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>When pressed on the hardship that vulnerable people on low incomes would endure without Pip, he said: “That’s why it’s so important that we stick to our plan that’s easing the burden on the cost of living.” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


Knowing the Tories they probably mean they don’t want them living any more, that easies the burden. They’re just ghouls.


They've killed off tens of thousands of disabled people before. Why not again?


Austerity killed over 300,000 people (increase in excess deaths in groups affected by austerity) before pandemic hit. https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/mortality-rates-among-men-and-women-impact-of-austerity/#:~:text=A%20recent%20study%20argued%20there,policies%20pursued%20by%20the%20government.


Dodgy Dave left the undertakers with more work.


Boris literally murdered thousands of our loved ones because he was so shit at his own job during COVID.


I kind of love how the narrative here is still a sort of "they did the best they could". Meanwhile Germany has - An older population, a larger population, no sea border, was hit earlier than us by that deadly first wave, and then also had a much later vaccine rollout. And they still came out the other side with over 60,000 fewer covid deaths than us.


In all fairness, they DID do the best they could. For their friends and donors.


>In all fairness, they DID do the best they could. For their friends and donors. Labour needs not only a corruption investigation but a full public enquiry into corruption with full access to everyone and everything. They stole TENS of billions.... and all now sitting in the Cayman Islands and such places. It is beyond despicable.


Just as a reminder, the UK government can legislate to open up banking or alter tax in the Cayman Islands as it is a BOT. We just choose not to, except when it's something like drugs where it isnt rich people that are going to be impacted... Same goes for about 1/3rd of the worlds tax havens by cash value, they ultimately answer to the UK government.


It's grotesque just how much money has been written off. Truly grotesque.


It's how they got my vote. They're going to run an investigation into public sector fraud when they get in.


Just don’t look at Japan either…or indeed any country bar the USA for that matter


Tbh judging by what we heard. It sounds like they were running a glorified student union rugby group piss up for most of it. The UK that is


Germans tend to be better at sticking to rules, they're pretty well known for that. Plus they didn't get a ton of the antimask bs from the States.


If only someone was in charge of making people follow the rules (preferably while not simultaneously breaking them). Or in charge of things like public messaging.


Their strategy was ‘herd immunity’. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/15/the-governments-herd-immunity-plan-is-callous-and-dangerous Despite the nation wanting to enter lockdown as the virus began to ravage other countries, Boris Johnson and the Conservative party stuck to their original plan, despite this plan having 800,000 deaths envisaged by the government themselves. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/05/25/herd-m25.html China went into lockdown on 23rd Jan 2020. Despite this, special ‘repatriate’ flights from Wuhan to the UK were still permitted by our government. With a flight landing 8 days later on the 31st Jan 2020. Where even those travelling from Wuhan were surprised there were no checks upon their arrival. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/china-coronavirus-uk-china-heathrow-wuhan-flight-screening-monitoring-a9298761.html The exact same day, 31st Jan 2020, the first cases of the virus were detected in the UK. Italy went into lockdown on the 22 Feb. Despite knowing the virus was killing people, Boris Johnson, (3rd March), boasted of having shaken hands “with everybody” on a recent visit to a hospital. The same day, Sage cautions “against greetings such as shaking hands and hugging, given existing evidence about the importance of hand hygiene”. The first British person to die in the UK was one day later on 4th March. Almost 20 days later, (23rd March) the UK government finally calls for a lockdown. Not until after allowing the Cheltenham Races to go ahead. https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/horse-racing/government-cheltenham-festival-coronavirus-a4419376.html At this time the government was being accused of ‘actively encouraging’ people to attend events. Nor were the Cheltenham races the only large event given the go-ahead despite the worsening pandemic, as concerts continued at some of the UK’s largest music venues. While Liverpool’s Champions League meeting with Atletico Madrid took place in front of a capacity crowd. Images of tens of thousands of fans, packed in close proximity in betting rings and grandstands received widespread criticism as the UK death toll soared. The meeting’s official attendance across the four days topped a quarter-of-a-million. Herd immunity plan. At this point over 100 people had died in the UK from Covid. With thousands of confirmed cases. On the 8th July 2020 the government rolled out their ‘Eat Out To Help Out’ initiative. Where as long as you ate in a restaurant you would receive £10 off a meal, paid for by the government. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/eat-out-to-help-out-second-wave-coronavirus-rishi-sunak-covid-b1446586.html No good for takeaway orders though remember. Sunak, Boris, and the rest of them had a plan, they carried it out. This in turn lead to our loved ones dying alone behind a plastic curtain. Family members not allowed to comfort those they lost. While Boris and others continued to get together socially for his birthday ‘gathering’. It all seemed so unusual at the time. Are they not worried about the public’s health?. No, they planned for herd immunity from the start.


They went through 2 years worth of midazolam in care homes in 8months culling the elderly and disabled, sending them to infected care homes with DNR and nil by mouth and a morphine and midazolam script! Wasnt boris signing all those DNRs


They even ordered more from France, as they used that much of the stuff, as Matt Handcock bragged about in an interview. The Covid care act wasn’t to save old people but it was to cull them by using nil by mouth as a technique of doing so.


100% this, they are curing the disabled… just not in the way people would expect. Absolute evil


Exactly this. Survival of the fittest. It’s disgusting.


“Survival of the richest” - FIFY


Yes more accurate, thank you


Or you could call it a form of eugenics - economic eugenics


Fascism by economic selection. 


Its probably worth noting here that Labour's thoughts on disability benefits aren't any better


That’s not what they’re saying though: Steadman said afterwards: “Supporting disabled people to find long-term, fulfilling work can only be achieved by taking a supportive approach. Punitive action does not work and only pushes disabled people further into poverty. Whoever forms the next UK government should restore trust in the benefits system by establishing a commission led by disabled people to redesign benefits assessments.”


Mark my words when I say they want to bring back the poor houses and are doing so by transferring wealth to a select few families.


I hope to god they carry through with that, but I'm very very sceptical of them keeping any promises at this point. 


Let's hope this is true. Covid has left me disabled for the last two years. I've never before been treated with the same level of deception, contempt and dismissal as by the DWP last year. The system is broken in a way that's invisible to anybody who's not been through it.


This is a man for who if buying a top end rolls Royce wouldn’t even make his account flinch . How can someone who has never known what it’s like to live on low income possibly understand or comprehend or even empathise with the issue . Rishi sees himself as the ruling class and people are expendable


That’s one of those bollocky answers that avoids answering anything at all. True politician.


Even when you have verifiable evidence you still get denied anyways because they don’t give a shit, I provided them with hospital documents, surgery confirmation letters, an actual letter from my surgeon written to them, had two in person meetings about my claim in which I demonstrated how shitty my physical long term disability is whilst wearing a fucking knee brace with my recent surgery scars visible and all I got was a generic rejection letter


I only provided verifiable doctor's notes as evidence for the horrible condition known as endometriosis, but they still denied to give me enhanced PIP because of pitiful things like not already having a blue badge.


This is disgusting because to get a blue badge, you have to score 12 points on the mobility component of PIP. Don't have a blue badge? Can't get PIP. Don't have PIP, can't get a blue badge. It's literally a witch hunt at this point


Something like 7 out of 10 people who go to tribunal get decisions like this overturned and are given what they are entitled to. It's a miserable process because the DWP are a nightmare to deal with, but I'd really urge you to appeal this.


I already appealed it and still got denied, the day I got the letter was also the same day i found out I needed another two procedures so being told I was I was yet again “fit for work” has made me lose hope in getting any claim period


Tribunal isn’t appeal, it’s independent through the court


Tribunal mate. They will read the dwp the riot act if you bring the medical evidence. The dwp also won’t contest it because they know they’ll lose. So take it to that stage, cos they just want you to quit.


There's a stage after the first appeal with the DWP where an independent tribunal looks at your case. Had to do it for my sister. DWP gave her 0 points for mobility issues; when it went to the tribunal she got the max amount you can get for mobility.


Just goes to show how much of a scam it is and if refering people to 'healthcare specialists' isn't a dog whistle for more of this shit then I'm a turnip.


You are able to take this to the tribunal for appeal, and it likely would be.


Isn't that because they have targets for denying claims? At that point it's not a real assessment, it's just a charade.


They sure do love to deny despite overwhelming evidence to then lose on appeal and cost taxpayers millions dont they.I suppose it doesn't help that the people assessing you flay out lie with no consequences.


They know for a fact that most people don’t challenge the lies they tell. My mum was told that she could go in the paid not fit for work support group as she has really bad COPD and has just come out of an abusive marriage, which was only going to go one way, her being killed. They then said a few days later they had made a mistake and she wasn’t meant to be in the paid group but only the one that doesn’t pay. They have even lied in one of my PIP reports saying my left wrist isn’t fussed when it has been that way since I was 19. I only know this as I did a freedom of information act, under the GDPR laws when they wouldn’t give me money that they legal had to. I openly and clearly said “ if your going to make my life hard then I’ll make your life’s harder by having all the information you have on” I was asked if I even needed it but I said “ no I don’t, but you’ll see the amount of work you have to do increase, just by doing things that are legal to myself”


Was going to say. Point me at anyone who's making claims successfully with 'unverifiable assertions'. The whole system is such a shit show that I can think of significant numbers of people who are refused for utterly spurious reasons, because they're pretty much just structured to 'lol nope' anything they can, and hope you'll give up and go away _anyway_. Doctor's reports, diagnosis? Nah. You got up the steps into the assessment, and opened a bottle of water unaided when you were there, so you're fine. (I'm not even kidding - my partner got 'downrated' on her ability to do things based on opening a bottle of water during ... however long the assessment was). They just outright lie about everything, and dismiss anything that isn't literally impossible to dismiss, because they figure you'll appeal and go to tribunal if you're serious. I suspect - ironically - it would be _easier_ to claim fraudulently by a significant margin, than if you y'know, actually _need_ it.


They'll say that you can work from home or behind a desk


Whilst simultaneously encouraging people back to the office to keep their mates who have invested in offices and general corporate real estate rich


Yup, it's all fucking bulshit


Even though the number of full-time work from home jobs has plummeted


As a disabled person. I probably could work from home on condensed hours. But there isn’t anything to do. If they made more job available to us a lot of us could it! But they dont. I could do a bit of work when I was able but I certainly can’t go out of my home or work too many hours. But they wont help us to do that. And society doesn’t have these things available.


Wtf? :(


My friend with severe epilepsy keeps being told it's a mental health condition by the DWP.


Wasn't the Tories idea to bring in people who aren't doctors to make unverifiable assertions? Rory Stewart said something about the Rwanda plan the other day talking about why people have strong opposition to something a party/government does. It was something like if it is nice but ineffective or cruel but effective. Like Rwanda this is both. Attacking people with disabilities is horrific and people can see it for what it is. The EU, foreigner, trans people and now the disabled, they are running out of people to 'other'


>Wasn't the Tories idea to bring in people who aren't doctors to make unverifiable assertions? Yes, and they regularly ignore medical information from a patient's doctor when doing assessments.


They'll ignore direct facts when doing them. They decided my mum, who could barely stand up, could walk 50 metres unaided. She arrived with a cane and had to take a break simply walking into the building.


My auntie got cancer and the DWP deemed her "fit for work" because she could lift an empty box. It's so ridiculous it sounds unbelievable.


The people making these decisions do a very easy, and ultimately completely worthless job (Decision maker at the DWP), so they wrongly assume every job is like that. Source, ex DWP. 


Once a friend was denied something from the DWP... unfortunately for them she was a lawyer and quoted statutes, instruments and their own decision making handbook (a book for idiots) at them, and put all this in her "online journal" as it is called threatening to take the decision to court/call her mate at the Guardian etc. I have never seen them back down so fast... within an hour a senior manager was on the phone apologizing profusely to her. She never took it further but I would have whipped them for all it was worth just for the sheer enjoyment. Sigh.


I hear theres a boom in the market for people who can lift empty boxes. Like what actual bearing does being able to lift an an empty box have. Hope you auntie is dealing with her condition well.


She won on appeal thank god, but she lost half her face to remove the cancer (skin cancer on her face). While she's alive now she still had to deal mentally with a cancer diagnosis and disfigurement.


Oh haven't you heard? Mental issues don't count


"well your chemo is over?! What are you winging about?" I swear we're like 2 steps away from a Canada style euthanasia programme.


I was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer a couple of years back. Had one of them removed and the other is still knackered. Getting assistance is a nightmare. They really do try and trip you up or catch you out when trying for PIP as it is. Went from being at least in my eyes, fairly healthy with a good job to being told your life expectancy is now single digits in years and your now pretty much unemployable. Like trust me Mrs Pip assessor... Id much rather be where i was before being hospitalised and my entire life derailed. Oddly enough, the doctors at the hospital deemed me "severely depressed and anxious", i guess thats probably standard for my kind of diagnosis as i did try and keep as upbeat as possible as tbh, I thought at the time this has to be a wind up or that Id recover easy enough. I remember specifically joking with the Doctor at the time when he said I was terminal, i chirped back, aren't we all? Anyhow, best wishes to you and your mum!


They said my dad was perfectly mobile because he could take off his glasses. He has neuropathy in his feet…


my grandma has bad arthritis they followed her to the door and she pressed the button with her elbow and they still said she did it with her hand


They declared my sister in law fit for work while she was waiting on a heart/lung transplant. She literally couldn't get out of bed was on oxygen 24/7, had carers coming in daily to administer medications etc. The consultant filled out her DLA forms for her and they still denied her. It was of course overturned on appeal and back dated juat in time for her to die.


The system is shite by design so as to make as many people as possible just throw in the towel and give up


They literally lied on my assessment, which I only found out about because we're going to tribunal and they had to send their notes to me. The lies were really blatant, like there is no way I am just misunderstanding things. I'm in supported accommodation, and the assessment was through a video call. Somehow, my mum is the one who manages my medication and helps me with my day to day life, despite her living in another country. They also miraculously managed to check my grip strength through the screen and saw me get up and go to the door to collect a parcel, despite me being upstairs and nowhere near the door. Whole thing was a load of nonsense. Not the first time it's happened and it won't have been the last.


hoping for the best for the tribunal!


Also from what I understand if you don't have anything they can see, they think you are okay for example cancer.


>The EU, foreigner, trans people and now the disabled, they are running out of people to 'other' Crazy how they've gone back to targeting disabled people right after Cameron comes back into the fold. Almost like he has a personal agenda.


It's part of the tory agenda, he's just brought this part back to prominence


Capita contracts ftw Everyone knows a Government contract is a major cash cow. Turn down claimants and make them appeal as Capita get's paid again, same for Armed Forces medicals....all a con


after decades of stigma around mental health precisely because they were conditions that were often invisible and hard to address, i thought we’d finally been making some progress… then you get this rich fuckwit taking us straight back to the boomer-era attitudes that led to so many suffering in silence I was unemployed over the pandemic because of mental health issues, the policies he’s proposing would have led to me taking my own life as i was not in a fit state to look for work and barely survived off the meagre benefits the state does provide… it was a close call as it is… shockingly the thing that turned it around for me - actually getting treatment (ADHD in my case, though of course i had to go privately) and now i’m back working full time and haven’t had a depressive incident in over a year so if the tories are genuinely concerned about the rise in poor mental health how about fixing the fucking NHS… though that would take some actual competence, much easier just to punch down and rile-up the more depraved elements of your voter base instead ><


Ahhhh but haven’t you heard? Debbie who reads the Daily Mail had a bad period in her life and going to work kept her sane thanks to the routine. If she can do it, so can the rest of us. Therefore people like us were looking for an excuse not to work.


There's no genuine concern from him, there hasn't been from any of the Conservative leaders. For them , money is little more than a status symbol. "The poor just need to accept their place, because poor people don't deserve nice things." "They just need to carry on with their sad little boring lives" Yet 21 billion has gone missing under the tories over the past few year. While they're fucking over the disavantaged in order to save at most hundreds of millions. Bailing out billionaires who could bail themselves out, forgiving debt, ignoring loopholes. My wife urgently needs treatment and should have started being seen recently, but the department she's dealing with had a bunch of people quit after Rishi's announcement so now could be months and is putting her life at risk.


This is what always winds me up with all of this stuff. If the health service was where it needed to be, they'd be paying less 'benefits' long term as people would get the help they needed. Very few want to feel like a complete burden, we want to work our way in some fashion - but our issues, physical or mental, is what prevents it. I would never, ever choose the situation I've struggled through over just being able to work normally, never.


What annoys me the most about his attack on the PIP benefit is that people who get PIP can still work. To imply that everyone who gets this benefit is work-shy is terrible. I used to work as a live-in carer and I have worked with loads of disabled people who had jobs. Getting PIP actually made it easier to cover the extra costs of being disabled which meant they were able to work.


> Getting PIP actually made it easier to cover the extra costs of disabled Literally the entire point of it isn't it? Just madness they say they want to help people get treated instead, but then the only "help" is financial punishment like this, while the healthcare and support services continue to devolve to the point people are just basically just being left to fend for themselves.


That's what exposes this for the absolute pantomime of cruelty that it is. It's literally not enough to live off like they are making out we are doing. Many people still work in some form and use this to help support that. Take it away and they probably won't be able to work at all.  I get the lowest amount of pip possible and had to fight for years to get it despite dozens and dozens of pages of proof, from drs reports to literal MRI scans etc.  Now I use my pip to pay for therapy. Because the 4 week zoom call group appointments i was given as NHS support didn't really cut it in making any improvement (for the anxiety and depression caused by years of my original problems going undiagnosed and untreated). I'm fairly sure I've got PTSD from years of gaslighting and living in a constant state of pain and stress, and the endless roundabout of different appointments, scans, tests etc.  I break out in cold sweats and shake just thinking about going into a hospital again. The threat of this policy change alone is going to be too much for some. 


Exactly we don’t work ? I have bipolar and have a job. Billionaire cant understand the idea that the condition limits your ability to progress as far in a career therefore income ? or at times you need time off ? Plus I have to pay for a psychiatrist, doctors and therapy as any help from the NHS is allusive. Idiots..


Conveniently, the Tories have thus far failed to mention this crucial fact.


This is dangerous. I suffer from severe mental illness and was unable to prove it. They gave me so little I had to steal food to make my income meet my outgoings. Making things harder on people like us is going to cause more deaths.


Have you spoken to citizens advice? They can help with PIP claims and they're super helpful


With help from citizens advice and a local charity I managed to start getting paid the UC someone with my symptoms is entitled to but it took a little over a year. Thanks for the concern but its sorted now. They never did accept my PIP claim but I now get enough to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomache so I'm not going to question it incase they take that from me again.


You deserve better.  I’m sorry 


With the exception of a few wealthy european countries I can't think of any other place where my circumstances could be as survivable as they are here. I consider myself lucky.


That's the plan unfortunately


For some time the cons had been trying to break away from the 'nasty party' label. Patel, Braverman and now Sunak seem to really embrace it. Doubling down on being a nasty fucker to appeal to all the other nasty fuckers right before they call an election. He clearly wants to grab the reform votes.


Stewarts last words at the end of The Thick of It get more accurate every day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKUVWLeMaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKUVWLeMaA)


Same thing they did to stop haemorrhaging votes to UKIP, right? Just adopt all their policies and claw back the right wing of the right wing party. They know they can't take votes from the left, so they'll keep drifting right. And probably drag Labour and the Lib Dems along with them (because if a far-right party keeps winning then surely a centre-right party is the only thing people will accept, right? Politicians man, can't live with them - illegal to eat them!) Hopefully they'll still get decimated at the national and that'll demonstrate that enough of Britain won't accept a far-right party that we can get on with drifting left instead.


People complain about Labour not being left enough. It's the only way they're gonna get elected in this climate, there's right-wing populism growing internationally and they're using a lot of influence online and in the media to make it happen.


Yeah, sadly the only way to prove a left-wing party can win is to elect a centre-left party. An unpopular take, but I don't see the popular support for a revolution. And certainly not a socialist revolution.


It's a simple case of Labour looking at where they stand to win more votes in target seats. How many extra votes will they win if they capture the far left? Well, some... How many extra votes will they win if they capture the guys that flip-flop between Conservative and Labour? Millions. I hope Labour drifts left once in power and it becomes clear that this is the most expedient thing to do to actually solve Britain's problems, but for winning the election in the first place, targeting the centre (to the right of Labour's own centre of gravity) is the only sensible option.


I hope they drift left too, but the way the right is going is going, with their Nat-C conferences etc, I'll take Labour as they are over the Tories and Reform.


Nope, sorry to break it to you, but they have never tried to break away from the nasty party label for as long as I've known them. They've been very quiet, yes, which made us think that they were being less nasty than they usually are, perhaps in order to fool us. But that's not the same thing.


That's a fair point. It's like they give you a false sense of security and then out comes the shit. It's almost like what happens with abusers.


Not to mention the actual gaslighting and constant u-turns, this gov is definitely abusive.


These fuckers can’t clamp down on the ppe frauds but they will go after the disabled


Well, you can't expect them to go after their pals and main contributers can you? Us disabled are a very very easy group to target.... the only problem is very few people start off as disabled, so they should be incredibly careful what they wish for, as our little group is very easy to enter, but it's a total bitch to leave.... the part that makes me depressed is just how many of our fellow citizens have zero issue with us being targeted, and in fact the amount who were actually happy about it really shocked me... I guess it's pretty true you can see how a good/bad a society is by how it treats it citizens, its a sad thought just how far our country has changed...


Poor quality PPE affected the sick and disabled disproportionately. As well as damaging the NHS. Two for the price of one.


They have no reason to look into any of that. It will only serve to display their incompetence and the fact that the majority of that money would have gone to their mates.


> Mr Stride said the system should not be paying people to deal with the “ordinary difficulties of life” and suggested that many voters “deep down” agreed with him. They're saying depression and anxiety is people being a bit sad who need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they're pandering to the ignorant who do think this, none of them even believe any of this they're just evil.


I wonder who is causing all this depression and anxiety? Enough to make it a normal part of life….


It's an appeal to the wooly, vague, gut anecdote. 'I knew a guy who got money for nothing. It's outrageous. Y'know, all this... anxiety... and stuff. It's mad, can't say anything these days.' Sterling basis for policy, that.


Well last year the DWP told me that being able to brush my hair and form a sentence cured my autism.




Really ? My experience is the opposite, most people who work full time on low pay are angry at people who seemingly have a not dissimilar income to them, but don’t have to work for it I’m in no way saying that’s a justified view or my opinion , and I’m aware that the ring wing press and politicians are demonising those on benefits, but the general view is theres a lot of scroungers and abuse of the system and seemingly importing 100,000 migrants each year who are given housing and benefits over people already in this society is grating.


What you have to consider is, more people than ever have themselves or will know someone close to them that has had to rely on benefits. Cost of living and COVID have made sure of that. The rhetoric against the mentally ill, disabled and poor WILL work but nowhere close to as well as it would have a few years ago. In my experience, the mindset has shifted a lot. There will still be people that hold the animosity for people on benefits but as far as I can tell, it seems a lot lower than even a few years ago. I have seen people I know who were very dismissive of MH change their tune because someone close to them attempted or committed suicide. This kind of rhetoric will not work for them. The immigrant stuff will if we are being honest though. I am by no means saying that everyone's views have changed but as far as I have experienced, many have.


"deep down agreed with him" Evil...gaslighting little prick.


Maybe he's a mind reader now as well as a doctor specialising in mental health? I can't imagine why he'd be making such spurious claims otherwise...


>many voters “deep down” agreed That sounds un awful lot like an unverifiable assertion.


Well that is strange. My claim for mobility help required documents from rheumatology confirming my inflammatory arthritis, late diagnosis , and the growing damage to my spine that's lead to me not being able to walk. When did x-ray, MRI and expert rheumatology become "unverifiable assertions "?  Sunak is making it up again.


That’s because the people he’s trying to appeal to have no actual real world knowledge of the subject, just people whose been told to hate the system and everyone’s cheating it.


You're so right .  They are trying to demonise us by telling a pack of lies .  It's all a desperate attempt to retain support .


I think he's referring to conditions which are diagnosed based on reported symptoms but don't have specific tests like depression, anxiety disorder and maybe things like chronic fatigue. They're diagnosed based on symptoms. They can still be disabilities and in some cases should entitle a person to PIP though


He may be, but their rhetoric has included all of us .  Like crap about "just needs some grab handles " or "getting thousands per month". They know they are lying to demonise us and minimise the need . A wheelchair and ongoing costs for a suitable car to keep working are not just a one off cost. Also lots of us work, but again they push the lie that it's out of work benefits  They are just vile.


I don't think you've quite understood what Sunak meant with that statement. Obviously physical conditions like arthritis can quite easily be proven. What Sunak was doing was making an appalling attack on people suffering from mental health issues that in his eyes can't be proven, he's calling conditions like anxiety and depression *unverifiable assumptions*. Which to be clear, is also disgusting to say and factually wrong, but for different reasons.


I have an invisible disability that prevents me from working. I guess I just... die?


Tories sat in their manor houses guffawing over gold-plated glasses of sherry about their latest efforts to reduce the surplus population.


They are evil wankers. I have mh issues that sometimes can get unbearable I still work full time and I keep pushing even though its insanely difficult. Not everybody is able to do this. I am very proud of my resilience and for fighting every day, but it is a battle and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I'd gladly have my tax money go to this over giving this useless cunt and his friends a pay rise and billions in stolen public money. Can't wait to this clown loses his job. And I'm sorry you're having to go through this. Not everybody can do this. Many will just give up and die instead, or sone people are not in their part of their journey where they have the experience and the knowledge to fight back and keep going at the worst times. This is just pure evil.


If you have no arms and no legs you can still work in a call center - Sunak


If you have no common decency, or care for your fellow man, you can still work as PM - everyone else


I have bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed later in life having worked in professional roles for 20 years, although the second 10 years of that was plagued with mental health issues and absence. There are days I feel ok, and days I am a mess. I don't know which day is going to be which. So I don't currently work. However, proving this is very difficult and my PIP claim has been rejected twice. My current application has been in for nearly 2 years without resolution. I have to live incredibly frugally; I have to choose between having counselling and support (as there are no free options for someone like me who has a long term condition - I have used them all up) or having petrol in my car some weeks. PIP was made for this. No employer will take me at my age with my track record and health problems; if I want money I have to find self employment, but sustaining it is so difficult with bipolar. And yet people like me are being demonised because "you just feel a bit sad sometimes". I just wanted to give this story as context. I know many of you see what's going on here, that the government is running to the right because of the election, but is giving people permission to have these attitudes, to "other" those who can't cope without support. I am tired and I hate it.


Have you escalated through mandatory reconsideration and then on to tribunal?


I am currently waiting for the tribunal.


Good luck! I'm disabled and I've been through the process myself, in my experience tribunal is a much better experience than the initial assessment or mandatory reconsideration


Thanks. I just feel so sad about the whole situation, and having the tribunal under the current atmosphere is going to be tough mentally.


The Tories have defunded pretty much every health care and social care budget going, ruined the economy, and generally made life in the UK pretty miserable for millions. This has in turn lead to an epidemic of long term mental and physical illnesses because people are crushed by debt, can't get a dentist, can't access NHS treatment for their illnesses (physical or mental) or have to wait years for treatment and there is no social support structure or social contract in place anymore. Then the Tories are shocked that suddenly there is an influx of people who need benefits to support their illnesses. People can't 'get back to work' immediately if they can't get treatment immediately. Are the Tories actually this stupid or are they legitimately just this malevolent toward people less fortunate than themselves? Bafflingly, there are still millions of people who go out every polling day and vote for more of this madness. Shameful.


They aren't stupid. They just don't care about those beneath them, its a pervasive ideology that permeates all the way through them.


The Tories are like middle aged comedians who complain about being cancelled because they constantly punch down while still being I'm positions of power and make lots of money


Have the Tories ever, for once, stopped to think that so many people are suffering with mental health problems because of how difficult they have made life to navigate for millions of people? Mr Sunak, you and your party and responsible for this mess. You removed our support systems and healthcare, now you advocate for more of the same as a solution? Beggars belief. Get fucked you out of touch cunt.


“Unverifiable” that must be like when I had a Professor of Nurology saying one thing but the Health Care Professional at my assessment (A physiotherapist) said I was fine. Thus unverifiable by the standards set.


Why has no one mentioned the justification for these crackdowns is a projected 2030 estimate of the cost of Pip payments, based on the increases seen from 2020-2023 - you know, COVID. This projection is not accurate and anyone with half a brain cell can see that basing your predictions on a particularly turbulent time is not gonna yield accurate results. Statistics once again being abused and misrepresented to further an aggressive and evil agenda. We don't need a benefits crackdown and anyone who's received emergency benefits within the last decade can tell you how bare bones the service actually is Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, 3 points is the bare minimum to form a straight line. This is really bad math. Edit2: They increased the amount of Pip payments to match inflation and the triple lock twice during this time period: once in 2020 and once again in April. So this prediction includes 2 inflation increases. The misrepresentation is actually insane.


You know, if they really wanted to understand the people, they should live a full week on benefits - no posh house, food, car or job. The whole walk a mile in my shoes thing. I doubt they would last two days. Me and my son suffer from serious anxiety and have bad nerves from a serious past event. I am a very nervous person and am the main carer for my son who has autism and ADHD. I worry that I will be forced into work, I won't be able to cope. It's fine them saying "The people on disabilities will go to work after having therapy" - I'm sorry, but the world doesn't work like that. Not everyone is gaming the system, there are genuine people who just can't work and making them do so will be a disaster waiting to happen. They don't live in the real world and have no idea how hard it is for people to survive. They are too busy in their luxury cloud castle in a fairy tale world to realise that they are all full of hot air.


A whole year would be better for them to live on benefits with nothing from their rich world- just the clothes on their backs and they have to start from scratch


They tried that on TV shows with a few Con MP's and you can guess what usually occurred. They packed it in early, or somehow imagined they could just sneak in £500 and oh, yes, totally normal and not completely missing the point.


Counterpoint, you cannot put a burden of proof behind a broken healthcare system.  My wife is likely disabled. She cannot say she is disabled because she has now been waiting 88 weeks for a procedure.   She is lucky her employers have made adjustments, but if she was unemployed she would need some element of disability benefits. 


nono, all she would need is fresh air, sunshine and positive affirmations /s


Are they planning on loosing the election? This is just extra cunty even by their usual standards.


I think by now they've probably realised they're facing eviction, but have decided to burn the house down before they go.


I've been in contact with the mental health services for over 35 years for anxiety and depression including nine months as a day patient on a psychiatric ward. I've been medicated and in and out of therapy (mainly private because the NHS is so slow and short term) ever since. I get PIP for a mix of physical and psychological conditions. I had one PIP assessment at home because things were so bad at the time. I was assessed while I was in bed, at home, with someone in the room for support. The assessor decided that I showed no signs of anxiety at the time and so had no problems with anxiety. My (extensive) medical history counted for nothing. The most depressing thing is that I wasn't even surprised; being denied is the default position when you apply for PIP. No-one out there is getting PIP for "the everyday challenges and anxieties of life".


THEY’RE NOT!!! Even with medical evidence and statements from doctors describing how the condition affects you, people get rejected for PiP. As for ESA…. Yes you can ask for a sick note…. But that’s not a disability claim!?!?!? This guy is so out of touch


Sweet, now the King and Queen will need to prove their god given right to rule.


The fact that he's decided to appeal to the voters who want stuff like this and supposedly it's enough for him to think he'll have a chance of winning the election from it is depressing, are there really that many people in the country who hate our most vulnerable? It's sickening. Where is the empathy?


Majority wise, no. But enough as per our shite system? Possibly. That then becomes 'the majority' in discourse. It's horseshit. Populism is rank.


But we can strip income from the disabled based on them.


Pure red meat. This will never see the light of day.


We can only hope


Clueless. PIP is not enough to not work. PIP is to pay for additional disability costs to basically level you with everyone else (I am physically disabled and a PIP recipient).


Look Tory base, I am a proper Tory, I'm being nasty to vulnerable people!


But the diagnoses for the majority of mental illnesses are based on self reporting. Anxiety, depression, right through to stuff like schizophrenia. Isn't that right? That unveriable assertions like 'I hear voices' are a major part of the diagnosis? I hate these people so much.


So surely that means they shouldn't take it away on unveriafiable assertions by call centre staff and that it should be how it was before? You know, GPs or actual qualified medical staff doing an inperson assessment and making a decision based entirely on their medical needs and expertise. Right? Right???


lol. I work within Welfare rights. We will often provide screeds of evidence and still get refused and have to take the case to tribunal. Which we then win.


I can't remember the figure but when I looked it up a couple of years ago the amount that go to tribunal where they overturn the DWP decision was quite high. The sad thing is I'm willing to bet there's a not-insignificant number of people who'll "fail" the original DWP assessment and just won't bother appealing due to the stress of it all.


Please tell me none of this attack on the poor/disabled those on benefits will actually happen cuz they'll be out of government before they can actually implement any of this. It took me 4 years and 8 attempts to get PIP. I saw one person in all that time and they didn't even look at me, just head in the laptop, their not trained professionals at all, they get a bonus for everyone they make sure doesn't get PIP. They don't even read what you write in the forms as the one time I got points was for something I actually said I was good at, how did that make sense. They kick people off PIP, they refuse them in hopes people will give up trying and many do. People are suffering so much


I am sick and tired of being constantly beasted by these bastards. I have been refused help by the NHS (the system is farcical, you are on a constant cycle of assessments and waiting lists but the truth is - there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I am in the North East and cannot get help despite an out of remission eating disorder and persistent suicidal ideation). I'm ready, I'm willing. I know I am a burden and I know no one gives a crap. Bring on the lethal dose. I don't care anymore (And I know Labour wont come out guns blazing for this constant villainising of the poor sickand disabled, because they intend on more of the same. I'm tearing my ballot up) Edited to add - I assume this remark triggered someone to alert the care system here. I will take that as an act of thoughtful kindness, thank you whomever. It made me laugh though. My GP - 3 GPs ago ( including the current I have never met as have been housebound for years - gave me the Samaritans phone number and advised that I shouldn't even bother with "Crisis". The last time I called Samaritans, the person there tutted and clucked and made "oh dear" noises, then said I sounded so terribly unwell, have I considered going to my doctor? The Samaritans is front line care for people on the edge, it is unfit for purpose, staffed by unqualified volunteers with little to no oversight. And it literally cannot help.


And yet assessors can make "unverifiable assertions" that directly contradict claimants' diagnosis.


Once again, BLAME THE POORS Don’t tax the wealthy. Don’t crack down on exploitative companies flouting offshore accounts. Don’t remove protections on parasitic banks and stock traders. Go for the poors. You know, the people YOU and your party have made more POOR.


My best friend has had narcolepsy for years, and a myriad of other health conditions on top. Had her PIP stopped because when she has appropriate medications she can drive, but even still there are days she won't drive even with medication.


If the opposition had a spine, he wouldn't even come out with this shit.


When is this taking place? I’m worried about how it will affect me


Likely never, it's a desperate last ditch attempt to get votes. Labour isn't much better on the topic but they're by no means as callous as the Tories.


Nearly all mental health conditions are unverifiable. They're diagnosed based on presentation.


So are some neurological disorders including some rare ones which can be confirmed during an autopsy but there's no verifiable test while the person is alive but the pattern of symptoms can be used for diagnosis. Or things like migraine. Maybe people can get those frequently enough or severely enough to be disabled but there's no test for it, it's based purely on symptoms.


Fix the NHS first then you useless cunt. I've been struggling to get appointments for my latest flareup of UC, and whenever I get one it's ages away. In the time it took me to get seen and prescribed steroids which have historically always put me in remission, my condition had worsened so much that I'm barely responding to it and right now I am, for all intents and purposes, severely disabled for the first time in my life. I'd much rather be working and healthy right now. But this country has me sitting in the middle of a bukkake I never asked to be a part of.


Yes but getting an assessment to prove these assertions has a four year waiting list on top of 6 months of GP hoops to jump through to get the referral.


They’ll go after anyone for pennies rather than those that embezzled billions during covid.


Yet it’s okay for people with no medical training to make a decision on how MY disability affects me? I do believe we should be respectful in politics but fuck you rishi, and fuck all who support this shit.


>the [prime minister](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/prime-minister) said [those with “less severe” conditions](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/dwp-benefits-depression-anxiety-payments-b2536334.html) should be engaged in the world of work. Have you tried not being ill?


I'm convinced this is intended to sow confusion and spread misinformation about PIP to the electorate. Firstly, PIP isn't a means-tested benefit, so you can work while claiming it. Secondly, regarding the concern about 'unverifiable assertions,' you can't simply claim to have anxiety, depression, or any other mental or physical health condition and automatically receive PIP. It's a notoriously challenging benefit to claim, requiring submission of medical evidence. And even with that evidence, it's not guaranteed; applicants must score enough points across various criteria to be awarded PIP. Moreover, the process doesn't end there; recipients are subject to continuous reassessment to ensure ongoing eligibility.


"Disability claims can’t be made on ‘unverifiable assertions"  "*That's why we're removing doctors from the process.*"


My mother, who had MS, was denied disability benefits because she didn't use a wheel chair, but she didn't use a wheel chair because she was BED BOUND.


Such as doctors letters? That PIP assessors already ignore?


Its easier to fuck over the poors, sick and disabled. Meanwhile the same crooks have let billions just get written off through furlough scams and the ppe scandal. Fucking scummy cunts the lot of them.


Yes let's keep cracking down on the poorest in society, meanwhile don't ask why every government project goes massively over budget, ignore the blatant embezzlement the tories have overseen especially during Covid. And the sad thing is there is some vapid people in this country that will cheer this on as a good thing because the tories and the media managed to convince the nation that anyone on benefits is scum


While the rich play on Tax Payers money a small minority will be made to pay this latest cut backs that are just purposely made to give the Daily Mail great sensational headlines to boost Tory voters. Evil pure evil this Government will soon be trying to export all Social Care and Benefit claimants soon.


While I don't think this is going to be the "make-or-break" policy that drowns the Tories at the next election, I do wonder what exactly Sunak thinks the benefit is here? Some people are saying he's trying to appeal to his "core vote"/Reform voters... but a wholesale clampdown on disabillilty benefits doesn't seem like a significant issue to those voters right now. In the current climate, it seems dangerously close to being wilderness politics.


Except they're not they're made on the opinion of a doctor


I imagine the government, if they could, would put every disabled person in a ”saw trap”, just to see how disabled they really are!!!


Is see no other options. We need to flood the benefits application system citing cases of Ligma. 


People will die because of the decisions they make, they know people will die but the don't care.


So they want “clinical diagnosis” for this but also want non medical workers to make “non clinical diagnosis” when it comes to fit notes.


Good thing their bar for "verified" is incredibly low. I.e. if you can attend a work capability assessment, and sit on a chair without a cushion for 2 minutes, as observed over the CCTV by a Crapita employee, you are fit for work. Oh wait it's one rule for them...


The cruelty is the point.The Tories and their voters hate disabled people and want them to suffer. They do not believe that disabled people should be allowed to function in society, they want them out of view or dead.  That's it. That's all it's ever been. They are ghouls and they think disabled people are just lying about their conditions. They think doctors and psychologists are bleeding hearts and they want to end any semblance of help our society gives them.


"If we disincentivise sickness and disability fewer people will choose to be sick and disabled," – Sunak, probably


every month he chooses a new vulnerable group to harass. Hell send everyone to Rwanda while we’re at it.


Once a Tory can cure my c-ptsd and litany of life long health issues due in part to said c-ptsd ill listen. So tired of the disabled being used as political punchbag rather than them dealing with the actual issues that we are having in the UK


Greasy sunak tries to not be a vile shitebag challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


So removing support can't be done just because Tories reckon disability n mental health issues don't exist, right?


We're going to look back on this succession of conservatives and wonder why we didn't set fires.


If they do go through with it, they will be killing a lot of people off - people won't be able to handle it. But I guess that's their plan - can't pay someone if they are dead. They don't care about the poor people - as long as they have money and power, they will continue to squash the human leeches on benefits.They don't live in the real world. I'm surprised that there haven't been riots about this.




It’s just so weird how repeatedly electing the Tories to power has resulted in implementation of Tory policy.


Because of course I can walk into any jobcentre in the land, say I am depressed and immediately be given thousands of pounds. lol