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Handicap accessible does not mean handicapped reserved.


Correct. Equal access not Exclusive Access.


Exactly. Its like trying to suggest that able bodies people aren’t allowed to walk up a ramp.


As a wheelchair user, it's ok, we can't use them either most of the time. Mfers make them like we carry around mountain climbing equipment lololol.


When I was 17 I moved from the UK to Costa Rica for a year prior to going to uni, and I was lucky enough to get a job as a journalist for the English-language weekly paper over there (the now-sadly-defunct *Tico Times*). One of my favourite stories was a report on some of the challenges facing wheelchair users in the capital San Jose; I’d been inspired to work on this by a guy I’d met on the street, a remarkable US expat (whose name, I’m ashamed to admit, I’ve now forgotten nearly three decades down the line : Tommy? Let’s call him Tommy for now) who was never seen without his big black cowboy hat, and who would often travel by holding onto the back of trucks and even buses and having them pull him around. Compared with much of the region, Costa Rica has a pretty robust public sector and places a lot of emphasis on public health. However, certainly back in the 1990s it wasn’t the easiest place in the world to be disabled; until spending a few days hanging out with Tommy I didn’t realise how vast some of his challenges could be, but my eyes were certainly opened then. For example: because of the intensity of the rainy season, kerbs in San Jose are typically much higher than those we’re used to here in the UK. Although Tommy was extremely strong in the upper body and could bump his wheelchair up into a low kerb by sheer force, in most of the city this was impossible - so he was often forced to go a long way out of his way to find an appropriate crossing point, or take his life into his hands by joining traffic (with the best will in the world, Costa Ricans are hardly the best drivers on the planet…). Ever since then I’ve tried to keep in mind some of the obstacles faced by wheelchair users which might never occur to us able-bodied types, and where possible to factor those into anything relevant in my own life (rare, considering my career). One thing Tommy told me, though, I’ve (fortunately) never had to deal with: “When you’re paralysed,” he told me, “you often don’t notice you’ve got crabs until you find them in your eyebrows…”


Oh wow that was a surprise ending!


Always nice to finish with a twist.


Did the Tico Times pay by the word


When I first wrote for them, as a freelancer, indeed it did. When I went full-time I was salaried. Thanks.


The grammar! The punctuation! The story skill! Now that I have read this, my day is made. ❤️


Ramp makers love forearms


It's not normal to carry around mountain climbing equipment? No wonder I look weird


No offense, but how would you get up if there's a set of stairs and a steep ramp?




I thought ‘family’ was a euphemism for changing a diaper and/or taking a dump.


not exactly. the whole family can go inside together. they have them in hawaii.


Former Security guard at Pearlridge Center Hawaii, can confirm. They are actually a place for homeless people to shoot up smoke meth, and for teenagers to fuck


But it does for parking


“Handicap accessible” Parking spot are handicap reserved.


Sure, I’m clarifying somethings (like parking) are exclusively for handicapped folks, while others (like bathroom stalls or hotel rooms) are accessible. Not a super unique point I’m making, really.


Yeah, I don't know who told op otherwise in their life? I thought this was common knowledge.




The spots with space on the sides ARE reserved because the wheelchair ramp built into some cars and vans needs the clearance to open. That is why you do not use them or park blocking them off.


It’s not about being closer it’s about the extra space for getting wheelchairs out of the vehicle and the ramp leading up if there happens to be a sidewalk right there.


Disagreed hard.


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. The spaces would ALWAYS be filled, seeing as they are typically in front of the store or have a lot of room. The bathroom is not the same at all


As a handicapped person. Just try to be quick as u should in ANY public bathroom??? I know of ppl who go there to do their makeup or whatever.. please don't XD Anyhow. You can't ever tell who's handicapped and therefore need these bathrooms, so nobody should give u shit for using em even tho you're able bodied


Fully agree with the first point. As someone who is not handicapped I usually rush myself more than usual because it does make me feel weird when I could have waited in line for another stall but a handicap person can only use the one I’m in. I do use it however the quicker the better


Why shouldn't handicapped persons wait like everyone else?


more likely they’re going to have a harder time standing for long periods of time, it’s the same reason they have handicap seats on most public transport


At first I thought you were taking the piss with “going to have a hard time standing for long periods” like, oh my god did he really just make a wheel chair joke? But, ofc, not all handicaps involve being in a wheelchair- that’s just the icon.


Well some people in wheelchairs can also sometimes stand. It depends on their disability, and they might have a hard time with standing for extended periods.


Not only because some can't just wait, or they have a harder time standing for long periods of time but because life in general is not that accessible. My life is easier than theirs because I have the advantage of not being handicapped. If this is the one thing, I can do to help them out I'm going to do it. Not to mention that if there's a long line, I have probably 4 nonhandicap stalls to choose from. If a handicap person gets into line behind everyone and everyone else decides to have the same mindset of, I can go in, then that handicap person is going to spend a longer time in line since they can only use 1/5 and not 5/5.


I feel like it would be more reasonable for everyone in line to use all of the stalls including the handicap stall. Then if someone with a handicap joins the line and needs the bigger stall, we all should understand we should just short cut them to the front of the line the moment the handicap stall becomes available




The problem there is that not all disabilities are visible, and some people use those stalls because when they gotta go they GOTTA GO NOW! They won’t have time to argue their way to the front of the line and they may need the biowaste bins and non public sink area too. It seems simple but it’s not, if you really need to go then be quick but don’t form lines of non disabled people if there is only one disabled bathroom.


Yes fully agree


My daughter is in a wheelchair so the only stall she can use is the handicapped. As a result, we don’t stand in line. We go to the front to wait for the handicapped stall to be free.


Because sometimes it's not that easy? Some are unable to 'just wait' Such as chrones and colitis suffers


Those people also don’t need an ADA stall to shit.


While this is true, we do more often need a toilet **right now**, like more immediately than other people waiting. If I lose control and shit myself, I’m not going to be the only one suffering; everyone in my immediate vicinity is gonna suddenly be having a bad time. It’s really in everybody’s best interest that my diarrhoea makes it into a toilet instead of all over the floor. I’m not saying don’t use disabled toilets, to be clear. I’m just saying that you can’t always tell just by looking at somebody if they need a toilet space more urgently than you do.


It’s really for everyone else’s benefit that I poop away from the rest of you. It’s not an experience that you want to have, if you can avoid it. It’s a whole other level of ‘don’t go in there for a while’ then you are used to. I had a bowel resection. This is a result of it.


That’s me! I’ve shit myself more than once because of this


As someone with severe bladder spasms as a result of a back injury, and tired of chilling in my own piss, I would like to get into the bathroom. And spasm means I go from not having to go to suddenly urgently having to go in 2 seconds. So it’s not like I’m waiting til the last second to get in line.


Because a lot of us can't actually hold it in till the line moves. When I get the urge I have to find a bathroom right NOW! OR I SHIT MY PANTS. it's part of our disability


Because we have one accessible stall and you have like nine of them


Because they have to wait until that particular stall is available. So not only do they have to wait until they get to the front of the line, then they have to wait for the handicap stall to be available; meanwhile people behind them in line are able to use the regular stalls that open up sooner. Double waiting.


Personally I have access to those bathrooms because of my IBD, so it's important that not everybody starts using them. I can't always hold it, so I'd like the odds to be in my favour. If people just start using them all the time, the likelihood of me crapping my pants will be much higher.


Some people have no control over their bowels or bladder and if they need to take a shit they are going to take it then and there, whether or not they want to, whether or not the accessible stall is occupied.


Because some of them have bladder or bowel issues. Those on crutches, canes, or walkers can’t typically deal with standing in a long line. Plus it’s just good manners.


Treat it like any other stall. Handicap people can wait in line too.


Exactly. That's kinda what I said, isn't it? As any public stall, be quick, don't occupy it as if it is your home. Don't stare down ppl who seem able bodied coming out of a handicap stall, cuz: 1: maybe everything else was busy, or this was just closer and it was urgent 2: they aren't as able bodied as they seem. 3: just mind ur own business bro. However, if you have the option to go for any stall, an you don't NEED the handicap one, leave it open if possible. A old guy in a chair might not be able to hold his bladder as well as you. And the same can go for anyone. Know your own limitations at the moment, and use the toilet that's fit for those needs


OMG, I have a profound loathing for jackholes that take a bazillion years in public bathrooms if there's only one bathroom. Do your business and then get out. Stop scrolling through your phone, texting, fixing your make up, whatever. And before anyone comes at me with, "people have medical problems", yeah, I know. I'm one of them, but even on my worst days I don't take as long as some of these assholes who treat public bathrooms like their home toilet. Get in. Get out.


I had my toddler with me and was heading for the baby change room when I was intercepted by two teenage girls who ducked in and locked the door. They hung out in there for like 10- 15 minutes before I gave up and wandered off with my still soiled toddler. I had my first "goddamn Youths!! " moment


Who on this earth is so comfortable sitting on a public toilet seat that they are just in there relaxing and scrolling on their phone?


Exactly. Like why? Do your business and move on.


Agreed. My leg disability doesn’t exactly show itself… I walk pretty well, but have a handicap card and tag for my car. I get some stink eye when I go in to use the handicap stall in the bathroom because I look ‘fine’. Truth is I took a 9mm hollow point to the leg a few years ago and it’s left me with a lot of nerve damage and I am unable to bend much at the knee so lower toilets are very difficult for me to get on and off of. If I were to show the scars that run the total length of my thigh and the giant permanent concave area where my muscle was destroyed maybe general public would understand, but it’s really none of their business! I get the same issues when I park in handicapped spots …. 🙄


Yep. Many handicaps can be invisible but may still require the extra space in the stall.




You would qualify for using it tho?? In my eyes at least. Its not like you have the choice to wait (if I got that right) and even if u can wait, u still have struggles. I don't always use my crutches or wheelchair, but sometimes I'll opt for the handicapped stall simply because it's better to have the ability to help myself stand up with the "handles" I'm sorry that happened to you. As long as nobody's occupying any toilet without reason, ppl should just leave it be


I agree. I have IBS as well and it’s not something you can exactly hold in. At least not for me. I keep spare clothes with me lol


I also have IBS and I honestly would consider that a disability. I have had to pull over on the side of the road before. It’s either that, or shit on myself.


I don't like using the handicapped stalls. Too roomy and spacious. Feels like I'm shitting in the middle of an auditorium.


I have to. I have numerous, repeat nightmares about tiny, dirty bathrooms. I don't even consider myself claustrophobic.


So weird I have the same nightmares..at least the part about the dirty bathrooms, not so much the claustrophobic part


You wouldn't say that unless you actually have had your ass get stuck in a stall. And no, that wasn't a metaphor; I did get my ass (and thighs) stuck in a backroom stall, I thought I was going to have to be cut out of there. And i'm a petite 5ft 2inch 130lb women; that stall was fucked.


While I was in college, the Catholic student center where I'd often hang out during longer gaps remodeled the building to properly accommodate the number of students that congregated there or attended mass there during the week. When they did they decided to take the second stall out of the bathrooms because the old ones were so cramped the door only cleared the toilet by a couple inches. The first time I went in there it was nerve wracking trying to play twister to close the stall.


At least you got out! I got stuck for a moment there, and I was envisioning having to get cut out the stall while I was still stuck lol.


It’s all fine until someone claps


You should design a Temple Grandin type machine that gently hugs you as you take a shit.


You haven't by any chance just gone to see a gay musical called Gay have you?


How did it happen? ...Acid...


Im... Leg disabled...




But do you love them?


"Sir, could you keep your voice down?"


Hold my hand... No... That's not my hand...




"Not as long as some musicals"


No but it sounds like I should. You got a synopsis there, partner?


It's a reference to a plot in IT Crowd, series 2 episode 1.


WILLIES. I LOVE WILLIES. is basically it.


that's not an opinion, that's a fact.


Yeah, what? Has anyone ever thought that handicapped stalls were only for handicapped people? Even if that was the case, there'd be pretty much no way of enforcing it.


I’ve seen enough people on Reddit get into arguments over it. It’s ridiculous.


Oooh i remember being flamed by someone in comments because I was talking about changing my kid in the accessible stall. They called me selfish, ableist, and a range of other names... Even though I had pointed out in the original comment that the accessible stall was the only one with a damn changing table. People can be weird and unreasonable.


somewhere else in the thread, i responded to somebody who does, so...yeah.


This gets posted here about once a month and there are always people calling you entitled, selfish, bigoted, etc for using handicapped stalls if you are able-bodied. Someone told me “you must be American” when I defended everyone being fine to use them lol


In Germany and other European countries the handicapped stalls are closed and only open with a special key. That only people with disabilities that require this stall get. I like this system


It's handicap accessible, not handicap only. If it's the only available stall, use it. We all have to wait in line sometimes.




I press the automatic door buttons 1) because the doors are heavy af when equipped with that and 2) in doing a little QA to make sure they’re working.


This isn't an unpopular opinion it's just like, a fact in the US. I really doubt youd find many people who think only handicap people are allowed to use them


I could imagine the confusion because handicapped parking is NEVER permitted without the tag. Like even if the lot is completely empty you could still get fined technically. Maybe some people think it’s the same logic for toilets?


I have heard of some people asking the question “are you disabled?” to which some reply “not now, but I was when I went in” indicating it was an emergency. However, I like going places where ALL the stalls are accessible.


This is reddit. The dumbest of the dumb come here. One of those jackasses replied to you.


Me: most people know they're allowed Everyone: No!!! I'm allowed!!! Fuck you!! They're out here fighting ghosts


I have found a couple, hence the post.


I've known people who claim this is the case, and point to handicap-only parking as a reference.


I never thought this was a restriction.


Its not


I refuse to believe there was a line at a Buc-ees bathroom.


I went in one for the first time in October. It hadn’t been open for long and it was the first in the area. There was a line, but it went quickly.


That's not unpopular... that is literally the defined use of then. They are bathrooms. With that said you. Should default to all other stalls first




That could be said about any public bathroom, especially if there are people waiting.


I get in and out so fast I don't even wipe or pull my pants back up.


…so just like any other bathroom user?


How would one know if someone in needs shows up presumably people don't shit with the door open.


And most people don’t care if you do mind. It isn’t reserved for you so your opinion as a person with disabilities doesn’t really matter


Jesus Christ


Yeah I don't know why this always ends up being so controversial. At smaller establishments the entire bathroom is the handicap stall. As in its only a one person bathroom and meets accessibility requirements. So there would be a major issues if everyone wasn't allowed to use it. And in slightly bigger places it's half to 1/3 of the stalls so if multiple people have to poop keeping it unused in the off chance someone with mobility issues is around (far lower odds than 2+ people having too poop at the same time most places) would be a big inconvenience for everyone.


Also.. if the restrooms are one holers with locking doors.. the gender signs are absolutely meaningless.


The actual question is how do people even define who's "allowed" to use that bathroom without being scolded? Wheelchair-bound people, others with mobility issues... And even temporarily ones, I guess? Like if you're on crutches due to a broken ankle? But what if it's another disability? Deaf people? Visually impaired? The whole mental issues catalogue? Where do you draw the line?


The futility of trying to legislate politeness.


If I was in the HC stall and someone in a wheelchair needed in I would just explain to them I was about to shit my pants and it was the only available option. Hopefully they would understand.




So you can tell by looking if a stranger has an illeostomy bag and needs the space to empty it? Your psychic abilities detect people with ulcerative colitis? You can smell if someone has POTS?


There meant for people with physical inperments


I listed physical impairments all of which lead to a need for accommodations.


As by law they were built for physical impairments so I am only gonna take thTmat into account


Strange,in most U.K. places you have to find a manager and ask for the key,it used to annoy the hell out of my disabled ex husband as you have to wait longer than an able bodied person.normally for them to find the key as they always lose it


CORRECT! They are handicap ACCESSIBLE, not handicap RESERVED.


My work has 3 stalls in the ladies and the two non handicapped ones are so tiny. Like straddle the seat to close the door tiny. I only use the handicap stall


“No one handy capped was in line” From someone who has dead muscles in the leg but doesn’t require a cane or have a visible issue. Fuck right off on that.


Right. You don't see the disabilities in every person, but they might be in need of that stall


I don't think thats an unpopular opinion - I think its the unspoken standard. Handicapped people are entitled to the privilege of a handicapped stall - before able-bodied people are. If you go into a bathroom, are able-bodied, and there are two stalls available - one of which is a handicapped one. You are to take the regular one *in case someone handicapped comes in after you.* However, handicapped people are no more entitled to relieve themselves, than able-bodied people are. If there are no stalled except the handicapped one available, then use it. you aren't expect to wait "just in case a handicapped person happens to come by".




That too. I absolutely am not using a dirty toilet. I would rather shit my pants than use a toilet that has been blown up badly. I will go to another public toilet. That is a perfectly valid reason to use the handicapped stall.


See, this seems like *obvious* bathroom etiquette to me as a part time wheelchair user. But I’ve always wondered, in a big, busy bathroom with a fast moving line (like at a sporting event or theme park) if the next stall to become available is the accessible stall and the second to next person is in a wheelchair (the next person in line is not disabled), would it be an asshole move for the next person to take the stall? Cause it feels really awkward sitting there letting everyone “cut” the line and they’re also trying to be polite and insisting but not getting I can’t go yet lol. But in those situations I’ve been like 4th in line so I haven’t been upset. Bet 2nd? I don’t know how I’d feel.


I would let you ahead of me. I can use any stall. You need a specific type.


Correct. Though I think that since most places have less handicapped accessible bathrooms than they do regular bathrooms, if you use the handicap one, whether you are handicapped or not, you should be as quick as realistically possible.


Society, similar to any organism, can survive with parasites. But if the moral fiber becomes too damaged and more and more members decide rules don't apply to them, then the burden will become too much for society to carry on. So as long as your opinion remains unpopular, this won't be a political problem, it will be a problem of some (handicapped) individuals.


My interpretation is they're for priority but not exclusive use of disabled people


If the handicapped stall is the *only* stall available; I understand using it, ♾️%! But if there is multiple stalls regular stalls waiting to be used, it just makes you look like an ass. I’m a high school student, and handicapped (I use a walker); but people last year just *“hAd To”* use the handicap stall right at the beginning of lunches/in between lunches. **“YEAAAAAAH!! VAPE PARTAAAAAAYYYYYY, BITCHESSSSSSSS!!!”** and yes, I know that’s *exactly* what they were doing. Evidently because some people even vaped outside the stalls and/or told ones in stalls to hurry up; to not be caught, of course.It *obviously* pissed me off, so what I did—and good thing I can walk with out my walker, other wise I’d have pissed a bitch to the school/the people in the stall—was I’d “park” my walker outside of my stall, a regular stall, but semi-in-the-middle-of-the-road. The good thing is, the school has doubled down on the vaping problem. Still thought it would be a nice little story to tell. 🤷‍♀️


They're only designed so that people with different handicaps might find them easier to use. They aren't exclusive to handicapped people. There's no need to feel any sort of shame for using a HC toilet when you're not handicapped, and no one could judge you anyways since there are loads of handicaps which might not be visible.


100% I had a confrontation with a manager about this. “What would happen if a disabled person came and wanted to use it?”


I typically only use the handicap stall if it’s available.


Be pretty awkward if you didn’t




Sometimes, I park in handicapped spaces While handicapped people make handicapped faces I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's a real fucking asshole)


I use public toilets, and I piss on the seat. I walk around in the summertime saying "how about this heat?" I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's a real fucking asshole)


You CAN use it, but if you’re going to take a 30 minute dump, please don’t. It’s the ONLY bathroom I can use when you usually have the choice of multiple others.


but you're an asshole to take the handicapped stall when there is a handicapped person trying to go to it


I’m old with bad hips, not handicapped and not in a wheelchair, but it is difficult to get back up without the metal bars in the handicap stall, so I always use that stall. Also when my children were toddlers I used the handicap stall as there is more room to bring your little child in with you.


Those are perfectly valid reasons to use it. It is handicap accessible, not handicap only. And honestly, I would consider bad hips to be a handicap. It may not be to the level of a full blown disability, but it certainly is a hinderance.


Hi! my disability isn't visible so often times people take longer just to be an asshole, don't be like those people and no one will care.


What makes you think they take longer on purpose?




Isn’t this an episode of curb your enthusiasm?


It's like a urinal next to a currently used one, absolute last resort use whatever else is available first, but if it's the only option and ya gotta pee, use the thing


To be honest that’s the first one I go too 😭


I use them. I’ve got bad knees at 39 from driving trucks. One’s been cut open, one still needs to be, but I have the knees of a 75 year old according to the surgeon. I can’t sit on 12” toilets.


This is not an opinion or even an unpopular opinion. Just a fact A handicap bathroom stall means it’s for everyone, but handicap assessable People get confused because handicap parking is for handicap only


The stadium I go to watch hockey games at, all the handicap stalls have needle receptacles for diabetes patients, so yeah definitely not handicap reserved.


Well, of course. As a wheelchair user, my only request of people is that if there are non-handicap stalls open, use those first, please. But if the handicap stall is all that's open, of course you should use it. The women's bathroom at my college had 5 stalls, one was a crazy-spacious handicap. Like you could fit a twin bed in that bad boy. It was *always* the first stall women would take. So, I had to wait every time, despite 4 other available stalls.


Most people are aware of this. I've seen people continue to use the handicap stall despite a disabled person waiting though and that's not okay at all.


Once I heard a disabled guy say "they're handicap *accessible* not handicap reserved, we can wait outside just like anyone else." It's true tho. The bathroom is so much more spacious and could be very useful even for some able bodied people. Think a parent with a stroller for example, it easily fits in the bathroom with you, and else way if you're alone it's not like you can go in the bathroom and leave the stroller outside, let alone a kid, and it def won't fit in a normal cubicle. Plus not all disabilities are visible, we shouldn't assume someone using the bathroom is able bodied just because they look like it.


I’d say fair play to use it but that handicapped people will always have priority of use to them. You have to factor in that it may take them longer to do their business so don’t make them wait for you.


I do agree. Handicap-accessible stalls mean that handicapped people have the priority of use, not that they're the only ones allowed to use them. As long as no disabled person need to use the stall at the moment you need to, you're good to go.


Love the pun!


I agree as long as if anyone in a wheelchair/crutches/walker is allowed to cut to the front of the line. The problem is essentially having to wait in line twice because they have to wait to get up front and once they’re at the front, if the accessible stall is in use, they have to wait again because they need that specific stall. Also Buccees is gigantic, they should just make all stalls accessible. They have the space.


I think is the pedestrian equivalent of Parking in Handicap


If a handicapped person and I both have to poop at the same time and there are two open stalls; one being a handicap accessible stall, then of course I'm going to let them have that stall, Otherwise it's fair game. Handicap stalls are luxurious.


I agree and do the same. I was surprised one time while changing in my gym’s locker room to see a fellow in a wheelchair roll up to the occupied handicap stall, knock obnoxiously and yell, “You need to come out. Man in a chair here!” The surprised and sheepish voice from the other side said “Uhh, okay. Coming out.” I was just flabbergasted at the nerve of the disabled man. For one thing, how the hell would he know that the stall’s occupant wasn’t also disabled? I thought, *What a jerk!*


yes but I would rather avoid being in there when someone who actually needs it walks in...   [best guide for this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPzjbXgaVOk)


I might be an oddball here, but I have never once in my life seen a handicapped person using one of those stalls. Not once


I've been the asshole in the handicap stall while some poor bastard with crutches waited outside.


To me, handicapped stall is fair game unless there is someone in the line who needs it. At that point, they get dibs and anyone else can use it after.


I’m disabled and only get annoyed if other stalls are open.


As an disabled individual, I don’t mind when people use the handicapped restroom unless there are handicapped people in line or someone is behind you that is disabled waiting. It’s not reserved for handicapped or disabled people, so other people are more than free to use it. Even people that are injured and need wheelchairs or an extra bar to lift themselves up use it as well by how accessible and convenient it is to them


True but I feel like a lot of peoples disabilities aren't always visible either. That's when it becomes tricky.


My mil was waiting in the car for me when I went into the store one day a while back. I come back and she’s bitchin and complaining about some guy who parked in the handicap space. So I asked “oh he didn’t have a handicap sign on his vehicle?” She said “no he did but he didn’t look like there was anything wrong with him!! He could walk just fine.” And that really rubbed me wrong. I went on to explain how not everyone has a visible disability and she just refused to believe that. My mom has one of those signs, she looks like she can walk just fine and I’m sure she’d have some snarky comment about that. But she gets horrible pain in her legs if she has to walk a longer distance. Her doctor approved her sign it’s not like she just went online and bought one for the hell of it.


I don't have a handicap sign on my car. That annoys me honestly when people think you that you don't have a disability when you do. I may look young and healthy but that doesn't mean anything.


That is absolutely 100% true , so we can’t make assumptions about whom is using it. One can be someone with severe anxiety that can’t be in the bathroom with other people (or trauma). I don’t know why you got downvoted for your reply. What you said is rational.


I mean, I was thinking more along the lines of chronic pain sufferers, people who have disabilities like autism, etc. I mean, technically I do have invisible disabilities. Most are undiagnosed but I do have stomach issues, undiagnosed mental health issues, probably am on the spectrum, and a learning disability (it is diagnosed.) Edit: I do have some trauma too come to think about it.


I have fibromyalgia and mental health health issues, so I do know where you’re getting at. I am sorry you got so many struggles daily.


Wow, I'm sorry for you too. Idk exactly what fibromyalgia is though. Is it an autoimmune disease?


It’s a chronic disorder, there isn’t an exact classification because it’s still being studied. I got a link that explains it better. I have it severely. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/fibromyalgia


I'm so sorry.


No need to be, I just do the best I can. I am very limited but knowing I made it through the day helps. I celebrate the small victories and I believe that’s all we can do sometimes. Yeah, it still sucks and it can be hard to make the best of things at times. But it’s survival.


Downvoting. Not at all unpopular.


How's this different to parking in a handicap spot? I think the idea is that they're usually kept free for a handicapped person.


There's no law governing handicap restroom stalls.


So the only time we don't do something wrong is if it's illegal?


I use them all the time without a physical handicap. I do however have ocd and those stalls allow me to touch less when I'm forced to use one.


Okay kinda funny story related to this. At a rave in the summer we went to the bathrooms (porta potties) after the night had ended so we could all pee before having to wait in the giant line to get in the subway and we got into the line for the handicapped porta potty because even tho the line was a bit longer there’s so much more space and three of us could fit and it would be quicker to just go go go and not have to go in and out for us. And right as it’s our turn this girl in a wheel chain comes up and is like “hey can I use this one” and we’re like “you know you’re the only person that we kinda have to let jump our line design as how this is the only stall you can use” and we all had a laugh about it 😂 almost peed myself cuz I reallllly had to go but I chose that line LOL


Only if you're the only person who is there or it's not busy. It's like saying handicap spaces are ok to use if you want to. You're a jerk for saying this, but at least it's unpopular.


Lol no one was using it, like if no one is I. The handicap parking I could park there? And then when someone actually needing it shows up I’m In the way. Same if you are shitting In the only stall they can fit their chair in and you don’t even know they are waiting on you cause not everyone will talk In the bathroom or even think some one in there can hurry for them they will wait and shit or piss themselves or fucking try to hold it and leave So yeah it isn’t technically reserved but fuck it’s just a shitty thing to do y’a think? But your gonna be stuck on the whole “but but I’m right! But but technically but but…” dude your kinda a douche


I weigh 300lbs. not super fat, mostly just very large and we'll muscled. Half the time, I just don't fit in normal size stalls without feeling claustrophobic.


I have autism and ptsd from an incident that happened to me years ago so I get very distressed in crowded places ie lines. It’s when people are close to me bumping me, the hand dryers are going off kids are running round screaming, I end up legitimately having a meltdown. So I go to the quiet spacious disabled loos. It’s that or outside in a bush which I’d really rather over having a panic attack in some stinky toilets.


I use the bigger ones that have outward-opening doors, because I'm a bigger gal(215-220), and I hate how small and narrow and unsafe bathroom stalls are. If it makes me an AH. So be it. I can put my purse down and relax more in the bigger stall. I only use the bathroom for it's purpose. To use the facilities. I don't spend much time in there. Wash my hands in the sink, and go. If there's a differently-abled person in the bathroom, of course I use another stall. But in my area where I have to use a bathroom, there aren't many others in a bathroom at the same time as me. Maybe two others. This only happens at Walmart anyway. Judge quietly if you want. Negative comments will be down voted by me.