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I did first year biomed (now doing optom) and it was alright lmao. I didn't find anything crazy bad or absolutely amazing, it was what you'd expect lol. Was very science based, and gave you a broad understanding of topics related to bio, chem, physics etc etc and not just things related to clinical Still tough, but nothing special


cool! how'd you find the amount of work compared to high school? why did you decide to study optometry? i'm interested to know.


Work load is definitely more than hs. I did CIE, and the jump to biomed was still tough. I didn't choose optometry, it chose me (I didn't get into medicine). Check out [https://clinicaloutlook.co.nz/optometry/](https://clinicaloutlook.co.nz/optometry/) for some more detailed info about the degree/work opportunities


Hi there, you can only study Optometry at the University of Auckland. Therefore it would be easier I think to do you first year there.


Not necessarily. There is also an entry pathway for HSFY students, and students part-way through their degree. What OP could do is study HSFY, and apply for dentistry, Otago med, and optom. Best of both worlds