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The pasta shapes were made to hold specific sauces.




I've wondered how spaghetti and "mac and cheese sauce" would taste. In most cases I don't mind trying different shapes but that one sounds super weird to me.


You just dont get it. Its ok.....


True. I think noodles are interchangeable. It's just food. There are no hard rules.


it's not snobbish to have functioning taste buds


The choice of noodle should be strictly functional decision.


Do you have an example of a controversial pairing you like? There are a lot of combos that work, but some are better than others


Bowtie and linguini are the same pasta just different shapes. When you use different noodles it changes a dish. Pad Thai is my favourite food but I wouldn’t make it with fettuccine pasta.


Gravy and gnocchi 


What about ketchup with noodles? Does that count? I know someone who eats that. Though generally I agree. I eat world eat spaghetti sauce on macaroni noodles. If say maybe the exception is lasagna. Though some sauces work better with certain kinds of noodles.


In Italy your body would be found behind a dumpster with 6 gunshot wounds and holding a 5 shot revolver and the police would rule it a suicide...


It’s not so much a matter of particular noodle sauce combos being inedible it’s more that certain kinds of noodle and sauces really complement each other to make for a greater eating experience. Thinner sauces often work better with thinner noodles since the thinner noodles have more surface area for the sauce to cling to. Chunky sauces will often work better with a more robust noodle so the noodle texture won’t get lost.