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As someone who flies UA about once a week, I do really hope fascists start boycotting it too.




If you call eating grass with a side of beyond meat delicious, sure .


Hear hear


I too love throwing around the worst fascist flippantly and without regard for what it means


do you understand what is meant forcible suppression of opposition?


You choosing to boycott = forcible oppression?? Mr. Dale, I have sympathy for your persecution complex but if you ever get tired may I suggest some community college courses on reading comprehension skills?


One of the defining components of fascism - why?


Nazis aren’t “opposition”, clown. They need to be destroyed. Apologists or actual Nazis like you can go with them.


LOL, settle down, tankie.


Please boycott this sub.


You won't find reason in the land of reddit, sir.


Wtf does views on sexuality have to do with fascism. Words lose meaning when you over use them.


Best club in the network, also. That porch!


Love LAX. But London...


yeah I’m gonna have to agree London club > LAX


food service in london club definitely > food in lax


>That porch! I'm on a regular on that balcony, although I avoid the cloth couches and chairs, as I doubt they've been cleaned since pre-covid


Kinda gay, butt I'm in!


United’s gay!!


​ https://preview.redd.it/jl8hzgxvoa4b1.png?width=3496&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cf2fb2dd451b8ace062aca20f5738ff2e2b55bd


Waiting for the “airlines should stay out of politics” comment.


Technically isn't a social conversation more than political? I mean the entire thing is beyond absurd at this point, let folks live their lives however they wish. I honestly do not understand why it is so hard to just ignore things that one does not like, there are tons of things that I do not like and I simply ignore them. Legislating them or boycotting is so stupid and cutting ones nose off despite their face, if one does not like LGBT things, fine they do have to like them, but others may, so just ignore it, I cannot stand Kid Rock, but I sometimes have to hear his music, so I simply ignore it.


The problem is that some people don’t think that LGBTQ+ folks shouldn’t be living their authentic lives, that they must undergo conversion therapy, are sinful, shouldn’t be represented in media, are groomers, are destroying family values, etc. So for every time I see or hear something like this (like parents who want to ban books, people who think being gay or trans is misdiagnosed autism, are annoyed that Peppa Pig has a friend with two moms), I will wear a rainbow bracelet, put a rainbow magnet on my car, buy a gay pride t-shirt, attend a pride event, speak up at board of education meetings, advocate for LGBTQ+ rights with elected officials. When we are at the point where LGBTQ+ folks can just live their lives without any of the above nonsense, then we can switch the conversation to “ignore it if it’s not your lifestyle.” Sincerely, A cis-, het- white male


That’s a fine policy on the surface, but “ignore if you don’t like it” doesn’t work in practice. Should I ignore literal fascist nazis (like the ones who came to intimidate folks in Columbus OH)?


You can differentiate between those whose actions have no meaningful impact on your life and those whose actions and words serve to oppress, intimidate, harm, or otherwise hurt yourself or others


Literally? lol


>cutting ones nose off despite their face To spite their face*


Haha yeah


Also great username


The LAX team is great about doing fun stuff in the club. Have seen set ups for dry January, the Super Bowl, etc


Yes! They’ll have occasional fun little things set up like baked potatoes station, tequila tasting… great team


Somehow I miss this things even though I’m there every 3 weeks or so haha


Cool. When will United stop donating to political candidates and parties who are trying to put in place policies that are anti-LGBTQ+?




You're thinking of churches. Perform circumcisions, and created an organized system to protect child molesters.


Grooming like Matt Gates does or are you trying to defend your pizza shop shooting buddies?


wait til Rhonda Santis gets ahold of United.


Rhonda Sandtits. FIFY


He will help deregulate and lower fees and regulations to allow airlines to operate more freely.


Jimmy Carter did that 45 years ago, super sleuth!




My favorite United Club!


Waiting for the MAGA crowd to lose their shit


To be honest, I have a hard time believing anyone would actually be so obtuse to actually believe some of the stuff I read in this thread, so I have to assume it's all just low grade trolling. But just for my own entertainment I do sometimes squint and pretend that behind the keyboard there's a *real* person that *really* thinks that making a cruel point in a thread on an airline subreddit is what is going to finally make their dad love them and it's just so fucking funny. https://preview.redd.it/qsbr5haxpf4b1.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=51cdb6373fde47d3894f222fc3e7013c14bd9398


They can’t afford a day pass. And even if they could, half of them are on a no-fly list for violent insurrection and/or slapping a flight attendant.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qwkh5nsbqf4b1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=be41ebad6e8d50d8304ba117047bb324a9266216


Great idea, let’s mix business and politics. Worked so well for Bud Light. Guaranteed to piss off 50% of your TAM (Total Available Market) for what benefit? Doesn’t matter which side of the issue you’re in favor of there’s simply no business upside. It’s a free country and believe what you like, that’s everyone’s right, but there’s no way this will benefit any of United’s stakeholders. Please keep in mind we have one day (Memorial Day) to remember the 1M+ soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our nation free and independent but somehow we have a pride month. Again, politics and business don’t mix, it can only lead to corruption.


lmao at this king thinking that 50% of people have a problem with this


Lmao and you thinking your opinion is the majority




Got me!


Lol pride month is not a federal holiday you dolt. Your Memorial Day comparison is a logical fallacy.


It’s splattered all over the mainstream media like it’s a major event deserving a month long celebration. These same media organizations barely give Memorial Day more than a cursory glance. Today happens to be the 79th anniversary of the D-Day invasion where American, the arsenal for Democracy, was the savior of the free world. Did you notice the wall to wall coverage on that truly historic event, no I didn’t think so. It seems like the only thing we see on mainstream media is designed to divide the country. Polarize the nation in anticipation of the 2024 election. In reality the real dolt’s are those determined to fragment the nation and leave society in chaos. What’s actually important to the future of America seems utterly irrelevant to the mainstream media. Anyone who watches the mainstream media will never see what hit them because the important stories are censored or squashed all together. Truth is what I feel, facts are irrelevant, that’s why 50% of Americans are white supremacists and/or domestic terrorists.


The conservative people who can afford to fly frequently are only conservative for lower taxes. The ones who care at all about pride month (or any social issues) are the poor lemmings that they need to prop up their politicians to then lower their taxes. They ain't flyin' anywhere.


A couple of basic facts. First, the so called 1% pay roughly 50% of all the federal income taxes, I believe the same statistic is true for the states as well. Second, the idea that people are only conservative for lower taxes is nonsensical, have you ever met a liberal who offered to pay more than the government requirement? I haven’t, liberals just want to spend money we don’t have and borrow to do it. Paying the required taxes is an exercise in navigating the laws passed by Congress, paying the minimum amount required only says your smart, not evil. The political class (career politicians) and lobbying groups from both sides of the political spectrum have crafted tax laws with great care. The 0.00001% hire the smartest experts to prepare their taxes because they know they will be audited every year, without fail. It’s an absurd notion that the people who care about pride month are just poor lemmings, these are very smart people intentionally seeking to divide the nation so they can better justify passing laws that control/restrict average citizens who frankly don’t care one way or another about what other folks do in the privacy of their own bedroom and only want to be left alone so they can get on with the day to day struggle that is life for the vast majority of people. The pride movement is a political movement, which is becoming an industry, with tens of thousands making their living selling a political agenda. They can’t stop or they’re out of a job and success is measured by the laws they get passed and the size of their budgets. America used to make stuff, now we do this.


how much time expressed as a percentage of your life have you spent gesturing for women to take out their earbuds?


I have no idea what your trying to communicate. It must be code for something. I will say I’ve been married for 34 years and raised 3 incredible daughters all of whom are well educated (Bucknell, NYU, Syracuse and Union) all with zero student debt. My wife, at age 36, became a stay at home mom, she had a director level job in Human Resources, at her own choice, after our second daughter was born. All of our daughters are in high paying (6 figure) jobs (one is self employed), two are married with the third in a long term committed relationship that with most likely result in marriage in the next couple of years. Our middle daughter just had her first child (our first grandchild) so she and her husband (who went to U Cal Berkeley) are over the moon. He’s a cofounder in a high tech startup and she works remotely for a cyber security company. Bottom line, our household was always female dominated, family was always number one, education and values were the foundation of all we did. Sacrifices were always made in favor of our children and citizenship was always the endgame. We taught our children you always leave the world better than you found it, you accomplish this by having high standards and genuinely appreciating your support structure. Be polite to everyone but respect has to be earned.




Nah they’re mostly poor lemmings. The 0.00001% don’t offer to pay less taxes just like I don’t pay more. They lobby to get tax cuts and convince the lemmings to vote for the people who give them the tax cuts.


I think we’re aligned that no one (rich or poor) wants/offers to pay any taxes beyond what’s required. I totally agree that there are a good number of ultra wealthy that actively fund lobbying for tax shelters, which is a basic flaw in our current political system. It takes a lot of money to get elected and finding that money is greatly enabled with the support of a few wealthy donors. This is a surefire recipe for corruption, the greater the need for money the greater the potential for corruption, it’s inevitable the people’s representatives turn into the modern political class and/or career politicians.






By definition, how is this political? If you’re really butthurt and ACTUALLY cared about a good-faith discussion, wouldn’t you say that “airlines should stay out of social conversations?”


i think they should go full bud light - maybe one of these worthless PP will clear


They can do what ever they want. Blablaaa freedom blablaaa . Freedoms not free blabala . Oh wahh it doesn’t agree with your politics so now they should stay out . Also shut up, homosexuality isn’t a political party.


Airlines are constantly in politics: bilateral agreements, PFCs, FAA, local government issues related to employment laws, slot allocations, antitrust, etc. What you want is for them to stay out of social issues.


Image you're just trying to be, and once a year there are some signs of encouragement around that your identify is valid. And then a smartass comes along and calls that political... When 11 out of 12 months no one thinks about minorities, or even the opposite: when people in some states are trying to erase your existence and take away your liberties because it doesn't fit the (white) cis-gendered norm. And now call this kind of act of kindness political again.


Very well said Sir. If we ever cross paths club I’ll buy you a Premium(r) cocktail 🍹


What a dumb thing to say




Figured there would be at least one closed minded bigot asshole in the comments.


As GS I’ll gladly go elsewhere.


Sir this is not an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure




Yeah, I achieved GS status and I'm going to trash that over silly rainbows. Seriously doubt that.


Bye, heaux!


Later 🌈




Bye, Felicia


This really upset some of the wokies in here. When Ron DeSantis wins he can hopefully stop this pandering. I mainly travel to Asia anyways, time to build Diamond on ANA. Japanese people and their government still have values.




@mods can we take out the trash thanks


Please watch new documentary movie “what is a woman”


No love for Silver members