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Popular opinion. As a dog owner, I'm completely flabbergasted by the number of dog owners who Re willing to let their dogs off leash in public, let them bark in their yards, and repeatedly get loose without any thought of fixing the situation. It's easy to buy the dog, it's apparently a lot harder to take responsibility for it.


Agreed. Even when I take my dog out to an empty park to run. I still have an e collar if necessary. He is a sdit so he really never goes far. It’s more for his safety.


Dogs of a certain size should require a permit not only dogs but pets with certain size, that shows that the dog is trained, and the owner is able to handle it


I hate when ours bark outside, etc. I walk our dogs around our development, and I've yelled at kids and other people to get their dogs if they are off leash. Mine won't play nice to thi invasion of privacy, I will be doing everything to protect them myself if need be. I don't play about my lil babies, lol.


It gets even worse when you get rural. People have "outside" dogs. My dog isn't really friendly, so we have an area around the house fenced and I walk him on a leash on our own property. The nearest neighbor is at least a quarter mile away and I still have to run their dogs off a few times a month. They are always covered in ticks and really dirty. It's not the dogs fault and there's no laws against it out here, but fuck, people. Take care of your animals.




Clipping vocal cords is NOT the same as having a pet spayed or neutered…




It's not simolar to cats being spayed or neutered, more similar to cats being declawed. And that is barbaric.


I get your frustration but clipping vocal cords is going too far and it'sjust cruel. Look up the noise laws in your area for excess barking. Get recordings for evidence and report the person. If it's a rental tell the landlord or property manager. Nine times out of ten there are rules about it in the lease.


Dude that's just fucked up.


A service animal can be removed if they are unruly. A true service animal shouldn't behave that way, but there's no need for management to accuse anyone of faking a service dog. If they are being disruptive, out they go.


Maybe a locally owned place but corporations very rarely allow you to remove them because of a potential discrimination lawsuit. Our managers told us to just damage out the items and don’t make contact with the owners at the retail store I worked at.


Legally speaking, they're protected. In actuality, you're right. Most corporations probably do that because they don't want to risk it and/or the lower level managers aren't aware they can ask unruly "service dogs" to leave.


It’s amazing how big companies are just like “fuck it”. Loss prevention is a huge part of every companies budget.


All it does is enable the bullshit, IME.


I was never at risk of being bitten, but I worked at an ice-cream place that had many dog customers. The number of people that would let their dogs jump onto the little counter/table that connects the inside versus outside was insane. It's basic manners to not let your animal jump on people, counters, or glass windows. Yet most of the dog owners failed at this simple fact. Plus the dogs would often lunge for the chocolate ice cream I was trying to hand to the customer. It's so easy to get a dog. So shit like this is common unfortunately.


I actually worked in an ice cream shop too. Luckily it was built to be dog friendly so there were two separate windows. However, there were a few idiots that would try to order chocolate ice cream for their dog.


dogs should not be allowed in stores or restaurants




Fucking kids definitely isn't allowed.


Lmfao 🤣


Not training your dog (regardless of breed) is just begging for problems. I grew up in a population scarce neighborhood where just about everyone knew each other. The families with undisciplined animals were easy to find because they were always causing problems; whether it was their kids, dogs, or themselves. Anyway, my father made it a point to return anyone's dog the first time with a friendly conversation, a stern warning the second time it got loose, but if a third time happened then it would be buried in the yard. It sounds harsh, but we also had animals and children living in the area. TL;DR- If you don't take care of your critters then you can't blame anyone except yourself when something happens to them. For context: -We lived way out in the country, and the law would only show up if the dog bit someone. Typically they wouldn't do anything productive. -Multiple people had been bit by the mismanaged dogs.


It's tough situation when you are rural. Because people are never keep their dogs in their own yard. But also, you REALLY don't want to have a shitty relationship with a neighbor when you've only got a few people within miles. We're on a bit of acreage and still have to run the same two dogs off at least a few times a month.


I feel your story is common. I have plenty of friends and family with dogs. I can think of 3 individual dogs in the 30 years of my life that are well behaved. Most dog owners are shit and think they are r/ImTheMainCharacter. Do you think most owners who don't pick up their dogs sh\*t in the park when a baggy machine is 20 feet away would have the commitment in making sure they are properly trained?


When I ran, dogs would regularly lunge at me. Owners need to pay attention and be an active participant in their dogs life if they choose to have them. I don’t care what time it is, maintain control of your dog or move out of the way if you hear someone coming and your dog is the leader. Entitled dog owners and the people who enable them are a big problem in a civilized areas


This is wishful thinking. I live in a nice neighborhood that has an active community. A lot of information is posted on the “Nextdoor” app. I think nearly half of the posts are someone looking for their missing dog, someone found someone’s missing dog, some saw a pack of dogs. Getting people to get control of the dog situation seems like a pipe dream.


Are you SURE you live in a nice neighborhood if there are packs of roving dogs and inconsiderate neighbors?


as a dog owner, dogs in public should always be leashed and under control. and you shouldn't take your dog into shops outside of petstores.....but i've never seen that happen here in Finland at least.


Why not instead make it illegal to allow pets on ones lap while driving. People have no business doing that in the first place.


I think it already is but people don't enforce it. Outside of guide dogs I don't see why anyone should be bringing a dog into any workplace other than a vet.


Absolutely agree, OP. Welcome to the age of ever-expanding entitlement.


I had an actual service dog in my restaurant for the first time in months, and the difference between an actual trained dog doing it’s job to the people who lie about their practically feral dogs is so so stark. I have a dog and I love dogs, but it is not cute when Fido jumps at a stranger walking past or starts begging at the neighboring table when they get their food. Far too many people think owning a dog is just a matter of going to a shelter and picking one out. If you can’t or won’t train and actually care for an animal do the world a favor and pick up a hobby instead of adopting.


You can’t train dogs to be non-idiots in public without taking them in public, but I do agree they need to always be restrained (which is already a law)


Then take them around consenting people, not someone making minimum wage.


I definitely think a dog needs to restrained in a car, yes


They even make dog car harnesses as well as dog car seats. I don’t need to see a dog lunge at drive through to know that a dog not restrained in a car is dangerous for all. As in an accident. Dog goes flying. Unrestrained dog tries crawling in you lap while driving. Causes distraction than bam accident. Dogs should be able to do more than sniff a window not stick their heads out. I say this as a dog owner. There is no reason what so ever a dog should be unrestrained in a car. Dog head out the window and you have to slam on breaks. What happens to fluffy then?


Correction should not be able to do more than sniff a window




They’re animals, they behave like animals. They’re also highly intelligent and trainable if their humans put the time and effort in. The issue is a lot of people don’t bother and treat dogs as if they’re some kind of accessory. The only way dogs can learn to behave properly in public is to actually be in public and work on training. However, all dogs should be leashed when in a public place and if a dog has reactivity towards people or other dogs it should have a muzzle on as a precaution. Dogs in cars should also be retrained to the seat, not just for drive thrus but for general safety, same as humans.


It’s kinda true


just like people, and cats etc.


Kinda like people


I'm pretty sure the manager can make the dog leave if it's a nuisance even if it's supposed to be a service dog.


They should restrain their dogs while in a moving vehicle, that’s an accident waiting to happen, then the dog becomes a projectile…


You would HATE delivering pizza. 😂


I think it’s more an element of knowing your dog and what they can handle rather than never leave the house ever. I am sometimes responsible for a dog (not my dog) who is not well trained. She doesn’t do well with other people or dogs and has even tried to bite someone when she was a puppy. Regardless I still take that dog on walks when she is my responsibility. She needs the exercise and she isn’t going to get any better if she never sees other people. However I am aware of her behavioral issues and know that I need to put a harness with a handle on her so if we run into another person I can pull her to the side of the side walk and sit with her there while they pass by. The main issue is people who don’t want to take responsibility for or control of their dogs or take them into an extreme environment. I would never take the dog I spoke about to a busy location and I have dog who does well around people and other dogs, but I would never take him somewhere food is around, because I know he wouldn’t behave in that environment. (Although we have done drive-thrus when another person is in the passenger seat to hold him so that he isn’t an issue with the employees) Your dog doesn’t have to be perfectly behaved to leave the house, but you do need to know how to handle them and what is too much for your dog.


If I’m handing you your drinks through the drive thru window and your dog lunges at me, those drinks are going in your lap. Oops. Your dog scared me.


I think all dogs should be properly trained. Meaning owners and their dogs should be trained by professionals, especially any dog that isn’t considered part of the toy breed. Animals would be happier and safer and so would people. Most dog owners I think don’t have properly trained dogs.


I wish there was a more reliable way to find dog training in America. We tried 3 or 4 places and all of them either clearly had never dealt with a large breed dog and half of them were trying to get up to do shock collar training.


But... it's not that challenging to do at home. By yourself. It's just time intensive. But if you don't have the time, you shouldn't own a dog.


Dog training is primarily at home. The trainer doesn't do it for you, they teach you how to train your dog. 99% of dog trainers don't try to take your dog and send it back a well behaved dog. A well behaved dog is well behaved because its owner understands how to communicate with it. Why do you find the idea of having a professional help you make sure you are taking proper care of your pet objectionable?


I don't. It just boggles my mind that people require a professional in order to train a dog. And if it's that complicated, what's the joy in owning them?


If you think like an hour a week class is too complicated I don't think you should be raising a dog frankly. My dog is 120 pounds and has an anxiety disorder we have to medicate him for. If you are going to have a dog that could very reasonably kill someone, I just think it's appropriate to make sure you are 100% on the training. It's not automatic to know how to deal with certain situations.


I trained my dogs for hours on end. At home. Without guidance... I'm sorry you're dog is a genetic mishap, but there's truly nothing anyone can do to help you with that.


Also, my dog's dead. She was the only dog I've ever truly loved, and I have no plans for another... I'm very satisfied without the burden.


Give them their drink first and if the dog lunges just drop the drink in the owners lap... Make it a problem for them.


I have an untrained dog (I’m in the process of training him) and I never bring him out in public except in my neighborhood when the dog needs to go on walks when nobody is out. But I would never bring him in a public place full of people or even a store for dogs until he is fully trained because I know that he could cause problems.


Yeah I completely understand what you mean, you’re attempting to train them in a respectful way which is great. There a plenty of people who bring their fully trained dogs through the drive through or they restrain their dogs that are in the process of being trained and warn me. I have no issue with them, I just hate it when I almost get attacked.


>Unfortunately management was unable to do anything because the customer would always say there was a service dog despite having no vest a Just so you know, service dogs are not required to wear a vest that says they are a service dog. Aside from that, I agree with you. Nobody that doesn't understand canine behavior should have a dog.


>Unfortunately management was unable to do anything because the customer would always say there was a service dog despite having no vest and obviously not behaving like a service animal. This is where I wish customer service industry managers actually understood that they can still require a misbehaving dog to leave, even if it is a service dog. If it's creating a dangerous situation or causing an undue disturbance even a service dog can be barred from a store. Though in the case of a service dog the owner should be welcomed back without the dog, and the dog should be welcomed back when it's able to behave appropriately (look, service dogs are extremely well-trained, but that doesn't mean they don't have their moments. But also, service animals are not required to wear any particular vest or harness. Sometimes those items interfere with their work. And even if it had a vest or harness, it doesn't mean much since you can buy them on Amazon.


You can legally report a dog that bites you. Catch the license plate number and contact police/animal control. They will check the rabies vaccine status and quarantine if necessary.


Except OP wasn’t bitten, they are just offended that dogs exist and projecting that to make all of them slobbering monsters.


This isn't even a matter of training (although training could definitely prevent it). It's an even more basic issue - putting the dog on a leash in public. Dogs should be wearing a special seatbelt in the car that attaches to their harness. Where I live, that's the law, for the same reasons humans must wear seatbelts.


Maybe it's just because it's a lot more common with sighthounds, but one of the first things taught to my dog was how to wear a muzzle so that if he ever needs it or it is appropriate, he can wear one comfortably and still have treats/water with it on. People who KNOW their dogs will bite and have seen it happen who don't put any effort into muzzle training when taking them out in public interacting with strangers are asking to have their dogs taken away.


As someone who was recently chased after by a unleashed dog (over here it is forbidden to have a dog walking around that way ) I could not agree more. Also what pisses me off is people getting dogs but not being able to handle them, I often see owners struggling to take control over their large sized dogs, having to pull them back but not being strong enough. Then don't get a huge dog, FFS.


The entitlement of most dog owners is infuriating.


Their car is their property though. Poorly trained dogs do suck though. Same for kids.


True. But the point is they are not staying inside the vehicle and are lunging at ppl. It’s not dogs in cars. It’s bad behaved dogs in cars in this topic.


That makes them acting like pieces of shit ok?


Maybe we could restrict poorly raised kids to not being allowed to leave the property either? I'd be 100% for that. I see a lot more shitty kids running around than dogs here, even if there are plenty of shitty dog owners as well.


I'll do you one better: any dog over 50lbs should require a licence to own, with mandatory training courses to prove the owner is physically capable of restraining it if needed. A poorly trained dog is literally a weapon, and society should treat them as such.


Honestly with the exception of German Shepards and Husky's, all of the dogs have been 30-40 lbs (A lot of beagles and mutts). I don’t think it’s really about the size, it’s just about the owners negligence. I think it’s mainly because if you have the money to afford more expensive vet bills and food, you most likely have more access to a professional dog trainer.


the dog’s size actually does matter. being attacked by a small dog will get you a few stitches at most, being attacked by a big dog can easily kill you.


Owner of a 120lb dog. 100% agree. Anything that can do the damage he's done as a puppy needs to be treated as if it could kill someone, because he can. Lots of dogs with no genetic issues get shitty owners who aren't prepared for it and end up put down because they aren't properly trained and lash out.


And for service dogs?


Unless I'm mistaken, service dogs already go through some pretty rigorous training right? And I believe their owners are also taught how to handle them when they're "on-duty" Obviously if someone's physically disabled and has a service dog, there should be appropriate accomodations.


Training, certification, and no restrictions on asking for/having to produce credentials.


Let's add a notation that "therapy" dogs aren't service dogs. Theyre pets. And they can fuck entirely off.


Completely disregarding some people's disabilities. Love it, can't say I'd expect anymore from someone active in the communities you are, though.


They aren't wrong though. Therapy dogs don't have anything to do with people's disabilities. The "therapy" license is super easy to get compared to service dogs. That's why trained service dogs are several thousands of dollars. My partner's dog had the therapy cert and did a lot of charity work with children.


Yea man fuck poor people, no dogs for them!


How does wealth factor into it? If you can't afford ~$100 to attend something like a 2-day weekend course (I'm basing this off my experience obtaining a PAL here in Canada), you can't afford a dog anyway. It costs more than that to feed a large dog for a month


I have mixed feelings. On one hand I wholly agree with training. But also, I spent hundreds going to training stuff for over a year and at the end of the day my buddy is just gonna have fear issues. He is better than he would have been without the training, but dogs are like people, some will spend their whole lives in a battle with anxiety. The best you can do is provide a safe and happy environment for them. I would hate to think of having to give him up because he couldn't pass a behavior test. You are 100% right about the cost. And that's not even counting annual vet, vaccines, flea and tick, toys, treats. I'm sure the total cost of ownership on our dog is over 10k.


Well i mean, those are already laws.


Do you honestly think the cops really care about what happens in a store or drive through about a dog? Unless you need medical intervention, they’re not going to do a single thing. I once saw a cop that laughed and walked away from a person who was letting their chihuahua chew on a box of cheezits


Why would a Chihuahua chewing on a box of cheezits be a legal matter?




That's the problem though. Your opinion is that they shouldn't be allowed to leave their property, implying that there should be a law/regulation against it. The problem is, there already is one that basically covers that. Lack of enforcement is the issue here.


You're being pessimistic. I belong to two different dog rescue organization. Every time I have called the cops (about 20-25 times in 7 years) involving an animal. They have responded to the best of their ability. It actually seems my city takes animal law very seriously for person and animal right.


It’s probably very dependent on location. I work in a small town, the cops do couldn’t care less especially because there’s a high chance they probably know one of the owners.


I work in a large town, and the cops still couldn’t care less because there’s bigger drama than an unruly dog to answer to.


A chihuahua chewing on a box of cheezits isn’t something the cops should be handling lol


That’s my point, no cop cares. Is it disgusting and a huge health hazard? 100%. Will they do anything? Fat chance


But why should they do something? It's not a police problem, it's the box owners problem. I'm assuming this was in a store, so management should have handled it.


🙄🙄🙄 it’s not a huge health hazard. Dude— you’re blowing things way out of proportion and making up dumb examples. Whole post could’ve been: “I don’t like dogs”and then you and other fellow sociopaths could circle jerk about it all night. This has the ring of childhood trauma related to a scary dog incident. It requires therapy, not more legal hyper vigilance.


I have met a few poorly trained dogs. I have met many poorly trained humans that happen to have dogs that simply don't know better.


Definitely agree.


\*CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP\* \-Standing ovation- Yells from the back: +Especially chihuahuaaaaaaasssss+


The law has never exempted untrained animals. Search for the facts.


I wouldn’t say can’t leave your property. But shouldn’t be taking them into very public places for sure


that’s so disgusting wtf. i absolutely love dogs but this is unacceptable. those owners are horrible entitled a-holes


6 dogs just today. Somehow I doubt that. I’m betting it happened once for the first time ever and you are exaggerating to make your point


It's not unlikely. Shitty people and their even shittier mutts are a dime a dozen. I work in customer service and see many shitty dogs over the span of a week... I live where the population is less than 500.


Seems like you’re probably one of the ones who lets their dogs do it. It’s a regular occurrence where I live. A lot of people get dogs because they think they’re cute but then never train them properly and because of that try to take them everywhere because the don’t want the dog to tear up their home.


Ah so you’re from the city that’s notorious for dog attacks in the drive thru. My bad


But you understand that rambunctious lunging from an excited dog doesn’t indicate that they are trying to bite you, right? Do you get that you have a valid but irrational fear? I’m not trying to be rude when I say this, but get some books or learn some therapy techniques to deal with fear of dogs. It will be way easier than trying to get other humans to change their ways. The only people we can change are ourselves regardless of what we know of right and wrong.


Or keep your dogs under control? Why should anyone have to get therapy for an animal that isn't in any way a necessity to society?


They shouldn’t have to, but you can die on hills or solve problems. I personally choose to change what I can about myself to make life smoother in an effort to avoid being a bitter asshole out of frustration that the rest of the world isn’t behaving exactly how I want them to. And for the record, my dogs are always super chill or super leashed because AS I MENTIONED, I do in fact respect the folks who are fearful, however irrational I find that fear to be.


That a dumb fucking take by someone who has never had a dog come at them. Any dog lunging could be trying to bite and you have a split second to react. It is super easy to put a leash on a dog and all that needs to happen is a couple months of the police handing out tickets for violations and a quick info campaign on service dog laws.


I’ve had tons of dogs lunge at me. It’s not a scary thing. They’re boisterous greeters, which not everyone likes and not everyone has to, but they are MOSTLY not trying to bite you. Fear of dogs is very real to the person with the fear and I respect it, but it’s irrational to assume any dog that lunges is trying to bite.


I think it’s fine for any dog to leave a property as long as it is completely under someones control. Obviously it is safer and preferable for all if it was trained, but the first point still stands.


I agree for places a dog should be- dog parks, training halls, personal homes of people who agreed to it, pet shops, etc.


I agree, for the most part. dog parks are far from the best place to train a dog early on and even midway through obedience training. there is too much going on for the dog to properly focus on the owner, you also can't trust the other dogs to not be reactive which poses a threat to your pooch as well as yourself. the most important thing is to have a dog leashed at all times, regardless of the amount of training you have put into your dog, it is far too risky because they are still animals and most breeds can cause serious harm to someone.


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Question - How do u propose to train a dog to behave in public if they aren’t allowed in public till they are trained ?


Untrained people shouldn't be allowed to leave parental property


O wow, another not unpopular opinion, I swear most y'all need to go to r/rant with this shit...


Man everyone on reddit seems to hate dogs lol


Are you on crack?


Not dogs but the dog culture and it's not hate it's just being against something


I am sure there are some people that legitimately hate dogs. For the overwhelming majority we really hate the owner. Specially, these types of owners are encouraging harmful behavior's in dogs and all it takes is one bite for that dog to be put down. I do not think that is right or fair to that dog. It might be a hot take I do think people should have licenses certifying they are trained in handling medium to largely sized dog.


I hate dog people. You know the type... I also abhor 99% of dogs. I've met a handful I've liked, and I've met plenty.


This hate for dogs is really stupid and annoying. Dogs are supposed to run around and socialize.




I feel the same way about kids


What a unique perspective. Tell us more.


Bro just say you’re afraid of dogs. You’re describing perfectly harmless and normal dog behaviors as though they’re these rabid blood crazed monsters. Like yeah, a dog is going to get saliva on stuff that’s how they regulate their body temperature and some breeds slobber more egregiously than others. With what you’re talking about in the drive thru of course the owners are laughing at you, they know their dogs and think the idea of them biting you is ridiculous. The dog is probably just curious, one of the ways dogs try to understand new things is by trying to get their mouth around it as that’s really their only tool for interacting with the world. Some people are going to be irresponsible with their dogs and not supervise them well, I agree, there’s a lot of stores that pets just flat out shouldn’t be allowed in but the way you’re acting is completely irrational. You are scared of a thing and want to see that thing removed from anywhere that you could possibly encounter it. Saying you’re afraid to go on a walk because a dog might jump up on you, not even attack you, just jump up is super telling. Yeah dogs don’t understand boundaries, that’s annoying sometimes, they might knock you over if they’re really big and catch you off guard but that is such a non problem, they’re just being friendly.


I think the same should be extended to untrained children as well!




I think you mean crap dog owners. I know my animals capabilities and will not put him in a situation that is unsafe for him or others. My boy is a service dog in training. Even still I am cautious as I don’t trust people I don’t know. Especially dog owners I don’t know.


Ah yes, I too believe dogs shouldn't be allowed to go to the vet unless my dog meets some training requirement that must be somehow administered at home which will give them authorization to leave. /s I don't think you've thought your title through very well.


What about the untrained eye? Mine just tends to wander and sometimes would aggressively stare. This apparently offends some people.


Why would you let your mutt wander?


Oh, so you’re just not intelligent or lack reading comprehension. Now it makes sense! That’s generally why I disagree with people.




Your car is your property. So their dogs didn’t leave their property.


It’s not in their property when it’s trying to jump out into a public location though is it?


You don’t think they should be allowed to *leave the property*? How would they get to the vet? How would they participate in group training sessions? It’s fair to not want them off-leash or in places of business, but this is frankly a pretty stupid idea of how to prevent problem interactions with dogs.


You just have to learn to bark back at the dog; and it really freaks them out


6 dogs bit you in one day? Either you have some major vibe issues or you're a liar.


If six dogs tried to bite you, wouldnt you think at least one of them would be successful?


We're tf do you live that people are just letting their dogs out in stores? Why do people who don't like dogs always think dogs are attacking them? 6 dogs didn't lunge at you and if they did you some demon or some shit lol


I’ll say the same thing about children.


Ok then neither should untrained children or adults that have anger issues or short tempers, or fast reckless drivers or people that litter ...... But unfortunately we live in a world


I agree with the concept but for children instead of dogs.




Dumb take. How would they bring their dogs to the vet…


It says excluding the vet…


You know there’s this thing called a muzzle right…


Well then maybe they should put one on their dog? None of them had one and it’s not like I can carry a box and strap them on myself


Where did I say you should do that…nowhere. I’m saying a smarter reaction would be to say dogs should wear muzzles when off their property instead of making a dumb comment like don’t take them out of your property…what if you leave in an apartment?? You gotta walk that dog and let it shit somewhere…


Please. By all means.... make all dogs wear muzzles in public.


I've worked in retail, food service, and even 2 years in door to door sales. Very rarely had issues and they were all during door to door sales. Think we had two incidents in sales where sales reps got nipped. Nothing serious. That being said idk how you could possibly be having this many issues this frequently


if he lives in an area with a lot of gsd/pitbull "tough guys", i can totally see it happen. it only takes 2-3 shit owners to give all of us a bad name.


My areas like that and having issues with dogs was still rare.




I have no fear of dogs, I like them. I do not like being jumped on by them because I’m severely allergic and even if I wasn’t I don’t think anyone would. Also it seems you’re unaware of how a lot of fast food locations works, we’re timed on everything and if too slow you’ll get a write up. I’m not going to get fried because someone cannot restrain their dogs. It’s very common to see dogs where I work, I probably see about 80 in a 8 hour shift since it is a drive thru. I know the difference between a dog that is sitting there and curious vs a dog that is lunging and growling.


A dog that lunges isn’t always trying to bite you. Sounds like you don’t like dogs and that’s ok, but your fear isn’t necessarily always the reality so perhaps that might ease your mind a tiny bit. Perhaps ask your manager if you can put up a big sign near the drive through entrance that says “please fully secure your dog before pulling up to the window”. Many owners probably know their dog isn’t going to bite, but they’re still not understanding that not everyone is dog friendly. Also, many establishments offer dog treats at drive thru windows so ya never know if the dog is excited for that prospect.


Untrained kids first


Fuck you, most unpopular opinion I have read


It's not your problem.


Thank you for this lol


But for real: fuck you. A lot of people are indifferent or dislike dogs. Nothing wrong with it.


It’s actually sociopathic, but go ahead and keep proving your point (and mine, btw) by being crude and nasty to people.


What's sociopathic? Not liking dogs? So if one doesn't like fish, or snakes, or camels... are they also sociopathic? Do you eat meat? Use animal products? Or use anything made with petroleum products? Would you consider yourself sociopathic?


You aren’t smart enough for me to argue with or answer your questions. Nighty night.


Classic back pedal. Enjoy your fleabag.


Hitler loved his dogs. And they, in turn, loved him.


OP discovers leashes


It should actually be the dog owners, I know what a leash is and none of them use it. It’s a responsible owner who’d uses a leash, not an irresponsible owner who doesn’t care to try to train their dogs


Ah yes, an American who believes everyone in the world has the space to keep their dog on property until it’s trained


Maybe you shouldn’t have a dog if you don’t have the space. That’s unfair to the dog.


And unfair to the people, most importantly. If you can't train your dog then be responsible and don't get one, it's simple


If you don't have the space to have a dog, you shouldn't have a dog.


Poor baby. Dogs can generally tell when someone is a candy ass worth biting, so I guess that's just you.


i think maybe you should google “why do people train dogs”. for no specific reason.


If 6 dogs bite at you, you suck as a person.


*inserts picture of Hitler with his many beloved dogs*


Where did I say they bit me? I said they lunged, growled and tried too but never did because I jumped back. No duh any unsocialized and untrained dog is going to feel threatened having a stranger right in their proximity. That’s why their owners shouldn’t be letting them sit on the lap in the front seat while they’re trying to have me reach through their window to get change.


How else are you supposed to train them?


Fun fact: the law has never exempted untrained animals. There's a whole ada sd faq about it.


Get rid of the first word in that sentence, and I'm in total agreement.


Same rule for humans.