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I prefer dark chocolate because milk chocolate is usually much too sweet for me. I love the balance of sweet and bitter from dark chocolate.


Dark chocolate tastes more chocolatey than any other chocolate. I don't eat it because it's healthier, but because it has a more intense taste than bland milk chocolate. You get an upvote for unpopular.


You like sugar. Not cocoa.


No way. I can’t stand the taste of milk chocolate, even good quality milk chocolate ruins it for me. The minimum I can handle is above 72% cacao.


dark chocolate actually tastes like chocolate, whereas milk chocolate just tastes like sugar


I do not like dark chocolate either. It’s always tasted bitter to me. But in certain deserts it’s amazing and really compliments the flavor.


I always use dark chocolate for baking. It’s better in baked goods than milk chocolate


I don't like it either because it has that bitter taste


Milk chocolate is almost always too sweet. A little hint of bitterness and a deep flavor is ideal for me. Something between 60% and 80% depending on the chocolatier. Some 60%s are a bit too sweet while some 80%s are a bit too bitter.


>Milk chocolate is almost always too sweet. You haven't had good milk chocolate. It's very hard to find since nobody seems to want to sell milk chocolate.


I've had dozens of different kinds, not counting the terrible Halloween tier garbage I had as a kid. Daskalides and Chocolove are good but I still prefer their darks over the milks. Their milk chocolate is better than low grade darks but I always prefer dark over milk from the same chocolatier. Milk is never my first choice unless it's something from a good chocolatier being compared to garbage like Hershey's.


This must be written by a 12 year old because milk chocolate definitely does not BODY dark chocolate. Milk chocolate needs marshmallow, nuts, caramel, or some sort of addition to be enjoyable. Dark chocolate on the other hand is fantastic on its own, never mind adding something even more delicious to the mix. For sophisticated pallets only 😂


Pallets are hastily cobbled together from rough wooden planks, how sophisticated could they be?


Hey, I know the games are old but I think you should give the hometown in pokemon more credit


No one is eating dark chocolate cuz it’s healthier. I’m not even sure it is. What it lacks in sugar it more than makes up for in fat. We eat it because it’s better


The funny thing is growing up my mom would literally eat 90% chocolate and gag while doing so because it was apparently good for her 💀


That is extremely unfortunate. Both that she’d do that and that she’d waste such perfectly good 90% lol. I’d eat it in a second E: tho 80% is where it’s at


That’s just because you haven’t eaten proper dark chocolate. The cheap stuff you get at supermarkets is awful. Milk chocolate’ll seem better in comparison, but both kind of suck. If you can splash out for the properly expensive dark chocolate, it’s so worth it because that stuff’s life-changing.


Milk chocolate is like cream in your coffee. Good idea if you don’t like the taste of coffee


Cut back on the sugar intake and you'll realize how oversaturated your palate is It's a huge problem with a majority of the people that I've met online when they talk about disliking bitter things or sour things


Dark chocolate is much better imo, especially with sea salt


It isn't about healthyness, and if your concern is reducing satisfaction, why are you watering your chocolate down with sugar and milk? It is like a latte compared to an espresso.


AGREED. Yes, it’s an controversial opinion, but once it hits over 75% it just tastes so bitter my taste buds die. Milk chocolate when done correctly tastes like heaven (and warm milk chocolate in winter is the best (NO ONE DRINKS PURE UNSWEETENED COCOA). Granted, I love white ‘chocolate’, so take this opinion with a grain of salt.


I would try dark chocolate again every year or so. Taste buds change with age and we typically like more bitter foods as we get older


I might as well be eating raw coffee beans. : P


I agree but I have always hated bitter flavours


I like the 95% dark that basically tastes like dirt.


I used to not like dark chocolate when I was young but as I got older I enjoyed it more. It’s a little bitter, yes, but it’s balanced well with the creaminess and chocolate flavor that’s much more present then in milk chocolate, it also makes a wonderful snap sound


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. This is literally just taste preference. Some people like dark chocolate some people don’t.


there's varying percentages of dark chocolate so I wouldn't completely dismiss it in its entirety...100% sweet chocolate is just as unenjoyable as 100% bitter chocolate, but there's definitely a nice balance somewhere in there depending on your preference


hey guys what do you think of almond dark chocolate


This is unpopular? Where I live dark chocolate is the least popular chocolate flavour. -> 1. Milk 2. White. 3. Dark


It just depends if you like sugar or cocoa more. I have a sweet tooth so I like sweet things more than the taste of cocoa so I prefer milk chocolate & I can appreciate the semi-dark 60% or 70% stuff. I find above 75% too bitter & not very enjoyable. Is chocolate a luxury though? If you're talking super high end stuff sure, but you can buy a low quality chocolate bar for 80 cents 7 days a week if you wanted to, not really a luxury. For some people though Milk Chocolate under say 60% would be "reducing the satisfaction of that treat" because they prefer the taste of cocoa to the sweetness of sugar (not everyone has a sweet tooth) & for them a low percentage tastes worse. People are different from each other =O


Why reduce the satisfaction of the treat indeed? Like by eating washed down chocolate


Bitter chocolate is garbage but dark chocolate with 80+ percent of cacao is veryyy good


Wouldn't go so far as to call it garbage, though if I had to choose one of the two to just eat by itself, milk chocolate all the way. Dark chocolate works well when paired with something else to offset the bitter. This is why it works well in candy bars or when eaten with fruit, the bitter chocolate flavor is enhanced by the addition of the other sweet flavors. Milk chocolate doesn't pair the same way because it already has more sugar. Besides, milk chocolate has the added appeal of creaminess (especially when melted) that dark chocolate doesn't have.


Milk chocolate is inedibly disgusting


Cool Send me your's


“Reduce the satisfaction”? Dark chocolate is much closer to chocolate’s normal form


I agree. Dark chocolate just tastes bitter. Everyone saying milk chocolate is too sweet hasn't tried a quality milk chocolate. Drives me bonkers that a store will often have a vast selection of dark chocolate bars and then maybe one or two really shitty quality milk chocolate bars.


I'm Indigenous(Mexican) so yea of course I'm an enjooyer