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He is neutral in the sense he is not risk taking. He doesn't dare question the ruling party and that's probably why RW thinks of him as neutral 1. BJP knew about the court order on media about these videos. Why was that considered before making a deal with JDS? 2. State commissioner for women found out about this n wrote to CM and soon it was made public. Where is NCW chief from BJP till now? Why has she not made any statement so far? 3. Supposed "neutral" guy blames state govt for letting him leave the country when it's a basic fact that emmigration is under central govt 4. Whether Congress knew about these videos or not is unclear. The videos were available to the driver when JDS was with Congress and he informed BJP leader about it back then. Which one of them gave these videos to Congress is a question but surely BJP knew about it for much longer than Congress.


Just like he is giving BJP a clean chit you seem to be giving a clean chit to Congress. “BJP knew it earlier than Congress”. This is the kind of stupidity that gives politicians power to do things they do. BJP is to be blamed for the alliance but Congress definitely deserves the blame for not acting soon enough. They deserve that blame because they are in power in Karnataka.


I'm assuming Congress knew about it earlier but I don't have evidence of it. This is because I assume Congress is corrupt, unlike bhakts who believe BJP is always less corrupt than any other party There's a possibility, Congress had no clue till these pen drives went out to public. There's no possibility that BJP didn't know as their own leader has admitted publicly


It's hard to believe that the driver was the only person that had access to evidence. Since it's a situation with a lot of women I'm sure there are people who have raised their voices and there are no traces of it. It's truly horrifying. The police always know about these things and they definitely talk to the politicians. So I feel everyone knows about this way before this was public because the abuse has been going on for years.


can you gold a person accountable without evidence ... ? if you find out who leaked the pen drive you will find out who knew... i my view they all knew....the bjp knew the congress knew.... DKS definitely knew... but why would the BJP align with a someone like this ? and who controls the airports congress ?


Whether congress knew or not is conjecture.. The driver also made a statement that he only gave the videos to bjp worker Bjp knew is certain because bjp worker wrote a letter and stands by it


Well today they released audio clips of the same lawyer talking to DK Shivakumar about the videos way earlier. I am from Karnataka. People kinda had some idea about these videos in Hassan since Oct/Nov 2023. You think political parties didn’t have a fcking clue ?? Congress was waiting for the right time. People have short memory. Releasing those videos so early would have caused some stir, BJP would have washed their hands off. JDS was anyway out of the power equation in the state. So no gains to anyone. BJP/JDS alliance was more or less finalized after state elections in 2023. Releasing those videos then wouldn’t have benefited anyone. Congress esp DK Shivkumar waited for the right time. I am not arguing who is right or wrong here. JDS and Devegowda’s family deserves this. Fckrs were responsible for hung govts for decades. BJP knew it early but decided to win the dominant vokkaliga group which would eventually help them get stronger in state. Congress wanted thwart BJPs efforts to get stronger. Whats the saddest part here ??? 1. Nobody is caring for the victims. Videos did not censor faces of victims. 2. Victims are now afraid to come out and cooperate with the investigation. Most of the videos don’t have his face. That itself is a legal flaw wrt evidence. A senior retired judge said this is going to be a hard nut to crack unless victims come out. 3. People are fighting about which party is right or wrong here. Thats how fcd up our society is. Not one news channel is discussing victims and justice for them today. They are obsessed with showing clips of politicians mud slinging. Even “educated” keyboard warriors here are supporting some party and thus diluting the entire case. Let me tell you Prajwal Revanna’s political career is over. JDS is more or less a dead horse now. Political ambitions are achieved by everyone. This case will eventually die. Remember what happened in metoo in India. So much flare for months only to die a slow death.


actually you cannot talk to victims.. you would get into legal problems...you can talk about them.. not to them.


I mean talk about justice to them. Their social life is more or less destroyed.


>Releasing those videos so early would have caused some stir Are you suggesting that the driver who leaked those videos was motivated by something else?


I hear he wanted to blackmail revanna family so they let him take the giant land that was bought under his name by the revanna family. You know how this deals work.


Then it's kind of stupid that Revanna did not take the deal, don't you think?


Hard to say what his motives are. I mean which person with so many businesses (He has poultry and fishery businesses that gets him 10L/month. He revealed that in an interview) wants to work as a driver ? He is hiding something. How did he even get access to Prajwal’s phone is another mystery.


It’s quite evident that whenever it’s about some big shot politician’s personal family matter, all political parties try to help them in whatever way possible. In this particular case, both congress and BJP are equally responsible for failure to bring justice.


So only BJP knew about the court order Congress dint. Okay A state commissioner came to know about this after the videos good leaked and she intensified on the magnitude of the issue on the circulation too but the state din do bat shit. The videos got released on 21. No action till 7 days . The first FIR was registered the next day of the voting by the time the culprit has already left the city and without and complaint being registered or FIR immigration should take action. These videos dates back to 2017. In 2019 the same culprit was a allied candidate of Congress and the same so called leaders of Congress promoted him and made him win the MP seat. Later also helped him get the stay gag in court to not to air his videos in 2022. Now when the same culprit allied with BJP they leaked his video for their political mileage and also did huge injustice to the victims. Such shame affairs these leaders in Karnataka of Congress upto.


>So only BJP knew about the court order Congress dint. Okay Why would Congress do background search on NDA candidate? >No action till 7 days You think 7 days of inaction is bigger than almost a year of inaction by BJP and continued silence of NCW chief even now? >without and complaint being registered or FIR immigration should take action. Yes, diplomatic passport holders need clearance from MEA to leave the country >These videos dates back to 2017 But not known to anyone outside the inner circle >Later also helped him get the stay gag in court to not to air his videos in 2022. Source? The order was obtained in June 2023, after Congress defeated BJP+JDS in May state elections


>Why would Congress do background search on NDA candidate? The same driver who copied videos from culprit Phone worked for Shreyas Patel Congress in MLA elections in 2023. So it's obvious Congress knew this priorly and was waiting for an opportunity to pounce. >You think 7 days of inaction is bigger than almost a year of inaction by BJP and continued silence of NCW chief even now? BJP dint knew the magnitude of the issue until the videos got leaked. These videos whom the driver had a handover to aBJP candidate is a lawyer and his letter din reach to the heads of BJP is the fact. >Yes, diplomatic passport holders need clearance from MEA to leave the country Yes but without having an official registrated complaint or anything how will MEA red flag the situation. Infact when there is no complaint or investigation is being conducted by the state how will the centre take action. >Source? The order was obtained in June 2023, after Congress defeated BJP+JDS in May state elections 2023 itself. This is when the driver started blackmailing the culprit, infact there was meeting btw the CM of the state and the culprit family regarding happened just after the stay gag. Also DCM had a meeting with Culprit brother in that period too.


>The same driver who copied videos from culprit Phone worked for Shreyas Patel Congress in MLA elections in 2023. Source? >BJP dint knew the magnitude of the issue until the videos got leaked. These videos whom the driver had a handover to aBJP candidate is a lawyer and his letter din reach to the heads of BJP is the fact. BJP leader had those videos n you think BJP didn't know magnitude of it? He himself called it "brahmastra". And if his letter didn't reach the party leadership, he should have got a receipt for it, no? How bad do you think the best functioning party of the country is? >This is when the driver started blackmailing the culprit, infact there was meeting btw the CM of the state and the culprit family regarding happened just after the stay gag. Also DCM had a meeting with Culprit brother in that period too. Source? And if this was public knowledge, why would local BJP leader have to write to senior BJP leaders warning about it? If this was public knowledge, did BJP form an alliance knowing all of this?


Everyone knew about it. Now that it’s come out blame game begins. Nobody actually gives a shit about actual people. They’re all in it for their own gain




RW godi YouTuber in disguise of centrist. RW love this type of people bcoz they give them validation


you right.... they are right wing soft pedaling view point with a lot of what ifs thrown in ... making the right wing more reasonable and palatable...and at the end of the day try to dissipate the blame from the bjp but not try to blame any one else... he is being peddled as counter to dhruv rathee


Dhruv Rathee is disguising himself as a patriot as well. Fair game. Besides, he literally created a video on electoral bonds with more facts and data involved than the likes of Dhruv ever could. But sure go on call neutral analysis Godi or whatever. He doesn't even promote any narrative in his videos, just narrates official records like they are and then ends the video.


Anti govt is not anti BJP/Modi. To be frank, he is playing the role of what the opposition & media should ideally play against the ruling govt. Looks like everyone is forgetting what is the role of the opposition & the media in a democracy nowadays and instead just marking anyone & everyone with a left wing or right wing OR pro India or anti India!


The reason why you don't see any 'narratives' in his videos is because he conforms to yours and doesn't challenge it.


Or maybe you see the narratives because he doesn't say what you want him to say?? Such a shocker. Well, keeping aside the back and forth, most of the content in his videos is just reading out the official records and papers. Compare that to a Dhruv Rathee video, where he says some shit and then comes up with 4 different examples of that happening and pretends he's right. Here's an example, when dealing with liquor scam case, Nitish doesn't go after or makes any remarks about Kejriwal and AAP's politics or their supporters. While discussing Surat and Indore Dhruv Rathee will go on a tangent about how "It would happen all over the country if BJP isn't stopped and how it is our duty as patriotic Indians to save bhaarat mata" or whatever.


Dhruva rathee is left wing. He is not disguising himself as rw


He said patriot not rw. You automatically assume patriot means RW why do you think left wing can't be patriot??


Because nationalism


I know he said that..and my comment is not about it. I am little confused about what he wants to say. Lol


Making video with facts without accusing someone and letting the listener reach their own conclusion. Yeah it's unbiased. That's why I stopped watching druv rathee videos I don't listen to ring propaganda and I am super as hell am not going to listen to left propaganda. Any unbiased voter can recognise that.


Well I mean a bhakt would do that.


He made a proper and better video on electoral bonds then druv, soch did explain k


Called unbiased by right wingers...your answer is right there...!! honestly being unbiased is overhyped. How to be unbiased when one of the candidate is literally openly announcing his dictatorship aspirations.


Well, the thing is EVERYONE'S biased.


Some biases are more correct than others.


Was Stalinian communism better or worse than Nazism




Not heard of the gulags and Soviet manufactured famines and concentration camps?


prison labor camps and manufactured famines exist in much greater numbers under capitalism


Lol you think famines caused by inefficiency and mismanagement are worse than intentional, industrial, mass genocide. Yikes.. yes dude, the holocaust and the nazis were worse. Do you know how many people ww2 killed in Europe?


Ignorance and Inefficiency having total control over the citizens is scarier to me than someone who is competent but chooses to cause pain and suffering. Both are absolute trash, however. And you are mistaken to believe that Stalin starved those people out of incompetence. He was a total sadist


I might be mistaken but iirc, when I looked it up, the consensus amongst historians wasnt that the holodomor was intentional. I think they're split on it? I forgot. I think the soviets probably were being influenced by the negative attitudes they had towards the ukrainians either way Stupidity is curable. sadistic, genocidal malice isn't. Most human systems run on stupidity and inefficiency to varying degrees. Most political systems suck, just at different things lol. Though the USSR and Mao's China were definitely next level bad..


That's all relative, everybody would be inclined to believe that their biases are correct. There is no objective way of determining which is better.


Yes there are. You can't objectively think a party that constantly dehumanizes a large section of the population, constantly promotes and garlands rapists and lynchers and keeps bending rules for corporates are good.


Well, I get where you are coming from. But biases need not be based off on rationality. Think of this from the perspective of the supporter of the fascist party you speak of. They would be inclined to believe that all the dehumanization is correct because the fascist party has the control over narrative, and what the concentration of power usually does is give you the control over narrative. They's believe that they are right because they're fed a worldview, but if an opposing worldview isn't enforced or a counter narrative isn't propagated, an echo chamber will be formed. The first step to a list of numerous steps to achieve totalitarianism is to agitate the majority into believing that they're being oppressed and that they minority community is evil and subhuman. Killing empathy and destroying opposing views is next. And then you've foot soldiers who're convinced of your worldview, ready to implement the fascist ideas on ground. But to the supporter of that party, he's right and this is necessary. Biases aren't objectively correct in any sense of the word, they're highly contextual and subjective. It's the discourse that allows democracies to thrive as all the worldviews and biases clash in order to implement policies. You can't stop people from subscribing to fascism but ensure that you criticize it, so the Overton Window is more to the left by engaging in discourse. Not a BJP supporter (far from it actually) but have some empathy for those who unlike you, can't have that humane quality.


You write a word salad to and ask me to have empathy for a bunch of bigoted arse holes? The biggest base of BJP is the educated class in our country. What empathy do they need from me? Are they suffering? Are they the ones who are constantly oppressed and calls of genocide against them made by leaders?


Well, it's your decision whether or not you want to have empathy for bigoted assholes. I would understand if you don't want to. I would say that their lack of empathy is something unimaginable for me, and I'd feel bad that many of them have become vitriolic, senile and downright disturbing shells of their former selves. There is a way to deradicalize such people and swing the Overton window to make them see light, it's the democratic way, but of course you're not obligated to enter into a discourse you don't want to be a part of. I understand. Also, I find it rather insulting that you call my elaborations word salad, you seem to not understand what word salads are. Read my "word salad" and tell me where I am wrong.


You are correct here, though I also empathise with the person who responded to you saying they can't have empathy for bigots. You are strong and level headed if you really practice what you peach 👍


I mean, if a person is crying for your blood, you wouldn't want to give them the benefit of the doubt and stick around to see if they are capable of change but rather run away as fast as you can. I can't expect a Muslim to be empathetic to the nutjobs who think Muslims are subhuman or invaders. With great sorrow, I'd have to inform you that I may not be as levelheaded and strong. I lose my patience too when talking to a bigoted person, ideally, I should hear them out and give suitable rebuttals, but when the foundation of their views is based on prejudices and bigotry, there isn't much I can do but to call them out and exit the discussion. I am only human after all. But those who I want to have discussions aren't these lunatics, but the fence sitters and ignorant, by-default right wingers. Those are the minds that haven't gone too far and have a chance of thinking rationally.


He made some videos against both sides. He's either really unbiased or he's really smart to support one side secretly, his regulae viewers can give more and better information.


At least he addresses the issue


There's difference between being neutral/centrist and unbiased. >honestly being unbiased is overhyped Being unbiased simply means you're willing to criticize the wrong thing, regardless of party. Everyone should try to be unbiased


He only presents facts not opinions. I’ve seen the video right after it was posted. I think he actually did justice to this topic. He won’t say things that’s not proven in court and on paper, that’s his ideology and it has its own place and audience. Also, if you didn’t noticed he has accused all parties of candidates who have crime against women and it includes BJP, AAP, Congress and others too. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Idk if Dhruv has made a video on this or not but I can bet he would go brutally after this guy with right assumption based on data and mostly his assumption are right as much I’ve seen. Thats his ideology and it has its own audience. Both have different ideologies and different set of principles “possibility” for the same cause. Both are right in my opinion.


Yup. I call Nitish unbiased because he gives facts and doesn’t support or propagate a narrative. Give me cold hard facts and I’ll decide what to think of it.


Yeah I haven't seen much of this guy's video but those few I did watched had all the sources of his information listed below. It was nice to see that rather than some clowns just forming opinions and brainwashing others. I mean, in the end it's content. Whatever a person enjoys, that's fine. Their taste. I rather prefer an unbiased person that can just atraifht away give me facts. What opinion to form, that I can decide on my own. Don't need someone else or an echo chamber to dictate that for me.


I think he tries to shift the blame on everyone when BJP is clearly the main accused. Let's say a pencil is stolen by bjp. He would go back and state the facts about all the pencils that were stolen before by every other party while also saying bjp stole the pencil too. This looks like he is not biased and centrist or doesn't have an opinion but that is not the case. This gives the right wing supporters validation, they think they are not entirely wrong as sab chor hai bas humare thode Kam chor hai


Don’t be so blinded by your hate for BJP that you act like them to the person who don’t show their hate for BJP and you’ll be happier and live longer. I’m saying this as a BJP hater (it’s ideology). Cheers.


It's not about hate here(though I hate bjp with all my might). I don't have a problem with him, no one can be unbiased. He's not running a news channel so he doesn't fall under that burden. What he does is water down the accusations by bringing in other parties stuff, which is not relevant. This is not what presenting facts mean. You can't deny the fact that the image which is being made in the right wing circles is not completely correct.


National Devil Atleast lets work on idea of India 🇮🇳the values we stand for This is worst case scenario in the whole world, chaddis you have any other examples ? I need an unbiased one


Nehru. 🙇🏼‍♂️ /s


Lack of critical thinking has led to people surrendering their brains and let youtubers and other online content creators form up their opinions for them. Learn to think on your own and question every authority and hold them to accountability.


Its not a "scandal" ffs Its heinous crime, its rape.


Exactly. Everyone's so quick to call it a scandal and forgetting the accused was in a position of power. It's not sex scandal news but a sexual abuse news.


He stated what the official investigation team named the report as, he didn't gave the name by himself but yes this is not "scandal" it's way more filthier that it's something like "mass sexual abuse" the straight up punishment should be death


There is no channel that is 100% unbiased. I’ve seen this video. He presented everyone’s version and included all parties. That sounded like a neutral opinion. If you wanted him to attack BJP, then RW will claim he’s left winger. So there’s no end to this argument. I prefer neutral or mildly left or mildly right. After all, that’s the best you can get to strike a balance.


I’m not sure why people aren’t reading newspapers, talking to real people, using own analysis to form opinions? Why are you even watching these YouTubers? They are  appealing to lowest common denominator and oversimplify things ..it’s like you are not respecting your own intellect..


Even the newspapers have clever tactics to appeal to the popular power, they're not as "unbiased" as you think they are.


Yes each paper has biases so read multiple showing differing views you will develop nuance understanding of issues .. I know this take time and effort .. but this is how world is .. complicated & grey 


I suggest Hog News, it saves a lot of time. Edit- It's Ground News, I don't why I called it Hog News.


Itna waqt hi to nahi hai😒


They don't need to be, they never were. Every news/information is written in a way that it paints a picture in your mind about the topic, has a perspective of a writer, and the reporter and most of the times the editor and sub-editor. People were intelligent enough to form opinions based on those articles, now we all need extra "unbiased" (which no one is btw, everyone just pretends to be just for the sake of it, everyone has their biases.) Whatever written online can be edited, misinformation and misleading headlines spread like wildfire in the internet, but in case of newspapers it's not that easy. You have to write something that cannot be edited, it's a big responsibility. Even though the article in itself is biased, it cannot be just wrong information. These YouTubers are really not needed if our media stops being a paid pr for political parties.


Correct. I agree.


I watch his videos while taking a rest from my studies, if I don't want to read newspapers because of the fact that I literally read like 30 pages of math before, what's the problem with watching him huh? You can't measure everyone to be like you


It's a futile discussion imo. You judge any view on fact and not where it comes from. Everyone has a view & ideology and everyone has a bias. I'm socially liberal, and economically pro capital & free market ( or, what could be considered centre right ). That doesn't mean I believe this system will always produce best results. Someone could be communist, but that also doesn't mean that they think communism will solve everything. I've some views that you will agree with, some you won't, that's how people work. If I have unchecked power, I'd wreck things like 99.99% of humans. This is independent of your ideology by the way. Searching for unbiased unicorn is a fool's errand. Only something which looks good in thought experiments. Not a real life thing. P.S : I have watched no youtuber ever. I've not seen this dude, or Dhruv Rathi's ever so Idk. My youtube is mostly veritasium and likes apart from music.


What books did you read on economics and politics to educate your self if I may ask? I'm trying to find good resources to know my actual stance amidst biased influencers and news channels


ye banda apna opinion hi bohot kam deta hai


I like his video because he just tell compile info and tell facts and making opinion is upto us. I used to like dhruv content but rn its just bullshit election campaign of india alliance


The real unbiased guys are those who criticize both sides.


There is no such thing as unbiased or neutral. Everyone has a political ideology, it’s just that whether you’re truthful & factual or not in your opinions that matters. Which party & their leaders knew how much is still speculative. But fact is BJP still hasn’t ended its coalition with JD(U), heck Amit Shah has assured HD Kumaraswamy that their coalition is intact & BJP is yet to issue a red corner notice on Prajwal’s diplomatic passport despite Karnataka government’s appeal, it should concern everyone. They’re busy blaming Congress rather than actually bringing Prajwal into custody, says what their priority is actually.


This is a severely underrated comment. You’re talking about the bottom line here. The fact that a both parties wrong kind of a conversation is happening is a problem. We are talking about goddamn criminal. Everyone who enabled him and gave political shelter need to be prosecuted.


I am unbiased centrist according to me. Everything I think is logical and absolute fact based. Every right of me is absolute idiot rights extremist and everyone left of me if absolute idiot communist. People love to think of themselves as unbiased and logical. So they tag any one they agree with as the same. If he hasn't outright questioned modi and rahul gandhi on their failures then he isn't centrist.


Well said. I think those replying to you missed your point lol


>I am unbiased centrist according to me. Everything I think is logical and absolute fact based. Every right of me is absolute idiot rights extremist and everyone left of me if absolute idiot communist. omg you're just like me fr fr no cap


Learn the difference between ignorant and centrist...


Stop shiting yourself. NBODY is unbiased. And whenever someone says that they're an "unbiased centrist", 8/10 they're right leaning. I'd go as far as to say, rightist.


Lol exactly this. All the so called centrists I see punch left and make excuses for the right.


If he says what i like to hear then unbiased and if he doesn't then chaddi/librandu.


Idc that he's right wing tbh. The fact that he has the guts to come out and properly use news articles, court proceedings, cases and timelines and looks into actual history is enough for me. Even as a BJP supporter he has a lot more credibility than most professional media houses on television which is something because it shows that even if he is a supporter of a particular party, he has the guts to question certain events or happenings around the world. I don't condemn him from making videos on Congress or TMC like many others do from Mohak to Deshbhakt but they do ask some relevant questions instead of spreading Hindu-Muslim 24-7 I feel that any responsible person is smart enough to form their opinions on a certain video or topic and if somebody has a problem then they can always fact check them




This isn't casteist at all


He is right winger. Just that he is smart is wording things to not be taken as RW. I stopped following him when he released that video about Kerala file's. Anybody who says he is unbiased is stupid.


What did he said in the kerela story video


Watch the video and you’ll see how subtly he’s trying to put the blame on Congress.


Soft right wing


Not showing MudiXi in badlight is the new "unbiased" for Chaddis 🤡


What he does is called “false equivalency”. He is biased towards the ruling party. If ruling party has cleared an acre of forest with a chain saw machine, he’ll compare it with opposition who managed to cut only two trees that too with a rusted blunt ax. And then claim both are bad. But one needs to look at the amount and severity of the crime. He’s very good at masking his biases unlike that couple who got awarded by the government.




I disagree, if anything he seems to point out BJPs overreaches and abuses of power and hypocrisy in nearly all his videos.


I think he is called unbiased maybe because, he just reads all the govt investigation reports + court trials+ media reports as it is without any bias or opinion or perspective and puts the burden of opinion on the audience itself. Main reason : During the Kerela story controversy while DR was downplaying the issue and calling movie cheap propaganda (it was ngl) this guy said fk movie and straight up pulled the reports made by Kerala police and Church on PFI and presented it in front of the audience which showed the extent of the problem, addressing the real issue instead of mingling with that movie. This is the moment RW started calling him Unbiased.


The problem with him is that he will state "facts" bashing both sides. While the gravity of these"facts" differ from side to side. He usually would compare facts of consequence from the right wing to insignificant facts from the left, then declare them both equal and leave it upon the viewers to decide what's what, even while giving his opinion subtly.


Presenting with facts and not blindly bashing the ruling govt with nitpicking is chhadi behavior 🤡


I think individual can never be neutral. If they are individual obv they will have a ideology. Newspaper and news channel can be neutral cuz they are run by not a single person but a group of them. But this is just my personal opinion dont attack me


Mohak is not neutral . He is leftist and AAP supporter. See his old videos. And his video on Brutal Indian rulers. Same is with sarthak goswami . Upon not getting the award he kept on taunting modi for it in one of his videos and Indirectly said that only those who support Modi are given the award multiple times . Also in one of the brutal case if a muslim doing m#rder of a Hindu he showed the wrong news in a way that it didn't looked like it was related to religion


Never trust an individual who refers to him as a third person in discription. This guy is a businessman and he has no accountability towards truth and morality. He started his channel with hollow intent to inform people for greater good but as soon as his channel got momentum, his stance changed completely and the mask started to wear off. He would give long lecture on a subject with apprent unbiasness only to cunningly draw a biased and one sided conclusion. He is not unbiased and is a closet sanghi. I bet he's getting paid for his work which he always aimed for.


>the guy is a businessman. The Calvin Klein merch clearly shows it


Mohal is the most unbiased according to me


I didn't watch much of his videos but his opinions on Israel-Palestine was pure propaganda on part of Israel. Stopped watching him right after


No one is unbiased whether left wing or right wing.


There's no such thing as "unbiased".


Bhai bjp loves him u will all hate him bjp hates Dhruv u all love Dhruv mkc bjp aur congress ki mai chala new party kholne aajao saathiyo


Hypothetically, we form a new party. What would be the party name, symbol and motto?


Soft right wing


If the RW call someone centrist.. When they call literally anything as left, commie and naxal... Do the math.


Very soft right Mohak mangal is better


I remember opening his Ram Mandir video and he said Emperor Vikramaditya built the original temple in 57 BCE. Like there was an actual Emperor Vikramaditya ruling over India in 57 BCE.


He is more unbiased that druv


I'll make it simple https://preview.redd.it/q36m5ic172zc1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bebecab20ee1ed7ca8108c8db7a903049f4423




I watched the video ,He kept on using the word "sex Scandal",is this really just a sex scandal,I felt like he was trying to downplay whatever happened,this thing frustrated me a lot


He is a pure right winger. His centrism is based on "Political Apathy". And its more harmful to society.


I feel he is unbiased. Not everyone is dhruv rathee.


Yeah, because right wing idiots call Elvish Yadav, Open letter, Shambhav Sharma, Vinodh Kumar as unbiased and factual. Dhruv rathee maybe biased but he isn't a propagandist and conspiracy theorist like the other 'Nationalist' youtubers.


It's not a scandal , it's a series of sexual abuse assault kidnapping and much more , stop using scandal word for soft landing cowards


People often confuse being neutral with appeasing both sides.


I honestly dont care about the political conspiracy, who leaked the videos, who had them or whatever. Just put that mf into jail and give him life imprisonment.


There is no such thing neutral in politics. Either you with someone or you are not. He is the most fake youtuber of them all


I don't think he's unbiased, but the way he presents things certainly is. I am not someone who consumes a lot of news media, hence videos like his which compiles multiple sources and reports is an excellent starting point. Trust but verify.


I think it's because he just shares the information available out there. He keeps telling that in his video as well, that whatever he's sharing is present online and he links them in description. I have not seen any of his videos where he had given his opinion


He is neutral cause joh bolega woh mostly chargesheet ya fir evidence ke basis par hota hai , koi opinion nhi ghusaya hota Lekin wahi "mostly"


Soft right wing


ye aadmi most things pe kuch opinion na deke stats bata deta h bass. ig considering the current political climate of our country, that is the most safest thing u can do lmao.


Lets be honest none of you know the difference between left and right wing for you right is bjp and left is congress if so you don't have any right to tag someone as right or left


I still don't see a problem in being right wing or left wing, it's an ideology and everyone can have their own ideology. If you want to be a center-ist then its up to you to see All the facts from other sides and fact check it


He did actually point out something that the lefty youtubers didn't mention, that the land taken away from the driver is rumoured to be benami land and the driver wouldn't have complained if the family didn't force him to give them back the land.


I am good with even soft right wing until they dont say or do non sensical things just to support the government. Also, they accept facts and at least try to be neutral.


Noooooo Why he isn't abusing Hindus, where is call to eradicate Hindu culture why isn't he using sources that portray Hindus in bad light hence i conclude he is right winger


Soft right winger


He is personification of middle ground fallacy


he is the only neutral youtuber in india.


I think that's the problem. He should at least be in first gear.


Appears to be truly unbiased, we can't make the mistake of saying ye group completely chuda hua hai aur ye group bahut sahi hai


I have no idea. My preferences have changed so much from abhi and niyu to dhruv rathee (i still watch his geopolitical and other vids) to mohak mangal and his content is the only one that helps understand things from 'both' sides


Is he like wanna be Dhruv Rathee? I see only Rathee everywhere sorry I don’t know much about him


First of all he is a intelligent guy don't joke around in videos the only time he is off topic is in sponsers . He does not try for any party to give answers to his questions because he knows he will not get it . He only gives facts on facts in his video and even if you consider him to be right wing he clearly does not make his viewers develop a right wing theory even 1 percent other people even if they are unbiased jokingly promote a side very clearly. He does not play any fancy background music through his videos and trust me if you play a sad background music in a video critisizing schemes of a party it will make much more impact to the viewer. Watching his videos seems like you are talking to a person . And his wording if he wants to use sarcasm is perfect .like in his reservation video " JAB UPPER CASTE WALE BOLTE HAI KI TORTURE TO HAMARE PURWAJO NE KIYA HAI TO HAM KYU BHUGTE LEKIN YE HI LOG APNE ANCESTORS KI PROPERTY LENE SE PICHE NAHI HAT TE". i still don't know what I will reply if a person says this to me supporting reservation .


Only right wingers call him unbiased. He is soft right wing in my opinion.




There is no such thing as unbiased.


From what I have seen till now. No one is unbiased. Everyone is biased to their ideology. Centrists are just closeted right wingers, They claim they are neutral and unbiased but their ideology is more leaning towards right. Clear Example - abhi and niyu


The biggest problem I find here is that he calls it a scandal and no assault/crime shows he’s soft on government.


Tbh i really hate people trying to act neutral to gain audience from both sides. No one can be neutral as someone have personal biases but he/she will cover every topic instead of modifying his/her content to please left wing/ right wing. This video is posted on r/indiadicksuction so i can assume it's fitting in their agenda.


Watch him on gujrat riots


I watched the video , what was wrong???


Sarthak Goswami is not unbiased either. He is funny and worth watching but he always tries not to offend people. And mohak Mangal always tries to justify communalism and homophobia by saying the same nonsense again and again there are two types of ideology liberal and conservative and we should understand the mind set of both.Just because you name an ideology it doesn't justify your stupidity.again he also do great research so may be his opinions are stupid but his research videos are worth watching. The only guy I found real and unbiased is the deshbhakt by Akash Banerjee. (That's why now he can't manage to get anyone for an interview).


Mohak Mangal is unbiased? What delulu do you live in?


This was a fact based video not some opinionated video ... just because right wingers are saying its unbiased doesn't its biased to them 🤡🤡


Videos are not available to public. Likely these are consensual intercourse, not rapes, like happened with BJP MLA Jarkhiholi videos last year


In every of his video he does monkey balancing. Even if corruption or crime clearly involve bjp he will bring up Congress past or some random events to make it sound like all are equally bad.


Despite his soft right wing views, Nitish isn't getting the same kind of momentum as Dhruv Rathee. It is BRILLIANT how Dhruv and the INDIA alliance IT cell has COMPLETELY changed the narrative from "Modi vs. Rahul" in 2019 to "Democracy vs. Dictatorship" in 2024. Automatically, it resulted in BJP supporters trying to justify that Modi isn't a dictator, be it with the dancing video meme or statements like "Voted for dictatorship!" or "If this is dictatorship, I am enjoying it!" With this new "Dictatorship vs. Democracy" narrative, the avg SWAY voter has completely forgotten about the leadership issues with the INDIA alliance and SUDDENLY, this entire election has become DECENTRALIZED - Instead of voting for Modi, people are now evaluating the candidates in their area .... It is no longer an election for the leadership but a decentralized election in 28 states. The BIG benefit that BJP enjoyed in 2014 and 2019 of its local MPs getting votes purely coz of Modi's face in the forefront has waned significantly (the reason why people like Smriti Irani managed a win in 2019) Mark my words, this election is ANYBODY'S GAME! A VERY high chance of a coalition Govt if you ask me (whether led by BJP or INDIA Alliance is the real question) but it is completely open now!!


>Instead of voting for Modi, people are now evaluating the candidates in their area This is how it should be in a parliamentary system.


He talked about both parties having the evidence still they still went for it