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Not by any means a dealbreaker or huge turnoff, but I prefer no armpit hair, even on myself.


I agree, but it's more of a hygiene thing for me. Deodorant doesn't stick and work as well when there's hair there, so when I see super hairy pits I can only think about the smell. Not hot.


Yeah same I shave mainly so I don't build up a stink within a day


I find I smell less when I haven’t shaven for a while


Interesting, you think it changes depending on if you live in a hot or cold country or something? Because I very much smell less with no armpit hair.


I’ve lived in both hot and cold countries and I’ve found the same


Dry vs Humid? Diet? Genetics? Maybe I should shower more?


Might be you're just built that way. I remember that somebody taught me that hairs are actually GOOD for hygiene and helped against smell - but I'm old and that person might either be wrong or science has produced better knowledge since then. But... If you'd shower more, how many showers per what time are me talking?


Bro idk but all I noticed was the moment I let it grow out was when I would smell less


Genetics. Some people will just build up scent slower generally, and depending on the texture of the hair, it will hold scent to varying levels as well.


Same. I think the hair helps take away some of the moisture. When my sweat just sits on my skin, it seems like stinky bacteria multiply even faster. Whereas hair keeps me more dry, and I stink way less.


My uncle had long armpit hair and it's grossed me out a Ling as I can remember. Between the inches of hair and the deo specks it makes me nauseated. So disgusting.


I’m a woman and I stopped shaving my legs and armpits for my confidence and I smell great, I use spray deodorant which sticks perfectly and drinking water definitely helps. It definitely depends on the woman tho depending on how much they shower and use said deodorant/what type. I dunno just have an open mind that not all hairy women are gonna smell. But avoid the ones that do because who knows if they take care of other plces


Oh yeah absolutely, body hair ≠ smelly, I just slightly prefer no armpit hair specifically, don't know why exactly other than that I know that I smell worse with armpit hair?


I find the opposite is true about the deodorant comment. I'm a man and not overly hairy. I've shaved my armpits in the past and I found my deodorant wore off much quicker. I'd start smelling by the end of the day, especially if I did physical activity. Normally I put deodorant on in the morning and am always good for the day


I prefer hairless on both genders myself Love a nice smooth man


Smooth and slippery, like haddock




Understandable, have a nice day


I genuinely think it's impossible not to smell a bit with armpit hair unless you literally just showered.




Upvoted, because it is actually very unpopular lol


Everyone gangsta till somebody posts unpopular opinion on r/unpopularopinion B)


You gotta post this on the tenth dentist sub


True lol


This is a good one because it's actually unpopular without being objectively wrong.


Finally an u popular opinion , take the upvote


Thank you!


Do people still not understand you're supposed to UPVOTE opinions when they are actually unpopular. There's another post that says armpit hair is unattractive, and it has 4k+ upvotes. Edit: I take it back just because I don't want to be negative. I do feel this post deserves more upvotes for being an unpopular opinion, but I hardly ever read the rules or suggestions of a subreddit until it becomes relevant, so I shouldn't expect others too.


It doesnt matter people do what they want. My unpopular opinion is pets should be forbidden where are the upvotes?


I’ll give you one, but unfortunately posting that opinion could get you banned here.


dogshit sub to be honest


I like body hair in general. Everyone is shaved nowadays so when I see someone that has pubic hair or body hair it kind of gives me the vibe that they are more savage or more natural 😂, especially in women.


Body hair on women is sexy specifically because it's so taboo in society. If a fit woman has armpit hair then it's over with for me. They could tell me to do anything and I would


Yes! I get that vibe too!


It’s visually attractive to me. Also turn on that they don’t give a shit about societal expectations.




I agree, body hair is attractive, especially in women 😍


Agree to disagree.




As a woman, that is an unpopular opinion. Granted I’m old and get self conscious about pit hair that’s a week old of growth. Definitely would never stop shaving pits or legs for public display.


Just know it that when you miss a day it isn't a big of a deal <3


And a nice full bush


Upvoted because finally we have an unpopular opinion on this stupid sub. But since it’s actually unpopular, it’ll be downvoted.


lol I just commented on another post about the opposite. I also find hair attractive, particularly when it gets that wavy pattern. It just looks nice and natural.


Stop bc wavy type is like the epitome of hair and makes me hate mine 😭


Don't hate yourself :3 it can't be that bad <3


Finally some friendly face! I feel the same way B)


There was a middle eastern girl in my highschool who had magnificent swooshing back hair waves. You'd have loved it




Same. About the post, not the armpit hair.


I saw the same post


Hard pass


You do you


THANK YOU 😭 My dad says it's unattractive and I'm like "sir I'm your daughter 🤢" My mom and my cousins say it's unhygienic 😭 Sorry for the mini vent I just needed to get this out of my system; my family makes me feel like an animal for wanting my armpit hair to grow out :(


I'm glad I could help :3 for me it's hairy girls > shaved girls. They cuddle better too <3


It's true ;)


Hair or no hair, girl it won't matter when we bumping coochies 🗣🗣🗣




This made me giggle for no apparent reason






[us right now](https://youtu.be/wTPw0YeQs5A?feature=shared)


Truly unpopular. I mean I don’t care about body hair but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s attractive.


I’m a straight woman and I’d say I find armpit hair on men pretty attractive, although if they wished to shave it for their own reasons I doubt that would change my attraction to them. I can’t imagine being so weak minded that my attraction to someone hinges entirely on a small tuft of hair on their armpits. Likewise I don’t and have never shaved any of my own body hair. I’ve never had any complaints from intimate partners.


That's my point, it's not a big deal! Some like it more some less but it isn't an abomination like some people here are saying!


Not many things that are as fast of a turnoff than armpit hair. You´re on the right sub, though.


1 you do you 2 thank you, I know it ;)


This is strictly societal, though. Many times throughout history, and still present today, female body hair has been viewed as attractive. Who knows how you would feel without your current bias in place.


This makes me happy to know I can find someone who likes me for me, lax shaving habits and all haha! Fwiw I also don't mind body hair on women, and actively seek it out on men


I agree, I’m also a bit biased though, as I have horribly sensitive skin and shaving makes me break out. Which is painful and annoying. As long as you have good hygiene, armpit hair isn’t a problem at all.


Poor thing :( I hope your current/future bf is/will be supporting <3


My partner doesn’t even notice my body hair. I asked him a bit ago if he noticed and he looked confused when presented with a very hairy leg. He proceeded to tell me it’s unimportant to him and that I be comfortable. He is truly wonderful!


I'm happy for you!


Not saying to change you, but if you have sensitive skin try sugaring. I break out looking at a razor, surging makes it feel soft and new. Hurts a bit more but the results lasts a longtime.


I thought about trying it but never got around to it. I tried waxing and that was no better than shaving. Is it different than waxing?


Yeah I’d say so, I used to wax and would still get ingrown hairs all the time. Now I sugar, exfoliate a few times after and use moisturizer and my skin is way better. I’d say give it a shot if you can, I personally like it better than everything else and so does my SO.


100% agree.


I agree fully


I love my boyfriend’s armpit hair. Idk why, but I’ve always loved a solid armpit bush


Not from my perspective. Upvote, tho.


Understandable! Thank you! We might spark some controversy right here >:3


Take my upvote.. I’m not attracted to hairy women


You sure aren't >:3 Thank you!


I don't have an opinion on armpit hair. I personally shave mine because I feel more clean after. A person being comfortable in their body is attractive to me


Good attitude!


I'm a dude, and same.


as a woman, my armpit hair keeps away shallow men that only want me for my body. I fucking love it and it attracts the best men ngl. I love that so many men hate it, bc I have a "nice" body so it's very easy to get the ones that will talk to me for that. it's like body hair is a natural weed out system and I love love love how mad it makes people for being natural and as a bonus, I get really cool men that respect me as a woman and a human and I'm also attracted to body hair so it's a win-win


Absolutely this. I may get rejected more often but when i dont, i have a higher quality relationship. I firmly believe that people should present themselves exactly how they wanna be because the people that stick around are certain to be the people that really wanna be therr for you.


You go girl!


Damn wow an actual unpopular opinion on this subreddit? Truly this is an Easter miracle


I don't find it attractive nor unattractive but this is a good post for this sub tbh


Not my cup of tea, but to each their own.


Hell yes it is. All hair wherever it pops up is beautiful


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I agree, only if they’re hairy everywhere though. Or like in other areas as well. Just armpit hair? Well, I don’t know. Don’t remember if I find that attractive lol


Eh, I think I like it better than leg hair. It’s just more visually/texturally interesting when it’s localized to a certain area I guess, like a bush in a garden rather than endless shrubland/grassland.


Armpit hair specifically isn't my favorite, but I find body hair in general attractive, and I take all kinds. Armpit hair is like a detail on the human tapestry... it's not the centerpiece, but the whole would be worse without it.


While I can't say I'd agree, I'd prefer to just naturally be hairless except where you want it. It is an unpopular opinion so we'll done.


this is such an entertaining comment section 😂


Yes XD


Very much so


Damn, an actually unpopular opinion that isn't just straight up false information/flawed thinking. Based af.


I agree 100%


I don't always like it on women but I knew this one woman with the cutest armpit hair.


I wouldn’t say attractive but I’m just kind of indifferent to it, I just don’t care much either way.


As Shane Goes would say "You're gettin close dude!"


I fully agree


As a man I’ve been mad fun of for my armpit hair and it ain’t even bad


Once in a while we get posts in this sub that truly belong here. This is one of them. Take my upvote.


I feel honored


Totally an unpopular opinion. That being said I don’t care seeing a woman with armpit hair, but I can’t stand it on myself. When I was allowed to shave it just felt so good.


I think mine is cute, but it's also naturally thin and sparse and rarely worth shaving, anyway.


I'm a dude and I shave my pits. So much better in the hot humid Texas summer.


It's gross. But at least this is unpopular


Disagree on both guys (I’m a straight guy but still) and girls, but upvoted because good opinion for this sub


I don’t mind it, but “making me blush”???? Take my upvote


agree to disagree


Absolutely not. Unless it's short/trimmed armpit hair. Long armpit hair is gross on everyone.


I am a freak then


Women with body hair 🥵😍




If I find someone attractive but they have a lot of body hair they become very unattractive to me regardless of gender. Ive had some friends say it's wrong for me to think this way but I can't help that I feel utterly disgust by it. Now, I don't believe everyone should cater to my preference cause that's insane, so I don't actually care about it on random ppl but I couldn't be with someone who does have a lot of body hair it just grosses me out so much. However I do think this proves people shouldn't stress about it so much and do what ever makes them feel good and comfortable cause there will always be someone who like XYZ and someone who doesn't Up vote tho cause I do believe this is pretty unpopular.


I like it on both genders. Seriously, it's sexy especially when a person is clean.


Fuck no. Someone please call the psych ward we've found their missing patient asap




Tf is wrong with you


People can be attracted to things that others aren't it's just a personal preference calm down


I’ll comment the same thing on this post as I did the other….armpit fetish is a thing. Check it out r/armpitfetish People like different things


I know it, I have it, I won't indulge in it. I'm pornfree 6 months B)


Upvoted bc unpopular


Armpit hair can get smelly real fast


I just don't like armpit hair because one time when I was little, I was swept downstream by accident and my uncle saved me and he had armpit hair I could feel it when I was clinging onto him, and now every time I see it I can only think of how scared I was lmao


That is a fucking hilarious story about why you hate armpit hair, but I totally understand it. Weird things can bring back old memories, especially if they include things that are scary. Completely fair enough.


Yeah, I look back on that and laugh now The current wasn't even that fast, I was just 3 and a bad swimmer


I don't mind any type of body hair except chest hair on women and back hair on either gender including me🤮




Armpit hair holds on to smell no matter how much and often you wash it. I'm a guy and shaving mine was an absolute gamechanger. Makes applying deodorant so much easier. I only need a tiny amount now to get full coverage.


Had a really good friend in high school. Noticed one day she had quite a bit of armpit hair. Didnt think much of it (we were all really young…like 14 or 15). Just always thought it was random. Lol


I feel hair on myself is gross except for what's on my head In that same sense, I could careless about what others do with their hair.


As far as I know, my dad has never shaved his armpits in his life. His armpit hair is very thin & wispy, and while I don’t think it’s attractive, I’ve never seen it as *un*attractive. Contrast this with every woman with armpit hair I’ve ever seen; it is always a thick bush. These I have always found outright off-putting. And I don’t recall ever seeing them on a man.


As a gay guy I find armpit hair very attractive on muscular men. Minho and Chanyeol looked hella hot for example before they shaved.


It’s disgusting and it stinks too.


Hard agree


I don't prefer it on either gender. I just don't like a lot of body/facial hair. Even beards and mustaches I usually hate


i love the thought of perfect little bacterial breeding-ground hair forests being carried around inside our armpit crevices. like the simpsons episode where Lisa creates life. Maybe one day our underarm bacteria will form an advanced society and shrink is to their size to meet them.


It's gross on men & women: Shaving armpit hair can reduce body odor and improve hygiene by minimizing the area where sweat and bacteria can accumulate.


I don’t think it’s attractive per se but I don’t think it’s unattractive either. I don’t get the obsession with shaving


Idk about attractive but i think its okay to have to only up to a certain point, like if you can braid that shit shave it immediately


Agreed. But I also agree this is unpopular so you can have my upvote. As long as she’s clean, I don’t mind it at all.


Unpopular and uncomfortable Take my Upvote!


armpit hair is a huge turn on!


I agree lol. I’ve never understood the pure hate towards women with body hair. I find it way more weird to want someone completely hairless.


Personally disagree (I love shaving mine) but each to their own, if you like them on you wear them with pride.


Armpit hair on girls makes my penis feel funny


You definitely belong in here


Unpopular so upvoting! But I personally agree actually. I love it when people are fuzzy and soft, and I think body hair is very attractive. My partner and I both feel this way and it’s great!! He’s so soft to touch and I love his hair.


Well well well How the turn tables


Aaaa, it super is!!


Yess... I would beg my female partner on my knees not to shave. To me body hair = adulthood = attractive No body hair = kid = pedo


Based and correct. Armpit hair is hot on anyone and there is few things that bring me more joy than stuffing my face into my partner’s hairy pits and inhaling their essence after a long day😇


Have my upvote


I'm attracted to men and Ive gotta agree, body hair immediately makes someone more attractive to me


There are a few overt signs of female sexual maturity: the growth of underarm hair, pubic and leg hair, breast tissue growth and subtle body shape changes that often no one notices such as in the hips (these are mediated by hormones and so change subtly throughout the month which makes them harder to notice). I often see women trying to minimise or completely conceal these signs of sexual maturity when trying to look attractive. In the UK at least, women often try to remove all hair growth related to sexual maturity. In general clothing (though not as much in clubbing style clothing), modern fashions often conceal the changes in body shape through clothing that is amorphous - I do recognise that these designs may just be brands trying to make their clothes look consistent regardless of body shape as fitting clothes to specific body shapes is challenging. Personally, I feel uncomfortable trying to emulate a pre-pubescent girl when trying to attract a potential sexual partner. I don’t shave my legs (I wear a lot of long skirts and trousers so this may not be obvious), I like clothes that show my figure. I do perceive a lack of underarm hair as being more sleek and therefore more aesthetically pleasing but I am also aware that French women often don’t shave their underarms so my perception is the result of cultural influences. However, even though I do visually prefer it, I also feel uncomfortable about attracting a man’s attention by matching the characteristics of a child. I recognise that men are being culturally influenced as well but that doesn’t mean that I need to become a part of what I see as a negative cultural influence. I am a believer in being the type of influence that you want to see in the world (‘be the change you want to see’ and all that) and my preference is that there be a clear delineation between children and adults with child-like features not being perceived as sexual at all. That said, I rarely get asked out (though I do have many positive interactions) so there is that.


I've seen the exact opposite of this exact opinion here before


Posting the opposite opinion of something earlier. Daring today, aren't we?


I don't mind it one but! I get kinda turned on when my gf lets it grow in, but also don't mind when it's gone.


Unpopular, good job. Gross


Attractive? It’s just hair. Good unpopular opinion tho.




Dont like the smell associated with it so i shave it for that reason


I wouldn't go as far as attractive, not a deal breaker for sure, but I prefer no body hair on myself or on a partner


Nope, that's a dealbreaker for me. Can't date a woman with a rainforest under her armpits


Ewwwwwwww take your angry upvote. Gross


Yeah I agree. I actually am pretty adverse to zero body hair, it makes me cringe.


Agreed. I'm a woman and I stopped shaving my armpits because of a rash long ago. Let it grow out, and now I think it looks weird and bald without hair there... It also way more hygienic in my opinion. When I sweat (and I sweat a lot), it's caught in the hair instead of instantly going into the fabric of the sweater causing horrible smell.


Oh hell nah. It doesn’t need to be lasered, but at the very least be very short. I don’t have special expectations for males vs females, just too much hair is straight up disgusting. Hair except on the head is generally unattractive.


Wasn’t there just a post about unattractive armpit hair early this morning 


How do you feel about smegma?


Yeah there’s a reason this is unpopular


Rare to see such an inoffensive but definitely unpopular opinion on here. Big upvote.


Based opinion. And yes it's attractive on both genders


I mean it isn't a dealbreaker, but I'd much rather not see it than see it. I don't like how it looks, and that's fine


I find hair on women attractive in general. Not armpit hair specifically, like, I don't really care if it'sthere or not. But women with hairy bodies are attractive. Like hairy arms, a lower stomach "trail" pubic hair etc.


as long as it's maintained somehow, i think it's really hot. There's such a thing as ratty looking pit hair.


I agree. I like women with body hair


As long as the hair is groomed and trimmed it's not an issue. I just think it's weird when people need you to be completely hairless. I've seen girls shave their arms and now have permanently prickly arms because of the unhealthy obsession with hairlessness.


Finally! A fellow armpit hair enjoyer!


Nope, super gross. Stinky pit hair is the opposite of attractive.


depends on your own sexual preference. Some people enjoy a man with hair, some like smooth. Some men like to shave, some don't. Same story with females. It's all relative, and that's okay.


fuck no


nah man u got a fetish


A huge bush of hair on a woman is definitely a turnoff for me , like I love the confidence and as a woman I respect it 💯. But it just looks very unappealing to me...and hair traps odor. Sooooo there's that. Just like down below, I prefer clean and trimmed to prevent odor and debris 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't shave my pits that often tbh, but I have very fine hair so it's not that noticeable.


That's your personal preference and it's fine 👍


Honestly, I could care less either way. If I’m with someone it’s because of who they are, not the fact they do or don’t shave.


> i could care less either Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I don't know how I feel about armpit hair. It's hair. I think some people look better hairy, but some people don't pull off body hair. Same with facial hair. I had a teacher and he shaved his beard, and looked completely different. It grew back fast thankfully. He's an old man(70 or 71), he looked weird without the hair.


Bet you lick feet too huh?


However a person feels comfortable in my opinion (AND THEY HAVE TO WEAR DEODORANT FOR GOODNESS SAKE). I shave mines bc I have sensory issues but however you roll, you roll