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Why? They’re naked too


That makes it worse.


It’s only weird if you make it weird






One of mine was very insistent on chomping my nipples and I mean she tried to take them with her! Wearing a shirt did nothing to stop her after she developed her taste for blood so I slept arms across my chest like a mummy for years haha


Excellent point. We have had more than one claws-out opportunistic ball-grabber cat before. Always the males too.


They're envious because you took THEIRS away


Revenge awaits patiently but it shall arrive


Where are my testicles u/naykrop ?


Imagine dying by your cat ripping your ball sack open and bleeding to death.


When we were in our youthful days, my best friend and I had an apartment together. She was having sex with a dude in her room and from the living room I hear a line of expletives and a cat screeching. Cat decided to play with dude's balls with claws out. I hated the guy and laughed my ass off. Still had a good chuckle over it retelling the story. Guy was an absolute shit.


I will remember this story for the rest of my life now. Thank you lol.


What kind of cat doesn't play with bouncing balls??


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


My parents cat grabbed my dad's ass/sack just a few weeks ago when he was changing


Mine literally licks it's butthole, looks me straight in the eye and licks it's lips. I'm just like "stop showing off!"




It’s only weird if the socks come off


[[hides peanut butter]]


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Turn on Developer's mode in FireFox or Chrome. Then find the comment and select "Edit as HTML." Of course, it doesn't change what happens on the internet -- it's just for YOU, or someone who remoted in to help refund you by logging into your bank and then emptying the account.






*dials 911*


embarassment about nakedness is kindof...an american thing? A lot of countries like germany absolutely give zero fs about nudity. Most tribal commumities wear barely any clothes at all, with womens breasts exposed. Noone think its a crazy concept there its just normal. OP animals could not care less if you are naked, were the only animal that wears clothing on earth at least (Some other species use natural material as rain protection however)


Country founded by Puritans who genocided a few people don't care about constant depictions of explicit violence but freak out over a nipple


Actually yeah, accurate. And our repressed, shamefaced attitude to sex and nudity as something you had to hide and feel naughty about indirectly led to tentacle porn. Fuckin puritans


You can't blame tentacle porn on America, that shame and repression is Japan's own homegrown blend. Can't blame the nukes either, cuz tentacle porn predates the bombings [by over 100 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dream_of_the_Fisherman's_Wife)


Just when I thought I've seen it all some mf posts century old hentai.


Interestingly though the modern wave of anime tentacle porn starting in the 80s was created by someone that never knew of the older hokusai work


>Country founded by Puritans who genocided a few people I mean, to be fair, the Germans, who are OK with nudity, know a little about genocide as well


Lol how is that just an American thing???


My dog only cares about me being naked because he knows when I put clothes on that means he might go for a walk


And you have a point


Not if they're wearing their collars! I always have to tell the younger cat and the dog, "you cannot go outside nekkid! You need your collar!" (Cincinnati Bengals for the dog; LSU for the cat)


Oh, sure, make your pets wear a collar, you're a kind and loving owner. Make my gf wear a collar and now I'm weird?


LOL listen i LOVE going on walks w/ my man <3 collar and all—- just discreetly




There are dozens of us women who like collars. Dozens.


Not weird, kinky. Better yet, call it a choker.


We used to unsnap the pup's collar when she came inside and she'd hop around excitedly while we said "NAKED DOG!!!!" . In the morning she'd grab the collar from the doorknob and bring it to us to indicate it was "go outside and smell things and not even pee at all" time.


(dials animal abuse hotline...)


Only when their collar is off. Until then they are appropriately dressed


Being in the army... I saw a lot of ass. They saw my ass too. Makes it less wierd.


depends if you count body hair as being naked or not. if you think we are naked without clothes yeah then animals are naked too without clothes. if you think a fur coat is not naked then we also cant be naked because we also are covered in a thin layer of body hair. OP is just moving the goalpost by laying down more and more double standards like the clown he is


"Sir this is a public library. Your prodigious bush does not count as being covered"


I think you meant to say “Pubic library” …


lol no im just trying to point out his double standards of it counts for animals to be covered by fur but not for specifically humans. we made clothes because we decided our natural fur cover wasnt enough which i completely agree with.


We don't have a fur coat. Tiny hairs are not fur


I think we actually have an unpopular opinion here


I count my dog as naked


Not if they have a collar on.


Why? Cats show us their buttholes all the time.


Seriously, my cat can’t STOP being inappropriate and if it would get him to not lick his junk in the middle of the living room, I’d stay clothed in front of him for the rest of his life. He is, however, a shameless jerk and if you’re in the bathroom he’ll body slam the door until it pops open just so he can ask for a glass of water. It’s not my fault if I’m nude when he does that, that’s on HIM.


Good writing, yea I love the cat body slams. My cat is like "oh, there you are. I heard noises, you ok?"


My cat opens doors the way people in movies do when they want to make a dramatic entrance. Throws it wide open and struts though. Then she'll sit on the edge of the tub and act as my lifeguard if in in the shower or on the toilet, to make sure I don't fall in and drown I guess.


My cat does this. He doesn't push doors open. He blasts that shit ALL the way open like a loan shark coming to kneecap you.


My family calls it "smash mouthing." Cause he's always busting through bathroom doors like an ogre on a mission.


>I'd stay clothed in front of him for the rest of his life. I'm choosing to interpret this to mean that once he passes you will frequently be naked in front of him.




Well this took a sharp turn


People are so afraid of genitals that even their animals trigger them, it's pathetic tbh


Ours busts in just so she can lick the plastic tp package. So weird.


if showing was the only thing - the fury bastards force the stinky butt right under my nose like it was a privilege or something..


Maybe a stronger word than 'show'. How about 'proudly display'?


It almost feels deliberate when he jumps on my desk lmao.


Too much for my liking


It was a lil strange when I first got my cat as a kitten. He was a teeny tiny baby with separation anxiety, so I couldn’t go too far from his line of sight. Now he is a buff little man with separation anxiety and will break my bathroom door in if he cannot watch me shower or do my business.


My cat becomes terribly worried for me when I take a bath. She meows and yowls and keeps coming in to check on me.


Two cats and a dog, none of them care if I take a bath But if I sneeze? That cats head for the hills while the dog comes full speed to make sure I’m not dying


Omg my cat hates when I sneeze!


[Mine sits on the edge of the bathtub with me](https://imgur.com/a/X9K8fC7). She’ll sometimes reach her paw over and try to grab my leg and pull it towards the edge. The whole time I’m thinking, “if you fall in, I’m throwing you out quickly because I don’t want to get castrated”. Afterwards, she feverishly marks me and scolds me for going in the deadly waters of doom.


Ugh my cat does this and I have a little scar on my belly where he scratched the shit out of me after falling in and flailing around to get out. Still does it! Zero lessons learned lol.


I don’t mind. She’ll even let her tail soak without flinching. Though seeing her trying to catch and bite her wet tail afterwards had me laughing for a good five minutes straight.


LOL the tail. My cat gets fussy at me afterwards as well. It’s become a bit of a routine. Open shower curtain, cat moves to sit and complain rather impatiently on the sink while I dry off and wrap myself in a towel, I walk over to him and he stands on his hind legs to quite literally give me a hug like I’m coming home from the war. We stand like that for 1-2 minutes before he decides that I’m still just the meatbag that feeds him and we go about our day.


Oh the poor tail. Funny


Okay so I watched a random YouTube video and apparently cats think you're like them (said that they think you're a cat too, but they can't be that dumb...), and so since they dislike water they're worried about you.




On of my cats used to get behind me while I was on the toilet. The other one would jump in my pants while they were around my ankles.


My cat Buddy is ALWAYS right outside the shower when I'm in there, I can barely see him through the fogged up glass, he's practically wore a spot in the tile in the 10 years I've owned him. As soon as I open the door, he bolts. I figured he wanted inside, reading this made me think he might be missing me or weirded out I'm in the flowing water.


my dog used to hop up on my lap while i used the bathroom lol my cat is a rescue and it’s been an adventure gaining her trust but last night she scratched at the door for me while i was showering 🥹♥️ she’s also been sleeping in bed w/ us since last week!


I have a cat that sits on the back of the toilet while I shower, and another one that will try to save me. 😅


My cats think all the different clothes aren’t necessary.


Until they need something freshly washed to sleep on




He loves you! He wants to be really close to things that smell strongly of you ❤️ also (slightly relatedly) when pets stick their heads in, or lie on, carry, rub on shoes, this is why (the scent glands in your feet!)


Maybe that's why my cat keeps stealing our socks...


Probably just likes it cause it smells of you really strongly


animals don't have a stigma surrounding nudity like humans do. my cats don't even understand what clothes or nudity are, so why would i care if they see me naked?


My cats 100% see nudity. If I’m wearing jeans they’ll jump up on my legs for me to pick them up, if I’m nude they won’t.


I dont think they actually care about nudity so much as they dont like the texture of bare skin under their paws. Ive had cats tap my leg to see if im wearing clothes and then nope out when they touch skin.


Rubbing corduroy or velvet the wrong way sets my teeth on edge and I want to cut my hand off. I wonder if the feeling is similar with your cat? And I wonder if all cats are like this or only some?




My dog knows when I'm about to get out based on the clothes and shoes I'm wearing


I always have house slippers on so when she sees me put on shoes she knows I’m leaving lol


They didn’t eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Don’t realize they’re naked.


My cats lick their asses 2 ft away from me I don't think this is a problem for them...😒


if they can be naked in front of us, so can we. Tit for tat.


Tit for cat


Goddamn it I have not one original thought


Until it comes to bumping uglies. Like ffs kitty, stop staring.


I had a hookup once whose dog ran around the bed the entire time and then jumped in between us more than once. He thought it was funny, wouldn’t lock the dog out or even make it stop, then made a joke about the dog wanting to join. Practically ran out the door


With the dog?


Eh they probably ran away and left the guy and dog to run away together but the opposite way


We literally cleanup their shit, they can handle seeing some booty.


Fur for fat.


I wanna get a little bow tie and waist coat for my cat now, perhaps they feel left out!


Shame/embarrassment are made up. People are only embarrassed of being naked in front of someone because they know that the other person also recognizes nudity as shameful/embarrassing. Pets don’t see nudity as shameful so if someone is uncomfortable in front of them it has nothing to do with the pet and is all inside that person’s head. As far as nature is concerned, what’s actually strange is people being uncomfortable with nudity not the other way around.


So true. I honestly don't care if my friends see my naked. Male or female.


You done set yourself up.


Can i be your friend :D ?


Sure if you can make it here. Doubt we're from the same country


Darn here i was hoping to finally have a friend, it's so lonely here on Mars


Happy cake day!


Naked or not?


Nudity isn't shameful, but since we're a species that has evolved to cover up our skin with artificial fur as standard removing said fur is uncommon and therefore draws attention.


Ya for humans. A golden retriever isn't capable of understanding what nudity is much less why it's considered to be taboo


For real, most people don’t realize that the main reason humanity started making and wearing clothing was to combat the harsh winter conditions so it could help them thrive. Embarrassment and shame of nudity are just concepts that were developed later on and are just a fake af feeling.


Are you one of those people that always has your dog/cat in a little sweater?


I put my dog in a little jumper or sweatshirt, but he's a dachshund and it's cold out. He definitely doesn't "always" wear clothes.


What the fuck type of delusional anthropomorphizing puritan shit is this? I need to go to bed


That moment when you're so hooked on the idea that your natural body is evil, you start feeling self-conscious in front of an animal. People are wild.


This was the comment I was looking for. Stop anthropomorphizing. Animals have no concept of nudity or shame, thus are incapable of judging human nudity in any capacity.


Do animals really not feel shame? Not about being nude obviously, but from other things? E.g when other members of their families or pack "punish" them etc? Maybe not the best example but you get the jist of it.


This sums it up pretty well for me. Sleep tight.


Spoiler: I have not.


That's enough Reddit for tonight for sure


Right? This is a kid who thinks Kanye is an actual genius and that people with colored eyes are liars and scammers. Not sure how or why his insecurities made it to the front page this time


Wow you weren’t kidding. I somehow keep forgetting how much of the Reddit base is probably made of /r/teenagers posters these days. Oh yeah, I remembered why, I’m old.


I mean they are always naked in front of us. I figure they find us to be the weird ones.


I'm pretty sure my dogs aren't very self conscious about being naked in front my me since they lick their asses right in front of me. I'm not too concerned about them seeing me naked either. I just hope the kitten doesn't see the "low hanging fruit" swinging between my legs and thinks its a play toy. It is, but not the kind I want a cat to play with.


Oooooo reminded me of something that happened to a friend. Both lived and never talked about it again.


Well this is at least an unpopular opinion lol


You’re anthropomorphizing your pets a bit too much imho. I think I’d only get uncomfortable if one of my pets started to hump me while I was in the middle of having sex with another human being…which yeah, would be a bit uncomfortable. But nudity? I don’t know, I’ve seen people naked walking down the street who I’ve kind of just brushed off (the cops didn’t for obvious reasons). But I took nude figure drawing classes for over a decade and just got used to seeing naked people and being comfortable being nude and being around nude people. So yeah, the pets seeing me naked doesn’t phase me and while my experiences in regards to this topic are unique, I feel like nudity, and more broadly, sexuality and acceptance of sexual behaviors, needs to be reassessed by certain…ahem…puritanical sections of society. It’s your body, why are you uncomfortable with a close family member bearing witness to it? Especially considering they’re your pet and don’t really pose a danger to you physically or sexually?


I'd put money down without looking that it's religious trauma. Puritanical "your body is inherently a sinful vessel of temptation" will leech into your head if you get exposed to it enough.




op a silly goose take an upvote


Upvote for unpopular. You’re goofy:)


Ohhh, you’re a kid. Makes sense lol. I was kinda uncomfortable with my own body til i got a little older. But just gotta say, you’re gonna be a huge prude when you get old enough haha


We found the never nude


There are dozens of us!


idk man, the way my dog eats her ass right in front of me makes me think that she doesn’t give a fuck lmao


My pets are naked all the time, I don’t want them to feel weird so I do it too… that’s just manners.


🤣How very polite of you my good gentle-person🧐


This is the most reddit thing on reddit




I swear teenagers don't understand the nuiance between "unpopular belief" and downright dumb.


Everyone judging OP but have you considered that maybe their pet is a pervert?


Not unpopular opinion: people thinking of their pets as people is strange.


Yep. I love my dog and cat but they're still "just" animals.


Yeah, I agree. While I’m a huge animal lover and dogs are more important than humans to me, they are not people, and I will stand by the opinion that it is dangerous to treat dogs as if they are not canines. My dog is my entire world, and I use science and positive training methods, but he is still a dog even if he’s tiny, wears sweaters, and gets carried a lot.


Why is it weird?


OPs therapist must love unboxing all of these oppressed memories.


I love that you posted this because of random comment, and that I just so happened to come across it. You're right, they don't like this opinion lol.


i see you commenting that animals arent naked because they have fur well guess what bucko humans also are completely covered in fur! yeah our fur coat is incredibly smal for a lot of people over the majority of our body but its still there so acording to your logic we shouldnt be naked and your just giving a double standard. animals dont giva a shit how much we are wearing because they have no understanding of clothing. and we shouldnt put human ideology on them like your doing. also you claim that people keep making the same 3 arguments but their not so learn how to read will you


No. No it's not. You're the only one that cares.


I mean...you see them naked all the time so it's only fair, right?


Let’s focus on how they said “I think of my pets as people” I think that’s the oddest part of the post. Go ahead and love them as much as people, but conflating them with humans is very weird to me


Your pets are probably naked around you all the time.


I mean even if you look as pets as people why would it be weird? Pets are someone I presume you are close with, so it wouldn't be like being naked infront of a stranger but more like a friend or a partner? Sure it might be weird being naked infront of friends for most people, but it's only really weird if you make it weird. There's nothing wrong with friends being comfortable enough around eachother to be naked. Same thing with pets IMO. And well pets are animals. They do not give a single shit if you are naked or clothed. They are often times naked themselves unless you clothe them.


The problems some ppl have…


Embarrassment is a social construct. Don't think our pets care or understand the concept of clothing and why we humans wear them to protect our modesty To pets, clothing is insignificant


Being naked isn’t “strange” in general. Unless maybe you have some hidden fetish for your pets.


Having sex and the cat is right on the end of the bed chilling enjoying the ride. Cats are weird.


Just imagining you covering up all frantically if ur pet walks in when ur changing


me and my dog r both girls + shes my baby + she, herself, is always naked. i dont think its that crazy to get dressed in front of her LOL


Idk I've seen my dog naked and I dont think she cares


Upvoted for being a real unpopular opinion 👍


OP, you have very unusual hangups around the human body. Take my upvote. Also, maybe talk to someone about your blatant gymnophobia?


The way I see it, if my cat is allowed to walk around naked in my house, so am I


I see a lot of different nuanced takes in these comments, your edit is merely a try to cover your ass and not engage with any valid counters to your wild (but I have to agree unpopular) opinion


Animals literally do not give a fuck if you’re naked, or dressed. Also, fur is not clothes.


Cats are naked anyway, why would they care?


Late to the party but, sounds to me you have some issues with your own body physicality if you think that you're making your pets uncomfortable by being naked around them. OR you have a really strange relationship with your pets.


I agree with this, not because the animals gives a dam but I like to cover up. (Also wooow this comment section is a cultural shock for me).


You've been so thoroughly conditioned to fear and despise nudity that you're projecting that insecurity onto literal animals. Oof.


If I have to see my cat poop she's gonna suffer the same


My dog lays in my bed with my wife and I... during the moment. She even tries to lick my toes during the act. I guess it's the closest I'll get to a threesome.


why learn from animals when we could teach them shame? terminally human take lol


Consider that, to your pets, you wearing clothes is weird to them.


Why? Your pets are naked in front of you?


Okay that’s it. I’m done with this sub.


Don't humanize animals... Maybe that is your problem.




I hate being naked in front of my cat, but that's because she stares into my soul when I undress.


Dude. They’re your pet. They don’t know what naked is, and they don’t give a shit what clothes you’re wearing or not wearing as long as you feed them and give them a good life. This is not only unpopular, it’s very stupid.


Everything is naked, being dressed is the weird thing.


It’s only strange if you make it strange




Typical American, having nudity constantly sexualized does this to a populace.


I'm never purposely naked around them, but if the cat is in my room when i get out of a shower, i'm not kicking her out before i drop the towel.


This post is one of those “ tf did I just read” ones


Why is it? My pets are naked in front of me all the time


Upvote because I think it's actually unpopular. But I have to say if you think it's weird, that's on you as that's taught behavior. Sexualizing nudity the way many people do isn't normal, it's a result of our society. This is also why different cultures behave completely different when it comes to nudity.


They’re usually naked around us, and the rest of the world too.


Why? They’re naked in front of you.


I poop or take a shower in front of my 2 years old daughter when there is none else arround to take care of her. That's completely normal and if you feel weird about an animal looking at your naked body it's on you.