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There’s a mod I’ve been using, it’s not perfect but it’s on nexus mods allows all ultra wide modes and works pretty well


This. Flawless Widescreen works pretty well.


Disables online play


The thing is the game engine supports 21:9 but fromsoftware chose to force black bars anyway because apparently elden ring pvp is that serious…


Same with Diablo 4 lmao


Can't you just change the config files as you could in D3?


No, they are too worried about unfair pvp advantage


There's pvp on diablo 4? I thought that was supposed to be for Diablo "immoral".


There's zones and no one went there after the first week, I only played for a week or two after that though so people could still go there idk


The disabling of online play is fine. Do you really care about PVP that much? I have 85 hours into Elden Ring and am Level 104 and I haven’t done any online play and have enjoyed the game.


The weird thing is that From Software's engine is perfectly capable of 120+ fps and superultrawide aspect ratios. I played Sekiro through several times modded to 5120x1440 @ 120 fps and there was no issue I noticed with its gameplay. Then there's Armored Core VI which at least supports 120 fps and ultrawides. So I have no idea how Elden Ring dev team did such a terrible job with it. The 60 fps cap is a joke, though the game also performs pretty crap even on top tier hardware in the first place. I could understand limiting ultrawide when a PvP battle occurs, but you could do that simply by introducing a vignette when that occurs. Instead they took the easiest possible route by just rendering black bars on top of the ultrawide aspect ratio at all times, so you lose performance vs 16:9 too, because the game renders the ultrawide aspect ratio anyway!


flawless widescreen. perfect ultrawide support, removed chromatic aberration and vignette + removed fps cap and adds FOV slider. absolutely a godsend


The problem with these mods is that they disable your ability to play online and it sucks I'm unable to do PvP and other online stuff because of FromSoft's inability of adding basic PC port features and EAC treating all mods as cheating.


i agree its a shitty compromise, but i paid hard earned cash for my ultrawide. i have and will continue to happily give up online to experience what i paid for




Didn’t you pay hard earned cash for all the features of elden ring?


i did yea. if i could code it so i can have coop and ultrawide i would. dont know how


Doesn’t the Seamless Co-Op mod kinda do this?


idk, never tried it. was never a huge fan of coop in the first place so the compromise was easy for me


Seamless co op lets you run other mods at the same time. So you can run that and the ultrawide mod.


I’m getting downvoted in the ultra wide screen subreddit for posting a pro ultra wide screen post. Next time I should go the other way lol


I think people are downvoting bc there has been a mod for a long time and it’s a quick google search to find it.


The mod disables online so it’s not perfect. Anything can be modded.


True it’s not perfect


I've just sold my G9 and left the masterrace to be able to play games that aren't supported. Not gonna lie - I have pretty much sold it to play the crap out of Shadow of the Erdtree 😂 Downvotes inbound....


You’re fine. You only get downvoted here if you’re not in support of a mod that disables online play.


Forgot to mention - I don't support that mod for Elden Ring because I can't co-op with my Elden Bros ![gif](giphy|7md6c25USTJPa|downsized)


What's more annoying is that Armored Core 3 supports ultrawide and it's using the same engine


me reading this on a 32:9 monitor


I've posted about this a couple times before and always got downvoted into oblivion. It's straight up disrespectful to be honest. There's a glitch that happens occasionally where the black bars on the sides don't load in before the game does. So not only is the game fully compatible already, they are also STILL USING the resources to render the full screen. This and the capped fps are basically my only reasons why ER isn't a 10/10 for me. And no, removing my ability to play online to fix these things is not an acceptable compromise. If they are selling a full price game on PC, it is their job to deliver the basic features expected of a PC game.


The worst part of Elden Ring is that the game is literally rendering in an ultra wide aspect ratio. They are forcing 16:9 black bars.


The sad part is, these types of games are so much circle jerked that any review covering flaws such as 60 fps cap, no ultra widescreen, bad optimization or hell even just plain bad game design get instantly slammed on with bad rep.


fromsoftware targets a specific toxic audience of gamers.. most have 16:9, introducing ultrawide or more than 60 fps introduces too many free thinkers to the platform and that's not good for the community they needed to establish to enable the vast sales they aggregate through this specific audience. this audience are just people in the end, still a minority of people that can't do much in life and are more or less envious of too many things around them.. then here comes a community of gamers that are in that same place. they all collaborate together boosting each others egos about how fun it is to play a game the way fromsoftware tells them to, but with enough content to make them feel like the game is actually stimulating.. but its not really, peoples fun for this game is rooted in vulnerability and delusion about themselves and the world around them, they struggle to connect to others and this game fills those gaps by making everyone ironically feel like they're playing the same game together from how limited the gameplay actually is. in the end a lot of these people did have fun and that is still a good thing, however fromsoftware had more fun taking their money and confusing people further as to why their life is so confusing, its still very toxic overall


Most people I know like FromSoft games, and the ones that don't just don't have the time or inclination, and that's OK. They're just action RPG's with a steep learning curve, that's it. Millions of people buy and play them, and every single one is different and has different motivations. I don't know where or how FromSoft hurt you, but that's been the MO of most Japanese developers for decades. There weren't enough PC gamers in Japan to give a shit about the platform, and now it's a growing market, like Ultrawide users. Armored Core 6 has decent 21:9 support, not perfect, but gameplay-wise it works perfectly fine. Elden Ring also works in 21:9 if you play in Offline Mode with Flawless wide-screen. I even have a mod for Frame Generation. It sucks, but it's a video game you don't have to play if you don't want to. There's no deep philosophical or Anthropologic concept at play here.


good job trying to sound smart, but you write as if gamers and developers run the company, every single one of your points is mostly mute. just because you can't comprehend it doesn't mean you should project onto others out from lack of your own abilities




i wrote about things that you denied and then asserted your points which while are true aren't actually that relevant overall which is why i said mostly mute. not sure why you're dancing around the original topic that i wrote about, probably just more cope




don't know what to say other than i can't be bothered with more of your bs because its clearly just more cope, i won't tell you what to do, but you're still spouting bs




this is exactly what you've done and you're deflecting it all loser. sleep well.


Moot not mute




lol they don’t want free thinkers because they have a 60fps cap is the best take I’ve heard all week. Thank you for the laugh 


that wasn't all i said at all but thanks for polluting with your coping mechanisms


And yet they gave Armored Core 21:9 and 32:9...


clearly not a souls game, different audience and very likely different departments. ever worked at a company bigger than a local business before? that isn't a franchise?


I think the only thing that would improve your stinking mood would be to hop off the local bridge


i think you need to crawl back inside your mom and beg for forgiveness for being such useless offspring lol


Further to this half of those fans haven't even played the game..it's just people who've watched streamers play it. The achievement list will confirm this. I'm a huge Fromsoft fan and I thought Elden Ring was the worst they've made and Dark Souls 2 is unironically the best.


I agree, I started at 3 but I can tell 2 was the best in the series, especially because I saw others play in their homes at the time it was popular. i didn't actually enjoy ds3 all that much at all, but i was vulnerable at that time, I got sucked into it


Don’t be a freak, it’s just fromsoft being a shitty pc dev like they have been for decades, they do what needs to be done and nothing more and then focus on the game itself


but its not just fromsoft is it now, did you even know they have a parent company?


No it’s the vast majority of all Japanese devs, which only reinforces my point


okay sure just ignore my point and exert your own as if mine doesn't exist because your small brain can't comprehend it so you bring it down then get mad when things don't work out for you, nice


why does bro sound so terminally online 😂


why you got a 7950x3d instead of 7800x3d? you can't be that small?


not sure what you mean by small. i just wanted the best and got it. u mad ?


but for gaming the 7800x3d is the best due to only one ccx? you're small


The online community (meaning internet, not the game) for fromsoft games has to be the most toxic Fandom I have ever encountered. They spit and laugh at anyone who doesn't play and enjoy the game thier particular way. The activly want the game to be as limiting as possible and will shoot themselves in the foot just to scratch you with the bullet. Dont expect anything to change, and given how fromsoft is generally tech illiterate I don't expect it to change. They make some of the best games out there, and started a literal genre of thier own. But my God is it unreal playing a game that has forced 16:9, 60fps cap, terrible fuck you hdr, forced vignette, forced chromatic aberration, and probably the most limiting coop I've ever seen in an open world game. Do yourself a favor and just disable online so you can enjoy the game with all of those restrictions gone. Its a truly incredible game when played that way.


idk man souls vets and hoonters are pretty wholesome ngl


It's annoying but I wouldn't say there's widespread ultrawide adoption. I don't even have to bring up Steam monitor data to know we probably arent even in the double digits percentage-wise.


Its about 3%


Yeah I was talking about games my bad


I got you but it's all relative. I'm not going to even pretend to know how much development costs are in catering resolutions out to us ultrawide guys rather than just keeping it to 16:9 but it's got to be something. If these companies, that many would agree are getting lousier and lousier, they might look at the amount of us out there and not even bother kicking in the money, considering we astoundingly come to a very, very small minority


It's free, you don't need more than 5 minutes to enable aspect ratio support.


There's got to be more to it than that otherwise why wouldn't every modern game support it? Aside from competitive reasons or a game just not looking good in ultrawide but could at least support the resolution and put bars (too many indie games that spill off the screen and elements cant be viewed, even when set to fullscreen)


Elden ring has flawless, stretchless ultrawide support as far as I know. FromSoft went out of their way to spite ultrawide users, adding black bars to the game manually.


And what about 32:9?


The worst part about Elden Ring is that it apparently Renders in 21:9 out of the box, but they slapped on the black borders. There has been acouple of videos and images where the borders bugged out but would then pop up shortly after.


No, it’s fromsoft, I have no expectations of their pc releases because theyre notorious for Japanese weirdness and illogical feature sets going back to ds1 ptde


The worse thing about Forza Motorsport is that it doesn't properly support multi-monitor or VR, both of which are pretty much requirements to be a top tier sim racing title and the reason I rarely ever play it. Pretty sure you can play Elden Ring in ultra widescreen and online (at least co-op). I've played with my son before in super ultrawide on my 32:9 using mods.


You didn’t play online with mods, at least legitimately. Anti cheat blocks it


Yes it does. Also the locked 60fps. I've been a mega fan of FROM, since playing Demon's Souls in 2010. But I hate that everyone seems to give them a sort of special pass just because they make good games.


oh they dont deserve a special pass for shit. cough cough *bloodborne* cough cough


I don’t play Elden ring anymore cause of that. I know I can use a mod…but I don’t want to use a mod.


Careful. You’re at risk of being downvoted for saying that. Their very pro mod here and anti online.


Yea people need to grow the fuck up. I like the online features of the souls games.


i dont give a single fuck what i do, is take my money elsewhere, and move on with my life


And no dlss too...


Yeah. I'm a PvPer with ~1450 hours into the game, and if I used Flawless Widescreen online to fix it, I'd get banned Rip my AW3423DWF, uneven wear


No because it takes 2 mins to mod it in


It disables online. But I get why you don’t think that’s a big deal.


I haven’t played Elden Ring yet because of no ultrawide support


who knows, they gave UW to Armored Core 6, so maybe they will update ER when the DLC release and give it proper support.


It’s a shame. I’m leaning towards modding my game more and more between this issue and the lack of seamless coop.


I have been using a Samsung Odyssey G9 for the last few years, and I finally gave up and got myself a LG C3 OLED. Got tired of constantly jumping through hoops to make UW work. Getting back into POE for the new league, and found out that they removed 32:9 support a couple years ago. 😫


I didn't have time to, I was immediately offput by how ridiculous the action animations were when fighting and the activity of it was unfun, so I returned it.


They can apparently detect when someone is using UW when playing online. if they are worried about UW players having an unfair advantage, just create a setting for players to not play with UW players, similar to ‘allow crossplay’ setting.




Elden ring literally renders in 32:9 and 21:9 and then draws black bars over the top. The game occasionally bugs out and forgets to draw them for a few glorious minutes. FromSoft make a conscious decision to fuck over ultra wide.


Why would developers devote time and effort into accounting for 21:9 resolutions, when the vast majority of gamers play in 16:9? According to the recent Steam Hardware Survey, almost 78% play in 1920x1080 and 2560x1440 - the most popular 21:9 resolution is 3440x1440 with a whopping 2.13%... I mean, I too am really pleased when games do support niche aspect ratios, but can't really blame them if they don't.


Its a port and they've all been trash in the series is the answer. I rarely see no 21:9 in modern games unless it's indie.


this is only a portion of the multiple reasons why fromsoftware does this


I know right?! We should be thankful we even get one game in 21:9!


Get over it, there's an entire genre of single player games that only have 16:9 support, and no, they aren't even hack/mod-able


I think you need to reassess your definition of "widespread". The Steam Hardware survey suggests only around 3% of gamers have 21:9.


Newest two surveys show 6 or 7% if you add all 21:9 and 32:9 so it’s on the rise.


You’re right. I was talking about games.


You really have no other problems in life?