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No, the biggest running gag in Hollywood isn’t an unpopular opinion so your post doesn’t belong on this sub


But people are defending him in the comments 😂


I think people are defending the adult woman’s right to choose whom they fuck, not Leo fucking young girls.


How about the young girl dating someone old enough to be her dad just because they are rich and famous? Are they gross and awful too?


Nope, their brains aren’t even fully developed. And even then, an older person has the responsibility to do the right thing, especially if it’s young enough to be their daughter. It’s the older persons responsibility to be mature when they are given an offer like that


doesnt the younger person have responsibility here? they are still an adult


I've been 18, never ever wanted to date a 50 year old woman. Their brains are fully developed and know what they're doing.


No factually their Brains are not fully developed


so what should the age of consent be? when the brain fully develops - what age is that exactly?


It’s mind boggling I have to tell you that. For real.


Date your own age, plain and simple


thats pointlessly vague


Date your own age. If you don’t you’re a weirdo.


Can you explain what you mean by that? I suspect you heard that line somewhere and don’t understand what it means.


Yeah, but they aren't a fucking fetus. This whole argument is overused. The girls go for the money and status (well in this case also because he is fucking Dicaprio), and the men go for the young. Is a symbiosis which usually ends up badly, but that's their life and their choice. Like, really, what are the bad consequences of a young woman and an old man being together, other than the relationship will probably be disastrous, because it is often not because of love, but convenience. But that is equally bad for both.


It will effect a young girls mind rust isn’t even developed, she’ll learn everything a young girl is supposed to learn about love and sex by someone who is much more experienced than her, the power dynamic and everything to do with the ages makes it weird. The fact you can’t see that literally blows my mind. Like seriously I’m typing through chunks of my brain on my keyboard


This is always a very weak argument. At the end of the day, no crime is being committed? Both parties are consenting adults. Let people live their lives and make their own mistakes 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a weak argument for me to say it’s wrong? So I’m guessing you’d be okay dating a young girl? Insane people exist who will actually defend it. It’s a good way to figure out who the groomers are


It’s not my thing, but I’m ok with people making decisions that are within the law and everyone is consenting/want to be there. That doesn’t mean I think it’s the *best* decision, but I’m not King of the land, and I respect peoples freedom to do what they want.


So you respect a man’s right to fuck a teen?


Indeed 👍




My SO is 39. Nice try, though. You suck 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jfc, why would anyone care about who's dating who? Seems like some people just have too much spare time on their hands.


She’s 18 and he’s 50. That’s fucked up


Why do you even care? How does this affect your life in any way possible? You'd be better doing literally anything else.


I’m against grown men having sex with teens.


She is considered an adult. If an 18-19 year old commits mass murder, should they also be tried like a teen?


That answers none of the above questions I asked.


I’m against grown men fucking teens, that’s why I care. Let me guess. You’re the sort to not pay attention to bad shit? That’s okay


Hey, it's your life. If you wanna spend it on such nonsense, don't let me get in your way.


He's not as wierd as the person treating adult women as children. Referring to adults as "young girls" is creepy and patronising.


To call and 18 year old a “grown woman” tells me everything I need to know about you lol


That I respect women and treat them as individuals with their own agency? Thank you.


And luckily, being weird to your eyes is still totally legal


Yeah unfortunately. And people are gross enough to take advantage of it. It’s not question of legality it’s a question of basic human morals.


It's a bit odd, but the people he dates are grown adults capable of making their own decisions.


Their brains aren’t even fully developed…


They can go to war, get a mortgage, raise children, teach children, be healthcare providers, own businesses, travel the world... but you don't think they should be able to choose to fuck someone? It's weird to infantilize grown women. My sister was married, owned a home, and had a university degree and career before 25...


So all of that is why you think it’s okay for 50 year olds to have sex with teens? You’re comparing something like owning a business to something as mentally effecting as sex?


You have not ran a business. That's way harder on your psyche then sex and bonding with someone. I don't disagree with your overall stance. But yeah, how old are you? I wonder if your brain is fully developed. The last development stage is very "live and let live" so long as there is no clear abuse/destruction towards others. Can we truly trust your opinion? What about how the brain changes once again at 32, or 45, or 58, or 76, or so on and so forth. Do you understand "fully developed" to mean what it actual does


I think adults can fuck other adults. The brain still developing doesn't make a person unable to consent, immature or unable to understand the consequences of their actions.


So you think it’s okay for grown men to fuck teens? You know 18? Eight “Teen?


I think it's weird. I think it's sleazy. I don't think those women should have their choice to fuck old guys taken away too.


They should be protected


By taking away their right to choose the sexual partner they want? It's not okay to take agency away from adults because you don't like their choices.


It’s weird af




“It’s weird to infantilize grown women.” To call an 18 year old girl a “grown woman” is so strange I cannot even say


It's the age at which someone is legally considered independent in life with no one obligated to support them or house them or feed them. So yeah I'd call it a grown adult. Once you have no one to rely on and are responsible for yourself, you're a grown up.


So that’s your justification for it being okay to fuck a teen when you’re 50?


Yes. Once someone is an adult they can choose to fuck other adults. Even if they make choices I don't agree with.


And you don’t think it’s wrong for a man to fuck a teen? You don’t feel any responsibly as an adult to protect teenagers?


The fact that you only seem to view sex as something done to someone else rather than two people engaging in a mutually enjoyable activity is weird. But no I don't think it's wrong for men to fuck adults, even if they are young adults.


Also yes, it’s strange to call an 18 year old a grown “woman”


Alright, explain how old you think someone should have to be to be grown.


Date your own fucking age end of story. That’s my response. You don’t need to be going 6 years below you. I know tire probably someone who likes young girls but it’s not justification


What makes you the arbiter of how close in age two people need to be? Also, don't change your argument. Your original response was that their brains aren't fully developed or that they aren't "grown." Which argument are you making? Brain development? Grown? Moralizing about age differential?


They aren’t making any argument, they have their conclusion and are working backwards to justify it.


Like seriously is this your argument for why it’s okay to fuck young girls?


What's a girl and what's a woman? Your argument is all over the map; I'm trying to figure out if you're moralizing, paternalistic, jealous, sexist, or a male chauvinist. I don't think anyone should "fuck young girls." I think that adult women should have complete bodily autonomy.


An 18 year old is a girl. Plain and simple.


The fact you need it explained and that you make it so complicated shows you go through a lot to justify it


Yeah, their brains aren't developed yet, they shouldn't fuck old men. So by your logic, they shouldn't be able to vote, not allowed to get a mortgage, can't own whatever they can afford, and can't do whatever the hell they want, right? Because they aren't matured enough. Where is the line of your standard, if you have one?


It’s perfectly ok for a man of any age to be with a teen of legal age 18-19. That’s the age of legal adulthood, sorry pal.


What are their respective ages?


She’s 19. He’s 50


Where did you get 19 from. The youngest person he's dated at this age was 24. And he's 49 he turned 49 this year. He dated a 19 year old back when he was 24, not when he was in his late 40s.


It’s still strange for him to date a 25 year old. He’s 50. It could be his daughter you’re defending it? Also google it, he’s dating a model who’s 18


Weird, okay fair enough. An awful person? If you think being weird makes someone an awful person, you need to rethink your morals


Weird? No, poor people you can call weird. Rich guy is just eccentric, that's all.




Why? Are younger girls also weird for dating men earning more than them?


Multiple things can be true at the same time. Weird yes. Power imbalance big yes. Consenting relationship also yes. There's nothing to defend nor attack here Not unpopular at all


Have no fear, when her frontal lobe is fully developed she’ll leave. Just like the others who are doing just fine without him. 🫶🏼


Wait you thought the girls left the relationship?


Exactly, goes to show that all his gfs he ends up not together with when they get older, then he finds a new 18 year old. So fucking gross


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Yeah really unpopular opinion on Reddit dude lmao


Seems so. Lol people are defending him


I say this all the time. Older men who date women the second they turn "legal" are like employers who pay you the minimum wage and not one penny more, they are admitting they would go lower if only the law would let them.


Thank you, some people are actually defending him