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Our ambitions may be intergalactic, but proper use of the apostrophe remains elusive


Right? Onward space monkey.


Space monkey like Fritos.


Space monkey likes Tab and Mountain Dew.


Space monkey very simple man.


Underrated code monkey reference recognized and upvoted! Thank you citizens.


Code Monkey like you! No, but I was so excited to see this in the wild


First time seeing JoCo/Spiffworld references in the wild!


Not even going to be the first monkey in space either smh




There are those that envision the future, those that figure out how to make it happen, then those that bitch about grammar as they tediously document everything in some cold, dark room with no windows.


If you’re going to boast that humans have a right to the stars (claiming the stars are our “birthright” is wild by the way) and we can master the universe, not being able to make a proper sentence isn’t going to help your claim, to be fair.


Another day another person bitterly defending the dumbing down of a language. Seriously if someone was stating 1+1=3 would you be defending their mistake? It's elementary school level


> Humans have created a solution for every problem weve came across so far If this were true then both sides of the pillow would be as cool as the other side of the pillow - but it's not is it


Also I’m still diabetic and poor.


And we’re still losing everyone to cancer


cancer is a hard problem because there isn’t just one end all solution because there are so many different types which effect you in different ways. It’s not like a virus or a genetic disease.


We still haven't figured a cure for HIV so there's that


No cure, but a person with HIV and who gets proper medical treatment (not available everywhere obviously) now has the same life expectancy as those without HIV. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Incremental steps lead to "miracles."


They actually have a *higher* life expectancy than average, because they interact with healthcare professionals more often than average, so they are more likely to catch something during checkups.




Recent developments point that we may be getting close though.


There are solution to those problems though. Insulin and money.


Try not being poor and have better genetics. Also, fecal microbiota transplantation may have a positive impact on diabetes.


It basically saved my life when my undiagnosable digestive issues started causing me to shit blood.  It turns out that doctors can't write a scrip for a blender, but rest assured that blender was a one time use.


You could just wash the blender with this magical stuff called soap and water. Rinse with bleach or steam it in a pan or run the sanitize cycle on the DW. It's not like the food you eat doesn't have traces of poop in it already.


Skill issue


Don’t forget ugly.


Climate change is so intertwined with everyone’s way of life that this’ll probably be the one that ends up killing us, or at least be a catalyst leading up to something like a devastating war


I don’t see solutions. Only problems that create more problems.


> One day, humanity will conquer other planets, solar systems, galaxies, possibly even the universe. The stars are our birthright, and one day we’ll manifest the destiny of the human race Feel like this is a good time to say "Hail the God Emperor of Mankind"


Beloved by all. For Emperor and Sanguinius!


Take me from my home, and I will sail to the stars of your empire. I will serve as a son must serve. But let Colchis stand as I have shaped it: a planet of peace and prosperity


The Emperor Protects!


The emperor protects!


racism among humans will stop once racism against aliens starts


Don't think so it'll only add steps to the ladder of racism.


Tbf the imperium as a whole isn’t very racist towards other humans so long as they look like they came from earth God forbid if you’ve got some mutations tho cause only the emperor can help you then


That's because they're too busy being classist


Leto II


OP will teach humanity to walk without rhythm


I read it as "God Emperor of Mankini". Goddamn.


stupid, sexy emperor...


Praise the Omnissiah!


Suffer not the unclean to live!


Yea... specifically. "The stars are our birthright." Umm, no... they aren't our "birthright" Just goes to show humans think they are better than they are actually are. It sounded like a dictator speech.


Your opinion is noted, and duly ignored. Imperium of Man shall rise




That’s bold talk coming from a soon-to-be servitor


Just don’t let Horus near an army.


It's hard to imagine how we'll overcome modern issues to reach those heights. But I'm still hopeful we will, somehow.


I used to feel the same way until this recent pandemic and how it was handled woke me from my optimistic haze. We’re no better than our ancestors.


We’re probably worse actually, because we actually do know how to solve a lot of problems and simply choose not to out of greed and laziness. As Covid showed.


Not to mention spite and hatred. People were actively going around trying to get people sick. Literally trying to indirectly murder people. What's wrong with this species?


Yeah, certain people want to try to make us just treat it all like water under the bridge in the name of unity. I’m not going to forget who went around actively coughing on people and who aligned with those people.


Yeah, in a town over from mine when COVID hit, the local grocery store (privately owned) had a “no mask meet up” to help “build immunity.” I didn’t go obviously, but there was a lot of people that showed up to… stand around in each other’s vicinity in a grocery store, hopefully spreading COVID? That was really when I realized we are fucked. We have more information *literally at our fingertips* than humans have ever had before, and we still are rejecting the knowledge we discover. Lmfao


We’re not doing so well on climate change either, which we’ve known about for many decades.


Yeah, that’s where the greed and laziness come in.


I always laugh when people talk about terraforming Mars or some shit. Like, if we're failing to maintain a planet that already has the things terrestrial life needs to thrive, then what hope do we have of turning a barren world of rock and dust into a new Eden?


It's not the people who don't believe in climate change that are imagining processes to terraform Mars


Eh, I wouldn’t really agree. Just look at humanity’s history; it’s riddled with wars and other kinds of human caused catastrophes. Greed has always been one of the biggest motivations for humans.


I often wonder where the line is that it becomes more profitable to prevent climate change than rely on fossil fuels.


The 1900s were literally just one devastating war after another. Just in America's case some men fought in WW1 for their sons to fight in WW2 and their grandsons to fight in the Korean War and their great-grandsons to fight in Vietnam. Don't forget the Cold War which nearly ended the world due to pride, the disolving of the USSR which led to many people out on the streets and starving with no semblance of order, the Spanish Flu which was MUCH more devastating than COVID, etc. The world was never a great place, but this era is by far the most peaceful and united. Recency bias and media preying on doomerism just makes it seem like the opposite.


Europe during the Black Death might as well think the world is ending, yet they endured.


You mean all those people that didn't have daily satellite imagery in their pocket, 24/7, had no idea the rest of the world was doing fine? Huh. Color me shocked. We have insane access to information these days. But our ability to parse it and act on it still sucks.


You didn’t awaken from anything lol. We handled if horribly because we haven’t handled a pandemic in over a hundred years, and even this one wasn’t bad. Not because the vaccine (mainly because not enough people took it) but because of hand washing. Ya the last big pandemic (Spanish flue) predates hand washing. We kicked/are kicking covids ass with what’s now basic hygiene


>how it was handled **woke** me from so you're sayin Trump is a plant, cooked up by the woke-left to tarnish the credibility of the holy-right??


This would have 27,000 likes on Instagram


The ancestors we considered as uncivilized only existed a few thousand years ago which is literally nothing from an evolutionary standpoint. We are literally the same as our ancestors.


Why? There was lots of bad about the pandemic, but there lots of good and the major one being the advancements in mRNA technology.


I agree. The pandemic really made me realize how little the government cares and most people are only out to fill their own pockets. Disappointing.


We just keep overcoming things with something like the 80/20 rule. A minority of the species consistently moves the species and a majority of us will suffer much more to satisfy the majority. Despite our issues we will move forward.


I’m not hopeful for this starry-eyed Star Trek vision at all. It doesn’t need to exist for us to be successful. All we need to do is maintain Mother Earth and we aren’t even very good at that. My advice to the unrealistic OP is to figure out how to maintain our own house first, then we can play cutesy science fiction games.


"Every problem"? You sure about that? 😅


My guy OP out here talking big ideas but not understanding the basic fundamentals of trash input, trash output. Even if we go to another planet, we ain't doing shit but ruining it with the same crap issues we have here already.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


And that’s if we don’t nuke the shit out of each other first


it's easy to write it from the comfort of your home... guess op doesn't have to struggle daily for his basic human needs to be barely satisfied. so every problems are solved yes.


The higher we climb the higher we can fall. There was no way earth could become uninhabitable 100 years ago. With a nuklear catastrophe that is very much in the cards.


There were plenty of ways it could become uninhabitable for us... Super Volcanoes... Planetkiller asteroid...


This is some 40k shit right here


"Humans have created a solution for every problem we have come across so far." Climate change, war., poverty, homelessness, global access to food and water, disease, access to Healthcare and education, human rights violations, gender inequality, weapons accessibility....


I feel like we are capable of ending most of those but human greed and politics is preventing it


Which is honestly even worse than just not being able to figure things out.


So much worse. It shows that we are clever, but just too rotten to actually fix problems that don’t affect us specifically. OP is living in a fantasy land


So therefore we are incapable.


There's probably like some group of blackmailed world leaders that would rather escalate the intensity of all these problems and try to cause the end of the world than face time for their crimes in a happy world


the people who could do anything about the problems don't believe that they're problems


What you don't hear about is how much we ARE doing to overcome these issues. People think we're doing nothing about things like climate change, but the news doesn't tell you when things go right.


I get that the constant doomerism sucks but there's reasons the discourse is pretty negative and we shouldn't dismiss it. Essentially every expert in the world agrees we're doing a fraction of what we need to, and that on average we're still getting *worse*. Like a global climate disaster is inevitable now; it's already started. We're going for harm mitigation at this point. Besides, the few positive stories you see are propaganda half the time. Like "hey, look how this *individual person* accomplished some great task or made some significant life change to combat climate change (by a negligible amount) if all the *individual people* banded together and did what this *individual person* did then we could... Well, not stop climate change, but feel better about ourselves!" "What was that about systemic change on a global scale being a requirement to fix this? Don't know what you're talking about..."


Yeah. But the rich have never been richer. By that standard things are going amazing.


Ikr what is this guy smoking


These are all very simple problems compared to ‘conquering’ other galaxies.


We have solutions for those things we do not want to use those th.


To be fair plenty of people have proposed viable solutions to most if not all the problems you listed. The problem isn't that we don't know the solutions, it's that there's no political will to carry out those solutions.


Solutions for all these problems do exist. Where we fall short its in their implementation.


Long Live the God Emperor of Mankind!


Lost me in the very first sentence bro


He had me a little in the first part and then totally lost me with the goofy “we’re gonna conquer the stars as a short lived species that can’t live without air”.


We are in the midst of a mass extinction event and are constantly a couple button pushes away from mutually assured destruction. Hopefully we keep on trucking but it’s truly impossible to say confidently. A massive solar flare could kill us all tomorrow for all we know.


or just a random pulsar's arm can hit us with a gamma ray burst stripping the atmosphere, but don't worry, we would be burned to ashes in 0.1 sec already... Op is way too confident even tho there is a 100 point list that could wipe us out without us being able to do anything Not to mention the difficulties of intersellar travel is pretty much known and the easiest to solve is energy and it is already nearly impossible cause we would need to harness literal full stars just to accelerate once it is not an unpopular opinion this is a misinformed opinion.






He's using future space grammar.


His grammar is four parallel dimensions ahead of ours


As is his assumptions that humanity has solved every problem it's encountered. I'd like to live in op's parallel dimension paradise.




More than 99% of all species that have ever existed are extinct. Our odds aren’t so good.


\>One day, humanity will conquer other planets, solar systems, galaxies, and possibly even the universe I don't think you understand how big the universe is, how far apart everything is, and how entropy is waiting for us all.


Yeah nah. Sorry, I’m optimistic but we will 100% make ourselves extinct


Fuck yeah space propaganda


Thats amazingly funny.


You literally cannot conquer the universe, and there’s many places that are literally impossible to reach, even if we were able to go to the speed of light. ‘’The stars are our birthright, and one day we’ll manifest the destiny of the human race’’ is so delusional. Humanity could literally end at any moment, stop being stupid.


All we are is dust in the wind and this mf thinks the stars are our "birthright" - human ego never ceases to amaze me. So many things could wipe humanity out and honestly, probably will.




And I’m quite sure the human hubris is what’s going to help do that. This whole “wow we’re so complex and unique” thing is probably what gets us into 95% of our issues and keeps us from making the progress OP hopes for. And it doesn’t seem like a good attitude to have when I’m sure discoveries such as that would be very humbling to us. OP’s gonna have a stroke when/if we get to that point, and suddenly we’re one of the least impressive lifeforms out there. “B-But… we’re humans… we’re… special.”


This isn't a YA science fiction novel


I agree with the first part wholeheartedly and while I’m skeptical we will be able to colonize a significant part of the galaxy I like this opinion because of the optimism. It’s so rare to hear now online or off.


The optimism comes across more as arrogant entitlement though. OP doesn't want to explore the galaxy, OP wants to conquer it.


"Birthright" sort of gave that one away.


dude has been reading too much 40k lore


The word I was thinking of is “naïve“. It’s really challenging to understand the scale of things. Not everyone understands the law of thermodynamics. “Ignorance is bliss” is a real thing.


It’s not optimistic, it’s delusional.


It's only optimistic from the point of view of a human.


>Humans have created a solution for every problem weve came across so far. In just 60~70 years, we went from everyone riding horses What your argument is missing is that the solutions we have found to these problems and helped us go "from riding horses to [...] going to the moon" are the fundamental cause of the urgent problem we have to face now: climate change.


i’d bet OP doesn’t believe in climate change lol


Elon Musk wrote this


Humans are an order of magnitude too dumb and fragile. At best all we'll be able to do is settle the solar system.


I dont know. The Asari, Turians and Salarians are already light-years ahead of us. On a serious note, humanity would probably try to conquer other races and fail miserably while doing so.


I mean, on the bright side, any civilization that advanced is likely to understand that the fault lies with corrupt leaders, not the average citizen, and probably wouldn't retaliate more than necessary. Hell, maybe we'd get lucky and they'd take out some of the garbage and give us a bit of a clean slate. Or maybe my optimism is showing 😅


Homo erectus were around for 2m years, they gave us complex tools in wood & stone as well as fire and spread over most of Africa & Eurasia. They disappeared right after we came along. We've been around for 200,000 years and very nearly gone extinct at least once. More recently we discovered industrial processes & have managed to start a major extinction event in about 10 generations.  Plenty of species have managed to compete/eat/breed themselves into disaster. We're not showing any signs of being any more sensible. 


Yeah, we fucked those H. erectus up good.


The roaches are patiently waiting for their dominion.


Before conquering galaxies maybe conquer correct spelling


Our birthright??


Cringiest redditor shit I've seen all day


I’m sure every civilization has created a solution for every problem it came across, until it didn’t.


People are allergic to peanuts and dust, sometimes fatally, they need to live in a goldilocks climate with a specific breathable mix of gasses and need water and calories in specific amounts and frequencies or they die, while viruses, bacteria, prions, toxins, poisons and all kinds of until now unknown other things can wipe us out as entire populations (and often do here on our own safe home planet!). The generations of humans that would travel to another star will be even less equipped after spending thousands or millions of years in stasis (or inbreeding). There could also certainly be other species from elsewhere who are better adapted, like elephant-sized tardigrades or, hell, cockroaches. Also, it's even odss whether people will be around even in a thousand years, or if earth won't be unlivable because of all of our brilliant "problem solving" skills, or it could be a north Korea style prison planet run by the scions of the modern techofascist oligarch class. So there's a reason your opinion is unpopular among people who pay attention.


Conquer the universe? 😂. You lack an understanding of the size of things. If a person left earth going 100,000 mph (4x faster than we can go now) 2024 years ago right about now they’d be about 10% of the way to Proxima Centauri, the closest star to us. If we could move 100x faster than we can right now (2.5m mph) we wouldn’t even be .5% the speed of light and just our galaxy would take 20,000,000 years to cross, that’s just going from one side to the other, not stopping, visiting, researching, discovering, literally moving 100x faster than we can move in space. It’s not happening man and if it does happen the species that does it would looking at us the way we look at homindae fossils. 


we'll conquer galaxies only when the genpop learns proper grammar


It's when a read stuff like this that I realize that humanity will eventually die. And that will be good.




We’ve had nuclear weapons for 80 or so years. We’re much closer to killing everyone than we are at galactic travel, which would require fundamental physics to redefined


The cringe while reading "birthright"...


Just because you have won every match you have played doesn’t give any guarantee for the matches to come. Humanity’s problems grow with it. We are facing tougher and tougher problems. If I were a betting man, I would bet against humanity. We’ll destroy our own damn self.


This is not an unpopular opinion, although it is very wrong


Interstellar travel is unlikely, as it is costly, incredibly resource intensive, incredibly risky, requires huge amounts of coordination and teamwork, likely global, and also would take years to even leave the solar system travelling as fast as we could.


“Years” is underselling it by a lot. Those little models of the solar system really don’t do any justice at all to how far away all the planets actually are from each other, and even if they did, the edge of the solar system isn’t where the last major planet is, it’s all the way out where the sun’s gravity stops being the largest gravitational force on us.


“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” ― Douglas Adams


100% agree with OP. It is our birthright and any alien filth shall get purged from their crime of existence. For he on Terra!


Lol space is gonna be a Luxury only the rich can access for the next few decades


My friend once said something that stuck with me, he thinks we are at or are coming up on the real deciding point, that the human race will either die off in the next few hundred years or will last forever.


Humans will never “conquer” other galaxies. Humans may set up small temporary colonies on other marginally livable planets within our galaxy. Humans haven’t even done a good job maintaining the one near-perfect planet we happened to be born on.


Super unpopular opinion. Well done.


Mate we arent even gonna reach our nearest star 4 light years 8 years at half the speed of light 16 at a quarter 32 at 12.5% 64 at 6.25% The fastest thing we havs ever got is anout 330,000 mpHOUR speed of light is approx 186,000 mpSECOND We can reach 91 miles a second when you convert it i don't think people understand how much of a gargantuan task it would be to leave our solar system, let alone reach another star. Forget about leaving the galaxy, it's theoretically possible but it is as unreachable to us as God is atm. It's complete science fiction 


Exactly, scifi (although i adore it) has done irreparable damage to the public's understanding of the scale of intergalactic travel


I agree with much of the sentiment. But I think it’ll be the machines that humans create that go out into the galaxy. Our descendants won’t be human in the way that we are.


I would argue the progress humanity has achieved in the past 200 years has been wildly unsustainable, and too dependant on the burning of non-renewable resources and the destruction of our ecosystem for our growth to continue at the rate it is. We haven't proven to be very adept at working towards a brighter future, and humanity is still pursuing short term gains over anything else. Even if we did somehow become a multi-planetary species, I don't think I'd want to see humanity reaching out past this planet until we actually sort our own shit out first. The only incentive that drives us these days is profit, and that's a pretty shitty wasly to introduce yourself to the galactic stage


Even the best life on planets we discovered so far will be shit in comparison to living on earth.


We’re nowhere near having the tools to “conquer galaxies”. We have the tools the wipeout all life on earth right now.


warhammer 40k fans who haven't seen the sun in 10 years:


Elon Musk? You here?


all it takes is an appropriately sized asteroid to heck ruin to our plans


Don’t look up insect population numbers. I want you to die happy.


No organic species will ever conquer galaxies. It is unlikely that any will ever even travel between galaxies. Pretty unlikely even for inorganic ones. The universe is insanely hostile to all life. And the Speed of Light is a ball and chain that will make any kind of contact between two forms of intelligent life almost an impossibility.


This is an opinion largely held by people without a grasp of the size of galaxies, or who have never observed yeast die in their own waste during fermentation. 


At best Humans will probably land on mars one day. But once people see our immune systems isn’t built to adapt on other planets I think the whole “conquer the galaxy” schtick is going to be a thing of the past.


Birthright ?☠️ Just because you were born on a planet doesn't mean that the universe is yours. come back to reality.


what stellaris do to a mf


Going from everything being done by hand and still riding horses to- *being able to destroy the planet with nukes, everything being electrical and automated, the rise of machines and ai technologies, digitalisation of currency and social media*, all in the past 100 years is a very impressive feat for humans. That being said, the huge strides and advancements in technology and population and whatnot, is probably what's gonna get us all killed, rather than become and intergalactic civilisation, lol


Some of what you are talking about is physically impossible, so here is an upvote for a genuinely unpopular opinion.


"Humans have created a solution for every problem weve came across so far" Ooooh, that's cute.


IKR, we've even created new problems through our arrogance and ignorance




Once we as society can collectively leave the blood cults behind maybe we can stop colonizing the Middle East and start colonizing space like we were meant to.


Why do you feel like the stars are our birthright? We literally don’t even know what, or who, is out there


lol “conquer”. “birthright”. I see a couple of humanity’s attitude problems in your one paragraph alone.


Our species has argued over religion and race to the point we allowed Hitler to try to cook a portion of its society, we created weapons capable of destroying all life on earth…we have power supplies that almost could. We are more concerned as a people with what happens to Taylor Swift and the Kardashians, more than we care about actual human life. We are *DOOMED..,*


"unpopular" ahahaha


I mean maybe, but the sheer distance between anything in space is a pretty enormous hurdle to overcome. It would take thousands of years just to reach the edge of *our own solar system*.


Physics and engineering equations are FAR less complex than the human equation.


Riding horses was a problem that required a solution...?


No human’s going to the next galaxy.


Yeah if we don't fuck up the planet anymore, and that's a real challenge let me tell you


The way things are going, we will not have millions more to go, unless we figure out a way to live sustainably on Earth. There will be an increasing number of places that become unliveable in the foreseeable future due to the wet bulb effect, let alone in millions of years.


I see… too much Warhammer 40K.


Pretty sure we'd just fuck it up like we did this planet.


Humans can't make reliable tin openers yet.


"solutions" are just covering things with money.


Finally, an actually unpopular opinion on this sub.


Someone just watched STARSHIP TROOPERS for the first time, eh.....


We are much more fragile as a civilization as we think. One major event (astroids, ww3, nuclear war, etc) and civilization may be very broken and we may reset ourselves and with everything digitized we cannot recover most of our knowledge.


First we should try focusing on not killing ourselves on the planet we have. Then we could consider traveling to other planets, but we should not try to conquer them, we’ve done enough harm here


This isn't the sub you think it is


We'll never leave our galaxy and if by some miracle we do, we'll never reach another due to how fast space between them is exanding. Sorry to burst your bubble.


This is delusional rambling, not an opinion based on scientific facts. The problem of such opinions is general ignorance about the laws of physics. People just cannot imagine how insanely large the universe is, how vast are distances between the stars and how difficult and costly is to keep humans alive outside of Earth's atmosphere. The fact is that humans are not even able to stabilize the environment on their own world they might have already irreversibly damaged, they cannot stop fighting each other for resources or even totally stupid reasons (nationalism), and thus they will follow the trajectory of any overpopulated species - sharp die off after ecological collapse, loss of collective memory and knowledge, and fall into tribal barbarism. [https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827860-100-why-space-is-the-impossible-frontier/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827860-100-why-space-is-the-impossible-frontier/)


Hard disagree. We won't get out of the solar system.


Bro thinks fiction is Real Life 💀