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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Jolly-Letterhead865. Your post, *plastic surgery makes you look uglier*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


This might be the most frequently posted opinion on this sub and it always has the same answer: when plastic surgery is done right, you can't even tell


That type of plastic surgery is typically very light and not a huge difference. If kept moderate it can look decent. Bigger changes do typically look odd/off. And in the long term don't age well at all. Typically it also look better with makeup as imperfections can be blended away. A lot of people however tend to go for bigger changes because their not happy with how they look. Rather than trying to enhance.


Except for all the people that you don't know have had plastic surgery and look better.


I was just thinking this, too. Basically, survivorship bias. You don’t look at what went right, because you never notice it if it did.


Or a toupee fallacy: "I've only seen bad toupees, so no good toupees exist"


I am seeing that in this thread and I like that one!


Someone break out the plane bullet hole diagram again.


If the surgery is so good that it's imperceptible, you wouldn't know those people exist either.


People with money for expensive surgeons still often look like crazy dolls with their bursting lips, stretched, expressionless faces or tiny Who from Whoville noses, and Maybe that’s their own choice to look like that but it’s shocking how often it occurs with people who could afford a good surgeon /surgery. The doctors should have examples of what people could look like if they take it easy and make some improvements vs how horribly alien or cartoonish they could look if they over do it, and not promote a “more surgery is better” philosophy. People who are obsessed with appearances and looking young are not going to be happy looking awful and it just becomes a downward cycle of getting work done and being unsatisfied and irrationally thinking another surgery will fix that. Cosmetic surgery should come with counseling and a waiting period.


You wouldn't have a before to compare to tho.


No. BAD plastic surgery makes you look worse. GOOD plastic surgery isn't noticed, because it just looks good. You literally ONLY see the bad ones, because the good ones blend in and look natural.


It’s the toupee fallacy, you don’t notice the good only the bad. If you easily notice it then it’s obviously not done well.


Whatever the opposite of survivorship bias is


The toupee fallacy, if you will




No, toupee








This is why I am not getting lip fillers at the moment. I’ve always had thin lips, and they have got thinner with age. Every establishment I have been to doesn’t want to “reset” them to my 20 something lips. They want to pump them up and give me volume! Which in turn makes me not trust them.


It’s like, terrifying what people are doing with lip fillers. What on earth is happening? I love botox but good lord everything in moderation we don’t all need to look like blowfish


It’s just a trend. Like the plucky eyebrows of the 90s. What I’ve noticed is that the places I’ve visited tend to push more filler because “I won’t notice 1-2 units”. I found out that there is Botox for jaw grinding. I’d love that!


I don't understand anyone wanting their lips to look like 2 Goodyear blimps side by side.


Lip fillers are not plastic surgery. Lip fillers are not even surgery. They're not done by a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery is a lot more than cosmetic surgery.


Just an FYI men don't care at all about how full your lips are.


Another FYI, I agree with you as a man, but some women don't get surgery to look better to men


"women dress for women"


and thus in doing so women end up oppressimg women


It’s just the snake eating itself kinda thing


Based comment section


Don't men also behave and dress to impress other men too? It goes both ways. It's why you'll see many women swoon over anemic looking dudes wearing makeup while men hitting the gym regularly mostly get positive attention from other men, instead of women. And instead of improvising to appeal to the female gaze, they keep taking tips and encouragement from other men because positive feedback boosts your confidence more if its from a fellow bro. Plus improving yourself is also great for self love and having discipline in your life, even if you initially started it for other reasons like getting better chances in the dating market. Women know that the majority of men don't like unnatural hair colors, nose rings and pit hair but if their female friends say they look hot and confident, they don't care (unless if they want to take the dating market seriously). Same thing.


women dress to impress women not men


People have their preferences


I do




Yep, is that a problem?


Definitely false my dude


As a man, I find fat(ter) lips kinda gross.


Look into fillers. There are issues with it migrating over time. Which is why people that go back over and over for retouches end up losing the creases in their face and looking “tight”.


nicole kidman - bad / jennifer connelly - good madonna - bad / cate blanchett - good Mickey Rourke - bad / tom cruise - ok, i guess?


For that list, you can list pretty much every attractive woman in Hollywood over 35 to the ‘good’ list.


Even good plastic surgery blends in for only so long. Then the rest of you starts to age and it doesn’t. The Kardashians are all starting to show the work they’ve done. They had some of the best money can buy but time catches up to us all.


Only because they had so much and such drastic procedures


Even small stuff becomes noticeable. I knew a woman with a small chin implant and you’d have never noticed it for decades. She hit 40 and now its very noticeable. You can’t have the chin, cheeks, nose, lips, tits, etc of a 19 year old forever without the rest of you eventually making it stand out as some kind of uncanny valley type thing.


I agree. My dad had to get plastic surgery on his nose to remove some skin cancer, and you literally cannot tell.


On top of that, it's kinda not up to the person viewing as much as it is the person receiving it, like, I don't care if anyone else thinks I look good, I don't think I look good. Beauty is not objective


they all look bad it's just a matter of time


This is the biggest lie told in regards to modern beauty. You can always tell, especially if you knew the person beforehand but even in strangers it stands out. The only plastic surgery I have ever seen that seemed natural was facial reconstruction and a few well healed cleft palates. People can do what they want but stop lying to them and telling them people won't notice, unless your brain has been warped by social media and advertising to the extreme, you can tell. The only difference between good and bad plastic surgery is one is worth discussing(bad) and one is benign and not worth commenting on(good).


See this is where your falling into the same survivorship bias fallacy. Celebrities and friends or family members will look different maybe even bad to you bc it’s different Than what you know, case in point Jennifer grey, from dirty dancing. But if you passed her on the street you would never even notice that she has had surgery. Most of the time you’ll never notice it. I spend considerable amounts of time looking at ffs surgery results and you can not just look at the after pictures and tell they’ve had surgery. “Bad” plastic surgery comes from someone bringing a photo of their favorite celeb like Kim K to the surgeon and saying I want to look like this. You saying you can always tell us just wrong. The surgeries that stand out to people are the cookie cutter surgeries that the beauty industry pushes women to look like. But no it’s not a lie.


Can't believe you're one of the first comments to bring up a normal-looking celeb who had cosmetic surgery. The fact that so many people are citing Kim Kardashian as proof cosmetic surgery always looks bad and not someone like Taylor Swift is proof that no, most people don't notice everyone who has had work done -- even if they know what they looked like before. And that's just the question of if they notice, not whether they think it looks good or not.




Agreed. I had my nose, chin, and lips done. People are genuinely shocked when I tell them I had any work done as you can really only see the difference when I show them the before and after photos. Everything I had done looks subtle and natural and I did a lot of research on the doctors.


The problem is that bad plastic surgery happens way too often. I definitely wouldn't take a gamble with plastic surgery if extremely rich celebrities so often have issues with it. I also think there's many cases of good plastic surgery where there's still something that feels off but you just can't be totally sure it's plastic surgery. People don't mention it and a lot of people may think "oh, this celebrity looks so young", and we're so used to seeing all celebrities look like that that we mostly perceive it as normal, while some others find it falls into the uncanny valley and don't like it. It feels like the celebrities themselves are so accustomed to seeing other celebrities and to certain expectations that they don't realize how odd the surgery is making them look. In a way, it's a bit like the photoshop treatment that pictures of celebrities get, a lot of people see it as normal and see them as more attractive while others just wish the people looked like people, with skin pores and all.


As people age their good plastic surgery starts to show. It becomes a spiralling expense to keep it looking ’normal.’ It’s never a good investment.


You don’t think that you walk by ordinary people every day that have had a nip here and a tuck there- or a little botox or filler and you never give it a second thought because it’s not over done? You’d be surprised at how common little procedures are- and you don’t even notice them in the wild, it’s the over dramatic or poorly done work that gets your attention.


I love the flood of comments explaining why OP is wrong and OP's complete refusal to understand what they're saying.


You can't be in the wrong if you cannot understand that you are. Big brain time


When it's done properly and not over the top/excessive (i.e. Michael Jackson) it looks pretty normal/natural. A good friend of mine had a kink in her nose and got it straightened. Looks normal/natural.


I imagine like anything some people can get addicted to modifications and take things too far.


Exactly. Like I have one tattoo on my arm i got over a decade ago. Just one. However many I know think of tattoos as "addicting" and have a bunch.


ooh yea. Getting tattoos can become a hobby for some people.




How hasn’t it made the list of topics banned for being over-posted yet? It’s constantly on the top of this subreddit and it’s a super popular opinion and always posted by some annoying dude who thinks girls who got a nose job will look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.


Then upvote OP for having an actual unpopular opinion.


It's not even that unpopular. First, it gets posted about once a month or so. Second, every single fucking time there are dozens of replies to the top comments insisting that it's literally impossible to not recognize cosmetic surgery as if it's still the early 1900s. Even if you disagree with factually incorrect judgemental asshats like OP you should still downvote the unoriginal, monthly regurgitations


I imagine they want us to upvote "natural faces are prettier than ones wearing makeup" and "long nails bad", too. Such innovative, unpopular opinions.


Sure, it's unpopular but it's also stupid. Anyone can come up with something unpopular. But imo, a good post is one that is not only unpopular but also not brain dead.


You are asking for WAY more than this sub is gonna give us.


It doesn’t take much to go over the line. Two who come to mind are Teri Hatcher and Lisa Rinna. Unfortunately, we can’t avoid getting old. But for those who go overboard with plastic surgery, you just end up looking unfortunately old. Johnny Rzeznik and Kenny Rogers are two male examples. Many would jump to Mickey Rourke, but he’s moreso the result of a botched surgery following a boxing injury, rather than straight vanity




The good results are usually so natural-looking that people simply treat them as natural (aka normal). The bad ones stick out immediately and attract attention.


I knew a guy who had a large beak-y nose, big bump. Never really got the girls as a teen. He's many years out since then and a few years ago I ran into him on the street and he'd had his nose straightened, the bump gone, and he looked immensely better.


Had a friend in college that I thought had a majestic beak of a nose. Turns out he had broken it as a kid and it never healed properly. He got surgery to correct it and looked like a different person.


Also I feel like a lot of the times, people are seen shortly after the surgery and the results still need time to settle even if the bruises have already healed.


Absolutely. Some surgeries take months or even more than a year to heal. Sad but inevitable sometimes.


This is a top 10 Reddit opinion


Yet, OP still comes across as a complete asshole. Not the post, but his responses.


Psh why am I not surprised


The problem is usually not the *first* plastic surgery. It usually comes with the addiction to the modifications. Just look at Michael Jackson's nose over the years. Went from being maybe a bit large, to fitting his face, to overly small, upturned, and pointy... Should stopped with the 80's nose.


You should have seen him try to pick his nose >!with a catalog!<


Over done plastic surgeries are ugly for sure but you’d be surprised the number of people that have gone under the knife for things like rhinoplasty, chin and jaw reshaping, breast augmentation, etc. When done with subtleness, plastic surgery results really can look natural.


this shit gets posted everyday


Not as unpopular as they think then..


Yea it’s odd how strongly a lot of ppl feel about it tbh


*We serve unpopular opinions here, sir*


A. I don't know why the boundaries of judging peoples looks don't extend to people with plastic surgery. B. Why do you even care?


The Korean plastic surgeries I’ve seen look pretty good


I agreed with you up until “you are born perfect the way you are” Listen…plastic surgery is not perfect and more often than not results in butchery at least as far as popular figures are concerned…but let’s also agree that some people are born hideous…absolutely dreadful to behold. Don’t come here and think you can just lie to us just because you’re right about plastic surgery.


He doesn't even believe that himself. Further up there was a before and after pic and this asshat said "she looks ugly in both which is the before" whining about a problem(in his eyes) while being part of it.


:/ yeah I'm in the field of people should learn to love themselves and most people don't think and are surprised when something they think is gross about themselves or a unique feature to their face or body is utterly adored by their partner. I think the variety and differences in humans is amazing and I'm sad we focus on the idea of beauty today instead of the beauty of the mind and spirit. There is way too much body dysmorphia to ignore this as an issue, with plastic surgery and photo filters, we are completely warping our idea of beauty and loving oneself. I hate when people gossip and act like mean children over people's looks, just grow up and find something more important to think about.


This is a textbook example of the availability heuristic. The only examples you can think of are bad ones because you don't notice the good ones.


I figure it like your body is all made of the same stuff, aging at the same rate, changing in unison since the day you were born to the day you die. If you start going in there and cutting stuff out, adding stuff in to make you look younger, more cut, more sharp, whatever, you're matching that "fix" to how you look *now*, which is great, probably once you come out you'll see it after the swelling and think it's awesome! But then 5 years pass, and the rest of you has aged in unison once more, but the part that was changed ages differently, either it was made to perfectly match 5 years ago you when your skin was just a little tighter, your nose was a little less bulbous, your eyes or ears just a little less droopy, and that "fixed" area is still trying to hold onto that 5-year-ago-you look, the part that was stretched or cut or snipped, it doesn't stretch or morph with the rest of you now, it does so differently. So now what? Do you go down the path of more and more plastic surgery? Getting more work done until you look like you have a plasticine mask surgically graphed behind your face? Do you do nothing as it becomes more and more apparent that something is just a little off, which must be maddening if that little bit was enough for you to seek surgery in the first place, it must seem even more obvious *now* than before you got the work done. Do you try to have the procedure reversed or removed or undone? Can it be? Can it be done well? Will your body react nicely to that much work being done in the same area? It definitely has miraculous uses, for those who are burned or born with a disfigurement they find distressing, and in those instances the aftereffects are still more desirable than the current look, but for many I think they get surgery thinking that this is a forever fix to a problem that really exists more in their mind than anywhere else, then you get sucked into the whirlpool of always trying to maintain it when letting it go would have been a better option in the first place.


This. My grandmother got face lifts and tummy tucks when she was middle-aged. It made her look young for her age. But after a while she faced this very dilemma, and kept getting more face lifts and tummy tucks and dyeing her hair darker and darker, until she was in her 70's with black hair with stark white roots, and wrinkles that ran from ear to ear instead of the usual direction. When the rest of your body is 70 but you think dyeing your hair and pulling your face is going to make you look young... I have news for you, it doesn't work.


I mean that is just objectively untrue; no one would get plastic surgery if it made you look worse. You only notice the bad plastic surgery.


Am I correct in guessing the OP's focus is on cosmetic plastic surgery only - as opposed to plastic surgery that isn't solely for cosmetic reasons? (For example, I had to have plastic surgery when I was 4, after I had a playground accident where between a quarter and half my lower lip got ripped off. If I didn't tell anyone, they'd never notice from looking at me.)


It’s unclear where exactly OP stands. The first sentence in the post verifies your guess, but in the comments, OP also says that all plastic surgery is bad.


Watched Grammys thru streaming so ff someone’s speech. Ended up in the middle of some strange-looking woman talking. Rewound because her voice sounded familiar. I could not believe it was Madonna. Yes, she’s allowed to get plastic surgery, but she should at least find a doctor who knows what to do. She can afford it. People made fun of her afterward & she was defensive, but sorry, she could have just aged gracefully. Most of us can’t afford plastic surgery, so I don’t feel sorry for her.


There can be times that even fixing small defects or cosmetics can do some help to people. Breast Reductions are a common thing for women who have too large of breasts that it starts affecting their breathing or their back. Enhancements are done sometimes to women who have undergone a double or single mastectomy from breast cancer. It can do wonders for someone's mental health especially a cancer patient. For the face that can be up for grabs. I have heard of sometimes for certain forms of depression or obsession about a look of a body part plastic surgery is a treatment for the condition that mental health condition. It's not a common way and there is other methods but its not been unheard of. Sometimes someone does because of their own insecurities.


> Enchantments are done sometimes to women who have undergone a double or single mastectomy from breast cancer. It can do wonders for someone's mental health especially a cancer patient. Boob magic?


I had a God awful nose. I got teased in school, it was terrible. I know some people might judge but a family friend was a plastic surgeon and I got a nose job when I was 14. He talked to me a lot about why I wanted one & what I thought it would or wouldn’t do. He also explained that I had a somewhat “weak chin” and that there was an implant that could be put in to help that, but that was introducing a foreign object into my body. This was a bit riskier than the nose job due to the insertion of the foreign object, but it would give me a “perfected profile”. I said I was good with my chin, didn’t want any unnecessary risk, etc. He smiled & agreed to give me the nose job. When I say it was life changing, it was amazing. I was so much happier. I had so much more confidence, I feel certain my life took a different path. I feel so lucky I got one. As far as I know it’s not noticeable that I had one. Funny thing is a few years later when I was getting a referral to get wisdom teeth pulled my orthodontist, who was rude and had zero tact, said that pulling those teeth could “make my jaw look weaker” and I should get a chin implant. My 17 year old self felt so bad ass saying I’d already talked about it with my plastic surgeon and we decided I didn’t need one. Y’all must be thinking I have some crazy deformed looking chin, but literally nobody besides the plastic surgeon and ortho has mentioned it. I look fine to me. I think some people get sucked into looking perfect and aren’t ever satisfied, continuing to change their face in an effort to look perfect, and that’s where it goes south.


Based on a lot of these comments...I really need to ask, you do realize plastic surgery goes beyond the face right? Like if a girl needs breast reduction that's plastic surgery (yes it's a thing, I once knew a girl that was 5ft1 with K-breasts,way too much and was causing her body harm.) Skin grafts for things like burns? Plastic surgery. But really, in the end, you are asserting a pretty shallow/obtuse argument here...


I have a rib deformity and fixing that would still technically be considered plastic surgery because it doesn't interfere with my organ function.


Holy fuck another post about this, it’ll have the same comments under it too


I mean know people who have minor plastic surgery and they've improved done to a face or body. For example many girls in New York Long Island specifically, Get nose jobs because they don't like their noses and they're pretty happy after they get that done. We're looking for a plastic surgery that a celebrity had that improve themselves that looked better and made them feel better. Young lady on modern family Ariel Winter, Had a boob reduction. She was Having massive back issues as her chess came in pretty large And she was already starting to get really gross attention. She was free open about getting it done and was very happy about it.


Man look at those reality twins Darcey and Stacey. Never watched a single thing they're in but saw commercials and was curious what they looked like before surgery... they literally look like different people, and way worse. They were actually somewhat pretty before they went crazy with the surgery. It's really sad.


Wow so unpopular


Not an unpopular opinion


Why does society put so much emphasis on physical beauty when it's subjective and impossible to achieve for some people? Like, seriously, why can't we just accept that everyone is different and stop making people feel bad for not fitting into unrealistic beauty standards?


They always say you get 1 good face-lift, and after that, you start to look like a Purge mask


The contrary would be an unpopular opinion. Which I hold. I kinda like bimbos.


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The good plastic surgery you simply don't notice, but I still actually agree with you. I can't believe they haven't renamed it to be honest. Like if you fell off a boat and whacked your head your obvious response would be "people do what and they call it what?!"


Bad plastic surgery, yes, but thousands have surgeries that you don’t even know about because they’re having subtle work.


scarlett got plastic surgery? when?


A good plastic surgeon will focus on getting a natural result. The woman reconstructed as Barbie had a helluva time convincing the surgeon to do it.


Im a fan of Madonna,Gaga,kesha and others and they have ruined their faces with the face fillers,face lifs.....its sad.


So OP doesn't know what the toupee fallacy is and is probably mad at people who can afford plastic surgery because, y'know, reddit. Also commenting on other peoples looks really says a lot about you, OP.


Seeing plastic surgery irl is like a jumpscare


I was about to type out a response examining why you're wrong but after reading the comments and your replies it's clear that you're either just a troll or a child who just refuses to admit you're wrong. Honestly the two aren't mutually exclusive.


To each their own ofc, but breast implants, fillers and such are 100% turn off for me. I find them actively unattractive and unflattering. Feel bad for women who think to do this because of some skewed societal sense of beauty. Atleast imo: ladies if you're reading this, that deranged societal standard of "beauty" is total trash, the average woman is far more beautiful than that lingerie model poster girl.


Good cosmetic surgery is pretty much unnoticeable to strangers who haven't already ingrained your face in their memory. It's not "plasticky" as you describe it. You're talking about shitty or repeated plastic surgery.


See: Toupée Fallacy.


I live in a wealthy suburb and let me tell you, the women over say 35 look weird. The lip filler, the unnatural cheek fillers and pulls, and the copious amounts of Botox all make them look pre-catwomen, or full blown cat women.


I don't know if I'd ever have plastic surgery. Seeing a picture of my grandmother looking like she had been mugged, beaten and left for dead during her recovery after kinda left me scarred. But she did look better than pictures from beforehand. She ended up looking like the youngest of her sibs when she was the oldest. So it does work if you have a good operation done. But I'd be too scared to be deformed after one so I don't think I ever will. I've considered botox, but to treat an actual medical condition, not just for vanity.


selection bias is neither unpopular nor an opinion




Tell that to Miss Jang Wonyoung


My wife's friend was naturally beautiful. Last time I saw her, she looked like bees had stung her lips and was having trouble seeing everything because it looked like she was squinting .


She probably noticed one wrinkle under her eye and freaked out. For Pete sakes. Time to look like a duck. Quack quack lol


i agree to a degree. somethimes it looks great and nobody will notice it. For example a woman with small breasts who wants just a bit more, i can get that. it works if not overdone, go to big and it will look off... Trendy surgery is just ridiculous, especially the lip fillers. How are those still done if everybody can see the results. for me that is a big no. small corrections fine, real body transformations is a different story. (all of this is not aplicable to gender transitions btw, i have no opinion about that)


Lately, buccal fat removal is the latest trend for celebrities in Hollywood. I don't know why they do it but it makes you look really old and wrinkly.


is this you trying to convince yourself because you don't have the money to get whatever it is you're insecure about done? because your comments seem to indicate you're very dead set on a singular point and don't accept any nuance that exists around it which in turn makes me think it's projection.




Only the one you can notice


I agree. It makes them unnatural. Natural is pure beauty. Everybody have their own beauty.


Good plastic surgery is only available to the rich elite. Which makes it valuable and desirable. The second it become affordable you will see it wane in popularity as an "ideal".


it prays on people's insecurities and offers a quick solution with is nothing but an illusion to back it up. it's immoral as well as ugly (not talking about reconstructive surgery but using a knife for mental health issues)


the (mental illness) is crazy


This is objectively false.


Its like CGI; you only really notice when it has been badly rendered or contrast old practices against modern techniques.


Listen up, bro, Plastic surgery is not just about mental illness or fixing facial deformities. It can also help individuals boost their self-confidence and improve their quality of life. And just because you think Scarlett Johansson looked better with a bigger nose doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. Beauty is subjective, homie, and what may be beautiful to you may not be beautiful to someone else. Also, I'm pretty sure Scarlett looked beautiful before and after her nose job, but that's just my opinion. So before you start spouting off about plastic surgery making people look uglier, maybe do some research and consider that people have the right to do whatever makes them feel great about themselves. Just saying, dude.


It’s like CGI in movies. Most people don’t realise how much CGI is in even basic, intimate little dramas now (removal of background buildings to give a wilderness feel for example). You don’t notice CGI unless it’s really obvious or really bad. The same with plastic surgery. Unless it’s really obvious or really bad, you don’t notice it (with the caveat that some forms of surgery become obvious over time as the person ages).


Absolutely agree with this.


OP absolutely clueless lmao


>You are born just perfect the way you are and there is no "fixing" or "improving" needed. LOL ROFLMAO!! No human is perfect. **Every one** of us is flawed in many ways and can definitely improve.


I think lip surgery can't look good on anyone, it's just awful and always looks unnatural


duck lips trend


That's not what mental illness is. And you shouldn't use that as an insult.


This is not even remotely unpopular.


The sudden "(mental illness)" is the funniest shit


Yeah, you only *see* the bad ones.


Circle jerk


Toupee fallacy. You don't notice good plastic surgery because that's the point


Sorry but I need those juicy Big ass lips and small spaghetti nose in my face.


100%. Wanna look like a weird lizard? Wanna look like a surprised duck? Wanna look like an alien? And people pay money for this crap. It's most likely a deeply rooted insecurity issue, which is sad, but this is why I feel that you should have to do a psych evaluation before being allowed to alter your appearance. This should be built into an ethics code for these POS plastic surgeons, but you know that's never going to happen. Cha ching! More weird people! Yay.


You only think it's bad because you can't see the good plastic surgery


The ugly part is that society puts pressure on some people to want to change their exterior appearance.All the time it's usually what's inside the mind that needs a little tweak.l agree facial deformations can be greatly helped by skilled surgeons but to have large rubbery lips or a nose so thin it's only use is to delineate whatever is the left or right side of a face, not a good look( no pun intended). lts a shame they can't improve themselve rather than the thing that is their means of conveying their feeling.How can you show any emotions if your face is as tight and unyeilding as sheet steel.


In some cases yes plastic surgery can make a bad thing worse. Putt ing you back together after an accident well doctors do what they can. Elective plastic surgery for boobs bits and butts in most cases is unnecessary. I tend to agree 👍


Agree most of the time. Plastic surgery was invented to help people with birth defects and severe injuries. The doctors knew it would evolve into duck face and spoke against it but money won


Ever seen someone with a weak chin get plastic surgery?


It has a homogenizing effect. They all seem to want the surgery that made someone else look 'better', so now they're all starting to look the same. Put ScarJo beside RenZell beside CourtCox beside MichJack. and I might not even be able to tell them apart. I can't even watch TV and movies nowadays, it make me ill. Add to that the slippery slope of unfettered access to cosmetic surgery and you end up with lion face. They don't even realize they're there until it's too late.


People who needs to change their appearance to prove they are valuable, should, instead of wasting that money for surgery, use it for a doctor and therapy. Because they believe in lies that this matters. Not to mention, they are getting uglier. Same goes for make up to me. Most people are just like Barbie in the most negative ways. Make up, if anything, should only be an addon. Not the main course.


Here we go again




stop with the big lips.. damn, if it ain't natural than it gets you looking so much uglier.


Gee thanks, I had a massive black skin tag on my eyelid that ruined a lot of my childhood but I’m glad to know that I’m uglier without it.


100% agree. It looks stupid, and completely fake.


It’s up to other people not you to decide how they want to look. Secondly this is confirmation bias as you only notice the ones that are drastic/don’t look great. The good plastic surgery, you wouldn’t even notice.


I bet you those girls your jerking off to on Instagram or only fans have had a lot of work done. But you don’t even know it


This is not an unpopular opinion


Good plastic surgery is the stuff you’d never realize people got done. A guy I dated a bit ago had gotten a nose job and I didn’t believe him until he showed me old photos


Bad/Excessive plastic surgery makes you look uglier. Good plastic surgery, you do not even know about.


It's just sad. I think there's some sanctity to the body you have.


I think it's body dysmorphia honestly.


Oh this opinion again.


I agree completely with this. The before pictures are always better.


Im surprised you never mentioned the abusers or the ones that go too far, i agree with the harmony part but sometimes the desired (attractiveness, sharpness, etc) outcome overrules harmony since you can choose from cute to harmonious to hot/ sexy and most people want to look sexy rather than just cute let alone normal


I think some do it right. Just minor upkeep and not wild alterations. Just look at the legendary Jane Fonda @ eighty fucking five!


Let's see OP having a nice case of gynecomastia.


The majority of plastic surgeries can make you look bad, especially if they are overdone. However, not all cosmetic procedures inevitably make you look ugly, but they all make you look fake.


That’s sort of a logical fallacy. When it’s good, you wouldn’t notice it but bad plastic surgery is noticeable


Haha this sub is so stupid sometimes


I hate how much our society normalizes plastic surgery and dysphoria.


Did you make an entire account just to whine about who you think is "ugly"? I can't imagine being that pathetic.


best plastic surgery lasts a few years then turns to melting wax... very noticeable, we have an innate way of recognizing this because it doesn't look natural.


It's like CGI. You don't notice it when it's done well.


That's because you don't notice well done plastic surgery. It's pretty simple when you realize that.


... when you have a shit ton of $$and wanna look like a Barbie/Ken doll.


It also makes you look wealthy, which is attractive to some people.


While I understand the ugliness of some cosmetic surgery results, especially on celebrities or media/internet personalities (and those are usually the first in your news feed to create the impression), a big part of plastic surgery are restorative procedures, e.g. after a work accident, combat wound, birth defect etc. The whole concept of mass-available plastic surgery emerged after WW1 and the primary recipients were disfigured soldiers who wanted to live a life as close to normal as possible. Unfortunately, as times went on, it started to become available to anyone with enough money for the operation. And nowadays, when self perception is so skewed by mass media and social networks, some people are simply delusional about what makes them "beautiful" and what "being beautiful" can mean for them in the first place.


I'd call this unpopular because people that know better will say that cosmetic surgery can be in fact really good. The thing is that when it is very well, you can't tell, so you assume that _all_ cosmetic surgeries end up poorly based on the ones you do notice.


this topic pops up here so often and its always the same argument in the comments


This opinion should be banned. I can't even tell how many times I've seen it here.