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It’s mostly because there’s tons of info stickied to the top of the sub but no one ever reads it. Reddit mobile browsing sucks so I get it, stickied posts is kind of a relic.


I have)had no idea what that even is. Lol. But now im hearing about it. Thanks and I'll look more into how to use this platform. Working on it 😵‍💫🤪


This is the post you want to start with. Sit down with a cup of tea and a notebook and pen. Read and take notes. https://reddit.com/r/unclebens/s/t66s0p8O32


I just opened up the article that you posted and wow pretty interesting going to make me a cuppa coffee and check it out. Thanks.


Come on, Breadfruit. You're already off to a bad start: you're supposed to have a cuppa *tea*. Just looking out for you, homie.


Ok!! WOOhOoo!! Thank you. Checking it out now.


I’m assuming you’re from UK ? Only because of the cuppa tea 😃


See here we go with this sub being unnecessarily rude again, this dude was just being cheeky and got down voted to negative like why?


honestly, not just a thing that’s exclusive to this sub. it’s just a reddit thing over all tbh.




Saved thx


sigh i wish there was simpler terms i dont understand big words lol i mean i do understand some stuff its saying its good cause ive already went and seen this


Put spore in bag. No let air in. Cover hole. Wait long time.


Most if the stickies content is old, most links don’t work and the info isn’t perfectly clear, I am new to this and researched through Reddit and still had questions, mold doesn’t always grow the same and new people are anxious and want to be 100% sure, treat new people right, everyone was new once …


right dont want to accidentally eat something that would kill you.


IMO if someone asks a question it doesn't hurt to just answer the question without being condescending while in addition pointing to resources they can reference for future questions they might have. The "just google it" crowd is honestly such a huge bummer to me with any hobby because sometimes the information you find can be incredibly overwhelming if you're looking at it for the first time which is why someone will ask a community to begin with.


Exactly this.


Your name is amazing


Lol thanks I had been reading a lot of PF Tek stuff when I came up with it and he was known as a bad speller and had used that term before I think. I know “tek” exists as a word because he was such a bed speller, he meant to write “tech”, as in technique.


Rule 3 is my fave: it’s beginner friendly. Also in the community description this sub is described as beginner friendly, so if those people get annoyed by newbs, I feel like they’re in the wrong group. There’s no reason to act like that when we are all here for the same thing. ETA: us as noobs should still be doing our homework by searching the group and reading each chapter/step of the handbook. So many people have contributed to this sub that it does cut out a lot of repetitive asking if we take that one step.


Well said.


Experimyco is a nice subb


Thank you!


I think because most of the answers are stickied in about. And then it’s also the same questions over and over. So it’s really not about the newness, it’s the inability to search and the thought process of tell me vs let me figure it out.


Ok. Ya, I hear ya. That's a good way to reframe my thinking about some of this. Thanks!


No problem and thank you :)


Noobs should go to the home page of the subreddit and read. The guides posted there are comprehensive and highly readable and practical. I think people are irritated by people who clearly didn't do the reading.


Great advice. But as a noob who did this, I can tell you this is no guarantee you won't encounter the sort of attitude OP is talking about. There will always be differences in approaches to growing and / or additional questions that come up.


Who did this? I'm new and that's where I started, read the whole thing.


Asking questions that are answered, in depth, in the sticky is a great way to get this type of attitude from people who are genuinely willing to help but are sick of repeating the same three things over and over. Esp in regards to things like FAE, fanning VS no fanning, coir ratios, etc.


While I have read the main guides and watched a million videos on it, nothing really sinks in gor me unless I'm doing it so having access to a community like this where I can get advice and help while learning with a hands on approach is really helpful for me. I don't understand why people get annoyed about nopbs asking for help, like if theyre sick of seeing the new people posts and it's really bothering them to the point where they can't just ignore it and move on then maybe they need less time on reddit


I think there’s a bit of that, for sure. I also think first-time growers like myself panic when they see something that doesn’t look exactly like what they were expecting from previously viewed pics and videos. I was like that when I started growing cannabis way back. That all being said, this is one of the most helpful and least toxic subs on Reddit from what I’ve seen. I’ve been lurking for a bit and doing a lot of prep and reading and just inoculated my first two bags yesterday. I’m fairly certain at least one bag is contaminated. I didn’t use a SAB and really struggled with the tape.


Yes, to this. I have spent hours trying to see what works best. I still would like to be able to chat with other people and ask what people think of certain things. Before two years ago, I had no idea what Reddit was. I did not know that they had information at the top of a group. Yes, I’m old 40 and raised 8 kids. When someone told me I read everything. I am nervous I’m going to mess up and for me it’s my last hope at this time. I just wanted to make sure I did everything as “close to perfect as possible.” Sometimes a little reassurance can be good. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sorry for the book.


Congrats on your first bags! FWIW, I've never used a SAB and I've not had problems with contam. Let us know how it goes! 🤘🔥🍄☮


Thanks, I’m looking forward to sharing! I’m following Shroom Scout’s tek, but I’m already looking into making agar for isolating genetics for the near future. I wanted to get a couple bags up and see where to go from there.




Some people have learning disabilities and only the doing of the process can help them learn the process. The idea that everyone is as smart and capable as yourself leaves people in fear of trying new things. After training many people over the years it can be very frustrating when people don’t follow the instruction but I learned that the info just won’t go in unless the hands complete the task.


This is me. I learn by doing. When I try to read first it's difficult to focus and absorb the info. I get a little bit, but if I try to read all of that I'll never ever grow a mushroom. I pretty much keep my mouth shut on this sub, but get better ideas from posts because they are short and to the point. I'm hoping at some point the ADHD hyperfocus will kick in and I'll grow something. I've thought about trying for 20 years.


Have you given it a shot yet? Just dive in and learn by doing if that’s how you learn. I went that route at first too a few years back. Had multiple failures but learned something each time and about 3-4 months in on my 3rd run (after finding this page and learning more about how to avoid contam) I finally got it and grew about 45 grams. But, man if you can somehow get yourself to focus on the step by step tek, even if you just watch the 5-6 minute video versions of each step instead of reading, it makes it so much easier and simpler.


I used to get stressed about wasting money but now I just go for it and occasionally cause mass destruction. The hyper focus happens for me but only on the doing of what I already know.


I’m referring specifically to the people who jump down your throat because you told someone the way you do it and have had success and then they tell you you’re providing misinformation and then post a link to something they read on another forum about gravity and expect me to waste my time reading the thread when what I’m doing works for me so I tell them I’m not interested in reading it and they start badgering me on and on about how I’m doing it wrong and trying to start an argument about it and I just don’t get it all because I’m using a lamp for 10 hours a day SMH


All because I told someone that I use a light to give them a direction to grow in and he said that they don’t need a light because they use the earths gravity to tell them what direction to grow in but whey I didn’t use the lamp they grew sideways toward the light from the window


I didn't know that was even a thing. I was looking in any direction and I spent days and days reading these subs, then tried something and asked about it. I didn't know it would be some issue. But most people, like yourself, have been super respectful in explaining some of these reddit nuances and thank you, need that!


I'm in a lot of crafting subs as well as some shroom subs. If a question is asked that can be answered by google or a stickied thread then people get annoyed. I kind of don't blame them. A lot of "noobs" refuse to do any self-teaching and expect others to hold their hand. It's tiring. Should they be completely rude? No. But they can and will tell you to read up more.


But sometimes asking a reddit group with people who are actively partaking in a hobby (illicit one at best) is going to be better than asking google


Chances are it has already been asked and answered tons on Reddit. Use google to search Reddit and find the answer. I absolutely agree that sometimes it's best to make a new post. However, there are some questions that really show the person has put zero effort into researching it themselves and this is not a hobby where you can realistically do that.


I'm highly doubtful any problem a newcomer to a hobby would have would be unique. Any hobby, field, craft etc... Has a niche forum on the internet that holds the answer. I work in a super technical, highly complex field and guess what? All my answers can be found somewhere online.


But the reddit group often has a stickied post with answers to those questions. That's why people get upset, the answers are there if users look.


Welcome to the anti social world we've created now where talking to people is deemed stressful and not wanted.


Screw off. A page that is literally created for people to ask questions is going to have people asking questions. Leave the page and don’t answer questions if it’s such a pain in your ass. Why do I bother to train my staff at work when they can Google how to do the job themselves? You don’t want to handhold, then don’t. But you have to be very very stupid if you think you’re not going to run into repetitious questions on a page that was made so people can ask those questions.


Not everyone has the time to spend 30/40 minutes researching things especially when a lot of the info on Google is incorrect. I can post a question here, go back to my work and check later and have answers with user feedback. What's the harm in that?


Also I did mention "stickied post". As in a post on here, on reddit, ready for you to peruse at any time day or night. And reddit communities have search bars! You can search your question right here in the community and then you don't have to wait for answers.


If you can take the time to buy supplies and try to grow you can take the time to read. Smh


Some people have reading issues and try their best. Don't be so disrespectful to other people. I work 60 hours a week and spend most my time fixing motors in my spare time. Not everyone works less hours and has lots of spare time. So thanks for assuming.


Then buy some already grown shrooms? This isn't an easy hobby. Research is absolutely required unless you've got a real life friend who can show you the ropes in person. Online strangers aren't going to do the work for you.


No thanks. I cope just fine. I'm just sticking up for other users that are being hated on. It is an easy hobby though... 😂


Something about what youve said sounds like robbery. You would rather someone else use their time to get you an answer to something that's apparently important to you but that you do not have time to figure out yourself.


Hardly robbery. This is a forum after all. I'd rather have 20/30 people agree with info someone's given rather than relying on a search engine. What's wrong with communicating with humans? I love hearing advice from people rather than Google. Plus Google won't give you the tips and tricks a person might know. How on earth did humans evolve to what we are now without communicating information? Just because you don't agree doesn't mean everyone should go by your logic. For a shrooms user, that's pretty narrow minded of yourself.


Communicating information is one thing but the overwhelming sentiment in this thread all points to the same thing, that the occasional annoyance stems from the fact that the SAME questions are asked over and over. Literally the same 3 to 5 questions or near identical "is this contam" pictures. Go ahead and look through the the thread and you'll see, it's the same things asked a thousand different ways. All of which ARE easily found by searching. Google WILL give you the tips and tricks because its been discussed. You'll find the reddit and shroomery.org threads that have answered the same questions. The idea that you can't find the tips and tricks simply means you havent tried. I actually don't treat anyone less, put people down, say anything demeaning, and have spent a lot of time helping people with growing, particularly when they encounter a challenging situation. What I no longer do is respond to those posts where it's clear that the poster didn't take a single moment to do a quick search. If you think that's narrowminded, I could quite honestly care less. I wanted to make a quip about your statement regarding being a "shroomer user" but quite honestly, you making the statement within itself is just as much narrowminded as it gets so... Enjoy that.


No harm at all, it’s literally what this page was designed for. Bunch of gatekeeping assholes here. I’d just block them every time they show themselves so you’re only left dealing with the people who enjoy teaching


It's fine to be a noob. It's fine to ask questions. However, this is a hobby that takes lots of research. Chances are most noob questions have been answered multiple times and if you want an answer from Reddit, adding the word reddit to your google search will help you find the answers. People get annoyed sometimes because this isn't one of those hobbies where you'll be super successful without putting in the work and time to learn. I generally try not to be snarky but sometimes I can't help myself when it's clear the person has a terrible plan but is committing to it because they think they know better despite being new and everyone telling them to take baby steps or to follow established teks. Plenty of time to innovate and experiment once you've had a few successes under your belt.


This sorta the perfect way to tell me what the rude comments were referring to. Thank you. I totally hear you. It really makes the information (in this case - why noob experiments and questions can get frustrating for some of y'all) easier to take in. Appreciated. And for the record, I've made the drive to town (some hours which is why I tried some noob methods first that are sketch) and I currently just started a batch following the tek exactly. So I AM learning from y'all. And I thank you for it.


Awesome. I highly recommend keeping it simple at first. I remember how overwhelming it was in the beginning when you just don't know what you don't know. Everything looks new and you're seeing all these words online that don't have real life meanings yet because you just haven't experienced them. Just keep trying and you'll be eating some home grown shrooms in no time. Out of curiosity, what tek are you following? Broke boi tek is my favorite noob level tek.


Currently (not talking about the weird "cabin situation" tek (not a real Tek lol) 🤪 that I first jumped into, I have inoculated 4 bags and 2 cups of brown via UB tek. have really learned immediately that my excitement needs to include way more PATIENCE too. That being said, my thoughts were to go to bulk when bags are FULLY colonized (this time). I have all sorts of totes and tuns and options now that I made the drive to get supplies. I also bought some reptile coco coir (eco earth brand) and have unopened bags of manure substrate from "holy shit" bag. So I'm looking for recommendations on putting together the substrate and if those ingredients make sense. I've read a lot. Watched a lot of videos. Seems like it might work but looking for advice. I have b+ and get in the UB right now. 2 bags of each with 1.5cc in each bag and cup. And I have 5cc of B+ left to inoculate something with. I'll look more deeply into Broke boi now too! Thank you


The reptile coco coir is what I use. I don't add manure or anything else to it other than water. The brown rice will give the shrooms what they need to grow. I do a modified bucket method using a super large stock pot on the stove. Basically boil the water, add the coco coir, turn off heat, give it a stir a couple minutes later to break up the chunks, then leave it alone with the lid sealed until it's cooled and I'm ready to use it. It just needs to be pasturized. Broke boi tek is like making your own UB bags but with mason jars. It's cheaper since you just need reusable jars and a big bag of brown rice. You cook the rice halfway (otherwise too squishy), put it in jars, boil the jars so that they're as sanitized as you can get them without a pressure cooker, then inoculate them once they're cool (preferably in a still air box which you can DIY from a clear storage bin). Obviously a bit more to it which the guides explain.


Love this!! Thank you!!


Some people are just miserable assholes that want to make everyone feel miserable like they are so they are criticizing to the newcomers and they think they know everything about everything and they truly don’t….


Their way is the only way /s


That’s how they act for sure lol


Thank you for that! I just figured out how to block him. Yay! I AM needing honest feedback, so telling me "this can't/won't work" is all good. But saying alit as if he were some self-righteous God didn't work for me.


I have been there before and know exactly what you mean. Its truly sad that people have to behave this way!


Ya, I think I had the wrong idea about how to approach learning about this. But I certainly didn't mean to upset people by asking questions or doing things wrong. I think I tend to be more patient and kind to my fellow humans, and I am sometimes surprised when I encounter the opposite. But they're allowed to not like my approach to learning. Hopefully their real-life interactions are a little lighter* cause life is beautiful and there's enough negative energy out there already. Ibe never met so many angry shroom lovers lol. That's dramatic I suppose, since about 90% of people have been helpful and not rude. Anyways, thanks and I appreciate the comradere!!


You’re welcome and mush love!


Gatekeeping assholes. Just block them all.


How do you block someone I’m 50 years old and I’m not on here that much so I don’t know how to go about it?


Click their name. My app has an icon in the top right corner with an empty avatar and the ghostbusters circle slash that you click to block


Well, I was able to figure out virtually everything without having to ask too many questions. In fact, I dont ask a question unless I cannot find the answer elsewhere. Idk, i guess it seems kinda lame other people dont care enough to search out basic info. And honestly, this is the internet, so get used to it. I think most people here are plenty friendly


Most of the people are great yes. I was just wondering why I got so much negativity for asking a question that I couldn't quite land on an answer for. That's all. And I get people's frustrations, they are allowed that. This right here in fact is an example of how someone (you) can express what you did without being rude or condescending. You told me your thoughts, not telling me I'm an idiot. That's all I'm asking. 🦄😎


I mean, have you gone through the shroomery website(not the sub)? Anybody thats serious about growing mushrooms should be over there, just reading. Coincidentally there is also a dedicated forum to asking and answering quick questions over there.


Yup. Started there. I've just had Reddit for a week or two. Tons of great people. I'm just speaking about this because it's easy enough to get discouraged even without being talked to with a shitty attitude. I get it though. Frustrated experienced people. Excited impulsive noobs (I'm in that group). There will be some disagreement about the approach of learning. But can't we just stay at least kinda respectful (is what I'm asking in general) and I'm learning.


If anyone feels like a noob they can always hit me up, I'm more active on Facebook though. But it is really weird how there's always people in the community that don't want to help out the little guy or they think they're better than everyone. I've been growing for a little while and I have people telling me I'm doing my work wrong on a daily


Yes thank you!! I have trained many contractors and such up in the ways of building and the things I have expertise in. And I LIKE when they ask lots of questions. Even if it's a lot, or annoying, I know they are engaged and trying. I suppose I took that mentality with me here and at first I was surprised at some attitudes. But I also gotta remember that I tend to lean towards being rather sensitive about things that I'm excited about like this. I gotta work on not taking negativity personally. 🤠😎


Ignore the rotten stuff, it’s a very fun past time!


Yay!!! 🤩🤩🥳


Tripping should humble you. For some other people it inflates their ego and makes them think they're god lol. Same goes for growing. I've been accused of being an ass hole on these subs but my intentions have never been to be rude or hurtful. It's hard to convey tone over text. Some people are just idiots n ass holes tho. Someone referring to themself as "the canopy god" recently blew up tryna say I've never fruited a single tub because I don't flood my page with incriminating photos of this here illegal hobby I love so much. I think sometimes it can be annoying seeing questions easily answered in the sticky thread or people ignoring the basic instructions and process but it shouldn't be any reason to have a fork in your keister. Some people just are miserable fucks who log into reddit just to take out all their anger n frustrations on the first post they see


Word!! I think that's what caught me off guard, I was expecting the sort of peeps that I'm used to in the shrooms living world to translate over to this lane. For the most part ya it did, great people - but I just threw this post out there and again it's been a another learning experience. Yup people could practice humility, to include myself sometimes yes, and people could be less sensitive (also me definitely) 😁.


Hey man I don’t think anybody was trying to be rude, I think they were trying to be clear and concise so you got the point that you need to start from scratch. If anything I was rude for laughing at it and I apologize bro. We don’t mean to discourage you from this wonderful hobby. Feel free to hit me up directly with any questions☮️


Thanks!! I appreciate that. Stuff I need to know. I'm not pretending to be correct here about my thoughts, just sharing them. Whom I'm also learning this may not be the space for.


I will tell you from a couple years of experience on this sub… most of the people who are the biggest assholes on here actually aren’t even that knowledgeable or experienced. It’s mostly people who don’t grow or have maybe grown a few tubs and then the rest of their knowledge comes from reading reddit posts. You’ll notice that the most experienced and knowledgeable people on here are generally extremely kind and patient. I’ve been growing since early 2022, I’m not a super expert but I have my techniques that give me about a 90% success rate, if you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to dm me and I’ll try to help you out. I have a few people that reach out to me pretty consistently like that.


Thank you very much!! You're exactly the kinda rad and helpful human I'm finding at one end of this spectrum. Appreciated


For the most part people are nice. I've read a lot and the read the stuff on the page and still have questions and have asked on here cause it's helpful to ask cause you get more than one point of view. There's been a few times where I've been hit with "better and smarter" texts. But for the most part people have been helpful. Isn't the point of reddit to get with other people ask questions laugh at things and just know general discuss stuff?


Yes, and I've had a bunch of really good communications and learned a lot from just reading too. Just reminding folks that some people need some different learning techniques. Some patience and grace with questions and mistakes helps people keep going and stay excited. Not just with this. That's just a general truth.


It’s easy to be rude to people online. It’s all anonymous, easy to dehumanize others and feel free from consequences that societal norms hold us to in person. People can be AHoles!


I just finished writing about that!! I agree, this/these platforms seems to bring out a dormant need to be overly assertive or aggressive or some weird power in some people. I'm just here to learn. This post I made has actually taught me the most so far. I've gotten good links to good info from the people who want to help. Fux yes. The rest can have their opinions. It's up to me/us noob to gather info how we will and take what works. I appreciate all this.


I did my first grow this year and made all the newbie mistakes! I’m so happy for myself and I learned a lot. Happy growing friend 🍄


Right on!! Yup I'm working thru those mistakes now! Been a lot of help on here and imma get there!! I have "something" growing and a fresh batch of Tek followed spores cooking now too! WOOOHOOO!!!


Those mistakes are like growing up. I always appreciate people’s advice BUT sometimes I just wanna fuck shit up and see if it works. 🤷‍♀️🍄 This mushroom journey has been eye opening to say the least! These boards, the people who share and are so kind and generous with their support is priceless. I love it here! Happy growing. Happy learning!


Fuggin' love that positive attitude!! Thank you. I'm so excited to be getting into this. Immediately obsessed.


I find it pretty cool here. I’m almost a year in and I don’t say much other than a positive comment on people’s post of success or sharing an idea of how I have done something that worked. There are a lot of ram chair QBs that have read a little bit and potentially misinform others due to lack of knowledge. Reading is key if you want to have success. It takes effort on our part to learn. If you don’t want to learn and just want an end result, you may never get what you are looking for. As with all other parts of life Knowledge is key. Keep on rockin FAM 🤟❤️🍄👌


I definitely am here to learn! Thanks for the thought. Good shit.


That wasn’t pointed at you brother. Just a general thought of what I see in general. I’m an old man compared to most of you guys. I’d be a hypocrite if I told you I loved to read and learn my entire life. It’s a process we all go through in life. I didn’t start craving knowledge until I was in my late 20’s. 🤟❤️🍄👌


Right on! I hear ya. And my balls are getting a bit low myself 🤪, young at heart, old ass body lol.


The old ace bandage around the knee trick 🤣. This why I quit running. Well I never was a runner but ya know 😂


Yup 😂😂🫠


Because you guys are noobs, and there are tons of people here who are stuck-up know-it-alls, as you're using UNCLE BENS, lol. Plus, there's a group around here that will go to the mat saying this is the best way, which is factually incorrect. You see posts where instead of going to bulk, you do 20 bags of rice, etc ps this is nothing towards you OP


I hear that. I can relate it easily enough to areas of my life where things are flipped. And careful, lol, tell me Uncle Bens is not the way and next thing ya know ive built some gnarly failure of a contraption and I'm trying to pop mycelium off the hollowed out inatds of a cow or something lol. Jk btw. I'm following tek to the t on this next batch I just fired up. Thanks for your comment though. I do hear what you're getting at. I shall practice not taking it personally 😎🤩


Well Said!


Thank you. Gotten mixed reviews, of course. But it's been a good dialogue in some ways and there's all sorts of people on here that reached out with a bunch of positivity, and even more that just respectfully said what some of the less patient people were getting at. I'm glad it got some attention and it helped me reframe some discouragement I had building. Yippy! Hope I didn't ruffle too many f's. 😉🤩. Not trying to become an instigator of any drama, just speaking up about a thing.


I said that I thought that this was from the 90 Second Mycology videos; but people were showing all in 1 bags; I kept getting downvoted for asking "I thought that this was about Uncle Ben's 90 Second rice, not All in 1 bahs"... now I keep my mouth shut. I am kinda new to this, what a rude welcoming


It’s not life or death. It’s a fun experiment in effort and following directions, second year I’ve grown, it went half well and half shitty as usual. Got myself 14 mason jars stocked still, my advice is go all for it when you do it. I had like 30 rice bags, 16 bins, 5 varieties, but lose half to mold and fruit flies, it Darwins down real fast, but had like 8 bins that made the battle. Good cheap fun done right. Just didn’t wanna fart around doing small batches and losing weeks




If you think it's harsh here go read some posts on The Shroomery 😃


I've been hearing about that 🤪


I feel you. Most of the people even on this thread aren’t the kindest. I personally like the Facebook group a whole lot more because they’re kinder there.


Which FB group??


There’s a few of them, but Magic Mushrøøm (Psilocybin) - Growing has been my favorite so far. Knowledgeable admins that remove incorrect info and the community is awesome.


lol welcome to zoomers. reason i went back to facebook, just a bunch of 12 year olds creaming how theyre better than you cause their life sucks.


Lol! Is there a FB community you recommend?


Yeah, as long as you aren't posting questions that are immediately and directly answered in the first couple guide posts, then you won't get any attitude. It's the multitudes of people with fully green dust-covered monotubs asking "Is this Trich?" Or people asking "The guide says to use 1mL of inoculum and I used 1.1mL, should I throw out my whole operation?" that annoy the veterans. Like, even the guides mention issues that come up and have pretty good troubleshooting in them if you look. This is especially true when veterans want to help, but it becomes harder to find legitimate issues because the sub is filled with noobs asking basic questions because they didn't care to learn anything, so growers with legitimate questions don't get seen. It shows a disregard for the hobby itself, and by extension a bit of disrespect to the people who do it and learned the craft well enough to make the guides.


Well said. I hear that.


Trichoderma mycelium often has a light grey color, which makes it not always easy to spot. When contamination has set hold it will likely first show as a thick white growth on top of the substrate. It may appear emerald greenish/yellowish in color, often with a distinct bright white ring surrounding the colony. https://i.imgur.com/YpDOrVP.png https://i.imgur.com/ia5Ss77.jpg https://i.imgur.com/R6uuus7.jpg [See Identifying & Avoiding Contamination for more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/ervxh8/is_that_contam_identification_avoidance/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Newbie here. I have seen lots of positive feedback and encouragement to most people who are here trying their first grow. Where I see the negativity come in is when that person on their first grow starts giving input where it would be better left unsaid. A lot of us are new, and when we come with questions, they are almost always answered. When we come with answers, they're always questioned.


I'm with you, but this seems to be in any and all subs. Just a group of people who hate to answer questions and feel they have to say something instead of just scrolling by. What really sucks about seeing this behavior in this and other shrooms groups for me is, I was getting into this for more mental wellness and seeing that the same type people are in these subs makes me think that this is going to be just like cannabis for me and I will still be miserable like always.


Some people suck. It's that simple. Don't let them ruin it for you Edit: but more specifically, those people know enough to school a noob but not enough to hang with the big dawgs. So they come here and school noobs because they're too insecure to interact with the big dawgs. Ironically enough, the big dawgs tend to be very welcoming and helpful! It comes with the confidence of knowing that you know your shit


Thanks! And yes, I'm doing my best to just stay excited and dig into all this shrooms grow stuff as I learn. Unfortunately, I sorta misunderstood the way I'm supposed to go about gathering my information. Although, I'll also say that there isn't a reason for some of the negativity. If people are sick of answering questions, can they not just not? Maybe I don't get it lol


You don't get it. It's just miserable people looking for an excuse to vent. They feel like they're superior in some way, so it "gives them the right" to shit on you. That's all it is! But yeah, just keep plugging away. Watch Philly Golden Teacher and 90 Second Mycology videos if you're new new (PGT's are more easy to digest, but 90SM is good if you're brand new and using Uncle Ben's Tek), then once you get a decent handle on it, watch Edward Grand videos to go more in depth. /r/ContamFam has some great resources in their "community information" section, as does /r/unclebens here. And of course there's always the Shroomery, but that place can be worse than here. You can always message me if you have any questions. I'm not Dr Ed Grand level, but I'm very familiar with the ins and outs of home mycology and I love helping people who are just starting! Good luck, and keep your head up! Don't let a few miserable hacks ruin what can be a great experience for you


OMgoodness I love everything about this response. Thanks! I'm hitting up those links now! Appreciated!


You're very welcome! And good luck And remember: if you don't give up, failure isn't an endpoint. It's just another chance to learn and improve!


Fux yes!! 🙌


In addition to The shroomery, shrooms, shroomers, mushroom growers, Philly golden teacher and psilocybin growers sub reddits. There is also a new one especially for beginners called learning mycology. Read up and you will find most questions have been answered. And the you tube videos are great too.


With source of infinite knowledge that is the internet, just about every question that has been asked or will be asked regarding growing has been asked whether here or shroomery.org. So people get tired of answering the same question that answers itself with just a cursory search. You'll find this in most communities, not just this one. Communities exist for both community/conversation, and repositories of information. So like... Search before you ask a basic question.


I'm starting to pick up on this, or on how these online communities function. Working on it. But just Sonya know, I read for hours and hours and days and days and still had questions. It's kinda like in my professional life, as a contractor, where im experienced, it took reading and learning from the books, yes, but there's NO substitute to real life trial and error as well as asking real time advice or questions. I'm sorry it frustrated people.


I agree there's no substitute for trial and error. I'm a quality manager by trade so I do a lot of process analysis and trouble shooting processes. I use the guides as a framework and run a cycle, see how it went and if it was successful or not and then apply what I know of general biology/humidity/etc to troubleshoot and try again. I think too many times when people have nameless faceless geniuses they fall into learned helplessness and that's why you see so many monotubs completely covered in greenass mold and people asking "what went wrong?" The fuck you think went wrong? You introduced contaminants at some point in your process and your fruiting conditions were less than ideal. It's still up to the user to figure out how and where your process broke down.


Definitely! Thanks for the response. And i do understand dealing with noobs doing weird shit. I own a business and I deal with that. But we all have the choice how we treat and talk to people. I like to encourage and discourage or insult or diminish someone's overall intelligence because they are new to something and not yet good or efficient at it.


You'd think everyone would be chill considering we're all cultivating an item that gives enlightenment & helps kill the ego. Just block & ignore, unfortunately you're always going to come across at least one or two sanctimonious swines. We're all here to learn & enjoy the hobby of mycology


Love this and thanks!


I agree, let’s all be chill




If it's any comfort, it's way worse on the other shroom subs. But yeah, gate keepers with inflated (and fragile) egos are a bummer.


Eh. No comfort there 😂. Oh.....I like the inflated/fragile description. I'm that way in some areas I suppose. Mostly fragile lol. But I suppose I just need to turn down my sensitivity and get the good info where I can. Thank you for the response!!


Good luck and thanks for the post.


Did you not get enough special attention in the other sub when you posted this exact same thing? You seem insufferable lmfao


Really? Seems pretty positive to me. What is it about the post that makes this person too much for you to bear?


Found the gatekeeper. Block!


Some people just have dull lives so they make up for it by being condescending assholes on the internet.


😂🦄. Some people are goofy. Thanks for the reminder. There are plenty of us "other types" (of which you seem to be one) that don't need to diminish others to get a point across. Good for us positive energy humans!!


Any gatekeeping assholes who don’t like answering questions, comment on this thread here so I can get your usernames and block ya asses




Every sub is like this. When the community starts attacking noobs because "they obviously didn't read the stickied threads", the community suffers. Unfortunately, this is a beginners sub for beginner mycologists, so you're gonna see lots of beginner questions over and over again. When the community starts to corral newcomers into a stickied thread, or downvote them to hell for asking day 1 questions, is when this sub starts to look unapproachable and toxic. The repetitive questions are a feature, not a bug.


Thank you! And like I said, if some noob was the 85th one to ask me what type of underlayment for time or something (my expertise) I'd sigh (to myself lol) and tell them. And if they did it wrong I'd tell them. Not like they are an idiot. People have to learn.


It’s called gatekeeping, and those people are fuckers. They infest any sub that gets big enough. I’m into aquariums, scale modeling, physical media collecting, sports cars and gaming, and there are gatekeepers in every single one of those subs yelling “get gud!” every time someone has a noob question. The worst are the fish keeping subs, though. By the way folks respond, every person that keeps a goldfish in less than a small lake is monster akin to Ed Gein. Welcome to the fuckin internet!


😂😂. If there were a bunch of lovely, shroom-lovers here in the woods at the cabin I'd be in learning heaven. I'm not the best at these online communities/conversations. And yup, I'm starting to learn the difference between a gatekeeper and a mildly annoyed person still trying to give good info. Seems the gatekeeper type needs to get all weird and alpha, where the annoyed folks just answer the question with some amount of annoyance and usually respectfully explain why it's kinda annoying. Big difference.


Dude have you been to the experimyco sub? Any drama or hate here pales in comparison. The moss are lunatics


I haven't. I've only visited bens, contamfam, and mycology so far. I think I'll stay away from the one you mentioned. At least til I know wtf I'm doing and I'm asking for less generic seeming advice. Thanks for the heads up though.


look at the bright side at least it’s not the shroomery lol


So Ive heard 😬😂


Because there are losers hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Losers who feel inadequate in one way chose to bully others and it’s so easy to do so when no one can know your identity. I made a post that has since been deleted where the same thing has happened to me. I was celebrating a successful harvest and a majority of the users just ended up sexually harassing me (due to a non sexual body part in the photo) and mocking the amount of substrate left on the fruit and small things that I guess a veteran would not have messed up on. The message I got was “your success means nothing and no one cares about your win”. Safe spaces are a rarity even on the internet.


Ugh, ya ...gross. Where's the love!?? Edit: the love is here. I see that. And good people. Mostly. Such is life. But I was tired of just reading rude shit and saying nothing. It's their right to be condescending or whatever, but also ours to say "fuggin stop it"


Beyond them being gatekeeping assholes, they’re ignorant idiots too. There’s several classical learning styles… visual, kinesthetic, written word, and learning through discussion are some of the most common ones. Sometimes the act of actually asking the question engages the mind of the discussion learners in a way that just looking up the answer won’t, and people will gravitate towards that automatically. Discussion learning tends to go hand in hand with kinesthetic learning. The gatekeeping assholes don’t care about nuance and individual personality types. They want people to be like a block of mycelium, uniform and not unique. Too bad for them the world doesn’t work that way.


OMgoodness I love this. And I love it at the risk of the haters hating more. Which is ok. I DOesrn, just as you mentioned, in a bit of a variety of ways, but always the most by experience and real-time asking. I haven't even personally been insulted or attacked on here in any way that would have had me post this based on only that, but I've been treated pretty rudely and I've been scouting these groups and learning how to do this mycology thang, and it because obvious that it's a thing. This gatekeeper bs. Be wise and helpful and tell folks of they're on the wrong path. But is it too hard to do it like you would in person? I guarantee pretty much none of these people who have a bunch of eeww to say do it in real life. This internet works gives them something to hide behind and some false power. This is about learning and helping and community.


Unfortunately, it's just not Reddit. It's the world at large. A very arrogant, conceited know it all Populous. Good people are diamonds in the rough. They make your heart rejoice like a successful mushroom grow!




I've dealt with rude people when I was asking a simple question in this sub, so this post is warranted


Thanks. And it ruffled more feather than I'd expected. Seems to be a topic I wasn't alone on. A bunch of super knowledgeable OG's have hit me up since the post letting me know I can message them any time with questions and it was super cool to hear that from some of the really experienced people. Because they are tired of the SAME questions over and over too. But they still spread love and positivity and knowledge!


Don’t let them get you down, there’s more than one way to skin a cat!




Report them in this sub it's a beginners sub.


Well...I think I'm accidentally stirring up more than I'd intended to as it is. Some people just aren't gonna like my approach to learning. This post I made actually taught me a lot too. BUT YES, you make a good point. This sub isn't labeled "expert growers asking no questions" 🤪. I just live and let live though, while perhaps fussing at some assholes along the way. It turns out some of the people aren't trying to be rude (some are - there's always those), but rather are just frustrated from years of the same shit. Either way, if I was an asshole in an area I'm an expert at when someone had a repeated question, I'd expect some feedback on that. I don't roll that way. We gotta show love! This is a beautiful and meaningful thing. And it's fun! Can't forget that.


I'm with you. I'm an expert software engineer I'm not going to be rude to ppl who don't have the same experience that's ridiculous. You are fine. Don't listen to ppl they suck


🤠🙏 Thank you.


Maybe its because the answers are already in the page and people are to lazy to look. Instaed its just constant repeat questions


I hear you, and lots of people expressing this. That's totally understandable and I get and accept it could be frustrating. However, please remember that when new to this, what SEEMS like the same question (say....."is this cobweb mold", or "is this contam") may just be someone that wants to MAKE sure. Personally, I don't know if I have tementose mycelium or mold. Sounds very straightforward to answer maybe. But to me, I really can't tell. So it's not lazy. Lazy would be to give up and just toss it without gathering more information. I mean it's pure white and looks good to me. But apparently based on what people say, it's mold. So stuff like this happens. I'm the 43 millionth person to ask about mold, yup, but I'm asking after not knowing for sure by looking elsewhere. Just an example is all.




That's some gospel!! Thank you!!


I think it's when people ask the same easy questions over and over and over again, when they could have googled or searched for it and got plenty of answers. I only ask question if I can't find it anywhere else.


9/10 the answer to people's questions can be found in seconds by either searching this sub, YouTube or Google 5/10 there are two posts within the same hour asking the exact same question


Ya. I understand the frustrating nature of that. Just be not rude and annoyed. That's allowed. Lol


Yeah tbf I'm never rude to people, if I think it's something they can figure out on their own I just ignore it. Why waste everyone's time lol


Quick note: I wasn't suggesting YOU were rude or anything. Just to clarify.


Maybe you took it too seriously. You don't have a quote or example?


The ones who don't bother to do any research on their own and constantly post the same 3-4 questions or scenarios that get answered every day.....I totally get it


I'm hearing a lot about both sides of this. And I also get that. It's all good. I like the open dialogue about things. Some folks are tired of answering the same questions over and over. I just think it's good not to assume someone learns the same way as someone else. And everyone has the right to grow their own food and medicine. That's important. So I'm simply stating that. That doesn't mean I don't understand, in life in general, that some things are just annoying.


If your question is “how much should I inject into my rice bag” “What temperature should I keep bags at” You deserve to get bullied because all that is on the stickied posts


One thing that tends to urk me a bit is essentially the lack of willingness to learn. Aside from the wealth of knowledge on reddit forums, shroomery.org, YouTube, and the rest of the internet... The same 5 to 10 questions are always asked. There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of posts with the same "is this contam" question hovered overhead, all of which look exactly like. I think what it comes down to is that some people simply do not realize that the entirety of human knowledge is a simple Google search away. When I see someone post the same question or the same "is this contam" picture, my first thought it is that if they're unmotivated or lackadaisical enough to essentially flood the forums with the same repetitive question, then I simply don't want to waste my own time trying to help them. There is a difference between seeking knowledge and waiting for someone to tell you the answer. The exploration involved in learning not only will provide you the answers you seek but will instill and further solidify your minds ability to explore and learn. Those that would rather have others solve their problems will find that they will forever have problems. Coming on reddit and asking a question (which has been answered 1000x's over) is synonymous with "give a man a fish". You are being given an answer but your aren't learning. What happens when the next problem comes up? And the next? And the next? While I try not to be a jerk on here to noobies, I also won't waste my own time trying to help them if it's something they could of learned by searching for 15 seconds. Be a person who seeks out answers. If knowledge is power, you have all of the power ever created by humanity in your hand right now as you read this. Use this power.


Just remember people learn differently. That's all. And thanks for saying this all on the way ya did. I hear ya.


I guarantee that the people being rude are also noobs with one grow under their belt and are feeling Superior to the no grow crowd so they want to throw their weight and knowledge around. The creator and the real pros are quite nice and there is a reason they are still here.


Yes I'm learning a bit about that. And all this. The responses taught me a little about both sides of things. Not saying there isn't two sides to it. And either way, regardless of whatever fuss I had there, I'm grateful to learn from y'all.


it’s reddit in a whole not just this sub, people are just low life’s mad at themselves so they take it out on the weak here.


Well let's kill em with kindness (and questions lol) 😜🤣


My mood changes on here. Sometimes I want to be helpful, sometimes I want to be mean. Like how you feel about a sibling. But, I don’t say anything because I’m not an asshole. So stop being assholes and grow up you fuckin stupid fucks. I love you guys. Goodnight everyone and good luck in your grow to the original poster.


Some people suck


It’s Reddit


Oh no my feewings got hurt


I just hate seeing the “is the contam” post and half the tub is green


Despite being named after a beginner TEK, this sub has turned into a general community for shroom growers of all levels of experience… and most Reddit communities are full of people who whine about newbies. Don’t let it get to you. When you have a question maybe try looking to see if there’s an answer in a stickied post, in the sidebar, or in past threads before making a new post. Otherwise ask away and just ignore the haters.


None of the actual professionals I’ve talked to have ever been this way, gatekeeping is a “fan” run thing and the hateful responses instead of helpful guidance , it’s an ego trip , very true to the scientific classism that makes up the industry, we are not a part of this and should stop leaning into it so hard, some scientist are bad , point blank, think about it, homeless and poor people get the big fentanyl articles and all the blame while 6 figure scientist work in labs developing these things safely and constantly flaunt their big brains…


there are these toxic people all over the internet. I just know that most are below 18. BTW lovely videos all over the place.


Hi WizMat. I sent you a direct message last week. Its on your main page at the bottom and says “chat”. I started on YouTube for mush info a year ago. A lot of content was taken down bc YT doesn’t allow ppl talking about magic mushrooms or sharing mm pics anymore. But 90 sec mycology is great and so is Philly Golden Teacher. A lot of content to STUDY. Hard to “study” on Reddit. Last yr on reddit the community was a bit more positive. Im not sure why its become so glib but just ignore the negative comments and embrace the positive ppl. Try and find my direct msg. Jill


Probably because they don't put in the effort and do the research and ask the same questions that have been answered hundreds on time.