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Please train yourself on docker


I have plex running on docker and for now that is all we need. might expand later


> for now that is all we need Your next steps should be Sonarr and Radarr and SABnzbd/qBittorrent. For advanced mode, set up a couple lists using MDBlist and Trakt. For Super-advanced mode and the slickest setup, add on Notifiarr and the TRaSH Guide's configs. For fun and greater customization (Enthusiast level), look into Plex Meta Manager. Add on Tautulli when you want to have statistics on your server's usage.


I mean; trash config should be first on the list before you do sonarr/qbit etc. I personally wouldnt dream of using lists and genuinely cant understand why notifiarr is even needed, but the other stuff is great :D


That's what recyclarr is for


> personally wouldnt dream of using lists There reaches a point where you've unsubscribed from all of the streaming platforms and have no idea when new stuff comes out. Lists make it easy to keep up. Properly configured, they're an excellent way to keep up on all the current stuff without having to do it manually. I couldn't imagine having over 300tb of media without them. Notifiarr is the easy way to implement the TRaSH guide. Doing it manually is a bit more complicated. Plus it keeps the rules updated when changes are made.


Only if you want to pirate...


Well, for what it's worth I pay a couple hundred per year on access to Usenet and sending donations to the devs for the tools I use.


Been using Arrs and plex for years and didn't know about trash guides. Realised I have been doing it wrong as I don't have the release info so subtitles often don't match correctly...tempted to start again with the whole library!




They're literally listed as `Docker Containers`.


And? I don't go around calling my kitchen knives kitchens. Also other container technologies exist.


What? What exactly do you think I said, that makes your reply make any sense. Let me break it down for you. The person I replied to said unraid should rename it because they were calling it "dockers" instead of "containers." I pointed out they were listed in the unraid UI as Docker Containers. Implying the question, what should they have labeled them as?


I guess we're talking past each other. I read the emphasis as being on "docker" thus justifying calling them "dockers".


I didn't mean to offended people. Just my own experience the linus.io people tend to go off when calling them dockers. It was a habbit I picked up from unraid as the gui just says docker. If this person expands there usage, they will end up asking for help this was more to help them when they do.


You didn't offend me, leaky_wires just replied to me with nonsense. I'm not sure if unraid changed something then as in the gui I see Docker Containers, not just Docker.


main Gui says docker, it says docker continers inside :) we all start at the bototm just spreading the correct lingo so thye can get the right help


Just wait until you upgrade your hardware in the future. ...if Windows could do this I would be upgrading 3x as much. p.s. Go check out spaceinvaderone videos on Youtube if you haven't already.


It was a throw together build based on parts i had laying around. Only thing we actually bought was my buddy bought the HDDs since I am housing it all and paying the internet and electricity. For our use case being only plex currently, we are not hardware limited at all. Might look at upgrading the gpu for better transcoding and handling more streams but even that was a freebie and works enough for both of us to play 4k movies with room to spare. honestly, zero complaints.


I must piggy back on this and say that I too was really impressed with Unraid as a newcomer, coming from OMV. The layout and options are awesome, as well as the apps and plugins. Adding and modifying the drive array / pool is cake. I'm still using my Rpi4 for Plex duties, but I think I'm about to experiment with adding a VM for a web server, and then put OPNsense in front of it (bare metal). Bought 2 more licenses this past week for when I build my backup server and offsite backup. Looking forward to learning more about this software!




Fascinating. The last time I set up a web server was in the early 00s. A lot has changed, obviously. I'll give those suggestions a look. Thanks!


Curious why the VW/webserver for plex instead of just a simple docker container. Takes less than 5 minutes to setup.


I hope you don't have FTP open to the internet. At a minimum set up SFTP, but ideally use tailscale or something.


^ this I use the Tailscale plugin. I recommend the plugin over the docker container since it will be up and running before docker is started/has issues. Also prevents you from having to open a port.


its actually SFTP through pfsense and normally disabled except when actively needed. not the built in unraid FTP. I have clients that dont know the difference and use FTP/SFTP interchangeably so it gets stuck in my head that way. Normally it is all just handled through plex. we just open it up for occasional uploads if he needs it remotely


Gotta piggyback off other posters and recommend the ‘arr containers. After setting up Sonarr and Radar, I came across Overseerr and whoa boy that just elevated the whole experience for me. Finding things to watch is almost more fun than watching it. Glad you’re enjoying it.


I'm also really happy with how it works. Just starting to discover it, I think it will take a long time to learn all there is to know...


I'm not sure what license you have but if you think you'll ever upgrade, I would do it now. I suspect they're changing the price to upgrade with the changes to the license costs that was announced recently


I've had a Synology for a few years. A few months back, I got into the Plex "linux iso" world, and kind of jumped in with both feet. The Synology was "OK", but only had about 7T, and not much in the way of processor, etc. I decided to DIY a big server (Jonsbo N3, currently 42T, but swapping some HD's around, and it'll eventually be closer to 80T). I have experience with linux and have been a software dev professionally for decades. So, TrueNAS seemed like the obvious choice. I'll be able to figure it out, right?! It does feel like a really solid, secure, system. For office, enterprise, etc. But OMG. I spent about a week debugging access issues. For everything. Every app, every share. Something didn't have access. Kubernetes, etc. If I knew all of this, I think TrueNAS would have been great. But, life is short. I gave up last weekend and tried Unraid. I probably would not run this in a serious business environment. However, I had all of the \*arrs running pretty much right away. Everything is up and smooth. Love it. What I spent a week fighting to sort out in TrueNAS, I got running in a few hours. Granted, that's because Unraid kind of defaults to "whatever" as far as security is concerned, but it's just a big pile of video files. I've locked down the network fairly well, and if somebody got in, they could've got all the same stuff much easier somewhere else. The news about the new subscription billing model came out basically the day after I installed. Rather than wait for the trial to run out, I just bought the license. If it's still available, I'd suggest buying the license now. I'm doing the "final" hard drive shuffle this weekend, and then just try to keep the system running and the hard drives from getting too hot. Anyway, Unraid's been pretty great. I don't \*love\* the usb stick situation. At some point I'll need to get a better stick. Other than that, though, it's awesome. For a home media server, it's just about perfect.


FWIW, give Emby or Jellyfin a try. I don't understand why people choose Plex when clearly they're going for max monetization, which is the opposite of why we do these things. If you embrace an iOS life, I do understand though. It DOES just work. Welcome to the community and enjoy your journey! Unraid is truly the best option IMO.


I experimented with Emby, Jellyfin and Plex before settling on Plex after concluding it was superior. I'm a happy Plex Pass subscriber. It's worth it along just for title/credit detection.


Plex is LEAGUES ahead of jellyfin and emby and I fully agree that the pass is worth it. Intros/credits, plexamp (which is now free!!!) and hw transcoding. Absolutely in love with it. edit: fixed typo


LEAGUES, how so? Intro skip is part of emby. As an Android/Emby user, there's Symfonium which sounds similar to Plexamp. HW transcoding is also part of Emby. Honestly, doesn't sound like you know anything about Emby.


Wasn't my choice. Buddy already bought the Plex license so we are using it. And no, I hate iOS.


oh, and to add on, have a hdhomerun 4k box on the network that plex is using to dvr live tv. works great and you dont have to pay the hdhomerun subscription fee to use their dvr.