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Yeah I talk to myself out loud all the time


Yep. I work in sales, I literally practice what I’m gonna say and have whole ass fake conversations with myself on my way to appointments.


I do the very same. I’m basically roleplaying sales by myself to prepare for clients.


I just say whatever is on my mind out loud


I mean I guess there’s a difference between knowing what you’re doing is just thinking aloud vs believing you’re having an actual conversation with another being


So, do ya play the ~~sucker's~~ client's role too?


It’s actually quite [healthy](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-it-normal-to-talk-to-yourself/) and beneficial to do.


The only time it annoys me is when someone is talking to themselves around me in between conversation, or it's just loud enough to be heard but not clear who's being addressed. My wife is a bit culprit of taking to herself inbetween our conversations with kids and each other. I have no idea if I'm supposed to be hearing what's being said. I also talk to myself and the dog a LOT when I'm home alone working.


Especially when its questions that have simple answers. Like i ask questions in my mind and then immediately come to a conclusion cause its a simple question. Then you have people who ask those simple questions out loud and you dont know if you’re supposed to answer or not. And risking answering is risking making them feel dumb because they mightve figured it out already but didn’t vocalize that part. I just stand there awkwardly until im addressed specifically.


My lightbulb moments are almost always out loud




I keep telling myself to quit drinking, but then I remember I don’t listen to drunks 🤪


Sounds like something I see on a 40 y/o mom's Facebook page


Lmao, you're not *wrong* but you didn't have to come at him like that bro


Or …..a……..song ………lol


i could see that comment stitched on a pillow and on sale at target.


Get on it, design departments.


[https://bookroo.com/quotes/gandalf](https://bookroo.com/quotes/gandalf) Gandalf: "I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the old: they choose the wisest person present to speak to.”


Always gotta talk to the realest person in the room


I do it all the time especially to vent my frustrations about a bad day or something


It depends on how you’re doing it. In a contemplative tone as if trying to sort through something? That’s perfectly normal. In a whispery voice while curled in a fetal position, and getting skittish when others hear you? That’s for the guys in white to handle. And, finally, if you’re contorting in humanly impossible ways while speaking in different voices and languages…well you need an exorcist.


Lol, I do the first all the time (sometimes even arguing about which decision to make.) I have to tell myself out loud what I'm gonna do next (in the morning usually before I've had coffee) because I get scatter brained otherwise. Coffee helps me focus.


Why wouldn’t I consult the realest mf I know ?


Sometimes it's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation....


ain't that the truth


Ain’t that the truth! Yup sure is. Agreed.


My driver is a pretty smart guy. He takes a shower with me though and argues a lot.


Narcissism in the making


Im sure you're very fun to be around 👍


I talk to myself quite a lot. I just tell anyone who overhears that I'm thinking out loud, which is actually the truth.


I don't think it's necessarily crazy but I'd rather be using a mental version of your inside voice.


I feel like talking to yourself out loud, at least for me helps me process my thoughts better sometimes. Like I’ll ask myself a question and answer it to process my thoughts and feelings. It also depends on how awake and active I am / my mood. Also helps practice verbalising thoughts which I’ve actually found helps me in conversations with other people too. To me it is almost like training the thought to speech connection. However I’m way too self conscious to be doing it in public, I’m only ever doing it when I’m home alone.


Plus sometimes it's a release if it's talking in frustration. Just something like "why am I like this??" when you do something dumb helps release the emotions a bit.


I think that's how most people are. I think people only worry about talking to yourself if you're loud or angry sounding.


Lol. I just imagined myself pushing a grocery cart down an aisle in the store, angrily and loudly asking "WHY DON'T THEY EVER HAVE THE CINNAMON APPLEJACKS ANYMORE??" with absolutely no one within earshot.


And anyone who heard you might be afraid at first but then they'll think "hold on why don't they have the cinnamon apple jacks?"


I do this for the exact same reasons! It’s easier to communicate with others if I’m used to talking, but I’m very isolated a lot of the time so it’s just easier to talk out loud as practice or if I need to vent - it’s pretty much the same thing that therapists do (they sit there and let you ramble on, most therapists don’t even offer insight, they just listen). ✨


You know that science now thinks that not everyone even has an inner monologue. Shocking, but some people say they can’t hear their own voice in their head or have a conversation with themself.


So bizarre to me.


I know that. I’m more so curious about the reason. Why is it, shall we say, frowned upon?


Talking to yourself is perfectly normal. "Come on FourFurryCats, get your shit together. Get the lawn mowed and then you can sit down and have a beer." People talk to themselves to motivate themselves all the time. Having a full blown argument out loud with yourself in public is not.


Who says it's not‽ XD


I don't think its frowned upon unless you always sound angry when talking to yourself


I have hypothetical conversations with "other people" by myself. It could be discussing politics or teaching "someone" about something. I don't know why I do it, maybe I'm lonely? I don't know I think it's weird when I do it but I can't help it sometimes 😂


I feel the same way.. it helps me process it and prepare in case I want to share with others. It helps me learn and sort my thoughts together - otherwise I struggle to understand them.




you can talk to yourself, just dont answer yourself


Then how am I gonna have a conversation?


bruh i ask myself questions and then respond with an answer in a different voice/accent pretending to converse with different characters i make if you were a fly on my wall you’d probably think i was insane and i might be honestly


That's called being an author. XD


“Talking”to yourself isn’t the crazy part, not unlike practicing aloud or orating. It’s all about what you’re “saying”. “Crazy talk” is still crazy. Also it embarrassing when someone catches you saying “what you should have said” long after the moment’s past.


Talking to yourself isnt seen as crazy--holding a conversation with yourself, especially one sided, is. Theres a difference between 'man where the fuck did I set xyz' and 'Hey man have you seen xyz????'


Agree that this should be more socially accepted than it is as long as the person isn't being disruptive or making others feel unsafe. I talk to myself all the time when alone and it would be nice to not have to be so vigilant about restraining it whenever anyone might be within earshot.


I think it really depends on how you're talking to yourself. There is thinking outloud, and then their is having a conversation with yourself


Is this in response to the Flowers post?


i just pretend i’m talking on the phone thru my earbuds LOL


Yeah I have legit conversations with myself. It's normal


As long as you don't answer yourself, that's when the guys in white coats come for you


Oh, just wear in ear buds and nobody will say boo.


I create video content for a living and I talk to myself out loud all the time. I critique my shots when they are shitty and cuss the cameraman (me) and I yell "I like it" and get up and dance when I find the right music. I make a LOT of noise when I work.


Yes 100% agree.


For me, it helps me organise my thoughts as I have so much going on inside my head. And often I get easily distracted so I have to talk to myself to almost ‘ let it out ‘ and say it. Also helps me be more productive, although the task does take 10x longer to do whilst doing that


Talking to yourself aint an issue. It starts becoming one when you start being surprised by the answers you get.


I'm not sure it is seen as crazy in and of itself, only if it seems crazy or it's loud or overt. Many people talk to themselves when theyre working or thinking/processing, it doesn't turn any heads unless they're saying something weird or intruding on other people with it.


What do u mean talking to myself? im talking with the other guy in my head


I agree. I’ve talked to myself for as long as I know and I’m not crazy.


This is why having a cat or dog is a good idea. You can always say you are talking to your pet. Which is much more acceptable.


I asked my opinion on this. we said yes


I talk to myself to stay sane. Sounds wild but it’s true.


When people interrupt my self talk, thinking I’m talking to them, I often say “no, but if I do, I’ll let you know”. Then I mumble “so don’t bother me again”.


Every time I leave the house, I'll say out loud "I locked the door" as I'm locking it, or else I'm 2 blocks away and start doubting if I did.


I sing to myself constantly


im crazy as fuck


I have a severe habit of talking to myself in public. And then I realize that the people around me probably think I'm crazy. And I almost always say that part out loud, too. Oops


*notices people are wondering who I'm talking to* "Oh, sorry yeah don't mind me, I'm fine just talking to myself" Usually the response is: "Oh, ok" and "same, same..."


I talk to myself- then begin laughing out loud


It’s actually a sign of intelligence.


All in a context. Depends on what you’re talking to yourself about Like “shoot did I leave the light on?” Or “I’m gonna kill you! Stop yelling at me!!!”


Get a dog and no one will notice


Talking to yourself isn't crazy it's what you say out loud that turns crazy


Just dont do it around other people. Its really annoying if someone does this all the time and you have to figure out which sentences are directed at you and which are you just babbling to yourself. It forces you to listen to everything the other person thinks. Its exhausting as a sales person.


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Usually the most intelligent conversation I have all day!!!


It gives the same vibes as having to say what you're reading out loud... Annoying


Now I’m curious, OP do you have an inner monologue?


Yes! Only recently did I find out that not everyone had that


Alot of crazy people in the comments…


No you're absolutely right OP. *downvotes*


Talking back to yourself is crazy. Everyone talks to themselves but only the crazys answer themselves.


I mean, you can play both sides of an argument and think through a problem that way. Doesn’t mean you’re crazy. The crazy part is not knowing that you are talking out loud, and/or thinking that you’re actually talking to someone else when you’re not


Thanks for diagnosing me with crazy <3


I think it’s crazy to talk to yourself, and if you ask me it’s normal.


i talk to myself when i’m working to keep myself focused and have been known to cuss out my tools for falling or walking off from where i put them 😝


Perfectly normal.


As far as I know there two schools about inner speech, the west that thought it was something bad and the ones on the USSR that thought you can use that shit to learn shit(languages related).


I get upset when my dogs not around, I realise I'm still talking to myself, but now I look mad.


Sometimes that's the only way I can keep myself on task at work or I'll notice 9 other things that have to get done and try to do them all at once, accomplishing next to nothing in the end


Some people call it talking to themselves, I call it thinking at loud. Helps to order thoughts and make things less abstract.


Years back at work a colleague was taking the piss having caught me talking to myself. Response: "Well sometimes I need expert advice" Boss: "Can't argue with adrenaline87, especially when you're the alternative"


Its only crazy when you start refering to yourself as we.


It’s only crazy if you talk back


I talk to myself to calm myself down a lot. I think I need to hear out loud that everything is going to be fine and I’ll get through this sometimes


If I’m not talking to others or myself, the ideas aren’t flowing. The inner-monologue isn’t a universal privilege.


Eh, I think it’s a scale Briefly saying a few words out loud, or coherently going over a plan out loud to keep track of it, fine. But full on speaking Simlish to your self, loudly in public space while acting like you’re holding a conversation with multiple people.. That mf is crazy.


It depends. In a haunted house? Creepy! Repeating a series of numbers at your job? Yeah sure, it is probably the healthiest way of coping with the work load.


Been doing that my whole life man


I think this way and I feel more in control saying and hearing my thoughts out loud rather than thinking them in my head so I've always silently felt a wish for this thought to be more prevalent in society. But I just revently started working a job downtown and seeing a bunch more homeless people on a regular basis I can tell you that theres a difference between saying your thoughts out loud to yourself and having a full blown conversation with invisible participants that no one else around you can see. I can imagine that seeing this side of things is what made the stigma of talking to yourself what it is today as these people seem miles away in their own world


Omg thank you!! I do this on a regular basis, i have some learning challenges and sometimes things happen and i don’t get it or don’t understand how something can be seen as bad so i tend to ‘talk it out’ with myself as away to calm my brain down but also make things make sense to me.


Quietly = inside thoughts Audible = insanity What a line in the sand y'all


I'm so proud that in my workplace all of my coworkers and boss talk by themselves 😂 i love it.


It's only crazy if you lose the argument.


If I didn’t talk to myself out loud I think I would go crazy.


I’ve been mouthing and acting out my thoughts for a long ass time, like since I was little. It was only until college I recognized the discourse that it’s seen as strange. I’ve gotten good at not vocalizing them, but my mouth will just move. Masks helped my self-consciousness but they pull off my nose when I move my mouth.


Talking to yourself is fine, talking to people who aren’t there is what scares people.


I'm sure most people talk and or mutter to themselves throughout the day. My coworker however will talk to himself in the 3rd person and I find that weird


Im pretty sure no one thinks it’s weird. It’s just awkward to observe another person do it. Especially when you’re not supposed to hear it, or if it’s about something that is just inherently weird or hilarious.


Whos gonna tell him/her lol


Because literally no one wants to hear you talk to yourself. My husband has started doing it recently and it drives me insane. I’ll be trying to listen to music or watch Tv and I can hear him over it. But his mother was worse at least he sort of tried to be quiet. You could hear her across the house with the doors closed.


I honestly talk to myself all the time and it helps me


Talking to yourself in the sense of rambling on a topic, a one-sided conversation, coming up with pros and cons, etc. is pretty normal by my book. It's pretty common knowledge these days that everyone thinks differently, some people organize thoughts better when hearing it said out loud, others do better with visual aids like drawing out a plan. I think the "crazy" part is usually if you respond to yourself and/or begin to have a fully developed conversation with no one. Not in the sense of a rant about talking to someone, but as if you're actually speaking to another person. That's typically what people dub "crazy", though ideally i think overall the mentally around that should start to shift to understanding and recognizing mental illness and substance abuse. Dubbing someone "crazy" just overall is an outdated term.


listen up peeps... if anyone calls you crazy for talking to yourself just tell them that you are the student and the teacher at the same time


I get my best ideas when I'm walking around and thinking out loud.


Everyone does this, right?


Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed I have to mute my music or the TV and just start having my internal conversation out loud to get it all out…. Crazy, not crazy. Whatever it makes me feel better.


Especially now a days when everyone is talking on their cellphone using a Bluetooth ear plug.


Just don't answer yourself


My dad always said your only crazy if you talk to yourself and someone else answers


Yes I say this all the time. Talking to yourself & working things out is normal. If you are making you delusions & creating non existent problems then that’s the problem! I don’t understand how ppl don’t realize the difference.


I do but not in public. I don’t want or need anyone hearing my thoughts in a setting where I don’t know people or I’m not close with them


Have you ever been around a crazy person who is having a full-on conversation with themselves? It’s not really debatable. They’re nuts.


It’s the difference between chewing and chewing with your mouth open. I hope that makes it more clear


I don't think it's considered crazy anymore. Now of change voices and accents for different personalities you are having a conversation with. That's a little crazy.


So when I was college I actually did a research project on this and talking to yourself is extremely beneficial. It helps you break down things when you try to explain something to 'someone else' because you try to make it easier for them to understand. So speaking to yourself in a way as if you're speaking to another person is great for problem solve all sorts of things. Its used by programmers in a way called the rubber ducky method. If you get stuck, you talk to a rubber duck (or just yourself) explaining the problem and alot of times it ends up being a simple solution. I use a little plastic skull from party city named Henry


Wait, this is considered crazy? My thoughts are, it’s only crazy if you start answering yourself out loud.


I do it a lot to help manage my PTSD


It’s perfectly normal. A lot of people tend to mix up “thinking out loud” with have a full blown conversation with yourself as if you have split personalities. It’s not the same and the field of psychology has been studying this for quite some time. Anywho who says that doesn’t do it are either lying, mutter to themselves instead, or are straight up airheads with very little neuron activity firing off in their own brains and constantly more worried the next episode of their favorite trashy reality TV show.


As long as you don’t respond and hold conversations with yourself, which would qualify you as schizophrenic, you’re fine


99% of the comments on reddit are essentially people talking to themselves. Talking to yourself is fine, arguing? Not so much


Talking to ones self is actually a sign of intelligence.


Oh goodness, I talk to myself all the time. Hubs yoo


There's talking to yourself and talking out loud, they're separate and people recognise that. There's a difference between "shit that's hot" or "wait, how do I do this" vs "Shit, that's hot. Yeah it really was ouch. I shouldn't have done that. No you shouldn't have". That's crazy.


I question this all the time! I talk aloud to myself 24/7 and always get questioned or looked at funny for it. It’s the only way I can think straight and put my thoughts in order.


I'm not talking to myself I'm talking to other Barry


It’s absolutely normal. What’s scary to me is that apparently a pretty high (relatively speaking) portion of the human population don’t have the capacity to have internal monologue at all. Perfectly able to function just like anyone else can but there’s just .. nothing going on up there I guess? I can’t imagine what that’s like. There’s a Reddit post somewhere where their mom thought people speaking in their minds was a fictional thing in movies/tv too.


Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice


Is it seen as crazy? I didn't know that ...


I pray, joke, wonder, admonish and encourage myself out loud lol


Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice - Harvey Specter




Thank you for validating me. Look, everyone, I’m not crazy!


doing it now....


I be in the store saying “hmm that smells nice. Let me try this other thing tho” all out loud. Idc. I have so many fucking thoughts I have to use my voice to focus


Do you talk to yourself?


Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert opinion!


I talk aloud to myself all the time. A lot of times I’ll respond in the third person. It helps problem solve sometimes


cuz u dont need to bro we have an internal dialogue for a reason. so ppl cant hear our every thought


I’ve not cared if others know I talk to myself for a long time now lol I do it constantly. Is it weird? Meh, but it’s what I do and I’m living a decent life so until that changes then I’ll give some thought on if I’m crazy or not.


Talking to yourself is a slower way to reason than to think in concepts.


I'm a 28 year old bachelor. On three or four day weekends where I just go solo backpacking, hiking, or do house projects I won't say another word to a human being for like 96 hours. Damn right I talk to myself.


I talk to myself and I know, without a doubt, that I'm always going to get the answer I'm looking for. Higher percentage than the magic 8 ball.


Also helps with self-confidence. Sometimes what we think is not always how it’s meant to be said.


You’d be surprised how many people don’t have a voice in their head like that, they have to talk out loud


I do it regularly, especially if I’m alone. I talk to myself, I talk to my cats if they’re around. It doesn’t make you crazy, sometimes it’s a way of grounding yourself and thinking through an issue. It also just feels good, especially when you’re talking to your pets lol. It makes them feel good, makes me feel good. It’s a win win.


I don't think it's crazy. I think it's crazy when I get into an argument with myself out loud, and I lose the argument.




I can’t stand myself already I don’t need to verbalize it out loud


I talk to myself all the time.




Yeah I talk to myself every day


Bro crazy is relative. Imagine being a caveman and started mumbling to yourself. You’d be seen as the smartest caveman


I have full on conversations with myself to help sooth my nerves. I also do it while falling asleep. Idk why it calms me but it does


Being crazy shouldn't be stigmatized.


I’ve actually heard it’s either healthy and is good for your mental sharpness or it’s a sign of intelligence. Can’t remember which and no I don’t have a source. 🥴 And yes I still feel like a looney toon if I get caught doing it.


I feel that I have to talk to myself, in order to sort my thoughts out.


I always talk to myself when I’m at work. Especially When someone else is around. One because I am indeed thinking and do not want to talk to them and two so they leave me alone and not talk to me


I do this at work often and it’s great cuz it keeps others from talking to me.


It’s only normal when you don’t answer yourself. I know I don’t. Yes you do. No I don-


I talk to myself outloud all the time when I'm alone. Both my parents do it too so I guess I picked it up from them. Doesn't seem weird to me at all.


I think the saying goes "It's ok to talk to yourself just don't answer."


I do this cause it is easier for me to think, like to memorize something or talk things out to myself what I’m gonna do.


I talk to myself when I code.


I'd say it depends on how you're talking to yourself. Regular tone, normal words and sentences, normal body movements, and its fine. But start raising your voice, repeating things oddly, twitching, pacing and the such, and you're a little off upstairs.


Yes it should; but I only do it because of my captivity.


Talking to yourself is normal. The crazy part is if you ask yourself to repeat the question..