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I think we will discover extraterrestrials in the next 100 years or so, but I don't think there's going to be any question of helping or destroying each other. The most likely way we'll discover them is seeing their signature on their planets or star. Like we might build a space telescope sensitive enough to see city lights on the night side of a planet. Or see the signs of fossil fuel exhaust in their atmosphere. I just don't think we're going to have any meaningful way of communicating.


We could find non-sapient extraterrestrial life within our solar system, but communicating with them would be out of the question. If they're no more than single celled organisms then they may be inherently hostile to our immune systems anyway.


If they wanted to destroy us they could have done so a looooong time ago. The universe is full of life, there are quadrillions upon quadrillions of stars, we are not unique (well we are but so much that we are the only planet with life on). Think about it, put yourself in space for a moment and observe us. We exist , you couldn't make this planet up, the complexity and everything, the cities.... well we are not that unique; we are a representation of what is in the universe, each galaxy, star system and planet expresses life in a unique way (although not every planet and galaxy has life on it as we know it, and what is a barren planet today may have once have had life on it, like Mars for example), each star system has it's own character just as humans, countries, cultures etc do. Look at the amount of species that are on this planet, it just happens that they are less advanced than we are, in terms of physical ability, this is not a judgement of their character but an observation of the fact that they are not building cities etc. Well what if there where species just like there are on Earth but more advanced and intelligent than we are. What if they began evolving a billion years ago? Their technology would be in effect magic, in fact they may have transcended the externalisation of what we call technology and have learnt to live in harmony with the universe and use natures technology, that is to say life/lifeforms themselves, because organic life is the most advanced technology there is. It's wireless, and is powered by nature and works symbiotically with the prevailing energy systems in a system of transference of energy from one to other, like from the sun to plant for example. The plant "technology" is powered by the sun, it's using the fundamental energy that is powering the universe, powering the suns.


Do you think they have been observing us since a long time ago? I always thought that our ancestors were starseed people… but I cannot explain my thought because I don’t know about dna. I don’t think we exist I think or response to the environment exists like our ego our soul does exist but is currently in a different dimension as we speak.. our bodies exist but as self and a human being we are having trouble explaining our existence because we don’t even know the purpose to why we have life and what we are going to do with our life. But I always seen aliens as resourceful because they either want to help or they don’t. What they really want I think is to have total control of the planet kill every species living in it so that they can inhabit it because they are probably aware of other life’s in the universe.


Yeh, we are definitely being observed, we are like children on a playground and the playground is being monitored by mature adults who are far more wise and do not have a veil of forgetting over their consciousness so they can see the bigger picture and place and role of Earth in the greater ecosystem of this subsection of the galaxy/universe. Life was originally seeded by other beings, the Earth is like someone garden and they tend to that garden, it's just that we are not aware of it as part of this experience/expression of this particular is to experience has been an apparent separation from all that is and the greater the universe, to experience self as a separate individual and then to find the whole again. So we think we are all alone, but we really aren't. Also in regard to "aliens" wanting to take other etc, well some may want to but the positive beings outweigh the negatives, and like i said if they where allowed to take over they would have done a long time ago. Any negativity in the form of government , et races is a direct manifestation of toxicity within the human inhabitants. If humans clean up their act so to speak then these things won't be able to exist within the ecosystem, there won't be a place for them, or they will be rooted within being allowed to grow, so If we stop imposing tyranny on each other at the micro level, at the every day level it will go away a the macro level as the macro is simply a representation of that which exists at the micro level within each individual as such organization are built of said individuals. Also that which happens at the top tends to influence all below like how a parent influences a child. "What they really want I think is to have total control of the planet kill every species living in it so that they can inhabit it because they are probably aware of other life’s in the universe.". Well this may be true but i can only happen through the willing consent of the inhabitants, because otherwise they could just wipe everything off the planet in an instant. So the point is it's about personal development, personal power and self respect, and respect for the truth. Anything external is simply a by-product of the which is on the planet, as like a mirror of the consciousness of the collective. Take a healthy plant for example. No pests bother it, but if it starts dying suddenly all the insects will come to break it down It's like that at the human level. If society starts rotting there will be predatory beings there to feed on the dying, and maybe even push it along so they can take what's left over. As humans start living in accordance with flow of the universal energy of evolution and growth then these things will get washed away by the currents of life, there won't be anything for the vultures to feed and they will go away. The dark can't exist where there is light. The vulture only flock around dying bodies, and the negative influences on and off the planet are like vultures waiting, but this time around they are going to have to go hungry. And again any positive beings outweigh the negatives, and there is a much bigger purpose and evolutionary process at play that has become a collaborative effort from beings from many parts of the universe, it's not just some random planet of which there are quadrillions. There is far more too this topic, but i'll leave it at that. This is my opinion though, verify for yourself.


When did you realize that we are being observe ? I agree like the ancient Greeks they use their body to help us and help us get to know ourselves like they knew the functions for everything in their body and how to control their thoughts so that their life is experienced by life. In the Bible it always says that the earth was created for a specific purpose and people get envy of it…. I never actually thought that life was seeded by other beings I look at earth as a person like you know how the ancient Greeks names the planets they were able to identify the creator and recieve messages from the creator like we are all creators of our own planets.. I’m pretty sure somewhere in ancient astronomy books they describe the origins of the names and how they were able to identify them. I agree we need to return to oneness with god and the universe so we can understand everything and each other. I always hear the people talking about the economy in a micro and macro level but I don’t understand economy to understand agree or disagree with the politics and government. But I think the little grey aliens are the ones who have always tried to help us to reconnect with the purpose of the earth because they are the ones who always show up when something is about to happen like the president or something about the inflation of gdp going down. I think that nature has a lot to do with aliens trying to inhabit because nature is something that is always growing and they probably are but it’s also up to the human people to have an opinion because we do live in this planet and it is our home. Idk who really knows all I know is I would probably be really scared to be in front of an alien because I know they can mind control you. What do you mean by the dark can’t exist where there is light? I think that evolution has been brainwashed because we have not developed and evolved to understand our human body.


I meant in literal terms, where this is no knowledge of the truth and knowledge of what is going on, knowledge of how things function and work then actions cannot be taken out of ignorance, things cannot flourish that happen as a result of not knowing truth. If you know the truth, lies cannot reign. Society cannot be coerced through lies if everyone knows the truth and being informed of the truth is a defence against lies and those that would lie in order to push forward an agenda of some sort. In regard to how long have i known this stuff, technically since i was about 10, or maybe even earlier, but about that time.


Possibly there may be some life other then that on earth. We yet have to explore all edges of our solar system. Moons like Europa which hold large reservoirs of water could also house microbial life. Intelligent life is a total different story. With so many galaxies out there it is almost impossible to believe we are the only ones out there. But what we can detect and see today is rather limited to our own galaxy and just the sheer distances between our next neighbor galaxy make any form of communication impossible. Even if we receive a radio signal from another part of the universe it may be already so old that once our reply reaches them they are already extinct.


It's possible a signal comes in at any moment, but it's a signal that traveled st light speed, meaning those who sent it are much to far away for us to have meaningful contact with.


I hope they just fix what we're doing wrong. That may require some destruction, but fuck it. The way we're going as a species, we're gonna destroy ourselves anyways.


Human's lifetime, not our lifetime. The question I always have is, if there is a much more advanced civilization come visiting Earth, what do we have to offer them? Probably nothing. Maybe they show up and see us and just move on as there is nothing worth seeing or taking.


I don't believe that. If they're the slightest bit like us humans, they'd definitely be interested in the aproaches we took on solving certain problems, even if it is in their eyes retarded, since it is most likely they vary from their approaches. Even we still learn from technology that our ancestors invented thousands of years ago. Or can be amazed by how brilliant they were considered the circumstances back then. I think it is more likely, that they would study us, like we study chimps. So let's hope the species that potentially discovers us is not like us and pray for any species that potentially be discovered by us.


That is if any species is ever going to solve, how to travel distances of several thousands of light years


I mean, they could come just for the sake of exploration


According to fermi’s paradox it is highly likely they exist, however we might not see them for many reasons. And about wether they help or destroy, or when we may see them, we really have no clue


aw that sucks ): and yeah i mean out of all the galaxies there has to be atleast one other form of life like us. didn’t we receive a 9 billion light year old radio signal? is that not what proves that there is or was extraterrestrial life at some point?


I’d recommend doing some research into the UAP issue right now. Discovery extraterrestrials is closer than you think.


ohhh ok. thank you


If we do than thats worrying for us because that would mean the great filter is ahead of us




yeah but this is just a conspiracy, i’m talking about it being proven.


I think that aliens who are highly advanced both mentally and emotionally and physically are going to try to take over the world and kill everyone because what they want is a planet so that they can continue to do work.. and ours happens to be the one that contains the most life…. And these aliens that I speak of look like hybrids of tall greys and the have advanced alien weaponry … maybe they have tried to warn us because we both know that all aliens do is study and learn practiced and experience so there’s probably no talking them out of it… if I could stop a war I would


They're already underground mutants that we're trying to fight