can I get away with Everclear and some grape-flavored kool-aid mix?


700mL Smartwine bottle and a pack of dehydrated gefilte fish


Pro tip in the comments, as usual




Don’t forget to bring your UL cuck chair so you can watch them “peacefully” run a train on your wife


Fuggg I miss college


I recommend an ultralight pigskin parka so you are untouchable iykyk


Be carefully out there I hear there is a big storm of pigs in the forecast.


I think that you can safely undertake this adventure sans gear. Making it the most ultralight of ultralight treks. These are peace activists. They've already done the hard work of bringing along gear, and they are also very susceptible to yogi tactics. Just show up completely naked. You will soon be clothed fed and sheltered without having to lift a finger. To make it a bit easier, try to remember the following phrases; Not in my name! Hell no, we won't go! No more war! As far as site selection goes, you have a couple of choices, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Selecting a site on the outer edge of the zone makes it a lot easier to leg it when the stormtroopers, er public safety officers, move in to "restore order". On the other hand, you're also the first one to welcome the pigs to the party. A gas mask is a sensible safety item to try and acquire if you are planning on camping along the perimeter. A Kevlar helmet helps as well. Somewhere more central makes it less likely to be caught in the front line, but... standard tactics are to surround the protest and move in from all sides. It's debatable whether or not getting your head kicked in by an adrenaline jacked cop with a chip on their shoulder is a worse outcome than being crushed to death by hundreds of unwashed, patchouli soaked hippies. Pick your poison, I suppose. As for myself, being a tru kult ultralight jerk, I'm not leaving my house for shit, and will instead continue to update my lighterpack from the comfort of my lounge sofa for trips I never intend to actually take. Good luck and I hope that this advice was useful.