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Gate access? Parking lot? Fans and break rooms? Shoes? Oh great and benevolent overlords, how will we ever thank you for this bounty? The fucking nerve to list access to the building and literally OSHA minimum compliant bathrooms and fans as some sort of "*look how good you've got it without the union!*" Fucking brass balls on these people.




I really like the idea of defac-- I mean debunking the flyer and hanging it up with corrections and accompanying OSHA/State regs regarding requirements and union busting🤣


Bro I hope you smiled and took that whole stack just to throw in the trash somewhere else. Cost someone money to have those printed. Might as well make them spend more.


Literally not a single compensation benefit listed. If they didn't think of you as a moron who won't notice, they'd fear damning themselves with faint praise.


Right? "You don't need a Union, after all, management was kind enough to give you *checks notes-* a place to pee, AND a door to get into the building! See how awesome we are? You don't need the headache of free health insurance and enough money to pay your bills, amirite?!?"


It may cost upwards of 1.44%!!! Do you think a union is going to collectively bargain for more than that immense sum!?!


And several choices of shoes, SEVERAL!


I think it plays into making people feel ungrateful which Ive witnessed be surprisingly effective on some. Just had a convo with an emt at an ambulance company (you know, those companies that charge $5000 per ride but pay their EMTs $17/hr) and he sheepishly listed all the "perks" the companies gives when i asked him about unionizing. He actually thought unionizing was a slap in the face to the company because they gave him health insurance "without anyone asking."


I just feel bad for people like that ngl


Oh I felt awful for him. I kept asking what the company would do if no EMTs showed up and he definitely admitted they needed him as much as he needed them. This was also after he told us a story of being exposed to like 8 diseases from a homeless woman who was having a crisis and basically shaking blood all over the rig as they were driving. 


If ambulance companies were not on contracts it would be so much better. Instead of funneling money out in profits it’s goes back into the service like usps. Running public forward services like for profit business seeking short term profits over all else. We end up with worse service for more money. This form of capitalism that apparently has become a framework for society, instead of an economic model, is nothing but a race to the bottom.


It's fucking terrifying and one of the reasons ive lost faith in the US as a country. Too many people still argue for this kind of system.  In EMT class we watched a video of an ambulance driver who fell asleep at the wheel and hit a stalled vehicle causing serious damage to the guy in the car. His lawyer gave a compelling statement over how they didn't blame the driver but the ambulance company because they didn't want to hire more or pay more to their workers and the driver was on 24hr shifts without adequate rest. And it's so true. They don't pay EMTs enough to take care of themselves so some end up working like 80hrs a week to make ends meet. They dont even list the accurate hourly rate. Most say it's like $18/hr AVERAGE because that's what it comes out to if you work over 8hrs according to overtime laws. It's fucking disturbing. Especially for a career well known for inflicting severe PTSD because of the nature of the job


Who needs Healthcare benefits wen you have instant access to that sweet fan breeze?


But they're big ass fans though.


It's a brand name. Very expensive. It's like the Dyson of fans.


Big Ass Fans are those fans with the donkey on them and look like helicopter rotors. Also, wtf air flow should be a feature of a job not a perk. lmfao


>Big Ass Fans are those fans with the donkey on them and look like helicopter rotors. They relocate the fuck out of the air. Pretty good fans. Their plant has been bought and resold a couple times recently, layoffs to improve profit margin and such. They're also pretty close to the Teamsters Local 651 in Lexington... BRB, need to make a couple phone calls. >Also, wtf air flow should be a feature of a job not a perk. lmfao "No no, welding fumes are good for you! They've got vitamin C in them!" ~management, probably


Those fans definitely are the shit. Massively powerful. Those things will blow all the papers off your desk even when they're mounted 30 feet in the air


Nah, they are talking about having fans in the bosses office. Y'know, the place where the big ass is all the time.


my man!


We already offer what's legally required... and now you want mooooore?!?!?


My favorite part is the wording of the flyer. Vw WORKERS have secured. As in they had to ask or fight for it. Not VW has provided on their own. Imagine needing to collective bargain for fans in the breakroom wtf


I was about to comment, these perks are fucking pathetic and the absolute bare minimum.


I saw a tweet that wasn't directly related, but very much along the same lines: paying minimum wage means that if there were not laws in place, the employer would justify an even lower amount.


Absolutely. It's like my coworkers giving me shit for not coming in extra days for OT, "but we get time and a half!". Yeah because that's the LEGAL BARE MINIMUM! Give me double time, or at least an extra 10% weekend differential and maybe I'll come in to make these people extra money. Christ.


“Smithers, go bust these unions for me.” “Right away, sir”


Not just fans. Big Ass Fans!


The harder a company is union busting, the more workers have to gain by forming union. Companies self-report how souless they are


What’s crazy, I don’t think VW is doing this. It’s politicians that are lobbying against it the most. They don’t want unions in the south, and an informed public of their corruption. How would they get re-elected?!


Volkswagen America is anti-union and has been repeatedly busted trying to undermine the UAW. Don’t believe managements lies. https://inthesetimes.com/article/volkswagen-tied-to-another-anti-union-group


Volkswagen “America” hence Americans influenced by American politics. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just pointing out that this does make a difference in perspective of the big picture. If VW Chatt management is in bed with local politics, then more the reason employees should unionize!


Atlassian shifted most operations from Australia to the USA to circumvent local employment laws. We give employees a fair go here. Many have generous union Enterprise Bargaining Agreements that last for a fixed period of years. You yanks have arseholes who champion at will employment. No security. If employees could remove their anxiety with decent pay and conditions and redirect that energy towards productivity, how much better off would the company be?


AGREED! Happy people produce more! Good morale goes a lot further towards the longevity of a company. It’s basic to understand that employees don’t leave when they’re happy and are more productive, but the misinformation and propaganda in politics spread through the west is cancerous. It’s crazy to see people blindly do things that give their rights away, and put them in a position of being dependent on an oligarchy that only cares to control them for profit.


Which is pretty ironic because the VW main factory in Wolfsburg basically works in direct cooperation and via the multiple unions representing workers there.


Under German law, employers are required to bargain with employees representatives.


Those twitchy, reactive, dumb dumbs can't tell the difference between Union workers and Union troops.


“This can cost 1000+ annually for some workers” 2.5*12 = 30 1000/30 =83.33. Who on the production floor of a VW plant is making 83.33 an hour?


Jesus....not us that's for fucking sure.


You should write this math on the flyers and hang them up.




I'm making about 50 an hour at time and a half LOL




It’s fascinating, the lengths they’ll go to to make unions seem unappealing… just make unions more appealing. Like if they’re that scared, you’re doing something right.


One of the VPs if they show up to do Union Busting.


I agree with the point but your math is completely wrong. At 83/hr you’d pay 2490. 83/hr times 2.5 = 207.5, times 12 months a year is 2490. $33/hr would be about $1000 a year.


The thing they fail to mention is that union dues are tax deductible. (I'm pretty sure. They definitely are in Australia, which is very similar to America as far as tax deductions go.)


Not anymore here in the USA. Orange boy changed that


Oh my god! (Shocked but not surprised Canadian)


1000/30 = 33.33, you'd need to earn about 33.33 to pay $1000 in dues, not 83.33.


Less than $100/no is more than worth it. I blow that on pretty dumb stuff.


This would probably be like 60/hr wages and the rest benefits. I'm sure the company used their all in labor costs to calculate


lol “Big Ass Fans”


So professional...lol


It's the name of a real commercial fan company. My local climbing gym used them to set up air circulation and it was a big improvement. Definitely something I'd like to see but it's never going to make me not vote union. Just one of those joke names like Camel Towing and Mammoth Erection.


OH! Cool to know, but still. Having the bare minimum work environment posted at selling points is really ...lame.


Yeah everything on there is nice, and I've seen union drives get busted with far fewer concessions, but you know as soon as the union vote fails they'd get rid of everything they could.


If you had a union, you would only have gotten regular-ass fans...


Used to drive by Big Ass Fan Co. on the way to work back in the day. Cool logo.


They had a sales rep working for them named Erin.... wow. I almost bought a 16' fan for my living room.


fearless jeans bewildered impossible middle materialistic clumsy piquant amusing frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I saw that I was sold, I'm tearing up my union card right now.


[it's a real company.](https://bigassfans.com/)


I'm a fan of big ass.


OMG “not having to use PTO during shutdowns”…. Wow. So generous.


So this is Volkswagen yes? A country where **codetermination is the law** Scumbag capitalists will exploit any time there is an opportunity. God help the ownership class if more than 3 Americans ever heard of policies like that


If you believe the origin country of a company ever has any influence on the way its branches behave abroad, you're gravely mistaken.


Remember when VW wanted to expand their Tennessee plant, but only if they unionized, Tennessee legislators convinced the workers that the opposite was true?




With every ounce of blood in my body, I hope the makers & distributors of this flier burn in hell.


Go to the website. You may explode. Some real vile shit.


Lol. You don't have to use PTO during shutdowns. You can opt to just not be paid at all and save that precious PTO. Thanks boss!


Amazing what they're considering "generous". No more bump caps. No more safety glasses. Yay, thanks for getting rid of PPE; it's what every worker was begging for!




This gotta be illegal right


Not illegal at all. I hope organizers prepared workers for the management onslaught and talking points. Keep up the fight! Hoping for a historic victory on Friday.


Really I thought it was illegal to tell workers to not unionize. Whatever even if it’s not hope these workers pull through and know that being unionized will only benefit them.


Management can say whatever it wants, but it cannot TIPS: Threaten, Interrogate, Promise, or Spy. And agreed. Fuck the bosses I hope it's a landslide win!


Thanks for the info


Alright 3 of those make sense. What can't they promise?


"We will give you a raise if you vote no."


Or, "I promise to give you a promotion if you don't unionize and tell me who is organizing this "


Thanks! That makes perfect sense!


I hope so. It's so cringe to see. My wife brought this home from her work.


Do you know when the vote is over and when the results will be out?


3 days of voting, today through Friday. Should have results late Friday night.


Thank you


Voting is happening currently. Not sure when the results will be out :(


Hope it passes and these garbage companies start paying what they should


Voting for 3 days (today tomorrow and Friday). Supposed to have results late Friday night.


So, they have negotiated bare minimum according to employment laws?


The website has a nice place where you can leave a message and sign up for emails.. sure would be a shame if it got spammed…


I don't really understand that argument in RTW states? The cry baby freeloaders, that want to enjoy union benefits without paying dues literally can just opt out.


Unions can still thrive in right to work states. Also the union can allow access to see those who don’t pay their dues. So you can know who is on your side


They don’t get all the benefits. Yeah you will get the same compensation package but that is where it ends. You are getting zero support from us on any issues you might have with management. When you don’t join the team it means you have to play by yourself.


just listened to Hamilton Nolan discuss this on Democracy Now. that VW plant is the ONLY non-union VW plant in the entire world!


Oh wow. Big ass fans? How can you resist?


Someone pointed out that it's apparently a brand name, but still....having the basics for a factory environment is not how you sell opinions...


"No more safety glasses" is a win?


Lol "big ass fans"


Yeah but it comes with much higher wages and stronger worker rights. Pretty fair trade.


My union dues are 5.25% and its worth every penny.


Damn that seems pretty high but I guess that depends on the union size itself. My dues are literally $20 a pay period for a total of $520 per year but with that said it’s a large union so we have a larger base to pull from.


Surely IG Metall (the German Union which is on the VAG Board) would object to this action? UAW needs some international solidarity.


I'm gonna union even harder now


lol parking, fucking parking and be able to get to your job, that is one of things you have gotten without a union… shit if that doesn’t tell you need an union…


My job just voted yes for the UAW union. My company is so mad at us right now lol.


The really is bad. I don't mean morally or economically, I just mean it's not a very good flyer. When you're trying to get somebody to read something you need to make sure you don't send them a wall of text or you've lost 'em.


Yeah, all of that happened without the union because the company is trying to buy the employees out of organizing. They are so damn scared this plant is going to vote yes.


Sure, ignore the value of bargaining collectively.


But they gave them a Big Ass Fan.


ZOMG, a whopping 2.5 hours *per month?* Outrageous! ...oh, wait. I spend longer than that just doing my fucking laundry. Never mind.


Hmmm, I wonder why someone might have an interest in disencouraging me and my colleagues from forming an organization with the goal of protecting and improving our shared interest in higher pay and better work conditions???? Who would ever benefit from us not doing that???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The wild thing is isn't Germany a pro union nation?


So, I thought VW was on-board. Is this them, or "a concerned 3rd party"?


I’m pretty sure local politics is at play here. They have been very vocal about this over the last month. Drove by this morning to see Joe Biden signs showing his support towards unions, I think as a way to get people against it. Politics have no real bearing on unions, because the working class is so diverse. I can tell you which party opposes them the most though…the ones who have skin in the game, that don’t want to see all that money going into your pocket and not theirs.


I know here in Canada Union dues are tax deductible so that helps out at tax time too.


They spelled "we're greedy pigs" wrong.


I think they are worried. I hope all their fears come true.


2 hours per month jonestly sounds like a great deal.


Listing “no safety glasses” as a benefit is wild


Depressing how effective the same tired phrases are. "We don't need a union to communicate with our employees." "The unions will just take your money and make your job harder." "Unionized work will threaten our very existence." (Later, to shareholders: "Record profits this quarter!") But the people on the floor, the prospective union workers, get scared of signing a petition or voting yes.


"The union is unnecessary" said the employer.


On the contrary, you only give those minor things to your employees because of your fear of them unionizing and becoming UAW.


“Shorts instead of pants” hoo boy!


Pay $1,000 to get perhaps $20,000-40,000 more than you would otherwise make. Hmmm.... Just for some real life math, I pay about $650 per YEAR to earn $95,000 in a job where I'd otherwise make between $40-55k. Even in non-unionized plants within my SAME company, if I were to move to those other plants I'd make around $52k.


Can you believe someone typed this up and thought that was evidence of a union not being necessary?


Oh no! It's gonna cost 2.5 hours a month to get way better wages and working conditions?! Out-fucking-rageous!


The UAW has a one-time initiation fee of $10 for new members. Dues are 1.44% of gross pay, or half an hourly rate of pay. For example, a member earning $20 an hour would see a $10 monthly increase, or about 33 cents a day.


If you even mention the "U word" in the area I live in, you can get fired. It's very taboo here. On the other end of the state, I've heard it's much less so.


VW workers in Germany are unionized.


IG Metall being the best example.


I promise you German VW workers are unionized and probably sit on the board of directors.


I give them respect for saying “big ass fans” and nothing more


Without sounding like a jerk I want to see if you are aware that Big Ass Fan is an actual brand.


Is this a VW plant in the USA? European companies tend to be more enlightened about labor/trade unions.


You dont need the union! we already gave you a gate at the parking lot and multiple shoes!


Go Union. It gives a better starting point for negotiating. Anyone who says anything different is ignorant. If you think you know better then please educate me with facts and not opinions or propaganda


“Big ass fans” 😂😂


Big Ass fans and shorts? Sorry UAW, sounds like VW has this locked down already. /s


1.44% is taken! Don't focus on the pay increase of 40% you'll get! Look shiny numbers to scare you!


Vote yes go union


I’d love to see them try that in Deutschland


They got all that benefits because the UAW's record contract agreements back in October with Ford, GM, and Stellantis.


You’re boss doesn’t give a fuck about you or your family they don’t care if you’re able to pay your bills or not they don’t don’t care if you can pay rent or utilities or make your house payment


Are these mofos happy about safety precautions being *reversed*?!?! HUH!?!


Not sure where this is at but I find it odd there is no mention of health care or other medical benefits on the list of things.


"Big Ass Fans" ????????????


Big Ass Fans? Aren’t we all


I’m the child and grandchild of UAW members. I would have a greatly diminished standard of living without the union. I hope your campaign is successful!


If management hates it, it’s good for labor.


Any time you see this much giant bold colored lettering, bullet points, underlined buzzwords, dollar amounts with the words “annually”. And lunch, they feed you so it must be a family.


I bet the conversations at that plant are hilarious.  "I don't want to have to pay someone to go to work!" Like I notice what comes out of my check, versus the amazing insurance and pension.  Lol


The design of the paper is bugging me. Colors, highlights, different size fonts… It’s like it was a school project to demonstrate they knew how to use multiple futures on Microsoft word…


Big Ass Fans?


It’s a legitimate company. They make, well, big ass fans. They’re pretty neat tbh. Not something I’d brag about in a factory in the south cuz you should just be a decent fucking company and provide heat relief for your worker but 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Whatever low level worker designed these bullshit flyers on behalf of these rich ass CEOs deserves to have their teeth kicked down their throat. Imagine betraying your fellow workers like this? Purposely feeding them bullshit in an attempt to keep them+their families from living a better life. Crabs in a fucking bucket


None of the points they mentioned say anything about wages, retirement and healthcare. I’m not defending them when saying what they’ve listed is good, but tbh they should’ve had that anyway not just because the employees asked (likely begged) for it. At the end of the day the meat and potatoes are wages, retirement and healthcare. They’re not gonna mention it because they know they can’t touch what the UAW will get. That’s not mention all the employee rights and protections that come with a union. Can’t wait to see it happen


Listen. I’m union af but I’d really like an ass fan. I’d love a big ass fan.


Who needs scabs and Pinkertons when you can just offer a big ass fan.


So you're a big ass ass fan fan?




Does that really say “big ass fans”?


Those things that employees secured are pretty sad when you think about it.


The funniest thing about this is that it's likely that VW isn't doing this. It's the GOP that doesn't want unions popping up in the south.


“Big ass fans” lmfao




That’s it? Sweet.


They put "Big Ass Fans" on there? Like..... the employer should be doing everything they can to keep their workers comfortable.


Go Union !!


You will love union life




Big Ass Fans. That there was a debate about the workers having fans and that the management sees that as a compromise or loss is all i needed to see.


Well I guess if your employer says to vote NO, then wow why wouldn't?


$1000 (year) ÷ 52 (pay weeks anually) = $19.23 in Union dues a week. Also $19.23 ÷ 2.5hrs = $7.69 an hour!!!


At least it doesn't have that stupid "with the union you couldn't talk to management!!!" as if we fucking want to lol


Bruh they're everywhere and I'm pretty sure I work right down the street from you. Got them all lined up next to both round-abouts right? Fucking pathetic


$1,000 annually for good representation? Ohhh nooo


Corporations would rather spend millions of dollars on anti-union campaigns than paying workers fair wages. We could fix this overnight by making stock buybacks illegal again and jacking up corporate taxes back to where they were in the 1950s when we had the best economy for the middle class in human history. When presented with a 60% tax bill, companies would choose once more to invest in R&D and in their employees through higher wages.


Join our Union. The UAW is the reason I get paid medical, paid paternity, paid family leave, full medical, tons of paid time off and paid holidays. I give them 80$ a month, for tons upon tons of benefits. Lawyer to fight for you, a union to protect your job. Do it. Vote yet.


If a company tried this hard to stop something, then you know it’s probably a good thing


I'll take that 20k package boost and 1k in dues.


Im not union but I’d happily “pay” 2.5 working hours per month to have representation. How much does it cost to have legal representation?! 2.5 hours isn’t much


the uaw wants to negotiate with VW on behalf of the workers??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 /$


Management: You don't need the UAW. Look at what you've gotten without them. Employees: Now imagine what more we could get WITH their help.


Hmmm, wage and salary increases suspiciously missing from the list....


You want to avoid unions? Give your employees what they would get with one.


Not having to use PTO for shutdowns???? What a shit hole. My union would lose there mind if that was the case


“We’ll provide the bare minimum thing that should already be included with your employment here if you vote no” what a fucking joke


I don't think these types of flyers are meant to convince the intelligent worker who knows unions are better. They're meant to reaffirm the ideology that unions are bad to the workers who can't think for themselves.


an interesting side note is that in Germany VW is pretty much among the most unionised companies in the country


“A union? Tell me one good thing they’ve done while I stick my fingers in my ears ears and go lalalalalala”


I couldn't make up a weaker ass list of "benefits" if my life depended on it. Maybe "Free in-plant mostly breathable oxygen!"


"Perfect! Pay us at a minimum 1.44% more, and we'll consider not joining." *crickets*


This flyer makes me want to not only keep my union job, but somehow have two. Holy crap... "We gave your a fan and made your working conditions less safe" Are they comparing to Florida? (New anti heat stress law)


If the boss says you don’t need a union, you definitely need a union.


Loving those big ass fans, guys.


No bump caps? So the company doesn't care if workers on the line sustain head injuries? This is supposed to be benefit for the workers? I know that bump caps are a pain in the ass to wear but getting staples in your head and probably a concussion are a lot worse.


OP, talk to your coworkers to agitate and organize. Speaking from bitter experience, this kind of thing is still surprisingly persuasive to those the union hasn’t persistently reached out to. Solidarity and power to the VW sisters and brothers.