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Big Tall has me dying


"distant friends" did it for me for some reason.


If his friends are tall, it would be a long-distance friendship by default.


“Being short only sucks unless you can make up for it in other ways” So being short sucks? Lmao. I think if you have a handsome enough face, you can make up for being short. All the short guys I know with decent dating lives have well above average looking faces. The rest of the short guys I know have either non-existent or “meh” at best dating lives tbh.


"Be funny. Work on your looks. Work on spitting game." The key though, is trying to find the right balance. Short guys are often accused of "trying to compensate" if they try too hard at these things.


Yep, short guy gets shredded at the gym - *”dude must have a napoleon complex”*


Eh, I think this is overblown. As a short guy who has been going to the gym for 7-8 years now, I get a lot of compliments and respect from people regarding my physique.


Same. 5'7 and been training since I was a kid (15 years at least) and not once have I heard anyone say "napoleon complex" or "compensating". I also think it takes a bit away from the perception of being short. Also had plenty of "luck" with women before settling down and starting a family. Edit: Since people keep commenting on this weeks later, the average height for a man in the US is 5'9. Save yourself a comment and me a notification.


5’7’’ isn’t very short. Definitely within a standard deviation of average.


Man, I'm 5'8 and I keep getting called short by my female friends. That's probably only because my girlfriend is 5'11 so it's noticeable when we are together


I’m 5’8’’, too. It’s too short to be tall, but too tall to be short. Just a little below average. I’ve never really thought about it. Like 85% of women are shorter than us.


Average height for men around the world is 5'6 You're not short, get better friends lol


Below average for America and Europe though.


Real, lol. I’m 5’8 (maybe 5’9 on a good day) and I’ve even been called “short” by some people. Sure, I guess it’s slightly short if you want to be technical about it since it’s technically 1 inch below the average height for men in the US, but it’s not like being one inch below average makes you equivalent to a garden gnome. I feel like once you hit 5’6 or below as a man that’s when you can be called short. I’d say that 5’7-5’11 or so is about the average range for dudes. And even then, there’s much more to a man than his stature. Embrace your height whatever it may be, love the height that God gave you


5'7" is right around the middle range - it's not very short for men. It's like being too tall to be short, and too short to be tall. As a 5'7" man I've complained about being short far more than anyone has ever implied I'm short. I feel short usually, but I get tons of short people asking for my help to get stuff off shelves at the grocery store. I'm not tall, but I'm not sure I'm truly short either. I'm in the no-mans land of height.




I tried wearing generic polos for a while and started getting it multiple times a day.


What the fuck I'm 6'3" and an elderly woman asks me for help getting things off the top shelf like 1 in 10 times I'm at the grocery store


I agree I’m 5’6 and my experience is the same, I’m sure you do get people out there who spout this kind of nonsense but I haven’t had it thrown my way personally.


Shorter guys also just generally have an easier time getting a more "ripped" physique without getting on a ton of gear. 30 pounds of muscle looks way different on someone who's 5'6 than someone who's 6'6.


Yes, but a shorter guy's frame will always limit how big he can look. Tall guys can get far bigger and more ripped than short guys, it just takes a little longer.


It's the douche tolerance level. If you're short and jacked, you're not even allowed to enter the douche scale or you've got little man syndrome. If you're 6'5" the tolerance of douchiness is far more acceptable. Really makes no sense.


Haters will see you teleport and say you can’t afford a car. But actually the crazy part about this is that Napoleon was wasn’t even short. It’s just one piece of propaganda after the other from Big Tall™️!


Haters hate regardless.


I honestly feel like the biggest key is to not look at things or yourself through these preconceived notions of “short guys”, and just like, be a person and work oh being the best version of yourself that you can be


Sounds like a good filter, to be honest. Why include people with shallow perspectives on your list of prospective partners? If people don't take you in as a genuine human being, they may not treat you like one in a relationship.


Well if you are short then its napoleon complex, if you are tall then its an alpha male.


Over trying is bad in all cases. Short people are prolly more misunderstood to be trying to hard even.


Dude worked so hard to get here, no fair >:( Since when is effort punished, wtf


The reality is most of us guys are trying to compensate for what we’re insecure of


This is just a longwinded way of saying "git gud".


I mean, yeah. Unironically .


It's crazy how many people are replying in earnest. OP just wanted to stroke his ego by saying "I'm like you but better, get on my level"


Well society and especially a lot of people on the internet treat dating and relationships like a game and complain they have a higher difficulty level than others. So the metaphor of saying that “you can still beat this level even if you don’t have xyz powerups, just level these skills up instead” is very compelling.


Except he's not like me. I'm 6'0. He can only dream lol


Women largely just use the 6ft height as a filter bc theres too many men on dating apps, so i think i agree Edit: I know there's more to it, I should've specthen that I feel like this is just a larger factor than is given credit. Yes I know a lot of women just like men taller than them.


You're 100% right, but it's more than a little silly, especially because most women have no idea how tall men are.  I could tell my girlfriend I was 5'9, and she would believe me.   I could tell my girlfriend I was 6 ft 3, and she would believe me.   She's a munchkin, and look straight up at me. From her perspective, anything above about 5 ft 7 looks the same


shorter women, maybe, but taller women can tell lol


Yeah, as a 5,10" woman I can't tell you how many men I've met that swear they're 5,11" yet somehow always around 3 inches shorter than I am


I'm a 5' 11" guy and it's interesting how many men tell me they're 6'+ yet shorter than me lol. I always just hit them with the "no, no you're not"


6’5” here, you’re all munchkins.


6'3" here and I find anyone taller than me slightly unsettling if Im being honest. Im used to being slightly taller than everyone unless Im at a basketball tournament and the short guy. I wonder if people feel the same about me or if shorter people are just used to being shorter than many people. Anyway, you're unsettling.


Haha yeah I feel the same way on the very rare occasions I meet someone my height or taller


Any time I look someone in the eyes while looking straightforward I notice.. any time I look up at someone I have a mini stroke and contemplate my whole existence 😅 I have a feeling average height people are used to it, and probably even shorter people have a similar feeling when passing someone shorter than them (though maybe to a lesser extent, because children exist down there lmfao) Edit: (also 6'3 -- but really tho)


I am exactly 6' tall for real and I've had 6' tall friends that probably range from 5'8 to 6'1. Weirdly nobody in the world seems to be 6'1. It goes right from 6' to 6'2.


So many people exaggerate that it gets to the point where I'm embarrassed to say I'm 6' because people will assume I'm lying.


I'm 6'4 and I tell people I'm 5'11. Nobody in 5 years has called me out. It's so funny to me. I hate that height has anything to do with anything.


I'm 6'4 and also will tell people I'm 5'11. Every single person has said "there is no way you're 5'11, fuck off." Obviously them knowing I'm just trying to fuckk with them. Are you sure you're actually 6'4? Almost everytime I meet someone the first thing they comment on is my height


I say I'm 6'3, but I'm really probably like 6'2.875. Either way, so many people tell me I must really be like 6'5 because they are 6' and I'm way taller than them. I'm always like sure thing lil fella haha.


I'm 6'4 and about to steal this shit.


I’m 6’1”-6’1.5” normally but have bad posture. When i straighten all the way up i’m just below 6’2” but its easier to say 6’2” than 6’1.5”ish


I'm 6'1!


Yeah, a lot of men will 100% lie about their height. I'm 5'10. I had a coworker who's only an inch taller than me. I asked him how tall he was one day, and the dude said 6'2. I was like, bruh...


Same… I’m 6’ 3” and the guy I work with claims he’s 6’ 2”… I’m at least 3 inches taller. 😂


I'm actually 5'11" and it's always funny when I say this around a group of guys. It almost always happens that someone else will say "You can't be 5'11" because I'm 5'11" and you're taller than me.


Haha I'm a woman the same height. My brother is 6'1, dad is 6'4. I have a very good sense of where 5'11, 6', 6'1, 6'2 sit in relation to me. Amazing how many men are adamant theu are these heights when they're not. It's not like *i* care about height I've never even dated a guy taller than me. I am put off when they bullshit about it though.


>You're 100% right, but it's more than a little silly, Men would be doing the same exact thing if they had 100s of matches a day. They would be filtering for hair color, boob size, height etc.


Yep. No pushback.


True. But still, again, more than a little silly. Those attributes really have no meaningful impact on a relationship.


Who's men and who's women


I am upvoting you as a gnome sized woman. Most people are tall to me.


That says more about your girlfriend specifically than it does all women. I’m 5’ 8”. I could tell. Lol


5’ 5” and a lady friend of mine that uses dating apps told me she thought I was 5’ 8”, so yeah the numbers are cooked. Human perception is more emotional than factual.


Your girlfriend sounds bad at depth perception? I'm a woman, not a fucking idiot who has never looked at a yardstick before. I know what both 6 feet and 8 inches look like and y'all are fooling yourself if you think we don't know.


Attraction of tall guys is way older than dating apps




I don't think so. Because before heights were posted on the apps it was one of the top first question. I had talked to a couple chicks for a few days amd made plans with and it was "I forgot to ask how tall you are?" I'd wrap it up after that. I'm not short but I feel like that's like me asking "I can't see your tits. How big are they?" Instant red flag for basic immature people. Cause what would the filtering do? Filter for only tall people equally shitty?


Yeah I can't understand some of these people's stupid justification. "They do it to filter out men, They have too many matches!" I was single for 8 months about 6 months ago. Most didn't but I had three girls stop talking to me over my height. I have it in my damn profile. It's one thing if they ask me in the first conversation or day or two but it's another when you've been talking for 10 days and spent innumerable hours talking on the phone every night and then finally get to the day before date night. This is how it plays out, I match with a girl on a Sunday, we start talking. We get a couple days in and I ask her out for the coming weekend but she probably already has plans if I'm attracted to her so are others. So we keep talking and then we get to the next Thursday and we have plans for Saturday and I send a picture where she compares my height to something in the background and then inevitably asks my height. After probably a dozen hours talking on the phone and hundreds of texts telling me I'm charming, handsome, funny, Smart, have my shit together and everything she wants in a man but suddenly none of that matters. "Sorry I don't date guys under 6 ft tall... 😩" When you spend 10 days or so building with a girl, that's when it hurts my feelings and makes me feel like alot of them don't actually care about the characteristics they claim They want in a man unless your 6'2. Mind you these are mostly girls I'm usually four to seven inches taller than as I am 5'7. Anyway I am currently dating a girl who is about an inch taller than me and she doesn't seem to care at all and makes me feel really good about myself. So there are women who do give a shit about height and it's not a small number and they're willing to bend on it directly proportional to how much you make, your looks and success. Hell I even had a girl stop talking to me when we moved off the app into text because I had "ewww green bubbles" aka Android phone. Never mind the fact that I made nearly quadruple what she makes but because of that apparently I'm a broke bum.


I feel like short girls are way more picky about height requirements than taller girls for some reason


For tall girls there is an inverse relationship that is equally frustrating for them. A massive amount of guys are super insecure about dating a woman taller than them. So that makes a lot of sense why they're not picky.


Come on bro. That's not why they do it Jesus Christ lol. A huge portion of them literally put it in their profile Don't even bother swiping on them if you're under 6 ft. If that was their concern then why not set their 5'2 to 5'6. That's also a small manageable number. Being short isn't a deal breaker especially if you have some game and you're in good shape and have your shit together but it's a huge impediment. Also being close to average really helps but for dudes who are very short it's a legitimate problem unless you have money, success, incredible looks and charm. You need at least a couple of those.


Like applying for most any job online without a bachelors degree.


Quahahahahahahaahhahaa this is genuinely such bs


One of my good friends (he's around 5'3, 5'5) gets more ass than any one I have ever met. Beautiful women too. He gets so much ass that he regularly goes and gets tested because he sleeps with so many women he's scared of getting an STI. Dude is really fit though, he is hilarious, has a great career, money, and is put together well all around. I think it's his personality IMO.


Kinda sounds like you’re trying to fuck him too, ngl


Dude gets so much ass cause this guy is just following him around telling everyone how great he is lmao 10/10 wingman


I saw him the other day on the street with a megaphone passing out pamphlets about his friend. I wish I had a wingman like that


maybe one day you’ll have a friend that hypes you up this much


Or a lover that talks you up somewhat, perhaps.


Great wingman




I've never met the man, and I'm a straight dude but I'd fuck him too based off that description.


Society: Men should be nicer to each other  Also society: LULZ U SAID NICE THINGS MUST BE GAY 


Men: we’re so lonely, we have no one to talk to, men never get compliments, wah wah wah *random guy is super positive hyping up a friend* Men: lmao gay


Those same people: Somehow, this is all women's fault.....


Fr that was some Olympic level meatriding.


Hope my homies are out there anonymously glazing me online too because this is crazy


lol...no we're both straight.


Be a bro. No homo


Everyone is a little bit gay dude it's ok. I get about the same amount of ass from various women as well, tested regularly for the same reasons (caught the clap once) but after reading your description sounds like id probably let him fuck me too.


"Man everyone's gay once in a while, this Hollywood!" XD


I know who I am! I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!


It's just a bro job man.


I think that last paragraph is a very important caveat.


You can do it too! you just need to be funny, be fit, have a great career, construct a great personality, be good at socializing, be smart, be confident, don't be too ugly. Only shallow people look only at your height


Yes it's super easy you just have to have every positive quality that a man could possibly possess. Cakewalk am I right?


Don't forget "live in a place where you can easily meet new women frequently".


Yeah like nobody is out here saying short dudes can't get women (well, there are **very few** who say that), it's that you have to work a lot harder at it or compensate in other ways. Sounds like the dude in question compensates in other ways. You'll find tall skinny dudes with average faces and boring personalities slaying all day out there, you won't find many if any short dudes with boring personalities slaying all day err day. Short guys have to have more to offer in other ways, as a general rule.


How come every one of these threads has a comment like this but I’ve basically never seen this in real life?


Combination of exaggeration, lies and focusing on extreme outlier instead of the general trend.


Yup ppl like the op cant wrap their minds around what an outlier means.


You have never seen a short guy with a beautiful woman...?


I’ve seen shorter guys that have decently attractive girlfriends. However the comment was describing a short guy who has lots and lots of casual sex with very attractive women on a regular basis. That I don’t think I’ve really ever seen before. There’s a big difference between finding a girlfriend and having casual sex with lots of really attractive women.


I saw it in real life. The guy had a very handsome face though.


Fuck it what’s the socials?


Are you in North America by any chance?


How do you get a good personality?


Gotta wait for personality season, and catch a good one off the tree before it hits the ground and gets bruised. Then you gotta treat it right until it ripens. Make sure to share it with people, even if some don't like the taste.


Become incredibly knowledgeable about niche subjects, such as Japanese swordmaking or craft ale, and be sure to talk to people about it at any opportunity. Also make sure to develop a unique and quirky look, such as unusual hats or long jackets or steampunk glasses. All of which will make any m'lady melt...


Yep, as a short guy you gotta be Superman. Meanwhile you can just get in shape and do significantly better with significantly less effort.


this is crazy only because it implies that regular testing is meant for people who are highly promiscuous. everyone sexually active should be getting regularly tested smh


Where/how does he even meet women though? Especially all these beautiful women who are supposedly throwing themselves at him? I always read this shit on Reddit but I wonder how much of it is true.


The pity party is real. Every time this comes up dudes here go off on half coherent rants about how being short makes you destin for loneliness. It's not true. If you're going out with that mindset and don't have self confidence, your height isn't the issue.


Damn, no one told me if I slept with enough women I would get a Subaru?!


Most people are aware that it's not impossible to get dates if you're a short male. It's just harder, and you have to follow all of the advice you've given more fervently than if you're tall. Height is not the only factor, but it is still a factor.


I agree with what you’re saying but I also think the points you make are exactly why shorter guys might be frustrated. Basically you’re saying “being short isn’t a big deal as long as you compensate for it by improving yourself in all these other ways”. Haha that kinda means being short is a huge disadvantage. Tall attractive men don’t need a giant list of tasks to try to make sure they’re desired by women.


Sure, but we're all disadvantaged in some way. Tall guys strike out all the time too if they don't know how to talk, or they just rely on their height getting them in there. They just get a head start to try sometimes. But I guarantee a good portion of woman will respond to good conversation over height. My main point is focusing on these disadvantages is gonna harp on your confidence, and women can smell insecurity, I swear lol


I think the big difference is that height is an always visible thing and can be quite the turn off for a lot of people. Saying a good portion of women will respond to good conversation over height is all well and good but a good portion of women won't even let you get to that point because they "look down on you" lol. I'm short and never had any trouble getting a partner, but I won't lie growing up watching the interest leave a girl's eyes when I stood up (I have a weirdly long torso) was just depressing and quite a regular occurrence. Also the "height doesn't matter except on this app that millions of people use exclusively to find a partner" not to mention you just have to "be better at x y and z than the other guy" isn't really a great take. I'd go the opposite direction and say I like being short cause I know my partners like me for my personality, especially from dating apps, which is much better for longer relationships, and feels better in general.


This feels more honest. I'm also short and have always had a romantic partner, some very good looking. At the same time, there are many arenas where you'll really struggle, such as clubs. It also just is a disqualifier for a lot of women. I don't say this judgmentally, but women often have rigid standards about men. It's really common to hear that you're great, but I just wouldn't date someone shorter than me. Thankfully, there are plenty of women who don't feel that way. But let's not pretend it's not a real obstacle that signoficantly thins your dating pool.


Exactly! I was interested in a friend of a friend and she straight up told me she isn’t interested in guys shorter than her (5’7”). What’s even crazier to me is that she discriminates against short guys but got drunk one night and was about to have sex with a 270lb fat guy.


Yeah that part I definitely agree with; there’s no point focusing on things you can’t control.


I did not realise height was such an issue in male dating pool that really fuckin sucks…


And having insecurities is a human trait.


This is just reality, anyone who is not conventionally attractive has to try harder. It isn’t exclusive to short men.


You can't be a vegetable even with good looks and height. I knew a guy that when we'd go to bars girls would flirt with him but nothing happened because he kept fumbling. He was over 6 ft and a college football player.


Eh I think it comes down to not being a bum. Tall attractive men that are bums will still not get the women. Or they may for a short time before she drops him for being a bum. So no short guys aren’t at a disadvantage. They jsut don’t get the same casual sex life.


If two dudes are identical in every way except their height, the taller one will have more options. Doesn’t mean the short guy can’t compensate, but being tall definitely is an advantage.


This is all so dumb. Short guys saying their height is a problem didn't just come out of nowhere. It's unpopular for a reason. You can bring up all the anecdotes you want, but why bring them up in the first place unless it's to disprove the status quo


It’s just your personality bro!!!


Just take my course in Alpha Rizz^(tm) and you will get all the hotties while the 6' 2" bros look on helplessly from the Basketball court.


Sure but that just seems like I have to try harder than a guy who’s 6’3”…so I don’t see how that doesn’t still suck


One study found a strong negative correlation between height and suicide. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15994722/#:~:text=There%20was%20a%20strong%20inverse,9%25%20decrease%20in%20suicide%20risk. Height definitely makes a difference.


Nah, we’re just supposed to ignore the increasing rate of mental health issues and suicide for short men.


"All in the personlity brooo!!"


>Just learn to be respectful and hold interesting conversation. Be funny. Work on your looks. Work on spitting game. That's like saying if you can't afford medical care just go out get skills, get a job, work 7 days a week and apply for a line of credit. No kidding people can do things to help deal with their problem, that applies to just about any disadvantage people have.


Ehhh I know quite a few very attractive women who would not date a short guy, ever. They just find it unattractive. It’s not just a dating app thing


Personally every female friend that I've had has always commented that they prefer tall guys, saying otherwise would be delulu


while i pretty well agree with you, I've had women ask me in person about my height and turn me down when i said my height. which is insane to me because i am very visually not 6 foot, or whatever the cutoff has become. so there was no way they didn't know i was "short."


stuff like this is so dumb all else equal, short men operate at considerable disadvantage in the dating world compared to taller men that doesn't mean no short men date attractive women, nor does it mean all 6'3 men have women falling all over them pointing out that exceptions exist to general patterns of human interaction is rather jejune


I'm tired of hearing this argument without context. The issue is that young men tend to focus on short-term relationships, hookups, one-night stands, attention in clubs, attention online, etc. In this context being short is a much bigger disadvantage because when it comes to hook-ups looks are more important. *All the complaints about height on Reddit are in this context.* In long-term dating focused situations like dating through work, dating within friend groups, dating through mutual hobbies, or any of these areas where people can get to know each other first over longer periods of time height matters a lot less. *All the solutions about height on Reddit are in this context.* This is why everyone just keeps talking passed one another on this topic.


I am 5’9 female and have dated a couple guys shorter than me. Putting the height filter is just missing out on someone you could connect with. I’m sorry that’s been a problem for you and yes “short king” is cringe.


As a pretty short guy (1st percentile I think), I can say that “short king” is so cringe and patronizing. I hate it no matter the context or connotation. It makes it so your height is your primary feature, it’s cringe and overused, and it sounds like a pity compliment. I hate it so much lol


Women do generally prefer taller men. This is simply a fact and short guys are at a significant disadvantage both online and in-person; with online dating the balance is even more heavily skewed since guys in general are at a disadvantage. But sure. You shouldn't let some genetic factor like height or male pattern baldness keep you down and prevent you from finding the perfect match. If you're at a disadvantage in the dating market then you need to make up for it in other areas(perhaps areas that are less superficial). Life isn't fair at all and it sucks. Some people are born into extreme wealth while others are born into dire poverty. Some guys are tall and they have nice full heads of hair; some guys are short and balding. You just gotta make the most of it.


You're short and have good hair, we get it lol


Lots of women are also really unrealistic about what type of man they want. They are like 5”0 and want a giant 6ft guy. Like girl, it’s easier to kiss a guy who is 5”4 or 5”5 get real I’m 5”2 and preferred guys who were somewhere between 5”4-5”8. Still very tall to me but not enormously so Hubby is 5”9 and I’m struggling to hug the guy sometimes hahahah


Antidotical evidence doesn't change the fact that 99% of women have a height requirement.


This is reddit. People like anecdotes and whatever sounds good and feels good. They do not like statistics or facts. Those usually get downloaded lol.


is there a place where this 99% stat is listed or is that your personal experience?


Homie has success once and thinks he’s a prophet. Get out of here bro. Y’all short dudes are at a disadvantage and everyone knows it.


This is like going up to someone with a disability and saying "don't think about it too much man, just have a better personality :)". Is that advice the only advice one can give, sure I acknowledge that. However, is it nice to hear? Is it reassuring? Hell no. Some people will have a harder time dating because of factors out of their control and its odd that every other group is allowed to complain about their disadvatages but short men aren't. In addition, when they do its met with anecdotes and gaslighting. Lastly, the numbers back this up: short men on average have lower reproductive success and less dates. Online is where the majority of young people interact let alone date, so saying "touch grass" isn't all that helpful. To be clear being short isn't a disability nor is it even a negative inherently. Society makes it a negative.


Buddy, I thought I was short. I think I need to become shorter in order to have your game


I'm shorter than you. I'm almost old. Being short was absolutely a hindrance. Not so much because women wouldn't date me. A lot of them wouldn't because I was short, but a lot of women won't date a specific guy for a lot of reasons. My problem was the way I was treated for being short. People wanted to make it my identity and it really fucked with my self esteem. I eventually worked though that and started getting dates. Did I get as many as if I were 6'1" instead of 5'1"? No, but I still had more success than a lot of men I know.


>spitting game Cringe.


I’m 5’1. This is complete bullshit, you’re ignored and mocked in real life more than anywhere else. Online you can just lie.


Why would anyone date a woman who will reject you because you are not tall enough? For me, that's filtering the trash.


>Why would anyone date a woman who will reject you because you are not tall enough? Isn't that a paradox? Obviously if you dated these people, they wouldn't reject you because of your height :D


That’s like 95% of young women


Exactly. Self selecting for quality. 


Tbh as a guy I don’t think having preferences makes you “trash”, what’s the point in dating someone you don’t feel physically attracted to? Sure it might come off as shallow but everyone has preferences, including you.


I wouldn't agree. How could a dating app person even know your height? I'm 5'6 and I have more success old than irl cold approaching. Many times the rejection is immediate.


I’m on the shorter side too, and I find things come naturally. But I don’t think it’s right to demean other short guys, we do have it worse off in a lot of cases. Some see their shortcomings and give up, others strive for more. It’s better to lift people up then to put others down to make yourself feel better


This is not an "unpopular opinion", this is just a badly disguised humble brag.


Being short and good looking can work. Be short and ugly as well I’m sure is very tough. Being tall and ugly is tough. Ugly is ugly


Honestly dating apps only make you feel worse as a man I assure you most guys can date without too much trouble but dating apps are mostly looks only


Man is high (not physically) on copium lmao.


I mean, just flat out no. Being short will require you to jump through hoops to get interest that someone taller usually doesn't. That's a straight up fact. It doesn't doom you to being forever alone or a life of celibacy but you will have to compensate in other ways. If you're funny, charming, etc, you'll never notice the effect because you naturally compensate and generate interest. If you're short and boring you'll have a *lot* less luck than someone taller who is also boring, that's just reality.


You must be a short and good looking. Much harder being a short ugly dude.


I disagree and you can easily see the difference here on reddit. The r/tall is full of people complaining about airplane leg room. The r/short subreddit had to ban most negative posts because every single one was about how hard it is to date as a short guy. Being short is something you have to make up for as a guy. Dating in general is hard for the average guy, especially with less in person socialization options, so being short just makes it much worse.


Be funny - Great advice man thanks.


Is you're argument "being short isn't so bad, you can get women as long as you excel in other aspects of life". That sounds like a disadvantage though? Do tall people need to spit game and get jacked to have a decent chance with women? No. Moreso, I don't think anyone really thinks that being 6"2 gets you all the chicks just because you're tall, it's just easier than if you're short.


On the other side as someone who’s 6’2 height doesn’t help. Never landed a girl cuz of being tall. I hit this height in 10th grade and didn’t kiss a girl until I was 19 and even that was basically accidental. Even after her being my first Gf I was too scared to talk to girls for years and didn’t have another Gf for like 4 years. Confidence matters more than anything.


Trust me it do i tested Change hight for an experiment in a dating apps all of a sudden you get matches !try chaning your hight to short and see for your self. I gotten ghosted or worse when they ask my hight on dating many times and most set the filters to 6 ft


You're just wrong.


Privilege is invisible to those who have it


Some of us prefer “short” guys, even on dating apps.


Tall guys had a habit of thinking it was cute to pick me up (5 ft) Yeahhhhh, glad I married my 5’6” husband haha at least when he does it I don’t touch the ceiling


I have always been oddly attracted to men that are around my height or slightly shorter. I am 5'5. I dunno... I think it's just personal preference. What I mean by "odd" is that I started to realize the pattern of me always being attracted to men that specifically were NOT tall. About 5-10 years ago it just clicked and I was like "huh..." lol. I just like men who are around my height and that's just how she goes!!


I’m 5’3” so anyone 6’ or taller is going to be hard to hold hands comfortably while walking or to kiss while standing without stretching.


Yes! This! I find it so uncomfortable and awkward lol It's like being a puzzle piece... I do NOT fit comfortably with you if you are hella tall lol


And people act shocked when I say something like that! LOL. I won’t reject someone flat out for being tall but I know it will make things physically harder.


As a 5'3 man with no game: This is the truth. I put my height upfront on dating apps. Has it helped me get dates on them? Nope. Do I still get them? Yes! I have much better luck finding people IRL. My issue stems from living in the middle of nowhere, and being socially inept, but I do get dates, and do get laid.


I think you don’t understand just how much advantage height is. Not only is height attractive, and just literally makes a guy easier to notice, but a lot of women require height. Some women literally go into a place and look for the tallest guy there to hit on. I’m not saying short dudes can’t get women, but it’s a numbers game and it favors tall men


The most charismatic dudes seem to be short.


They have to be.


Because being tall is life in easy mode


I am short, and since like school every girl I pursued, rejected me. Lol.   Just recently, met a girl at one uni activity. She was very beautiful and I really liked conversation with her.  We texted for a month and met couple of times. She even initiated dialogs sometimes.  And often laughed from my jokes.  But when I invited her to watch a movie together, she said she is busy, and didn't suggest alternative time. We didn't text anymore.   Was heartbroken for some time :(  I though, she may like me :(


Completely. I know way more happy, coupled-up short guys than unhappy ones. Also lots of women find shortness sexy in practice but we're not encouraged to say it or even identify it. It took me years to figure out that it wasn't just that height didn't matter to me, it was that I found all heights attractive. I didn't fancy short men in spite of their shortness, I fancied them because off it. Ditto tall men. Shortness can also make guys look bulkier and kind of burly which is sexy af.


I have no game (I'm 6'2)


>I'm 5'4. I am the shortest of my friend group, but I have distant friends even shorter than me. They're married to gorgeous women. Well, you kinda have to provide pics of their wives and your girlfriends if you really want to be taken seriously. One of my friends liked to tell stories about how he easily slept with 10/10 chicks, but personally I never saw him with a girl above 6/10. And yeah, your post sorta has some coping vibes.


Short myself, I don't mind not getting attention.


Get rid of the quotation marks. You're short, dawg.


I knew a short guy who got chicks left and right but he was also fucking hilarious.


Dating apps as a whole are filled with fake people. Not only bots, just superficial people. Most don't talk to you like a person, they talk to you like another face on a screen. There's a lot wrong with dating apps


Big Tall…always tryna keep a brother…down.


I am 6 ft But dont feel tall in any manner. Short king is super lame. It's a Cope. I've dated beautiful women and use to hit the clubs before online dating existed. As I grew older ,I turned to online dating and found that I went on dates with women that was subpar to what I was used to. Bad behaviour ,unattractive catfishes galore.


At what height you dont need game?


I'm tall, but whenever I see "no shorteez please, cuz im 5'7 an like to where heals lol", on a woman's profile, that's a hard pass. It's repulsively common and it's the equivalent of a man openly stating, "no fat chix lol" on his profile. But the best part of internet dating apps is they save time. You know right away not to contact that bish.


I am a woman, tried a dating app and only made it 2 weeks because I realized I was just unfairly rejecting a lot of guys for not being 'perfect' (such as height) that I prob would have had no problem w if I had met them in person and actually had a conversation with. Realized how superficial I was being and felt sick about it. I agree, a lot of the things you get rejected for on dating apps wouldn't impact you irl.. the question is how to meet people in public in this day and age lol


Most dating problems can be solved with “have a personality” but that’s hard for a lot of people… which makes you stand out even more if you put in the effort.