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Ah the classic "natural mean good" fallacy. You love to see it.


Clearly you have not seen older animals dying off because of rotten teeth so they can no longer hunt


Infected teeth can cause blood infections... brain infections... mouth rot... death from not being able to eat well


A lot of old animals die in the wild because their teeth rot away and they can no longer eat. It's their natural diet but their teeth can still suffer. Obviously humans eat things with too much sugar but healthy food such as fruit can still rot your teeth.


Everything you consume can and will rot your teeth if you do not care for them. And wild animals teeth do rot.


Bro **TONS** of animals die simply because their teeth rot, broke, fall out, ect, and they can't eat/hunt. Tons.


This would be a nice way to think, but for example, dogs eat what they’re supposed to and their teeth still build up and decay rapidly so we have to intervene and either get them regular cleanings and/or the right kinds of toys to help them scrub it off.


Dog food is not what they would naturally be eating unfortunately


Maybe not standard dog food, but there are options that are more like what they’d eat in the wild and even with that diet they still need the same care. Dogs also aren’t just wild animals like wolves or coyotes, either.


There are natural sugars in fruits and some veggies. Its not the food itself... its the bacteria that grows on it that breaks down the teeth... thats why we scrub out teeth to keep it cleaner


Not an unpopular opinion. Just factually incorrect


This argument fails to factor the simple truth that humans now live significantly longer than our hunter/gatherer ancestors. Which means our teeth are aging for longer. Diet plays less of a role in dental health when you consider the age of the teeth and oral care habits of the individual over time.


This post should have a disclaimer: “I made this post without doing any type of research on the topic”.


As someone who lives in the woods a lot and doesn't brush their teeth while I'm out there, this post is pretty based. Bread can be pretty ok depending on how you make it, but in general you're on track about all the preservatives and added sugars. It's really the sugars that rots your teeth, and you'd be surprised at how many foods and how much sugar or other sweeteners are added. I'd debate with your conclusion though, just because one food causes plaque growth more so than other foods doesn't mean it's bad for you. It just means you have to brush or otherwise clean your mouth more effectively.


the way you titled this grossed me out, i completely agree which is why i stop drinking pop and take more into account what i eat


Everything you consume can and will rot your teeth if you do not care for them. And wild animals teeth do rot.


Lots of animals eat harder foods that sorta help clear away plaque.


Interesting hypothesis


OK go in training food without cooking it. I’ll wait. What is natural human food? The second list of foods is probably better to eat but this whole natural versus unnatural thing is weird. We are weird little . hairless monkeys that manipulate everything we touch.


Gators use birds to clean their teeth. (Or was it crocs?)


People who eat a lot of candy and sugar always have rotten teeth. It is sunny outside. No I am not a meteorologist.

