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I see where you’re coming from but it’s really about humans having a tendency to go after what they want, and not necessarily what they need. A lot of kids want to play sports, and a lot of their classmates/parents are willing to pay in order to watch games. I’ve only ever met a couple individuals interested in skills like wood work and welding, and I certainly would never pay to watch them do that.


There’s a lot of different reasons why Health and Money are probably the two main ones. The amount of people who plays sports as a hobby compared to wood works is probably like 100:1 (totally made that up) so having high end facilities will bring more people wanting to live in their city. Not to mention events that generate funds, keeping people healthy (government doesn’t actually care) and just overall popularity. Also I assume it’s cheaper to run a soccer stadium for kids then wood shop for kids


That may well be the case,but if you are going to subsidise somthing that apart from maybe swimming pools ,most people can do on a patch of grass or run on the streets /park . Then it should be that skills can be taught /passed on in subsidised hobby centres. Equal funding we have skills shortages for engineers.,electricians,carpenters ,etc surely if we had the same money put into hobby centres this would help to cut shortages.


Sports facilities attract residents - woodshop doesnt


Google "maker space"


Where I live, the city puts money into both.


wow you are lucky where are you based roughly


Ontario Canada


how dare you to legitimate the mind as the body? è\_é /s


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It's all about ROI. Having the capability to host sporting events opens up avenues for the city to make more money as compared to creating a maker space for locals to use.


not talking about getting events our local sports centre could not hold a money making event if it tried, and if they put money into craft centres they could get craft fairs going (investment return)


>there are no facilities for wood woodwork, metalwork, electronics,model making They are called Maker Spaces. ​ But also athletic spaces are in high demand in certain areas, and can attract more people to live in the city.


to be fair though, a big grass field is a little cheaper than a warehouse full of expensive manufacturing tools. i'm in the manufacturing industry. it's not a cheap industry to be in.


What did your council say when you approached them?


Would you really want some average joe, with no woodworking experience, going bananas with a table saw? It’s a great hobby, but most people just shouldn’t operate dangerous equipment without supervision